Leather Jacket Fantasy

By Ted Mills

Published on Nov 1, 2010


This story, a work of fiction, it is the story of a man realizing a fantasy about male-male sex. It is not a story about S/M or Domination but a realization about his sexual triggers.

At the end of Part 4, Ted a 40 year old happily married man gives in to his temptation and lust when his 19 year old neighbor pushes him beyond that which his resolve can contain.

The words echoed in Ted's ears as he heard himself instruct Justin to get down on his knees and "You eat every bit of cum you shot on me." It was surely his voice but at the same time it wasn't. It was a voice Ted had never heard emanate from his lips. A husky voice, a voice filled with commanding and raw desire.

Ted watched as the boy knelt before him Justin's hands on Ted's hips as he eagerly licked the cum from Ted's pubic hair, balls and cock. The same cum that Justin shot there moments earlier. To Ted it was like watching the scene from a distance, from the perspective of someone else. Regardless the feelings and sites where incredible.

Moments earlier Ted had entered the boy. He bent the boy over and shoved his manhood into the 19 year old who teased and tormented Ted to the point of no return. And Ted enjoyed it!

Every nerve in his body tingled. Tingled with the fresh feelings of the incredible orgasm still lingered. Tingled with the feeling of the boys tongue on him. And tingled for the new feelings that coursed through his body. Powerful feelings.

He watched the boy intently. He noticed the boy differently then he had before. Before Justin was a nice looking neighbor boy who seemed like a nice kid. A boy that Ted's wife and daughters thought was a nice boy too. Now Ted looked at the boy with lush. Justin had intense sexual blue eyes. They were set in a handsome face made up of strong features. The skin was soft yet his face like the boy had a slight roughness to it. Some might describe Justin as a "punk". But not the type that you are afraid to walk passed on the street. Justin looked rugged. That was the word that Ted wanted "Rugged." Ruggedly good looking. Ruggedly handsome, but still with a sense of a boy underneath. Justin's lips were full and soft. They were amazingly warm to kiss and inviting. They worked Ted's sticky balls and cock in a way Ted had never felt.

Ted looked down as Justin finished doing what Ted had instructed the boy to do. Ted's cock started to harden watching the boy and Justin took this as a sign to start sucking the man's cock.

Ted pulled the boy up and into his arms. He looked at the boy lust mixing with warmth for the boy. He pulled Justin to him and asked him if he was ok? "I am great Mr. Mills" Justin said easily. He wrapped his arms around the man and looked at him. Ted kissed Justin softly and tenderly. He pulled the muscled body of the young man towards his and held him in their embrace. He could feel their cocks pressing hard together.

Ted did not want the feeling to end. It was getting late and the run and the sex had made Ted very hungry. He broke the kiss off and told Justin to go get cleaned up. They would go grab some burgers.

Ted got dressed in jeans and a long sleeve tshirt. It gripped his body and showed off the 40-year old man's well defined body. He went downstairs to wait for Justin.

Justin joined Ted in the living room a few minutes later. The boy was wearing the same cloths he had been for the last 3 days. Jeans, gray t-shrit and the leather jacket. Ted looked at the boy, this time in a different way. He looked at the boy as the object of his new found lust. This boy was his to do whatever he wanted to do. He walked over to Justin and grabbed him roughly. The boy was caught off guard for a moment. Ted held him and nuzzled the boys ear with his lips. The roughness of not shaving scratching the boys cheek.

"You do as I tell you to do" Ted said softly. The words were not rude or threatening but Justin understood what was being said to him. "Yes Mr. Mills" Justin said, no fear or hesitation in his voice.

Ted drove to a local hangout he had found. The place was old and dark but the burger's were good and the beer was cold. Ted ordered a beer and ordered a soda for Justin. When the drinks arrived Ted took a long drink and set the mug down. He looked at Justin then back to the beer. "Do you want some?" he asked Justin knowing he was too young to order his own. Justin nodded. "Go on then no one will care in here. They think you are my son" Ted grinned when he said this and Justin returned the grin.

With the beers and burgers consumed both men sat and chatted a bit. Not really about anything significant just relaxed conversation. The waiter finally came over and Ted settled the bill. "Justin" Ted said softly and moved closer to the boy across the table. "Go to the bathroom, take your shirt off, put the leather jacket back on and zip it up tight. I will meet you in the car." The words were finite. There was no discussion. Justin did as he was told and a few minutes later got into the passenger seat of the car. Ted looked at the boy and smiled. The boy was willing to do what Ted wanted.

It was dark out now and the two men drove away in silence. A few minutes down the road and Ted reached over and unzipped the leather jacket Justin was wearing. Justin did not try to stop him. He sat back in the seat a bit more to give the man access. Ted's hand reached into the warm jacket and cupped the boys masculine chest. Justin's nipple was tight and rigid and Ted liked the feeling. As he played with the boy's nipple he could hear Justin moaning softly.

"Do you like that?" Ted asked. "Yeah" Justin said, his voice breaking a bit from the pleasure he was feeling. Ted continued playing with the boy's nipple. His fingers caressed the the firm pec and played with the nipple. Each time getting a bit harder and harder. Still the boy moaned. Justin squirmed in the seat feelings of pleasure writhing through his body.

Ted took his hand out of the jacket and brought it to his nose. The smell of the leather was on his hand and mixed with the smell of the boy. Ted felt his cock jump in his jeans. He put the hand on the back of the boys head and pulled him over to kiss the boy hard on the mouth. He could taste the beer on Justin's lips. He moved the boys head down to his crotch. Justin immediately nuzzled Ted's cock through the rough material of the jeans. Ted sat back in the seat. He carefully watched the road as the boy's face brushed over the front of his pants.

Justin tried to unzip the pants but Ted stopped him. "Not here" Ted commanded and Justin stopped.

When they were about 2 blocks from the house, Ted told Justin to zip the jacket up. Again the boy did as he was told. They went into the house and Ted locked the door. Justin started to make his way to the living room but Ted stopped him. Go to the media room Ted said and Justin changed course.

The two men stepped into the media room where it all started a couple days before. The media room where Ted could not get his eyes off the boy in the leather jacket and where Justin kissed Ted for the first time. Ted sat on the sofa like he did the night it all happened. Justin just looked at him waiting for Ted's instruction. Ted grabbed the boy by the waist and moved him in front of him. He looked up at the boy and reached for the zipper. He slowly unzipped the jacket watching as more of the boys beautiful strong chest was revealed.

Ted placed his hands on Justin's hips and pulled the boy to him. Justin knelt down on the sofa straddling Ted's legs facing the man as he did before. Ted took hold of the two open parts of the jacket and pulled them back slightly, he moved closer to the boy and placed his lips on the boys nipple. The same one he played with in the car. Justin shuttered as the mans lips came in contact with the already sensitive nipple. Ted expertly licked and sucked the nipple.

It was firm and fresh. Similar to his wifes but so different too. Justin's nipple was smaller and tighter and was surrounded by soft hair. Ted could smell the boy. His fresh manly smell mixing with the leather of the jacket. Ted's was breathing the smell in deeply. His tongue working feverishly as he nibbled and sucked the boys tit.

Justin placed his hands on Ted's shoulders as the feeling of the man's mouth drove him crazy. His body arched as the shock-waves rippled through his body. The boy's reaction fueled Ted to continue, but there was a part of him that would not be stopped regardless. The boy had opened the box and now there was no closing it. No going back to what and who he was before.

Ted grabbed Justin's head and pulled him close. His lips found Justin's and immediately the boys mouth parted to allow Ted's tongue entry. They kissed and Ted ran his hands up the boys back, feeling the strong back and pulling him closer. As close as Justin was Ted wanted him closer.

Ted closed his eyes even tighter as the memory of Justin being inside Ted excited him. He wanted to feel the boy inside him. He wanted to feel him laying on top of him like he had before and he wanted to feel the boys strong hard cock bury itself deep in his ass.

Ted told Justin to stand and Justin did as he was told. With the boy standing in front of him, Ted unbuttoned the boys jeans and lowered them to the ground. The boys cock was hard and pointing right at Ted's face. Ted had never seen a cock this close up. The thing was large and thick, the head was wide and dark red as the blood strained in it. Justin pumped it and the dick bobbed in front of Ted. Ted could smell the musk of the dick mixed with the smell of precum. A clear drop formed at the head and without thought Ted placed his the tip of his tongue to the wet tip of the boys cock. The precum was slick and salty and sweet and Ted wanted more.

He took the boy's cock in his hand and he held it tight. He squeezed it and pulled it towards the head and more precum oozed at the tip. Ted licked the precum again, holding it on his tongue and savoring the taste. He stroked the cock again and another drip formed. This time Ted rubbed the wet cock over his lips brushing it from side to side. He looked up at the boy and Justin bent down and kissed Ted's lips still fresh with precum.

Everything was driving Ted crazy now. His horniness was controlling him. He had no other thought that to be with Justin. He pushed Justin's jeans down and Justin stepped out of them. Ted stood up and as Justin watched the man stripped off his clothes. Now Ted was standing naked in front of the boy who wore nothing but the leather jacket.

Ted laid down on the sofa and pulled Justin on top of him. Their cocks both rock hard pressed into each other. The man and the boy who were neighbors a couple days before were now more then that. Their bond and intimacy was as natural now to Ted as breathing was. He cupped the boys ass cheeks and pulled him close. They kissed and touched for a long time. The wet precum mixing between them.

Finally not being able to last much longer Ted looked into Justin's eyes. "I want you inside me like you did before" Justin looked down at Ted and a smile came over his face. Justin arched his body up a bit and freed his cock from on top of Ted's. The boy slipped the head in between the man's legs, the precumming helping it slide into place.

Like he had before Justin worked his cock head to the mouth of Ted's ass. Slowly he inserted the bulb head into the man. Ted breathed in as a wave of pain hit him. As he breathed out again Justin eased the cock a bit further in. Ted could feel himself relaxing as the feelings of pain were replaced by pleasure. Justin eased his hard cock into Ted slowly till he was deep in the man. Ted just watched the boy as he entered him. Justin was beautiful and Ted wanted this feeling to last. Justin bent his head down and started to kiss Ted as the boy started his fucking rhythm.

The boy drove his cock into Ted slowly then pulled out, in and out, in and out. The feeling was intense. When the boys cock pushed in Ted's cock could feel it. When he pulled out Ted felt empty. Ted wanted the boy to continue and not stop but Justin was playing with him. He was keeping his pace slow and steady. Ted grabbed the boys ass and pulled him closer forcing the boys cock into him. Justin and Ted's mouths never parted. They kept kissing as Justin continued the slow and steady motion.

In frustration Ted smacked Justin on the ass, more playful then forceful. This had the desired effect on Justin and he pushed his cock deeper into the man. Ted gasped with the force. It was pain and pleasure so entwined that he could not figure out where one started and the other ended but he knew he wanted it.

Justin started to pump deep into Ted. His pace more intense as he fucked the man with great passion. Ted could feel the sweat coming off the boy and sticking to their bodies. The smell of the boy mixed wonderfully with the leather jacket. All the smells and the feelings were mixing for Ted and his passion kept growing, even beyond what he thought was his maximum level.

Justin started to grunt and pant, his breath was coming in short spurts and his body was tensing. "Ah, Ah, Ah. He moaned as his body tensed. "Mr. Mills I am getting close." Justin grunted out. I am close to cumming" he grunted passion and intensity covering his face. The boy tried to pull out of Ted to shoot his load on the man as he did before but this time Ted stopped him. Justin looked up at the man a look of shock on his face. "I cannot hold off much longer" Justin thought to himself. "Cum in me, Justin" Ted grunted to the boy as if reading his mind. Justin drove his hard steel cock into Ted, 1, 2, 3 thrusts and the boy clenched up and drove his cock all the way into the man. Cum erupting from his cock, spurt after spurt, deep inside the man.

To Justin it felt like the eruption would not stop. For a moment time seemed to slow as the intense orgasm rocked his body. Ted lay under the boy watching his handsome masculine face contort with pleasure as he felt the cum shoot from the boy and fill his ass. The boy's body relaxed as the intensity faded and he lay his spent body on top of Ted.Ted knew that Justin's cock was still inside him and he loved the feeling.

Ted placed one hand on the boy's ass and the other on his head. and for a moment the only movement and sound between them was Justin's slowing breaths.

Justin started to pull his cock out of the man. The boys cock was still hard inside him. Ted did not want it out he wanted to feel it in him as he had his orgasm. He reached his hand between the two of them and grabbed his cock. It was hot and wet and coated with precum. He pulled his fingers back and let Justin lick the precum from them. Justin obliged and sucked on Ted's fingers getting every drop of precum off. Ted reached down again and looked deeply at the boy as he started to pull on his cock.

Justin reached down and took Ted's hand away from his cock. He kissed him on the lips and removed his cock from the man's ass. He pulled himself up on top of Ted and positioned his ass over the man's hard cock. He lowered himself slowly onto the man. Justin's ass was still a bit sore from the rough fucking that happened a few hours earlier but he still loved the feeling of the man's cock entering him. This time a bit more gently. He placed his hands on the mans nipples and started to play with both of them at the same time. Ted started to raise his hips slowly into the boy. Not taking his eyes of the boys face.

Ted felt that warm tight sensation he enjoyed earlier. It was the most amazing feeling he could remember. The boy's ass engulfed the hard thick cock perfectly. Ted looked at Justin intently. Ted realized that watching the beautiful boy ride his cock was driving his passion as much as the feeling of being deep inside Justin.

Ted fucked Justin slowly. His hips gyrating under Justin, slowly, rhythmically, penetrating the boy. Justin rode the cock, working his gyrations in synchronized movements to the man below him. Justin steadied himself below the mans by placing one hand on the man's tight stomach while he continued to tease the man's nipples.

Ted's cock grew inside Justin, blood filling it and raising the level of sensation and pleasure. He held the boy's ass as he watched and gyrated. Justin's cock was still rock hard as he rode the man's cock. Ted reached up with one hand and took the boy's cock. The cock was hard and wet. Ted started to slowly pull on the cock as he continued his fucking motion. Justin's face contorted again as the feelings rippled through his body. He placed his hand on Ted to steady himself even more.

It only took a few strokes of the boy's cock and he felt Justin's body go rigid. The boy's ass clamped tight on the man's cock and Justin came again. The cock delivered it's creamy load so fast and with so much pressure that Ted could not avoid it if he wanted to. The cum landed on Ted's face and into Ted's open mouth.

The taste was salty and sweet, the smell could not really be described but Ted liked it. Ted was close now, he could feel his balls reacted as the orgasm was starting. He gripped Justin roughly by the ass his stroke slowing but becoming more intense, more deliberate. Justin could feel the man swell inside him and he knew the man would fill him soon with his cum. He braced himself by putting his palms on the man's chest and holding himself against the intensity of the man's orgasm.

Ted grunted loudly as his cock began to explode deep inside Justin. He tightened his body as stroke after stroke delivered his cum deep inside the boy. His body relaxed, time seemed to come to a brief halt as if it were a dream. Then the wave of orgasm hit Ted again and his body shuttered once more.

When time started again, he was laying under the boy. Justin was smiling down at Ted. The handsome, masculine, warm face looking at Ted with with a mixture of satisfaction and pride.

Ted pulled Justin down on to his body and wrapped his arms around the boy. Justin still wore the leather jacket and the feeling of the boy's warm body and the soft leather of the jacket comforted Ted.

The man and the boy lay there for a while, not talking, not thinking, just laying together and enjoying the feeling of each other. Ted stroked the boy's hair and kissed his neck. Ted liked putting his mouth and face inside the leather jacket and kissing the boy. The smell and feel made him tingle with sensations.

After laying together for a while it was time to get up and get clean. Justin stood up then helped Ted to his feet. Ted stood in front of the boy but took him in his arms again and held him close. It was a hug not of passion but of something else. Not love but maybe closeness.

Justin and Ted went upstairs. Ted continued up the next flight to his bedroom and Justin followed turning to go into the guest room. "Follow me" Ted said over his shoulder without looking back. Justin followed into Ted's room. Ted turned to the boy, stripped the jacket slowly off the boy and placed it on top of his own jacket on the chair. Both were naked now. Ted led Justin into the large bathroom and started the shower. When the water was warm he had Justin join him.

Water covered their bodies and Ted wrapped himself around Justin and kissed him.

After a long warm and relaxing shower it was time to dry off and get ready for bed. Ted gave Justin some of his underwear and a tshirt. At this point Justin was not sure what to do. Did he stay with Ted or go back to his room. He decided it was best to return to the guest room. He said goodnight to Ted and started down the hallway. He entered the room and got under the covers. Justin felt more relaxed and fulfilled then he had ever felt.

A few minutes passed and there was a knock on the door. Ted entered and without a word got into bed with Justin. He wrapped his large, well-built frame around the boy and kissed him on the back of the neck.

"I wanted to to be here with you." Ted said softly to the boy. Justin relaxed into the man and closed his eyes.

As the day's passed Justin and Ted found many ways to test their new sexuality. Justin confided in Ted that before this week the only experiences he had with a guy, were to give and receive a blow job and that only happened a couple times. Ted looked at Justin when he told him this realizing that this was all new to both of them.

Ted and Justin's bond developed and grew over the next couple days. Ted enjoyed hanging out with Justin even when they were not being hot and passionate. They watched TV, eat together and even worked out together. Their friendship grew and Ted felt a fatherly feeling come over him. He could not understand how Justin's stepfather could be so cold to the boy.

Ted's mind flooded to his wife as well. How could he do this to her. How could he have sex with someone else in their house and not just someone else, the neighbors son. Ted realized that he was changed completely he could not, would not be able to let either go. Not his wife and not this boy. "No" Ted thought to himself. "I have to stop thinking of Justin as a boy. Justin is a man" Ted smiled a bit at this thought.

On the morning of the day Ted's wife was due to arrive Ted asked Justin to join him in the living room. Justin sat close to Ted on the sofa, the boy's leg resting against his own and sending a sexual jolt through is body. "Justin we have to talk." Ted said firmly. Justin looked at Ted not knowing what to expect. "Justin my wife will be home at about 8pm tonight." "I know Mr. Mills" Justin said. A smile crossing his face then passing quickly. Ted looked at the boy understanding what the boy was thinking.

Justin did not say anything he just tightened up and waited for the man to tell him he would have to leave. "I talked to my wife last night and told her that you had a bad situation with your step dad. I did not tell her what it was all about, just that it was not a good place for you to be." Justin sighed as he remembered he would have to go back to it. "She agrees with me that it would be ok for you to stay here if you like. We have the extra room and this way you could be close to your Mom." Ted said quickly.

Justin stared at the man for a moment. "Was he telling me I could stay here?" Justin thought. He did not know how to react. "It would be up to you and of course your Mom" Ted said. "Yeah I would like that alot" Justin blurted out, a smile crossing his face. Ted pulled him into his arms and kissed the boy, excited to hear that Justin would agree to stay.

They kissed long and passionately for a while. Then Ted broke off the kiss and looked at his new house guest. "Of course you will have to work off your room and board." Ted said with a sly smile as his hand reached under the boy and found his ass. Justin smiled, nodded and kissed the man again.

The End.

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