Leather Shopping

By Norm M

Published on Sep 30, 2002


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Leather Shopping by Norm

It was a new shop in town, I had been fascinated by their ad ever since I stumbled on it. "Custom Leather works, for your personal leather needs. We specialize in the unusual." What made it more intriguing, is that their ad was in an "artsy" paper. I had a feeling this was not your usual car / motorcycle leather store.

I finally had a free day and decided I was going to go check it out. It was in a quiet part of town, a bit run down, close to downtown. Not a big place by any means, but big enough to have a decent selection I thought.

As I entered the strong smell of leather assaulted my nose, and my eyes were drawn to the one and only person in the place, the clerk, sitting on a high stool, behind a counter. He was young, about 6' and very muscular.

Dark curly hair, light beard and a darker complexion. A heavy leather jacket was wrapped around those strong shoulders, and what looked like a wide leather collar around his neck!

He stood and stepped out from behind the counter. He was wearing leather chaps, and something black and shiny underneath, it had to be rubber!

Black riding boots almost up to his knees finished the look. As he reached out his hand to greet me, I noticed restraints buckled to each wrist, small padlocks dangled from his collar, and wrists!

"Hey, how you doing? Welcome to our shop. My name is Mark and I'd be glad to help. Anything in particular you're looking for?"

All I could do was stammer, ah...I think I'll just look around."

"Fine, if there is anything I can do for you, let me know.

Was it just me or was there a bit of emphasis on anything? I don't know if you are aware, but we specialize in custom work. I could make about anything you want." Mark smiled as he looked me over.

I began walking around the shop, and saw that the inventory was not your run of the mill motorcycle gear. Most of it was very soft leather, well made and obviously not factory work. Chaps, jackets, military shirts, boots, pants, gloves and a few hats seemed to be what was on the shelves. I guess I had been expecting to find a few things more "personal".

Suddenly Mark was behind me, so close that I could smell him, as I turned, I brushed against him. My disappointment must of registered on my face, because he seemed to come to a decision.

"I think maybe what you are looking for is not on the shelf. Could I be right?"

His steel blue eyes bored into mine, searching for an answer.

"Well, I thought, maybe I would find something....."my sentence went unfinished.

"Personal?" Mark finished.

"Well, ya, do you have anything?"

"Follow me, I"ll show you our other collection."

Mark led me through a door in the back of the shop and now I realized that the store was much smaller on the inside, than I had noticed on the outside.

As we entered the other room, Mark flipped on a light and illuminated a whole other world. Body harnesses, briefs, restraints, hoods, collars, sheathes, whips, gags, filled the shelves. Along one wall were swings, and cages!

And to my amazement, all along the back wall was a huge selection of rubber!

Suits, masks, gloves, pants, hoods, everything I could imagine!

"Well, seems like we found what you're looking for! Got to admit, I'm hooked on rubber too. My partner prefers leather, so he requires me to wear it, but underneath.......I'm covered in rubber!"

"No shit....." I uttered and took a new look at Mark.

Grinning, he took off his jacket, and underneath, he was wearing a shiny one piece, latex suit, well polished and very tight. A bulging cod piece was straining beneath the chaps. "Want to try some on?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.....a chance to wear some rubber, even for a short time....I was already getting hard.

"Business is slow today, let me go put up the closed sign, and I'll help you pick some stuff out. I told you we specialize in custom work." Step over there and take off your clothes......

Over there was a three walled cell with benches, like most dressing rooms, but with no door! "Over there?"

"Ya, over there. Most guys that make it into this room, don't give a shit who sees them....it's one of our little perks, is it going to be a problem?" Mark asked.

"No, I guess not." I stepped inside and quickly stripped down to my jockeys.

Figured that was good enough until we figured out what I was going to "try" on.

"Well, I see you're almost ready. Nice body er......what did you say your name was?"

"Mike, it's Mike."

"Ok Mike, how about this?"

Mark had picked up a one piece suit, feet, gloves, ball sack, penal sheath and a back zip. A hood dangled from the neck. "I think you'd look great in this!"

"Well...I don't know, it looks kind of small....."

"Shit man, it is suppose to be tight, give it a try, I'll help!" Mark grinned an evil grin.

"Ok, what do I do first?"

"First, you step out of those jockeys!" Mark laughed as he reached over to a counter and grabbed some lube.

Quickly, before I had a chance to think, I dropped the briefs. I was hard and my cock sprang forward with the release of the tight briefs.

"Hmmmm seems like I picked right!" Mark smiled as he began squirting some lube into the sheath. "Ok, sit down and well get your feet in."

I began pulling the soft latex over my feet and pulled the suit up over my calves. As I stood up, Mark was right there, lending a hand.

"Pull steady, put be careful not to rip it." His strong arms were around me, touching me, pulling the suit up around me. Soon the suit was up over my hips and I found his hand inside the suit grabbing my cock!.

"Ok, buddy, just ease him in------there, great fit!" Mark said as he pulled out his hand covered in lube.

My cock slid into the well slicked tube and the sliding, grabbing sensation was a tremendous turn on! As I concentrated on making a few adjustments, Mark reached behind me and wiped his hand off across my ass. As he added a few squirts of lube down my crack, I turned, trying to see what was going on.

"Going to need that Mike, to get the ass sheath in place."

"Ass sheath! Hell, I don't know about that,...."

Before I could resist, a rubber tube was pushed into place with one of Marks fingers.

" I'll adjust that later Mike, let's get the rest of this suit on."

Mark worked the suit up my chest and helped me get my arms through the tight sleeves, and into the gloves. As the zip was pulled up, I felt myself changing, developing a new mental image of myself, and definitely, a raging hard on.

"Nice fit Mike, this suit was made for you! How about pulling that hood on?"

I looked down at the latex hood dangling from the neck of the suit.


Mark carefully pulled open the hood and lifted it up and over my head.

As he pulled it down, my mouth discovered a small mouth opening, as well as some for my nose and eyes.

"There Mike, a man of my dreams! Just one more thing." Mark reached over to the wall and pulled down a gas mask. As he strapped it tightly to my head he asked, "How you doing in there buddy? Nice and hot?"

"Mark, this is incredible!" I gasped as I pulled long rubbery breaths through the mask. "I've never experienced anything like it!"

Mark moved even closer to me, feeling the suit, rubbing his hand over it to make sure it fit exactly as he wanted it too. "Got to fix that anal sheath Mike, here, could you bend over a bit?"

To my amazement, Mark was removing the cod piece from his suit, revealing a rock hard cock, covered in rubber!

"Told ya, guy, that sheath needed adjustment, and there is only one good way to to it." Mark said as he pulled our bodies together. His prick, slick with lube, searching for my crack. As he worked his tool into my quivering ass, he reached around and grabbed my cock.

"How's the fit Mike, Ok?" he said as he pressed our bodies together and began to stroke me. The lube around my cock was warm and began to do the trick as his strokes began to intensify. His cock was now fully into my ass and he was pumping furiously. Soon we were both cumming, me shooting a hot load into the tube, feeling it jet around my cock, and running down my leg, and Mark, pumping his sheath full, the heat searing my ass.

After lingering together for a while, Mark finally pulled out and turned me around to look into the ports of my rubber covered eyes. As he snapped his cod piece back in place, he asked..." What do you say Mike, Is it a sale?"

"Shit man, what do you think?" I gasped as he pulled the mask off of my head.

He pulled the hood back over my sweaty head, and tucked it down inside the neck of the suit.

"Tell ya what Mike, since it's now a used suit, I really can't charge you full price. And if you'll wear it home under your street clothes, I'll knock off another 10%.

Wear it home? What the hell I thought, after this, I was thinking about living in it! "SOLD" I told him!

"Thought so.....now tell your friends, we like to give specialized attention to our customers.

As I stood before him, dressed in my street clothes, my incredible, hot rubber suit, slipping and sliding around my body, paying for my new kink, he added.

" My partner is great in the leather department as well as the discipline items. Could we interest you in a restraint or two?" Mark smiled as he fingered the locked collar at his neck.

"I think that will have to be on my next visit!" I smiled.

"Great! Plan on spending a day or two, trying things out!"

As I walked out of the store, enjoying the feel of rubber caressing my body,his words finally sunk in.......A DAY OR TWO!

Looks like I got to save a few bucks, quick!

It was a month later, and I couldn't wait any longer. I called the Leatherworks, Mark answered.

"I don't know if you remember me, but my name is Mike and I bought a rubber suit from you about a month ago." I started.

"Sure Mike, I remember giving you some custom work on that suit, are there any problems?"

"No, not at all, actually I am quite pleased with the suit, but I was wondering, you offered to help me select some restraints.....is that offer still good?"

"Mike, if I remember right, I told you to come back and plan for a day or two....are you ready?"

"Ready, to tell the truth I was ready then, but I have saved up a bit, and feel I could make some good purchases."

"Mike, my partner is here, let me check......Mike, tomorrow would be good, come around 6:00 when we close the store. Don't be late, we won't open late for anyone. By the way, wear your suit, under your street clothes." with that the phone went dead.

As eager as I was, I had the suit on by 1:00 and had worked up a good sweat by the time I reached the store. Mark greeted me with a big smile and ushered me into the back room. He was dresses much as before, leather on the outside, and rubber on the inside. His restraints were locked, just as before, and I began to wonder if they ever came off. As my eyes adjusted to the dimmer light, I began to focus on his "other" partner. This man was bigger, and older, but well built. Leather was definitely his choice of fetish, as he was clad in it from cap to boot. I also assumed, as he was wearing a leather uniform, and no restraints, that he was the top in his relationship with Mark.

"Mike, this is Norm, he is the master leather maker here, and as you have probably guessed, my master. He has consented to demonstrate some of our devices."

"Mike, I just want to be sure that you understand, I take great pride in my work and this demonstration will last a considerable amount of time, so you can get to feel the power in my items."

"Yea Norm, I understand. Restrain away....." I tried with a bit of humor.

"Mark, take him over the the demonstration area."

I was lead to a padded table, and my street clothes removed. The attached hood was pulled over my head and Norm began talking...

"First we need to show you our immobilization items. I assume you will have a partner when you use our products."

"Oh, ya, sure,.....I stammered."

"Good, first we begin with a collar. I think for you, I prefer the posture collar. It is very wide, and very thick. "

He quickly buckled a heavy duty collar, that forced my head back and up, unable to move around. It was very severe and I began to panic a bit when I heard a lock click on the back.

"Mike, we do it my way, to get the real effect, and that means locked.

Next let's put you in the straight jacket."

Norm forced my arms into a rubber straight jacket and tightly fastened them to securely to my body, drawing my arms across my chest. I heard a series of locks and began to get really nervous.

"Now, for your cock, Mark what do you think, chastity or limited stimulation?"

"Norm, how about the heavy double layered briefs? They we can stimulate him, but feeling will be very limited."

"Excellent Mark, they are on the other shelf."

Mark brought over a very heavy pair of rubber briefs, they were double lined on the inside, and my rubbered prick was forced through a small hole and held between two layers of very heavy rubber. A belt locked at the waist and around each leg. Again, the locks!

Without warning, I was pushed down onto the table and Mark pulled up my legs as Norm began hooking cords to d-rings on the jacket and securing them to the table.

"Mike, I think you'll really like these ankle and thigh restraints, they are heavy, and very secure. Once in these, you won't get out."

My body was being fastened to the table and any ideas I had of quitting when I wanted too, vanished. Norm was enjoying putting me under his control, and I wondered what was next.

"Head treatment, something tight, Mark, bring me that new molded rubber hood."

Norm began working a very heavy rubber hood over my head, no eyes, tubes thrust up my nose and a large gag with a tube forced into my mouth. It was made even tighter with some straps in the back. My head was fastened down, and I was completely under the control of a man, I didn't really know.

Wondering how long I would be there, I layed in my sweat, excited, hard, and unable to do anything about it. After what seemed like hours, I heard Norm next to my ear.

"Well Mike, you look excellent! Mark and I are very impressed and have decided to cut you a deal which I am sure you will accept, as at this point you don't have a choice! We are going to keep you here for a day or two, and use you as a display for our customers! The y will be able to play with you, touch you, test the restraints, and inspect whatever else they deem necessary. If this works out, I think I might be convinced to give you everything, if you would agree to demonstrate a few more times for us!

I began to struggle, trying, hopelessly to get out, to respond, to escape.....yet the thought also excited me!

Within minutes I felt a vibrator attached to the front of the suit, and faintly my cock began to respond. I head voices, and at one point someone held their hand over the tube in my mouth. The only air I was getting, was through the tubes in my nose. I began to be more and more excited and finally began spewing my cum into my suit. I convulsed over and over again, in a climax like I had never experienced in my life.

I lost all sense of time, and throughout the session I was touch, prodded, and played with. I pissed in my suit, and had many orgasms. I dreamed, fantasized and slept. I was fed some sort of shake and at one point warm salty cum slide down my tube.

Finally I head a voice, "Mike, you've done great! Sales haven't been better!

But it is time to let you out!"

Piece by piece was removed from my body, until finally I was helped up and stood before my captors in my one piece suit, now filled with cum, piss and water. As the hood was lifted off, and the sweat ran off my head, I realized I had been looking for this domination for a very long time. Mark helped me over to a stall and indicated that I could shower.

Pleased, I pulled off the suit, and let the warm water run over my body. I felt so naked, so venerable without the rubber. I began to talk to Mark about anything, everything, just to keep him around. As I rinsed and cleaned my suit, I joked...."Well, this was one hell of a way to start a vacation, don't you think. There isn't much I could do to follow this up."

"Mike, did you say you are on vacation? No responsibilities for a while?"

"Mark, I am as free as a bird for the next two weeks."

"Hmmm, have I got a deal for you Mike,.....see that cage over there, and those metal restraints, and chastity devices?"

"Oh, Mark, no, I...."

"Hey, Norm, Mike doesn't have anyplace to go for two weeks. How about introducing him to one of those cages?"

"Mark, no, I really think I need to go......"

Suddenly Norm was towering above me, and a heavy metal collar found it's way around my naked neck.

"Mark, grab that metal tube attached to the handcuffs. Mike here is in for a treat......"

Next: Chapter 2

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