Leather Jacket Fetish

By Greg Stevens

Published on Dec 28, 2021


Leather Jacket Fetish

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

Leather Jacket Fetish -- Chapter 2

I tried to forget the encounter. I tried to just put it out of my head, but every time I looked at my leather jacket, I was reminded of what happened in the bathroom. Sometimes, I would just feel angry at myself, but more often I would feel a surge in my dick as images of the guy in his leather jacket flashed in my mind. One afternoon while the house was empty, I quickly took my clothes off and put on my leather jacket. My dick was rock hard as I ran my hands over my body and the leather. As I closed my eyes, my mind flashed on the guy as I started to stroke my hard cock. "Fuck" I said releasing my cock. I decided that I had to contact the guy. To try it again.

With my leather jacket still on, I found the piece of paper in my coat pocket that the guy handed me. The note had his number, and his name: "Lee". I sat on the edge of the bed, my heart beating fast as I picked up the phone and began texting the number he provided. Several times I started the message and put down the phone. But my curiosity and my desire were greater than my fear. "Hi Lee, it's Dan" I typed. For some reason I felt it necessary to make up a name. I stared at the phone hoping a response wouldn't come, but secretly knowing I wanted him to respond.

"Hi Dan. Do I know you?" The message came back. "Oh fuck" I thought, he doesn't know who I am. "You gave me your number at the mall last week" I typed, leaving out some of the other details. I watched the phone waiting for a reply, my heart was beating fast in my chest. What if he didn't remember me? "Hey Dan, great to hear from you, wasn't sure I was going to." His response helped put me at ease however my pulse still raced, and I felt a surge of guilt.

"Did you want to meet up?" Lee typed. I read the question several times trying to decide what I wanted to do. I should have said "no", but my dick kept saying "Yes". "Ok" I typed, not knowing what else to say. Lee said that he had the house free and provided the address and a time to meet. I put the phone down and slowly got ready; I took a quick shower, pulled on some jeans and a flannel shirt, then picked up my leather jacket. The fur collar was soft, and the leather smell immediately filled my nose causing my dick to react. I slipped my jacket on and checked myself out in the mirror before getting in the car. I drove slowly as I kept changing my mind. Finally, I pulled up at the address Lee provided and hesitantly walked to the door.

"Hey Dan, glad you could make it" Lee said, opening the door and letting me in. Lee was wearing jeans and a t-shirt but no leather jacket, much to my disappointment. I nervously followed him through the house then we turned into a bedroom and he closed the door behind us. "Are you nervous?" Lee asked. "Yeah. I am." I replied.

Lee turned and faced me, then he reached out his hand to touch my crotch. Instinctively, nervously I stepped backward. "Sorry" I said as I backed into the door. "I've never really done this" I said, my voice sounding strange. "Is this, ok?" Lee said, gently bringing his hand back to my crotch. This time I did not move away. Lee's hand felt good, but there was something missing. In my fantasy he was wearing his leather jacket, just like he did at the mall.

"I really like your leather jacket" Lee said as he continued caressing my cock through my pants. The comment sent a wave of excitement through me and to my cock. "Thanks. I liked yours too" I said. "Thanks" Lee responded. "Would you wear it for me?" I asked boldly. Lee looked at me and didn't say anything for a moment. "Sure, if you like" he said, finally. I nodded yes. Let walked to the closet and took out the leather jacket. Then he laid it on the bed and pulled his t-shirt off over his head. Lee's body was lean and well-muscled. His torso was coated with blondish hair that trailed down to the top of his jeans.

Lee turned to me and slowly slipped the black leather bomber jacket on over his naked body as if he were putting on a show for me. I watched as the leather framed his body, how the black leather contrasted against the soft blondish fur on his chest. Lee walked back to me, and I could feel my cock straining against my jeans. "Do you like it?" Lee asked. I was mesmerized by the leather and how it looked on him.

Lee approached and reached for the buttons of my shirt, opening them one by one down my body. He pulled the tails out of my pants and tucked the shirt inside my leather jacket. Then Lee reached beyond me and placed his hand on the wall, and leaned in slowly bringing his body into contact with mine.

Lee's leather covered body pressed against mine. The two-leathers crackled as they came into contact with each other. Lee continued moving closer, I could feel the weight of him against me, I could smell his leather jacket. Lee brought his face inside the fur collar of my jacket and placed his lips on my neck. Excitement charged through every fiber of my body. I reached out and wrapped my arms around Lee feeling his body wrapped in his leather jacket, and pulled him deeper into me.

The smell of our leather jackets, the feeling of his body close to mine all swirled around me, driving me uncontrollably. I turned my head towards Lee, and he moved his head from my neck. Our eyes met and the next thing I knew our mouths connected. My tongue pushed past his lips, and I began to kiss him. It was a passionate kiss, more passion than I had felt in a long time for anyone. A completely uncontrolled lust had broken the surface.

Lee broke off the kiss and his lips trailed over my chin and down my neck. Then down my chest. He pulled back the leather jacket and placed his lips on my nipple. I placed my hand behind his head as he began to suck on it. No one had ever done that, not even my wife and I was shocked at how amazing it felt. While Lee sucked one nipple, he moved his hand inside my jacket and began to play with the other. My body screamed with sensation, my dick twisted and throbbed in the uncomfortable confines of my pants.

While Lee continued to work my nipples, I reached between us to open my pants. I need to let my dick out. It was hard and began to hurt. I unbuckled my belt and opened my jeans then worked to fish my dick out. Precum oozed from the tip as my dick was freed from my underwear and into the coolness of the air. I placed my hands on Lee's leather covered shoulders and began to push him to his knees. Lee did not resist, his mouth trailed from my nipple and down over my abs till he was on his knees.

Lee took the base of my cock in his hand and looked up at me as if to ask if it was ok. "Suck it" I said crudely as I watched him. Lee opened his mouth and swallowed my dick, just like he had in the restroom at the mall. I closed my eyes tight as lights seemed to flash in my mind as my dick was engulfed into the wet warmth of his mouth. "Fuck" I moaned running my hands through Lee's soft blondish hair.

Lee played with my dick in his mouth slowly sucking and running his tongue around all the sensitive areas. "Suck it" I said, feeling frustrated. Lee tilted his eyes up to me and grinned. He knew what I wanted, what I needed, and he was dragging it out. This only made me want it more. Lee gave my dick a couple quick sucks, drawing my dick in deep then letting it out. Then he stopped and rose to his feet. My body trembled with sexual frustration. My dick was wet and cold as it pointed outward, hard as a rock.

Lee took a step back and opened his pants then fished out his dick and balls while I watched. Lee's dick was thick and arched away and down from his body. The base was coated in the same blondish hair as the rest of his body, his balls were clean shaven. Lee took my hand and led it to his dick. My fingers came into contact with the warm flesh, and I gently wrapped my hand around it. I had never touched another man's dick. The feeling was strange but not unpleasant.

I began to explore his dick. I jerked the base and ran my thumb over the slit in the mushroom head dragging clear precum over it. My other hand reached for his smooth ball sack. The pouch was low, and the balls were large and firm. I began to run my hand around them, gauging Lee's reaction. "Do you want to suck it?" Lee asked. I diverted my gaze from his dick to his eyes. There was a lust in his eyes that made me want to at least try. "I. I never did it" I stammered.

"Try it" Lee said softly. I considered it for a moment, then slowly dropped to my knees. I looked up at Lee at his strong hairy body framed in his black leather jacket. I had to admit he excited me. I took the base in my hand and held it. I brought my face close and began to smell his cock. I wasn't sure what to expect. Would it smell like piss? It did not smell like piss at all, but it had a masculine smell. Not bad, but not perfumy like a woman might smell. His masculine scent mixed with the leather, and I could feel my dick jerk at the sensation.

I opened my mouth and took the tip past my lips. "Be careful not to take it too far or you might gag" Lee said softly as his dick slid further past my lips. His flesh was soft and smooth and felt different then I would have ever imagined. I began to bob my head back and forth imagining what it should feel like to give a blowjob. After a few passes, I realized it wasn't that difficult and I was filled with a desire to bring him to an orgasm.

Lee placed his hands on my leather jacket and held me as I worked his dick. Feeling his hands on my leather seemed to excite me. I placed my hands on Lee's hips and began to suck his dick harder, taking it further and faster. Lee began to moan as I continued sucking him. This was even more encouragement to continue what I was doing. "Fuck man that feels great" Lee moaned loudly. "Suck it Dan" Lee added. Lee's dick began to grow in my mouth. I felt the head swell on the back of my tongue.

"Stop" Lee said abruptly, pulling his dick from my mouth with a plop. I looked up at him concerned that I had hurt him. "I'm too close man" Lee said, covering his cock as if protecting it. Lee pulled me up to standing and smiled. Then he leaned into me pressing his body and dick against mine. His hand went to my head and he closed in bringing his lips to mine. I pulled him to me, wrapping my leather around his. Our tongues intertwined in our passionate embrace.

While we kissed, Lee reached between us and took both our cocks in his free hand and began to stroke them together. The sensation was weird and incredible. Several more strokes and I felt myself getting close. I moaned deeply into Lee's mouth as I felt my orgasm begin. My eyes blinked open, and I looked at Lee. My body jerked and twisted and my cum shot between us. "Fuck" I moaned as the orgasm took control of my body. I began to buck and shake as Lee continued stroking. Cum coated our cocks and they began to slide together in his hand. Moments later, Lee let out a loud moan and I felt cum splash my belly. Lee's body went rigid, and he sucked in air, then he slowly let it out a raspy groan.

Lee continued holding both of our spent cocks while we worked to control our breathing. Neither one of us could move or even wanted to move. Lee pressed his forehead against mine and looked down between us. "Fuck man that was hot" he said with a soft chuckle. "Yeah, it was" I replied, feeling totally spent. We stayed like that a few more minutes, then Lee broke off and reached for a towel and handed it to me to clean up.

Awkwardly I began to mop up the mess of cum from my dick and pubes. Out of the corner of my eye I watched Lee doing the same. There was something about seeing him in just his leather jacket and semi hard cock that just excited me. Something I couldn't explain and couldn't deny. Lee took the cum soaked towel from me and tossed it on the floor. He grabbed his jeans and pulled them on but left the leather jacket on over his naked torso. As Lee approached me, I breathed in the amazing smell of cum and leather.

"That was great" Lee said with a smile. I smiled back and began to pull up my pants. "You look hot in that leather jacket" Lee said, running his hand over the leather. I felt my dick jerk with excitement as he said it. There was something exciting about knowing another person that felt like I did. I buttoned my shirt and followed Lee out of the bedroom.

"Can we meet again?" Lee asked, turning to me. "Yeah" I said easily. Before he opened the door Lee turned to me and pulled me to him and began to kiss me again. This kiss was warm and soft and comforting, and I didn't want it to end.

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