Leaving Dubai

By Paul

Published on Jun 30, 2024


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Keith and Paul Become a Thing

At the end of the shoot that day, Paul had sucked sixteen cocks, three of them twice, never once making one cum, disappointing him but pleasing the actors. Keith could have used a blow job, too, but he was professional enough not to need a fluffer; his cock recovered quickly.

Keith and Paul left the set to find dinner and then to go to Keith's house for some overdue sex.

Dinner seemed to drag on forever, but the guys were finally able to climb back into the limo and speed off to Keith's mansion.

Once inside, Keith led Paul on a beeline to the bedroom. Both men shed their clothes on the way. Keith ignore the ringing cell phone and Paul was on his knees in a jiffy; thirteen inches is to much to delay.

Keith's 13 incher was also quite thick allowing Paul to get only a very little of it into his mouth, but the part he got sent him into ecstasy immediately.

Keith grew impatient so he picked Paul up and tossed him onto the bed, jumping on him and pressing his tongue into Paul's mouth. Paul wondered how a porn star who had already had sex a few times that day could have the passion to want more and the hard-on to get it. But before he could even finish that thought, Keith flipped him onto his belly, grabbed some lube from the nightstand, and had Paul's ass ready for the ride of its life.

"We've waited too long for this; one fucking delay after another, but no more. I'm gonna make your ass so full of cock you won't be able to walk for a week."

Thank God for the lube. That monster of his just about tore me in half, but in a good way, a very good way.

The best part about his work is that it delays how quickly he cums. His cock occupies my ass for ages, but, at last, it spurts so hard it hurts. Again and again, a hot shot of jizz enters my rectum; again and again, all I want is more. "Fuck, Keith. How much jizz do you have in you?"

"I'm sorry. That may be all of it for today. You saw how many guys I fucked on the set. I am just about used up."

"Well, I still need to offload my sperm and your mouth is the perfect place to do it. Get busy," Paul demanded.

Kaith wasted no time, sucking for all the world. Paul begged him to slow down, to take his time, to experience sperm at its best, but Keith's passion was not to be stopped. It was only a matter of seconds before all of Paul's love juice was sliding down Keither's throat.

Because of his reclusive writer's lifestyle, Paul had not had a good blow job in months, maybe even longer, but all he could do now was to return to Keith's mouth and resume kissing, tasting a little of his own cum still in Keith's mouth.

Although he hated to do it. Keith had to send Paul away. The next day, Keith had to be on the set earlier than usual because he was both producing and starring in the next porno movie, a feature film that ought to be 90 minutes long and would include a seven-guy orgy at the end. Before meeting Paul, Keith looked forward to this production, but things were changing. In fact, Keith began to wonder if he was falling in love.

Paul returned to the book he'd been writing, adding words much more slowly than usual because he was feeling the same kind of feelings as Keith, Keith and I just met; we can't be falling in love. And, anyway, he is a gorgeous star, and I am a pathetic old, bald writer who still uses a typewriter.

At 10:15, the phone rang. Keith told Paul to go to zoom. "I must see your beautiful face while we talk. Your beautiful eyes and dark skin continue to dazzle me. Here I am, a big-time porn star, but I have less than half of what you offer, my precious one."

"That's bullshit, and you know it, Keith. If you think I am even half as gorgeous as you, you need to see an eye doctor."

Of course, both guys knew that neither was serious because it was the kind of banter people who were about to fall in love always used, and these two were falling rapidly in love.

Paul was not invited to the set the next day; Keith could not stand to see him sucking other men's cocks. For a while, the men's relationship became conflicted, neither man familiar with the overwhelming mix of emotions he felt. Paul could hardly write; Keith could only fuck one man a day. Both men lost weight and looked haggard.

At last, at midnight of the eighth day, Keith left his bed, called a taxi, and drove to Paul's apartment. Paul paced the room, unable to sleep, bewildered by his feelings, jealous of the men on Keith's sets who were being fucked by him.

Keith knocked fervently on the door. Paul opened it, immediately experiencing a hard on as his lover forced his way into the room. He fell to his knees instantly, lowered Keith's pajamas--he hadn't even dressed--and pulled out the massive cock. Keith relished the moment, admitting again and again, "I love you; I need you; I must have you."

Paul stood up and hushed is love with deep, hungry kisses, while pulling Keith backwards onto the unused bed. Soon, Paul's tiny cock was in Keith's mouth enjoying the ecstasy only a man can have.

Keith swallowed the jism before pushing Paul over, ruthlessly pulling down his lover's boxers. He forced his way into Paul's love canal, not thinking about lube for the pain he caused. Paul lacked the will to push him away, moaning loudly in both pain and ecstasy. Keith's jizz overfilled Paul's ass, oozing out and running onto Paul's balls. He would lick it off later just as Paul would clean the messy cock with his tongue.

By four in the morning, the two men could fuck no more and fell into each other's arms, sleeping fitfully.

The first rays of sunlight awoke them. Keith showered, grabbed some coffee and toast, and the porno starcalled for Uber to take him to the studio.

The night's sex inspired Paul to begin writing a new book on which he worked feverishly until Keith returned from the studio. Thirty-eight pages had been written, I'm sure it's all rubbish, Paul thought, But I would've gone crazy if I didn't write it. He hit `delete' on his word processor without checking his work to see if it had been any good.

Keith bore miserable news with him when he arrived back at Paul's apartment, "Tomorrow, I have to fly to Italy for a new movie. I think filming will only take a week, but you can never tell. Anyway, a week is too long to be away from you."

Paul simply stood and stared at the messenger of such devastating news. Tears fell as he embraced the porn star he loved. "Tomorrow?"

"Yes, I can't put it off any longer."

After a tearful silence, Paul raised his eyes. "Can I come along?"

Keith never smiled as broadly. "I knew you would want to, I just knew it. Of course! You not only can come along, you must. We have just enough time for some fucking and a shower before we leave for the airport."

The fucking made the showerers very brief. Cum and lube seemed to refuse to come out of Paul's ass.

This has been chapter 2 of three. The third and final chapter will be published soon.

Please consider giving your feedback to: arouserofcocks@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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