Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Jul 9, 2001


I couldn't sleep at all for the rest of the night. It wasn't just that I was on a thin blanket on a hard floor either...although that played no small part.

It was mainly my thoughts of where I was, and how I had arrived here, and what I had become, and especially how Carter had used me, and the situation that said he could continue that use for as long as it pleased him to do so.

It was like some sort of bizarre dream from which I would soon awaken. Surely I could not really be here on the floor at the foot of my former enemy's bed after having been used by him in the most humiliating of ways...could I?

But the reality was, "Yes," and as I searched my mind for an explanation for how I had arrived at this point in my life, just one word always came to mind..."Lee"

"Lee." That name had become the focal point of my very existence. Lee, who, from the moment I met him, had slowly taken control of my life until it had accelerated into his total and absolute control. Lee, who for whatever reason, projected to me an incredible superiority that made me want to crawl, grovel at his feet, and surrender all, and even, if it were possible, become his legally owned property.

I had read somewhere that slavery is still legal in a couple of mid-east countries, and upon reading that, the first thought that had entered my mind was "Lee" and what it might be like to travel with him to one of those countries some day, giving up my citizenship and becoming his legally owned property..."Irrevocably!"

Bizarre, outrageous, crazy?..yes. Impossible?...probably, but I'm not 100% sure. Regardless, just considering such a possibility is an indication of his power and the hold he had over me...it was to say the least very scary.

While his hold over me was indeed scary and seemingly overwhelming, wasn't it I who had allowed it to be so, even encouraging him at every step along the way.

Certainly he had a demanding superior and dominant presence about him, but I could have simply avoided him..walked the other way.

Instead, I did everything to make myself known to him. To make it known that I was eager to be the fool, flunky and lackey that someone like Lee, and yes, Carter, deserve to have at their beck and call.

Lee never had to know of Kay's existence, yet I had brought her to him much as a loyal hound brings a prize to its master..and such a prize!

I could have told him that my parents had forbidden me to allow anyone else to drive the Mustang, but instead, I meekly handed over the keys and watched as he walked off to it hand in hand with the prize I had delivered into his hands, and strangely, as I believe I have already mentioned, it was a major turn on for me.

So the blame, or credit, depending on one's point of view for my situation at that time was all mine. Well mostly mine...Lee of course had a lot to do with it. He spun the web, but I knowingly jumped into it.

My reverie was interrupted this time by the light emanating from a slight opening in the bedroom door. It was Carter's mother. She whispered, "Toad..time to get up."

No doubt Carter had left a wake up call for me. I got up and jumped into the shower. Then after last night's activities, and not having a toothbrush, I frantically searched for mouthwash, which I found, and rinsed three times.

It was a little after 6 AM when I got down to the kitchen. Carter's mother was there and asked if she could fix something. I told her no that I was used to fixing my own and didn't really eat much in the morning,

"You boys have such cute nick names. First there was Worm and now Toad. And such enterprising boys also. We offer Carter fifteen dollars an hour to do chores and he unselfishly says he has a friend who needs the money and allows them to do it. And his friend Worm is such a hard worker and always seems eager to please."

Little did she know that Worm is not even close to being her son's friend, but rather he's his slave and never sees a penny of that money. Just as I'm now his slave and won't see any either.

"Well, here's a list of things that have to be done for a start. Mr. Von Der Linn has several antique cars in the large garage that need to be washed and waxed as well as our regular ones. The lawn work can wait until tomorrow. Oh, I'm afraid the riding mower is out for repairs, so you'll have to use the push one, and there is some painting. When Carter gets up he'll explain everything. The garage is open and each car has a key so you can move them outside. You'll find everything you need. Well I'm going back to bed...Have fun," she added cheerily.

Yeah, some fun. I had slept for about an hour and was now dead tired and had who knows how many hours of work ahead of me while Carter could sleep on for as long as he wanted and he would get paid.

But somehow in my convoluted way of thinking it was imminently fair. After all, it had been Lee who set the terms for the race and I had lost. So I wasn't really obeying Carter, I was obeying Lee indirectly which made everything correct...or something.

I went out to the large garage behind the house. It was enormous... more like a big barn. I was actually kind of interested in seeing the antique cars Ms. Von Der Linn had mentioned, although not at all interested in working on them.

I let myself in and opened the electronically controlled doors to see ten of the most beautiful old cars I had ever seen.

They each had a tag. One was a 1921 Dusenberg in perfect condition, another a 1939 Cadillac convertible that was in showroom condition, and so on. There must have been well over a million dollars worth of cars.

I had known that Carter's family was wealthy, but I hadn't realized just how much so until now. Seeing their estate-like home and now this, elevated Carter's stature in my mind to new heights. I now felt like an indentured servant, with Carter as a young nobleman, or even royalty. Lee had chosen who was to be his friend well.

I brought out the first car and began my arduous task. It took about two hours or more for each. The maintenance sheet said each was to have old wax removed and new wax hand applied after washing.

I wondered how many times Worm had done this while Carter got paid. I found it exciting thinking how Worm must have sweated in the sun, or froze in winter while Carter was off someplace with Worm's ex girl friend, the very sexy Dawn, enjoying the fruits of Worm's labor.

To pass the time my thoughts varied. I wondered if Worm had introduced Dawn to Carter as I had brought Kay to Lee? What were his thoughts on that...how did he feel watching them together...jealous, envious... excited? And of course, why had he become Carters slave? What motivated him. I had to know...I would bring it up at the next opportunity.

Then I thought, ten cars, at no lees than two hours each, times fifteen dollars is three hundred dollars...for Carter. Then there would be the lawn work and painting mentioned. Carter would do very well in the next couple of days.

I wondered how many hours a day Carter would keep me going. If yesterday had counted as a day, then he only had me for today and tomorrow and would no doubt take full advantage, especially at fifteen dollars an hour.

In a way I felt like some sort of a livery animal that had been rented out...rented out by Lee. No rental money had changed hands, but I had been a chip Lee used for a bet...the same thing kind of.

It was another hot day and the sweat rolled off me in buckets, it seemed. However I did have the hose and turned it on myself frequently.

I could tell by the sun that it was about noon as Carter approached from the house wearing only his bikini, clogs and sun glasses. I hated to admit it, but he was an imposing figure. Every bit the lord of the manor or young nobleman I had thought of him as earlier, and I'm sure I must have looked to him like the serf I had pictured myself as...which I definitely felt like.

As he drew closer I actually wondered what he would think if I got on my knees and touched the ground with my nose as he knew I did with Lee. I could make it seem to be a joke or humorous in some way. Even though I did not, it was an exciting thought and made me wonder to what depths my subservient nature might carry me.

Carter inspected what I had done so far, and said, "You can stop for a while and eat. A half hour should be enough. There's some stuff by the pool...follow me."

Even in that he showed his dominant superior nature..."You can stop."... giving his permission. "Follow me."...giving an order. Even the word "follow" had significance. Not come with me, but "follow".. and it would not have surprised me if it were followed by, "Like the Toad that you are."

That wasn't said, but I followed anyway...respectfully, a few paces behind. Carter was looming larger in my perception and adulation.

It was not at all that I was growing to like him...quite the contrary, I disliked him more each day, but was becoming more and more impressed by his arrogance and what seemed to me to be his natural superiority.

I suppose that was it...I felt inferior to him, and being subservient seemed almost natural...especially since that subservience had been mandated by Lee.

It was exciting to think that Lee had orchestrated the whole thing. Without him I would not even be here serving and obeying Carter.

Even though he was not present, Lee was very much in control. He had said, "Do whatever Carter says," which ultimately led to Carter feeling he had the right to do what the word "whatever" implies...so he performed the ultimate "whatever," he came in my face...something, as he said, he had always wanted to do. Without Lee's permission, such an event could not have occurred. Not present, but in control. The former leader of the pack, all-American boy type had fallen a long way..had been totally conquered by a very different, very Asian, newcomer to the scene. But of course without my compliance and willingness, that event could not have occurred either.

I followed Carter to the house, feeling much like a puppy following its master. We went around to the back where I encountered an Olympic sized, kidney-shaped swimming pool. Very impressive, as was just about everything about this place.

Dawn was stretched out on a chaise lounge, under an umbrella, wearing a jet black mini bikini and black sun glasses. She seemed more sexy looking every time I saw her. She wasn't quite in Kay's category... but close. Once again, the word "wow" came to mind.

Seeing her in these surroundings would be reason enough as to why she had dumped Worm. But of course there were no doubt many other reasons.

She paid no attention to me at all. Didn't even look my way. There was some food on a table at the other end of the pool. I hadn't eaten yet and headed for it eagerly. Also a half hour is not a lot of time.

Carter mounted a diving board at the end of the pool and dived expertly into it, with hardly a ripple. He swam, also expertly, to the other end and joined Dawn.

It occurred to me that they could play and frolic all day if they wanted too, while I would be back in no time at all to drudgery..and all for Carter's benefit.

I ate in silence watching as Carter and Dawn conversed and cuddled as if I were not even there.

When I had finished and was about to return to the garage, Carter snapped his fingers and called out, "Toad, over here." Arrogant SOB, I thought, but after last night's event who could blame him.

I dutifully hurried over and stood before them. It occurred to me that kneeling before them would be more appropriate--just more of the bizarre types of thoughts that popped into my head most of the time lately.

"Run in and bring out a couple of cold drinks before you go." I assumed that Carter wanted to show off and impress Dawn, who had a satisfied smirk on her painted lips, and even though I could not see her eyes behind the dark sun glasses I knew she was looking me up and down contemptuously.

I don't know why but I thought to add to Carter's esteem by answering in my most servile tone, "Sure Carter, right away. Anything else?"

Dawn responded in a contemptuous tone, "If there was, he would have told you."

As close to a slap in the face as it gets. A real bitch all right, but there was just something about her, something that made me want to kiss her ass despite her bitchiness, or even more likely because of it.

I served them their drinks and returned to my laborious task, leaving them to enjoy the day. I'm sure Carter was especially enjoying the day since he would be getting fifteen dollars an hour to do so. It suddenly occurred to me, that was more than many union workers were getting. Well why not, they could certainly afford it.

It was seven PM when I finished car number six. I had put in almost thirteen hours and was totally exhausted. I called home and told my mother I was staying over again.

When questioned about clothes I told her my host had generously allowed me to use his. Actually Carter's mother had.

After I had eaten she came to me at about eight and said, "My you are a workhorse aren't you, just like Carter's other friend, Worm. Carter told me before he went out that you wanted to put in another three hours tonight. Are you sure? You don't have to you know."

Oh no, I was just about ready to drop in my tracks. But what could I do...say her son was a liar and wanted all the money he could get by working my ass off.

"No ma'am, I"m not tired and I want to be sure I finish all of them before I leave."

I trudged out to that now hated garage and worked till eleven. When I got to the bedroom I just about collapsed onto my blanket and was out immediately.

I don't know what time it was, but it seemed I was dreaming of a waterfall or something like that, when I opened my eyes to see Carter naked, standing over me holding his rod and directing it's stream on to my face.

He was obviously a little tipsy again and said, "Hey, time to wake up and make yourself useful again."

I quickly rolled out of the way, but the humiliation was already done. Carter was really getting his revenge. Last night he had come in my face and just now he had pissed in my face. It didn't take much imagination to assume what was next.

"Up on your knees boy...where you belong." When I hesitated, he said, Or maybe I should tell Dawn about last night, and the stuff with Lee, and if I do, guess who she'll tell.'

It was hopeless. I was once again at his mercy and there was none to be had. This time he completed the cycle. He came in my mouth.

Then he said, "Oh yeah, about the blanket. If my mother notices, we'll just say you had an accident."

"Sure Carter, anything you say."

Carter fell into his comfortable looking bed while I curled up on the floor.

I didn't even have the blanket, since it had been dampened quite a bit by Carter's unique wake up call.

I wondered, not if, but how many times he had awakened Worm in the same manner. I could imagine the hapless, inferior Worm, coughing and sputtering, being roused from his slumber by the arrogant, superior Carter's urine filling his mouth.

There was of course resentment and outrage at such a humiliation having been perpetrated on me, but even as the magnitude of his action sank in, there was also, strangely, a heightened sense of respect and admiration for him, almost akin to that which had attracted me to Lee. Not the same, but similar.

The feelings of resentment and outrage subsided much more quickly than one might imagine, and then too...well, why not, why shouldn't he? I was his to use, and abuse if he wanted too in any way he wanted. Somehow rationalizing it all...seeing it all his way even as my dislike for him was still growing stronger.

It seemed once again that I had just shut my eyes when the door opened slightly allowing in the light from the hall and I heard Mrs. Von Der Linn's voice, hushed so as not to disturb Carter, saying, "5:30, Toad, time to get up."

Last night, in three hours, I had finished two small cars...An Austin and an MG, making a total of eight. Only two to go, except for the two family cars.

But of course, speed didn't matter. Carter was being paid by the hour for my labor. However if I could finish them all by noon, maybe I could take a break. Yeah right, some chance that was. Carter wouldn't get paid for break time.

Between six and nine AM, it was fairly cool, but when the sun rose in the sky, it quickly went into the nineties and the sweat was pouring out. I wondered what Lee and Kay were doing now? Probably relaxing by his pool in the shade or having a cold drink on a float in the water.

Picturing those two magnificent bodies together in their bikinis was always a turn on, but for whatever reason, it was even more so as I labored under Lee's orders.

I managed to finish all four cars by noon and headed for the house. I heard laughing and splashing coming from the swimming pool area, and there were some cars out front, including Worm's town car. He had no doubt, chauffeured Lee and Kay.

I also thought I recognized the car that had picked up Herbert at Lee's pool party, driving off. I had difficulty in seeing him as Carter's friend...but things change, and who would know better than me?

Next: Chapter 13

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