Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Jun 3, 2001


I spent a restless night thinking about the day's events and what tomorrow at the beach might be like.

Lee had already said there would be a race like there was last time and I had been thinking about it with mixed feelings...one of dread and one of excitement. Despite the fact that I dreaded it, there was nothing I could do about it.

I thought of the song, "Que sera, sera. What ever will be will be" and then, What ever Lee wants to be, will be. It would all be up to him...as usual.

Hearing a car pulling into Lee's driveway, I got up and went to the window. It was Lee and Kay. He had evidently picked her up with my car early as we weren't scheduled for the beach 'til afternoon.

I could have stayed by the window drooling over Kay--and Lee--in their bikini's, but decided to go over.

"Ah Toad, just in time. Kay and I haven't had breakfast yet. Bacon and eggs for me, and what about you Kay? Toad is a good cook.

"Whatever you're having will be fine with me, Lee."

Trying to make it sound friendly and pleasant I said, "Yes sir, bacon and eggs for two coming right up."

Damn, why had I said "sir"? Why had I said anything? What could I possibly say that would diminish the fact that I was Lee's unpaid servant..Lee's slave?

As I headed to the house, I heard Kay's voice, "Oh Toad, make some home fries too." Once again she had acknowledged that I was now "Toad". It was a bitter pill to swallow, but I had better get used to it. If Lee said that was my name, then Toad it would be.

The home fries made it more time consuming than it would have been, and an impatient Lee called out, "Hey Toad, what's going on in there."

"Coming right up." I had left out the "sir" this time...another victory for Toad.

I served them as a good waiter would and even had a dish towel folded over my forearm as I carried the tray to their table. I had seen that in restaurants.

They conversed as if I were not present...as they would if I were a real waiter. Lee wanted more coffee and as I hurried to bring it out I knocked over a vase on a table and broke it. It was blue and white with oriental figures on it and looked to be expensive.

I brought the three pieces out to show Lee and said, "I hope this can be fixed. It was an accident."

Lee stood up and said, "That is my mother's favorite vase; she is going to be pissed."

He then struck me full force across the face with the palm of his hand. I felt my face turn crimson, as much from the force of the blow as from the humiliation as I stood there with my arms at my sides and did nothing while Kay looked on.

Instead of retaliating I apologized saying, "I'm sorry Lee."

"Sorry won't fix it." Then another blow landed, even more forcefully than the first. I heard a loud ringing in my ear and could imagine my face as being as red as red can be.

Again I did nothing and stood silently with arms at my sides, trying to avoid looking at Kay, which was almost impossible as she was seated directly in front of me.

She leaned forward, resting her chin on her knuckles watching. She had a pensive serious expression, seemingly enthralled by Lee's dominance and my subservience. It was plain to see she was in awe of Lee. What must she think of me?

But did it really make any difference what she thought? At this point there was no chance that I would ever get her back no matter what. Even if she should split with Lee, or if he moved away, she would never again look at me as anything but a wimp, a lackey...a toad.

Lee had seen to that.

As I stood there with my head ringing, humiliated beyond belief, my thoughts were varied. In the very unlikely event that Lee was out of the picture for whatever reason, maybe she would pick up where he left off and make me her slave.

Her demeanor had certainly changed enough already that I couldn't discount that possibility. That would be interesting. I could imagine being her full-time chauffeur, going to her house to assist her in dressing for a date and then driving her to some teen's house who had no car or license. Perhaps someone like Herbert.

Now that would be interesting!

Or maybe if I were Herbert's slave and I drove him to her house..even more interesting!

Why Herbert came to mind I didn't know. My head cleared and I realized I was thinking far out stupid thoughts. The reality was that Lee had complete control and would have for as long as it suited him.

I was so cowed by Lee that it occurred to me that his reaction to my breaking the vase was correct.

I was fortunate that he didn't have me get on my knees and kiss his feet while apologizing as Kay looked on. It was certainly not beyond his capacity...or mine to comply.

Lee calmed down somewhat and said, "We'll see what my mother has to say about this later. Clean up here and the kitchen. Then wash the Mustang...it's starting to look shabby."

"Sure, Lee, and again I'm really sorry about the vase."

"Get going." was his surly reply."

I cleaned up their breakfast dishes, washed them and everything in the kitchen, then got the hose and car wash stuff. As I washed the red beauty it occurred to me that since the first night I had it and picked up Kay, that was the only time I had driven it. It was show room new and of course needed no wax to make it so that I could see my reflection as clear as in a mirror.

As I worked on it sweating in the sun, I could see the God- and Goddess-like bodies frolicking in the pool. Seeing them that way and hearing Kay's squeals of delight and laughter while I labored, made me want to go off someplace and wank.

As I was finishing, Worm's town car pulled in along side with Carter and Dawn in the rear seat. Worm went around and opened the back door for them to exit.

I liked that...it seemed very appropriate.

They headed for the pool area. Worm just hung around where I was and said, "Hi."

That was quite a bit for Worm, I thought. Maybe if we got a little more friendly I could ask him how things got this way with him and Carter and what he thought about having once gone out with Dawn.

That whole thing was really interesting to me since it seemed to mirror my relationship with Lee.

Just then Lee called out, "Toad, get over here."

I dropped my buffing cloth and hurried over. Still trying to suck up for my earlier transgression I said, meekly and in my most humble tone of voice, "Yes, Lee?"

I could tell he was pleased at my humble demeanor by the knowing smirk on his face.

"There's an ice chest, a beach bag and an umbrella over there. Put them in the back seat with you. We're taking both cars; there's no room for everything in one."

"O.K. Lee, anything else?"

"If there was, I would have told you."

I shouldn't have asked.

Lee got in the drivers seat with Kay close at his side and she shortly had her head on his shoulder with the wind blowing in her hair. The jealousy feeling resurfaced strongly.

When we found a spot on the beach to Lee's liking, Worm and I carried every thing from both cars. It took us two trips. We set up the large umbrella which had enough coverage for four. Try guessing which four.

After a while the subject got around to the last race. Kay said, "That sounds exciting, are you going to have one today?"

Lee piped up, "What about it Carter, are you ready to get your butt kicked again?"

"I may have lost, but it wasn't my butt that got kicked." They both laughed and looked at Worm.

Lee said, "What shall we bet this time?

Carter replied, "I have an idea. How about if you lose I get to use the Mustang for a week?"

This really hit home. Carter was discussing with Lee the use of my car as if I had no say at all...which I really did not have, as things were.

It wasn't as if Carter didn't know it was my car. Of course he did. It was simply that he held me in the same regard as he did Worm...a nonentity, a non-person, Lee's slave, and he wanted that made clear to anyone present who didn't know. Carter did not at all like people such as Worm and myself. He was a rich kid and an arrogant snob.

"And what do I get if I win."

"Worm's Lincoln and fifty dollars. His father is away for the week."

"And do I get Worm along with the Lincoln"

"Sure if I get Toad with the Mustang."

"O.K. but make it three days and you have a bet."

This was incredible. They were discussing us as if this was some kind of slave auction.

But I have to admit it was enormously exciting.

"O.K. But I get a head start. You won by a lot last time."

"How far?"

Carter walked off a distance that was acceptable to Lee and we were almost ready. Carter took out of his bag, the switch he had used on Worm's butt last time and swooshed it through the air.

Lee said to me, "Bring my beach bag over here. Open it."

My heart beat a little faster even though I was not surprised to see the spurs and riding crop.

Looking at Carter, Lee said, "Just a little something to equalize."

Lee laid back on his elbows on the blanket and tossed the spurs my way saying, "Here, I'm not sure how these things go on."

It wasn't difficult to figure out. Lee just wanted me on my knees to further my humiliation by attaching the implements he would use to urge me on.

When they both were ready, we lined up and, like the last time, Worm and I got on our knees for our riders to mount us.

I bent lower and bowed my head making it easier for Lee to mount my shoulders. I wasn't sure if that additional accommodation was out of fear of him since the slapping incident or simply respect for his absolute authority and superiority...or a combination of both.

It think we both realized that the slaps had added a new dimension to Lee's power. He could and no doubt would use physical force when he thought it needed, or when ever it pleased him to do so, knowing I would not retaliate...that I would stand there with arms at my sides and accept whatever he cared to dish out, crimson faced and humble. What a power trip that must have been for him.

I do remember thinking at the moment that I felt we were both exactly where we belonged, and I'm sure he did also.

Once again Lee swung a leg over my shoulder and I was mounted. He gave a sharp tug upward on my hair and I rose under his full weight. It occurred to me that the tug was a silent command, much as one would give a real pony.

The finish point was the same, but we were starting further back than the last time. That had been Kay's idea. She was active in track at school and when she saw how far we went last time, which was no short distance I might add, she suggested what she called a marathon and said that it might change the result and make the race more interesting this time.

Her suggestion was somewhat disheartening for me, but Lee and Carter readily agreed and thought it was an excellent suggestion.

We lined up and one of the girls shouted, "Go!" I felt Lee's spur dig painfully into my left side and his crop slash at my right buttock.

I let out an unintentional grunt or "uhh." I hadn't wanted the girls to know that this was no game and how very real all this was, but it was too late...they both heard it. Lee obviously wanted a quick start and the lead. No staying off the pace, saving his mount for a burst at the finish. That was not Lee's style at all. I would be all out to the finish line just as I was last time.

Carter had the lead with the head start he was given and intended to keep it by attacking Worm's butt viciously with his birch. I could see Worm's butt was already a bright crimson, and his reaction to Carter urging him on with slash after slash. He immediately quickened his pace and his hips where moving forward as if trying to outrun the birch. I suppose it was comical in a way, depending on one's outlook.

I felt another stinging swipe on my right cheek and then both spurs in unison. Lee was balancing himself by holding my hair in one hand, his other wielding the now fearsome crop. I responded by quickening my stride until I finally drew even with Worm. Three quick swipes felt like a hot poker on my already inflamed butt and I quickly took the lead.

It suddenly occurred to me from the girl's giggles that I too was moving my hips forward in a vain attempt to outrun Lee's crop just as I had seen Worm attempt to do.

Just like last time, I had opened a substantial lead, but the deep sand and Lee's weight were taking their toll. Also Lee's repeated spurring may have been more of a negative than a positive factor. My shoulders, back, and upper thighs were aching, and of course my sides and rump hurt. In addition I was sweating profusely and tiring badly. The extra distance wasn't going to help either. My consolation was that no doubt Worm was in no better straights.

The girls, with no burden to carry, were running alongside, laughing and cheering their heroes on.

Kay was trotting backward and cried out, "Make him go faster Lee...Carter's catching up"

I wanted to avoid her eyes but she was so close and looking into mine that it was impossible. Beside's it was a bizarre thrill meeting her gaze while being used this way by Lee as he responded to her warning by delivering rapid fire nonstop slashes and spurs, as I grimaced in pain and exerted my all. Despite my efforts I could tell Carter was closing on us.

As we got closer to the finish line I thought about the bet that had been made and what it would be like to see Carter and Dawn drive off in my car, with me in the back seat like so much baggage, to be at their disposal. Also it could be one of those victories over Lee. Incredibly, it was an exciting thought to me. I don't really know if that was a factor but I found myself slowing slightly as Carter drew even.

Lee spurred and slashed away furiously, but this time to no avail as Worm, panting and sweating profusely under Carter's whip, drew even and then passed me to win in the final yards.

Totally exhausted, I collapsed to my hands and knees.

Lee pushed my head down forcefully and walked off cursing, obviously outraged at having lost.

Just as Carter had done the last time to Worm, he walked behind me and I felt his foot meet my behind with such force that I fell forward into the sand on my face. As I attempted to rise, I felt Lee's foot on the back of my neck pushing my face into the sand, causing me to cough and sputter, which brought forth guffaws of laughter from all including Worm.

The loudest laughter of all came from Kay.

Worm and I were permitted to wash off in the surf and dry ourselves.

As we were beginning to walk back Kay suggested that she and Dawn should ride back.

"Dawn said, "Good idea, that's a long hike"

Dawn mounted Worm's shoulders and Kay mounted mine. It was a real turn on despite the fact that I was exhausted.

We had gone about half way when Kay looked down at Lee and pointing to his crop said, "Give me that thing." And then to Dawn, "Come on, I'll race you the rest of the way."

"Sure thing. Carter give me yours"

I would like to have had that on film...the two beauties whipping and driving their human ponies on. Come to think of it both races should have been on film.

Next: Chapter 11

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