Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Oct 13, 2002


It was almost time to leave and i was happy for that. It had been an interesting day in many ways, however my butt had paid a heavy price. Kurt and his friends were really into that sort of stuff, so at least they had a good time at my expense. It's strange but Kurt had a certain bearing and superiority bearing about him that made me feel that contributing to his and his friends pleasure the way I had wasn't wrong. Actually as i looked at him heading my way I realized it had been a turn on. He was an imposing figure.

I thought it was over but I was wrong. Kurt said, "Toad, Dawn told me you passed her up a couple of times for drinks and you were rude. She's a guest and that's a reflection on me."

"I didn't do that..I wouldn't."

"Are you calling Dawn a liar?"

"No, but...

"Then she's right."

Why argue I thought. "Yeah I guess so, what ever she say's."

"I'm glad you said that, because she want's to give you twelve on your butt with a cane."

Dawn had a few beers and had been talking to Lana, who happened to have a cane by her chair, so I had a pretty good idea where she got that thought.

"Come on Kurt, I had enough for one day."

"We'll put it to a vote. Hey everyone, Dawn has been insulted by Toad and want's to administer twelve of the best to Toads butt. All in favor say aye, opposed, nay."

There was a loud chorus of "aye's, with one "nay"..mine. I started heading for the parking lot but was grabbed by One and Two, hustled over to a bench and bent over it with my shorts pulled down. The group cheered as Dawn approached smiling as she swished the cane through the air

Kurt came over and said, "Toad, you keep count. Start with, one, thank you Dawn, two, thank you Dawn, and so on."

It was bad enough to be caned publicly this way but I wasn't going to be humiliated further by thanking her.

Kurt then said, "Dawn, since Toad insulted you at Helm Ranch, I also feel insulted. Would you mind if I administered the first six?"

"No not at all Kurt, please be my guest."

They were discussing me as if I was a bug.. or yes, a toad. Well why not, that's what Lee had made of me.

"Remember the count Toad. Now it's one thank you Kurt, etc."

I heard a swooshing sound and suddenly my butt was on fire. I gritted my teeth and remained silent. I would retain some small sense of dignity. The next landed on the other cheek with even more force, taking my breath away. I could not possibly survive ten more I thought.

Kurt then said after the second, "One..by the way Toad, the count remains at one until you obey my instructions."

The next landed across both cheeks as I squealed out, "One, thank you Kurt" to guffaws of laughter. Most noticeable was Kay's loud almost hysterical laugh.

Each stroke of the cane seemed more unbearable than the next. The group was urging Kurt on. I could here, "Way to go Kurt" .."that should teach him a lesson," ..Ouch, ooh I bet that smarts."

After the fourth, I was thinking that had I obeyed Kurts original order, half of my ordeal would have been over. I was blaming myself for the next two to come. I should have obeyed. I would do anything Kurt told me to do in future.

There was a pause. I stiffened,awaiting the next. Then Kurt's voice, "Lee, how rude of me. I should have asked. Would you like to take my last two?

"No that's o.k. Kurt, I don't mind, your doing just fine."

"But I insist, after all he is yours. It's only fair."

Kurt had just announced to one and all that I was Lee's property. Even though just about everyone knew it, it was still humiliating.

Then Kay's voice, "Oh go ahead Lee, show Kurt you can be as accurate as he was.'

Then from the group, "Yeah go ahead Lee, Lay it on his ass." and other encouragements.

"O.k., give me that thing Kurt and stand back." Laughter from the group.

There was a pause. Once again I stiffened, awaiting the inevitable. Then finally a loud swoosh and a thousand hot needles pierced my butt all at one time. I didn't want to, but out came an involuntary, "Aarggg" from me, and a couple of "Wow's" from the throng which must have delighted Lee. It seemed he had bested Kurt.

I couldn't take more, but I had no choice and begging I knew would do no good. The next landed with more force than I could have imagined, as I strained against the one holding me down, and i shouted, "Six thank you Lee."

But Lee's response was, "Oh no you don't Toad. You can't get away with that. You never counted number five."

Oh no, I thought, I screwed up again and would pay the price. Again my rear end erupted in unbelievable pain as I squealed out, "Five, thank you Lee."

I thought at least that portion of my ordeal was over..but no. Lee said almost condescendingly as if giving instructions. "Now comes six. We have to go in order, right Toad?"

When I didn't reply, he repeated, this time menacingly, "Right?" Then between breaths I gasped out, "Yes Lee...right...whatever you say."

Then Kay's voice, good naturedly, "Oh Lee, you are terrible. Go on, finish up and let Dawn have her turn so we can go. It's getting late."

How flippant she was. My incredible ordeal meant nothing to her. She had obviously been enjoying it all.

Sure Kay, your right and besides,Dawn is probably anxious to get started, right Dawn?

They were exchanging pleasantries while I was undergoing an incredible ordeal. Lee seemed to be holding back his last as if taunting, or perhaps not wanting it to end.

My butt was burning as if on fire and the sweat was pouring out of me. I strained again against whomever it was that was holding me down so tautly. I felt I had to escape further punishment. But then a strange thought entered my mind. If there was no hold on me and Lee had simply said, "Toad, stay as you are..don't move." I probably would have obeyed. No, not probably, I would have. His dominance had grown to that extent.

Finally a lowed swoosh and the gates of hell seemed to open on my rear. I gritted my teeth and didn't even try to hold back an, "Aahhh...twelve thank you Lee."

Then from the crowd, "Wow, did you see that." .."Look, his butts turning purple." "So what, he deserve's it, right Dawn."

I could see a pair of shapely legs move in front of me. I looked up to see Dawn, one hand on a hip, the other holding the dreaded cane. "Ready for the rest Toad."

I was now sobbing with tears mixed in the sweat as I said, "Please Dawn, no more. Have mercy."

Her disdainful reply was, "Yeah right."

Dawn made a few pre-emtive swings with the cane as if testing. Catcalls of, "way to go girl." "let's see what you can do." That sort of thing. To them it was all a game, a real fun time. Then Kay's voice, "Don't let the guy's out do you Dawn, and maybe you can save one or two for me."

That really hurt coming from Kay. Sure we were through, but I hadn't expected that..I guess I should have.

I steadied myself for the first. Dawns cane whistled through the air and landed with more force than I would have imagined. I thought coming from a girl it would not be as severe. I was dead wrong. "One, thank you Dawn."

"Not one you jerk. That was seven. Let's start again."

Had I said seven, I'm sure she would have said, "That was one you jerk." Again the searing pain, "Seven thank you Dawn." She replied with, "Your welcome ass whole." I gritted my teeth trying not to cry out at eight and nine. I didn't want to enhance Dawn's pleasure but at ten I couldn't hold back and let out a lowed and long, "Urraaahhh." Which must have pleased her immensely. But i did not forget as I gasped out "Ten thank you Dawn."

Once again Dawn replied. This time with, "Oh your very welcome Toad. Actually it's my pleasure."

Then she said, "Here you go Kay. You take the other two."

"Thank's girl, I thought you might have forgotten, Too bad it's only two" She said as if in jest.

Dawn replied with, "Hey it doesn't have to be two, right Lee? I'm sure Kay can give him as many as she want's if you say so. That's up to you..right?"

"Sure it is. Kay, say any number and his ass is yours. Be my guest."

"Humm, any number. How about fifty."

Oh God no. I couldn't possibly take that. Please Kay don't I thought. But then I thought of the absolute power Lee held. If she said fifty, then so be it.

"Sure Kay, why not. Enjoy and if you get tired I'll relieve you."

"Oh It's a little late for that. I'll just take the two. Maybe next time."

Thank God I thought. I wanted to get down and kiss Kay's feet in appreciation. Imagine that.. She was about to cane my ass and I felt appreciation.

If I thought she would show any mercy because of our past, again I was wrong. At eleven it was a lowed "Urrrgg" sound. She must have enjoyed hearing that because the next was even more forceful. I didn't disappoint her. "Ahhhhhhg!!" The "twelve thank you Kay" was barely a whisper.

Whomever was holding me down let up. My ordeal was over, but not completely. How does one pull up his pants over a thoroughly beaten and reddened ass with dignity..one doesn't. Just the touch of my shorts was an agony as I hoppled behind Lee and Kay trying not to fall too far behind as they were heading for the car. Kay turned and said, What's the problem Toad. Having trouble walking. She then put her hand over her mouth as if to stiffle a laugh.

Lee handed me the keys to the car. "Here, you drive." He waited for me to open the door. There was no limit to his arrogance. I opened the door and pushed the drivers seat foreward for him and Kay to get in the back seat.

"Go and get our beach bag" It was never a request, always a command.. and always I obeyed. For an instant I thought to say, "Get it yourself." But instead out came, "Yes Lee."

Kay had an amused smile on her face at my reply. I knew she liked it when Lee bossed me around and I humbly complied. Besides him being a hunk as she once described him, I'm sure she was also taken by his arrogant superior demeanor. I fetched the bag, put it in the trunk and got behind the wheel. It felt good, I had not been allowed that privilege very often. As I was about to start the engine, Lee's voice, "I left my cigarettes. Toad, run back and get them..hubba hubba." I instantly got out of the car and hurried off. I would have a small victory of sorts. Lee had said run, and I didn't. But I did trot. When I handed Lee his cigarettes, Kay had that same pleased smile on her face. We had gone only a short distance when I saw in the rear view mirror the god and goddess had their faces locked together. Kay's bikini top was off and Lee was working the bottom part down. Kay was frantically tugging down on lee's thong. I worked my way closer to the middle of the front seat to get a better view from the mirror. When Kay finally got Lee's thong down, he sprang out fully erect. My first thought was that compared to him in that department I was nothing. But then compared to him in every department I was nothing. My second thought was, Wow!!..A superlatve that came often to me.

Kay was making slight panting sounds, completely oblivious to me in that I might hear. Or perhaps more likely she wanted me too. She then began slowly sliding downward until her head was at Lee's lap..face down.

Lee slouched back in his seat with his hands folded behind his head. "Drive slower Toad, no hurry."

"Sure Lee, whatever you say."

Kay was making little animal sounds as her head bobbed up and down rhythmically, slowly at first and then suddenly in a speedy tempo. Lee remained as he was, hands behind his head. He was biting his lower lip as his hips spang upward.

I thought, "Wow, he just came in her mouth and she swallowed."

That old jealousy emotion emerged again, only I wasn't sure for whom.

As we approached our neighborhood I said, "Where too now Lee?" I was driving, but he was in complete control. as always.

"Humm, let's see...my house."

"Sure Lee, whatever you say." After what I had just witnessed, being humble in front of Kay was easy, second nature. He deserved that type of respect.

I pulled the Mustang into Lee's driveway, got out and opened the door for them to get out. They were still naked. They were both really something special..perfection. It was dark and no one could see, except me of course and that didn't seem to bother them at all. And why should it, to them I was a non person, an inanimate object. Would they be embarrassed in front of block of wood? Actually as I thought of it, Lee had reduced me to less than that.

"O.k. Toad you can go now. I'll take Kay home. Maybe a stop at the park first. Right Kay?"

Her exuberant reply was, "Oh definately." as she looked me up and down with a smirk on her face.

They drove off together into the night naked, while I headed up to my room with a tent in my short's.

Next: Chapter 22

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