Leather Shopping

By Norm M

Published on Oct 16, 2002


Howdy guys, thanks for all the positive feedback on part one. I hope you find this installement as exciting. Would love to hear your reactions. norm Leather Shopping, part 2

Pt. 2 I had never seen, let alone wear most of the gear that hung from the shelves and walls in that shop. My eyes darted to the cages, and without even thinking about it, I got a raging hard on. The metal collar was heavy and locked securely to my neck. As Mark and Norm chatted together glancing my way, I wandered over to the cages. Next to them was a wide variety of metal and leather goods that looked vaguely familiar, almost animal like, but I just couldn't place them. I fingered a full body suit, ran my hands across strange brace like contraptions, and even came across a tail like toy with a plug on the end. As it dawned on me that all of this must be for dog play, four hands found their way to my body. So Mike, what do you think of our new line of puppy gear? said Norm in a low sexy voice. It's brand new, have been working on the designs forever. Finally have them into production. Funny thing though, other than Mark trying on the pieces to help me work out the designs and fit, we have never had a puppy to try it all on and see how functional it can be...what do you say you give it a try? A smile crossed with fear and anticipation came over my face. I looked at them both and snickered, do I have a choice guys? "Not really" they both laughed as they began gathering a wide variety of gear from the walls and shelves. The heavy metal collar was removed as the pile of leather gear began to gather at my feet. I was sweaty and excited as they finally seemed pleased with what they had pulled together. Well pup, here are the rules before we begin, stated Norm. When you are a pup, you don't speak other than barks and dog sounds. You eat and drink from a bowl and will live in the cage other than times we have you out to play. Do you understand boy? I understood, but would I be able to stay that way in character? Hell, it's vacation, what do I have to loose? I had nothing else to do but sit home, watch tv and whine about why I wasn't doing something more fun. "Yes Sir, I do" I smiled. "Turn me into a dog." The two of them shared smiles and then Norm spoke. "From this point on boy, you don't talk. You are a dog." With that, they held before me a full leather body suit that entered from the back. I sat on the bench and the heavy leather was pulled onto my arms first. My hands ended in specially formed glove that looked and functioned like a paw. When my hands were strapped into them, I literally had no human use of my hands, I now had dog paws. My feet were next pulled into a tight sleeve type construction with a lot of straps that were not used for some reason. I was then brought to my feet as the rest of the suit was pulled up on my body. My cock and balls were worked by Mark into a leather sheath. It was shaped and formed with some very heavy leather to force my manhood out from my body, to resemble a dogs cock. The end was open, so when I got hard, as I already was doing, my head would slip out from the end. Woof I thought! The suit was pulled tight and they began lacing it from my neck to my ass. It was very tight, confining and even in some parts it seemed to be body molding. I was pushed down on all fours as I looked up to my Masters with affection in my eyes. I realized there was heavy padding at the knees, and I walked around a bit using my new paws and getting use to the sensations of the suit. My cock head was already straining against the hard leather tube and dripping pre cum. "Come here pup, Norm laughed, you aren't done yet." I bounced over to my new Masters and gave a low bark, hoping to show that I was enjoying this. Mark came up behind me at that point, and as he held the tail in his hands, whispered into my ear. Mike, this is going to get intense for a while, bare with us, it is going to be ok. I nodded, and smiled, but I had no idea what was in store for me at that point. Cool lube was rubbed across my ass and shoved inside my tight hole. Mark began working the plug at my crack and slowly spread my cheeks to press the plug into it's new home. I tried to relax, but it seemed huge. Mike pressed and then suddenly, it began sliding in. It felt like I was being ripped in two. I yelped, and tried to pull away, but Norms strong hands held me tight. With a final shove and an almost animal scream from me, the plug was in. As I tried to get my breath and relax my strained ass, I became aware of a heavy leather padded tail was now hanging from my chute. It felt very strange, but strangely right. Like this was something that should have been there all along, but wasn't until now. Norm finished the laces around my ass and the plug. I could not push it out if I wanted to, it was in to stay until someone unlaced it. I began to work the plug, making the tail awkwardly wag in my ass, sending wonderful feelings all the way up and down my spine. Hands were working on the strange strapping at my legs now. Each foot was brought up and restraints were being pulled tight to keep my legs from the knees down, pinned to my thighs. I was now forced to be on all fours, as there was no way I could stand restrained like this. It was tight, and almost painful, but again, it seemed like the way I was suppose to be shaped. A shudder of fear and excitement as I heard locks being clicked. My legs were secure. I didn't understand what was happening to me. This transition should have been scaring me, but it felt good. As I tried to adjust to this new body, warm hands began to pet me along the back, scratching my hair, rubbing my ears. It got me calmed down, and ready to continue. The hood was next. It was padded, with eye openings, and a very doggy looking muzzle built in to resemble more of a dogs face. There were leather ears and lots of buckles to shape this new face to my human one. It was tight and very restraining. It made me feel like I was being reborn into another body. As the mouth piece was adjusted, I found that I would be forced to keep my mouth slightly open, and with the odd gag, my tongue had no place to go other than to reach out of my mouth. A very heavy collar was attached, and a leash to finish. I forgot all about the no speech rule, and looked up at the guys. As I tried to say thanks, I was suddenly shocked around my neck, making it impossible to speak at all. I recoiled in pain and looked up at my new masters in confusion. "I told you no speech pup" Norm smiled. "That collar is activated by your vocal cords, you talk you get zapped. It will only be on during your training period pup. "

I barked a feeble bark and realized I had given up much more than I had realized at the time, but again, in some strange way it felt right.

My leash was attached to a hook in the wall, and I was told to stay put for a bit as Norm led his boy Mark away. When Norm returned, he smiled and took my leash into his hand. "Come with me pup, " he smiled. Norm led me to another area in the shop, where we came to Mark bound spread eagle, face up to the floor. His rubber suit gleaming in the harsh light, his body slowly testing his restraints, straining, moving, adjusting to the confines. "Pup, you deserve a treat, face fuck my boy." Norm smiled. I padded over to the held body and awkwardly managed to get my new body situated over the shiny rubber boy. Not being able to use my hands, I worked my enclosed cock against his body as I worked on him. My dog mouth licked and slobbered over the restrained boy. My lips found his lips and my tongue darted into the deep recesses of his hot mouth. He responded vigorously, as we kissed in our gear. I worked my body around at that point, so my cock was aimed at his mouth and I would be able to suck on his wonderful rubber coated cock. I awkwardly lowered myself onto him, thrusting my dog cock into his mouth as I reached for his boy cock and took it into my mouth. I worked up and down on the boy, my paws on either side of him, my knees flexing, as I pounded his mouth. As my tool expanded, I could feel his straining against the rubber sheath. Soon we were both shooting hot jism. I howled a primitive dog yowl as I pumped my cock and unloaded a huge string of cum down the throat of this hot boy, as he shot into his rubber coated tube. "Good dog, good dog, floated to my ears as I panted and slobbered. I was pulled off the boy, and led to a cage. "Pup" Norm said, you have done well. I hope you are happy here, I am sure after a few weeks, you will begin to forget you had any other life at all. What did he mean by that I wondered? As we came to a large cage pushed clear to the back, I looked at the name plate, Pup Mike, was boldly stamped into the metal. As I looked up at my new master, it registered, this was going to be more than a vacation. It was the start of a new life. I was locked into the cage with a bowl of water. I began to lap at it, and curled up in the blanket, thinking about what could possibly happen next.

Next: Chapter 3

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