Leather Jacket Fetish

By Greg Stevens

Published on Nov 29, 2021


Leather Jacket Obsession

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

Leather Jacket Obsession -- Chapter 1

"Hey Neighbor" I heard the voice call out. I looked beyond the back of the pickup truck to see a very tall, very hot looking guy walking up to me. "Hi" I said, removing the work glove I had been wearing and shook the guy's hand. "I'm Jack and I live at number 17" he said, pointing to the unit next to mine on the block of townhouses. "Patrick, but everyone calls me Pat. I guess I am number 19" I said awkwardly pointing to my unit.

Jack was tall, really tall. I guessed that he was at least 6'4 a good 6 inches taller than me. Jack had dark hair on his head and a dark mustache that was very retro looking but at the same time it made him look very sexy. As good looking as he was, what I focused on the most was the leather jacket Jack was wearing. I had a fetish for men in leather jackets for as long as I could remember. Something about a good-looking man in a leather jacket or coat that drove me crazy.

I really liked the one Jack was wearing. It was the kind you see sometimes in the military a B3 model with dark brown leather and cream-colored sheepskin collar and lining. The jacket fit Jack like a glove both in size and style. I tried not to be too obvious as I checked him out, but my eyes kept drifting over him in that jacket. "Well nice meeting you. When you get settled, we can grab beer if you'd like." Jack said, finally shaking my hand and walking away. I peered around the truck getting a last glimpse of him in his leather.

I came to realize a fetish for leather jackets at an early age. The first time it happened I was in high school. The kid in front of me, Brandon Jacobson, was wearing a black leather motorcycle jacket. I don't think I even noticed it at first, but then the rich leather smell began to waft towards me. I kept breathing it in and something came over me and I couldn't focus on anything else. I looked across my desk and saw the shiny black hide that was creating the intoxicating smell.

For the rest of the class, I just inhaled the smell of leather as much as I could. I studied how the leather hugged his body, how the collar in the back was raised up a bit around his neck and then how it seemed to frame his ass when he stood up. I went home as quickly as I could, my young dick rock hard in my jeans. I went to my father's closet and pulled out his leather jacket, took it to my room and put it on. The jacket was big on me, but I didn't care. I laid on the bed, pulled out my dick and within a few strokes cum erupted all over me. Fortunately, none of it got on my father's leather. Whenever I had the house to myself, I would take the jacket from his closet and jerk off. Over time I would strip naked then put on the leather jacket. I loved the feeling of the leather on my naked skin.

The smell of leather intoxicated me and drove me crazy.

I remember walking through the men's section of a department store. All the leather jackets were on racks. I could smell them as soon as I got close. I nervously walked around looking at each jacket running my hand over them and feeling the differences. They were brown and black and some even in grey. Some were short motorcycle style, others were longer. One in particular favorite was a brown bomber with a dark chocolate-brown fur collar. It had a zip out lining that was also a soft dark-brown fur. The smell filled my nose and I felt dizzy as blood rushed to my dick forcing it down the leg of my pants. I took the jacket on the hanger and nervously went to the dressing room to try it on.

Inside the dressing room, I slipped the jacket on and looked at myself in the mirror. It looked amazing on me and felt even better. I propped up the collar and zipped it halfway up. I moved around feeling the weight of it on my body. I rubbed my nose over the leather breathing in as much of the smell as I could. I reached between my legs and started to rub my hard cock. All the sensations were too much to handle. I lost control as I continued feeling the leather and rubbing the hard spot in my jeans.

I couldn't take it any longer and I pulled my cock through the zipper on my pants. I swelled with excitement as I saw my hard dick with the leather bomber jacket just above it. I grasped my cock and watched myself in the mirror. Precum flowed from my cockhead and made it's way into my palm coating my dick with natural lube. I buried my face in the fur collar and my dick shot a great wad onto the mirror.

I stifled a moan as more cum shot from my hard dick joining the first blob on the mirror. When the powerful orgasm finally ceased, I felt drained and needed to lean on the wall of the dressing room till I was able to gain control. I looked at the mess I created, and I felt a strange guilt, a feeling that I was odd or different. When I was able, I quickly returned the coat to the hanger and brought it back to the rack before leaving the store.

The strange feelings I had whenever I was around leather just seemed to grow more and more intense. Several times I went back to that store to try on the jacket and jerk off in the changing room. Unfortunately, the store changed over the merchandise and the jacket was no longer available. I resorted back to using my dad's leather jacket to satisfy my fetish.

Once I finished high-school I went off to college. I found a little shop on campus that sold secondhand clothes and I found a leather jacket at a price I could afford. It wasn't the ultimate jacket I wanted, but the smell was still good, and it was the right size. It was a black motorcycle style jacket with a red satin lining. It had a belt that wrapped the waist and epaulettes on the shoulders. I went back to my dorm room and slipped it on. My dick immediately got hard. I loved standing in front of the mirror with the jacket on over my naked body. Sometimes I would imagine a girl sucking my dick while I wore it, but that never happened because I was too scared to even talk to anyone about it.

After college I met a girl and got married. I never told her about my interest in leather and I would only pull out my jacket when she was out of the house. I would get naked, slip it on over my body and lay on the bed and just play with myself, edging my dick to try to hold off. Sometimes once I shot my load, I would clean up the mess and just lay in bed wrapped in my leather jacket.

The original jacket was becoming a bit too tight on me. I had begun working out and I guess I just grew out of it. In spite of that I still kept it around, but it was time to buy a new jacket. I found several that I liked but they were all way out of my price range. I knew my wife wouldn't approve of me getting something that expensive.

Finally, I found one that I really liked. It was a brown bomber similar to the one in the department store, but different too. This one was more of a chestnut brown with a cream-colored collar. The collar could be zipped off. The lining wasn't fur, but it could be removed easily. I excitedly brought it home hoping secretly that my wife would find it sexy and want to ask me to fuck her while I wore it. She barely noticed it. Part of me felt deflated and another part felt indifferent.

Over time my desire for the leather became even stronger. I managed to buy another jacket, a black racer style. It's a baseball style with a knitted collar. Whenever I wore any of my leather jackets, I felt sexy, I felt strong and powerful. The feel and smell would make my dick hard, and I would ultimately need to jerk off to relieve the sexual frustration.

My first encounter with a man happened around the holidays. My wife dragged me to the mall to do some Christmas shopping. I really didn't want to go but I figured it was an opportunity to see if any of the stores had some new leather jackets that I could check out. Excitedly I wore my brown bomber over a flannel shirt. I liked wearing a button-down shirt because I could go into a bathroom or a dressing room and open my shirt and expose my chest in the leather jacket.

While we were standing in line waiting to pay for our purchases, I noticed a couple in front of us. The guy was wearing a black leather bomber jacket and I couldn't help staring the jacket and how it fit him. How the leather sat perfectly above his firm round ass. My eyes roamed up his back to his shoulders and the way the jacket molded to his body. I was so lost thinking about the leather that I hadn't realized he turned and was staring back at me.

I felt myself blush when I realized he was looking at me. He nodded and smiled, and I nodded back. I saw him turn to the woman he was with then he broke off from the line. As he did, he turned to me again and gave me the slightest head tilt as if to ask me to follow him. The room got very warm, and my head began to feel dizzy. I looked at my wife, who was paying attention to her cell phone and hadn't noticed a thing.

"I will be right back. I have to use the bathroom" I said, trying to remain calm. "Ok" she said looking up briefly from her phone then immediately back down to it. My legs felt like jelly as I made my way in the direction of the guy. I had no idea what I was doing. Where I was going. I walked towards the bathrooms and saw him standing there. As he came into view a big grin formed on his face. He looked around then entered the bathroom. I wasn't sure what was happening, but I was so drawn to his leather that I followed him in.

The bathroom was empty and once inside he locked the door behind us. "Hi" he said softly. I tried to respond but a lump formed in my throat. "I saw you looking" he said. The guy was good looking, about my age in his late 20's. He had dirty blond hair and a handsome face, but I was more focused on the leather jacket. Being this close I could smell the leather and hear the crackling sound it made when he moved in it.

The guy moved closer to me, and I instinctively backed up into the wall. He came closer and placed his hand on my shoulder. I felt dizzy and confused. Then he leaned in and placed his lips on mine. "No" I said, quietly, turning my head away. He looked confused for a second. "I've never done this" I confided. I wasn't sure why I felt a need to say anything. This did not deter the guy, he seemed to like the idea that it was new for me. I never thought of guys in a sexual way before. I would see a guy in leather and get hard but that was just the leather, right? I tried to tell myself that many times over the years, but when I jerked off, more and more I would be thinking about the guy I saw in the leather that drove my fantasies.

"What do you want to try?" he asked. The question was strange to me. I didn't know what I wanted and now I was worried about what was going to happen. "Relax and let me help you" He said softly. He ran his hands over my leather covered shoulders and down over the sleeves of my jacket. "Nice jacket" he said giving me a glance up and then down. I liked that he commented on my leather jacket. "Yours too" I replied. My mind was going crazy. Someone else was interested in leather like I was? I wasn't alone in this world.

The guy reached for my flannel shirt starting at the top button and slowly opened each button. When it was fully opened, he pushed it back inside the leather jacket exposing my bare chest, then he placed his hands on my body. "Nice man. You have a hot body" he said. The words were strange coming from a man, but somehow it excited me. He ran his fingers over my nipples sending goose bumps across my skin. "Do you like that?" He asked, looking deep into my eyes. I nodded my head yes.

My trembling hands reached for his shirt and opened it, pulling it back to expose his chest. The guy's body was well developed and coated with soft blondish hair. I followed his lead and ran my hands over his chest feeling the warm body with the soft hairy coating. The guy moved in closer so that our bodies were barely touching. I could smell his leather mixing with the smell of mine. Both smelled great but different. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him to me so that I could feel his leather against me.

His body was warm, and it felt oddly good, comforting, and even natural. I ran my face along his leather jacket and then moved closer to his neck. There was something about the smell of his body that mixed with the leather and stimulated me to an even greater level. Then the guy began to grind his crotch into mine. My dick was hard, and I could feel precum oozing into my shorts. "Fuck that feels good" I heard myself say. "Yeah man" he replied.

We rubbed our bodies together for several minutes then he dropped to his knees on the bathroom floor and began opening my pants. "Don't" I said stopping his hands. "Yes" he said, brushing them away. My pants were open, and my dick was out and rock hard. "Fuck that's a nice dick" he said then swallowed it deep into his mouth. My body writhed as he expertly began to suck my dick. I had never ever felt a blowjob like this. I placed my hands on his leather covered shoulders and watched as his head bobbed back and forth.

"Fuck I am going to cum" I warned, not more than a few seconds after he started. I grasped the leather of his jacket, feeling it with my hands. "I'm going to..." I tried to warn again, but he kept on sucking. My dick felt like it exploded. The orgasm was so powerful that my knees buckled, and I had to lean on the sink to stop myself from falling over. More cum shot from my dick into his mouth and he took every drop of it.

Then finally he stopped sucking. He pulled his head back and looked up a me with a big smile on his face. As he did cum dripped from my cock and landed on the hair on his chest. He stood up and grabbed a paper towel and wiped his mouth and chest. "That was hot" He said, smiling. Fear and guilt rose up in me. Did he expect me to blow him now? I felt relieved when he began to button up his shirt. I quickly stuffed my spent cock back into my pants and then buttoned my shirt up as well. "Thanks" I said, not able to make eye contact and feeling very awkward.

"Here's my phone number if you ever want to get together." He said, handing me a piece of paper. He leaned in and placed his lips inside the collar of my leather jacket and kissed my neck causing a strange feeling to come over me. I stuffed the note into my pocket and exited the bathroom, intending to throw it out as soon as possible. My wife was still in the long line, still staring at her phone when I rejoined her in line. I looked ahead as the guy in the leather jacket rejoined his wife and my dick gave a bit of a jerk in my pants.

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Next: Chapter 2

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