Leather Jacket Fantasy

By Ted Mills

Published on Oct 28, 2010


This story, a work of fiction, it is the story of a man realizing a fantasy about male-male sex. It is not a story about S/M or Domination but a realization about his sexual triggers.

At the end of Part 3, Justin a 19 year old boy, seduces his 40 year old neighbor Ted into a sexual act that Ted had never even considered.

The two men lay there silent and still. Warm cum cooling between them. Justin's face still pressed into the man's neck. Ted held the boy and closed his eyes. Ted realizing he had just had sex with a man, a boy. The most intense sex he had ever had. Ted closed his eyes and just lay there not wanting to really think anymore.

As Ted lay with his eyes closed, panicked thoughts flooded his mind. What had he done? The realization flooding his mind and stealing his breath. Ted's heart was beating now, not from the excitement of the moment but the knowledge that he had just engaged in a homosexual act. But more then that. It was with a boy young enough to be his son. A neighbor at that. But mostly a boy, a young man, not a woman.

Ted felt sick. He started to sweat as the thoughts filled his now clear mind. He kept his eyes shut tight against the thoughts. His mind played back the events of the past 24 hours. He seemed to be missing a chunk of details. How did he get into bed with this boy. How did he get naked. Ted knew the answers but the progression was more like a dream then reality. He thought to himself it is just like a bad dream. You know you are somewhere, you feel as if you know the place but you have no idea how you got here or why you are here.

Justin's soft breathing and movements stirred Ted's mind. The feeling of the boy was warm and nice. In the face of reality Justin's body still felt good to Ted. This scared Ted even more.

Ted started to move. He needed to get from beneath the boy, to go shower and try to forget what just happened. Justin raised his head and looked at Ted. Ted noted that Justin looked as he did when he first met him. A nice kid with a bit of an edge. A friendly boy who waved hello whenever he saw him. Not a boy who just did the things he did to Ted.

"I, um need to shower" Ted said to Justin in a strained painful way. He could not face the boy. He did not want to talk, he just wanted to wash the thoughts away. Justin moved aside. There discernible look on his face. Not a look of remorse or pleasure, fear or gratification. There was just Justin. Ted left the room and entered his room. He closed and locked the door behind him and slipped into the shower.

The warm water lapped over Ted's muscular body. The stickiness that coated Ted's body from not just his orgasm but the boys washed away and down the drain. Ted moved the soap to his pubic hair. It was matted with partially dry and partially gooey cum. Was it his, or Justin's, or both? Regardless there was a large amount of it.

Ted let the water flow over his body, warm and strong. The smell of the soap removing the cum smell, the smell of the boy and that damned leather jacket. Ted soaped his chest, his arms, his arm pits. He trailed the soap down his chest, over his stomach and then to his ass. "Oh my god" Ted thought as the bar of soap came into contact with his ass. The roughness and pain caused Ted to wince. The tight puckered hole that Ted cleaned every morning felt stretched wide and it was sore. He carefully cleaned himself, trying not to cause himself further pain.

Ted got out of the shower and dried off. He looked at himself in the mirror. Horror showed on his face. How could he have done this. Why did it happen. Ted dressed but stayed in the room. It was dark outside and Ted did not want to have to look at Justin. He did not want to talk to the boy. Ted should have known better. He should have stopped this before it ever happened. Ted lay on the bed in a tshirt and briefs. He closed his eyes and fear drifted into sleep.

Ted awoke and looked at the clock. What time was it? How long did he sleep? What happened to Justin. "Should I check on him to see if he is ok?" Ted thought. Ted slipped a pair of shorts on and went into the hall way. The lights were out and Justin's door was closed. Guilt filled Ted as he thought about what he had done to the boy.

Ted went downstairs to the kitchen and got a glass of water. He sat at the counter in the kitchen and looked around as if he were seeing the place for the first time. He shut off the lights and went back to bed. The next time Ted woke the clock read 7:25. Ted got out of bed and got dressed. He had work to do and he was worried what might happen to Justin.

Ted put a pot of coffee on and about 8 he heard the boy stirring upstairs. Justin came downstairs and sat at the counter in the Kitchen. "Morning Mr. Mills" Justin said in a very regular voice. Ted looked at the boy. Maybe Justin just decided that it was best to act as if nothing had happened. Ted could do that. Put it out of his mind. Never speak of it again. "Morning Justin, did you sleep well?" Ted asked trying to sound fatherly. "Yeah I slept great." Justin had a grin on his face that Ted was uncertain about. "I always sleep well after sex" Justin added.

The room spun as the breath was knocked out of Ted. It was the feeling that one has when they find themselves falling in a dream and jolt awake at the last second. Ted studied the boy. He looked at the 19 year old who several hours earlier had not seduced the man but had is dick in Ted's ass.

Ted's dream of not talking about it and letting it be forgotten was not going to be a reality. Obviously Justin was willing and able to talk about it.

"Justin" Ted began with a sternness in his voice. A sound that was mostly false bravado to drive his point home. "What happened last night was wrong. It should never have happened. It can never happen again." Ted stared straight at the boy. He was explaining and reprimanding at the same time.

Ted expected that Justin would pay attention, that Justin may feel hurt but would get his point. He knew the boy had been treated poorly by his step-father. He knew he wanted to be close to someone sexually but that someone couldn't be Ted. The look on Justin's face was none of that. The boy looked satisfied. Satisfied? What was Justin thinking? Did he think it would, it could happen again?? Was he not getting what Ted was saying.

Ted decided he need to take a strong tact with Justin. A more definitive approach. "I am not gay Justin. I need you to understand that. I need you to know that what we did last night was wrong and bad. It won't happen again"

Ted's face felt warm. He knew that anger and fear were mixing in him. He knew he did not want to talk about this any longer. Justin smiled at Ted. It was a warm, innocent, and natural smile. "I understand where you are coming from Mr. Mills, but last night was the hottest sex I ever had. I felt like a man. I felt power I never knew I had inside of me. And I know something else." Justin added. Ted just stared at the boy. The boy looked straight into Ted's eyes. "I want more of it" Justin's words were out. The fact that he felt it would happen again shocked Ted. Ted became angry. He looked at the boy, hatred filling him now. "No! it won't Justin" Ted said his voice trembling with anger.

For a second Justin looked disappointed, sad, rejected. Ted eased a bit. "I am sorry Justin, what we did was wrong at least for me. I am happily married and I have no desire to be with a man ever again." Ted picked up his coffee cup as he started to go into the office. He looked over his shoulder on his way out. "Help yourself to some breakfast. I have work to do." Ted said not looking back.

Ted heard Justin getting some food and about 20 minutes later heard the boy go upstairs. What was Justin thinking. Why did he think that could happen? That it could happen again?? Ted sagged in his chair. His body hurt, his mind hurt. "It did feel good" Ted thought to himself. "I never had sex like that in my life. Not with my girlfriends when I was younger and nothing as wild as that had ever happened with my wife."

Ted picked up the phone to call his wife. He started to dial the number then set the phone back down. "What do I tell her? Everything is ok? I miss her? What do I tell her? Do I tell her the neighbor boy came over and fucked me? That I had sex with a man in our spare bedroom and it turned out to be the hottest experience of my life? These thoughts made Ted even angrier, but something else. Ted was getting an erection.

He felt it slowly at first, his dick was starting to get hard. It was grown quickly in his jeans. The images of last night flooding back and it was having an effect on him. Ted slammed his fist on the desk. He tightened his body and tried to stop his dick from reacting. He pleaded with himself to stop thinking about this. To stop allowing himself to get aroused. He couldn't. Ted was fully hard and he could feel the precum in his briefs.

"Dammit" Ted said out loud as he decided to ignore the hard cock straining against the warn material of the jeans. Ted breathed deeply he started to concentrate on work and in time the erection faded. Being busy for Ted was a good thing. It kept him from thinking about Justin.

In the late afternoon Ted decided he was long overdue for a run. He went up to his bedroom and slipped on his running cloths and headed out the door and down the block. Each step Ted took helped to clear his mind. Ted ran for a while in the cold air. He could feel his ears and nose getting cold but he did not care. He wanted to feel these things, to allow the crispness of the air to clear his mind. To help him forget.

After running for a solid 45 minutes Ted headed for home. When he arrived his body felt good. He felt like his power was coming back to him. Like he was back in control. He walked into the house. Justin was sitting on the couch watching tv. Justin stood up when Ted entered. "I hope you don't mind me putting on some tv Mr. Mills. I was a bit bored" The was the Justin Ted knew. Polite, nice, respectful. "No problem Justin, I told you to make yourself comfortable while you were here." Ted said with a somewhat forced smile, trying not to make too much eye contact with the boy. Justin settled back down on the sofa and continued watching.

Ted went upstairs to shower and rinse off the sweat from his run. The water felt good on his tired muscles. He avoided bringing the soap down to his sore ass but carefully washed around it.

He stepped out of the shower and dried off. He placed the towel around his mid section and walked into the bedroom to put on some clean cloths. When he enter the bedroom he was startled to see Justin sitting on the chair in the room.

"What are you doing in here?" Ted said to Justin fairly rudely. "I came to see you Mr. Mills" Justin replied a boyish grin on his face. "Get out of here Justin. Get out of my room! I told you nothing was going to happen." Ted was angry his body was rigid with the anger he now felt for the boy. Justin's grin faded a bit as he continued to look at the man. "Mr. Mills, I want it again. I want you again. I know you told me you aren't gay that what we did was wrong but it felt incredible to me. I a fuckin tired of people telling me what is wrong, telling me what I can't have and can't do." Justin's voice scared Ted a bit. The boy did not yell or even really alter his normal voice but the words were so real. The meaning came through.

"No." was the only reply Ted could make to Justin's statement. Justin looked at Ted standing in front of him. The man was wrapped in a towel, his face was beet red with anger. Justin's gaze lowered to the place where Ted's cock was hardening under the towel. Though the man said no to Justin his cock was not agreeing. Justin smiled a bit as he realized the man was getting hard. Ted shifted uncomfortably as he realized what had happened worse the boy noticed.

"Go" Ted said pointing to the bedroom door. "Leave me alone Justin. Go to the guest room and leave me alone." Justin turned and started out of the room. When he got to the chair he stopped with his back to Ted. He lifted his hand and put it on the leather jacket that was still sitting on the chair from the day before. Justin lifted the jacket as horror fell on Ted's face. In one movement he put the jacket on and turned to Ted.

Ted looked at the boy. Justin was wearing his leather jacket. The one that was central to most of Ted's JO sessions over the past 20+ years. More anger filled him. The boy was playing games and Ted did not like it. The boy would not do this to Ted.

"Take it off Ted" real anger in his voice now. Justin just looked at Ted. "Take that off now Justin" Ted said again. Nothing. Justin did not move. Ted crossed the room in a couple of steps. He grabbed the jacket roughly. "Take it off you little fag. Take the jacket off and get out and leave me alone." Ted became wild with anger. He held the jacket and the boy inside of it. Justin just stared at him. Ted's cock was straining against the towel. He just stared at the boy. He was now pushing the boy back towards the door. The boy stared at Ted. He looked into Ted's eyes like he had the first time he kissed Ted in the basement. The boy was not scared. There was no fear on his face.

Justin's back hit the wall with a dull "thud" there was nowhere else for him to go. Ted continued to hold the edges f the leather jacket. His eyes still locked on to Justin's. "I am not gay." Ted got closer. "I don't want you." Ted got closer. "Leave me alone." as the words faded Ted's mouth was on Justin's. Ted was kissing the boy with so much force that he was pushing the boy's head into the wall. He wanted to hurt the boy. Wanted to drive his tongue deep into his mouth and make him hurt. He grabbed the boy roughly and pulled him closer.

He grabbed Justin and pulled him to the bed. Justin followed not saying a word. Ted roughly unbuttoned the boys pants. The boy was hard. As mean as Ted was being to the boy, as rough as he was the boy was still hard. Ted pulled the jeans of the boy down in one tug. Justin gasped a bit as he did this. Ted did not care, he was filled with a mixture of anger and pure sexual energy. Something Ted never felt in his life. He turned the boy around an pushed him down. This force Justin to stop himself as his hands came in contact with the bed.

Now Ted was staring at the back of the boy. Again the leather jacket lay on the boys body stopping just above the boys beautiful round masculine ass. The sweet ass that Ted had caressed. The round firm globes that Ted kissed the night before, coated with that beautiful dusting of soft hair.

Yanked the towel from his mid section. His cock sticking straight out in front of himself. He looked at the back of the boy. He looked at the back of the leather jacket hanging on the silent boy in front of him. Ted's cock gave another jump and a large drop of precum formed at the tip. In slow motion the tip was coated with the pure, slick clear liquid. Ted grabbed the boy, holding him in place with a hand on each hip. He gave no thought to the boy or what pain he may cause and with one motion he placed the head of his hard wet cock into the boys tight puckered hole.

Justin let out a soft gasp and his body tightened up a bit. For a second Ted thought about the pain he may cause the boy but he didn't care. He wanted to be inside this boy. He wanted to teach him a lesson. He wanted to fill the boy with his anger and his seed. He slide his cock into the boy slowly. He looked down and watched his cock slip into the boys tight hole. Ted had never felt anything like this. Ted's thick long dick was being swallowed up by this boys ass. His dick was now completely inside the boy. He could feel the tightness of the hole and the warmth. It was the most amazing feeling he had ever felt. Nothing had ever felt so incredible. The first time he had sex with a woman he thought that was nice but this was so far above that he could not even compare.

Ted just held his dick in Justin's ass. He did not move. He did not do anything but feel the sensations wrapping around his hard cock. He felt Justin relax a bit under him. With that he started to pull his cock out of the boy. A shudder came over the boy. Then Ted slowly pushed the cock back in. Then out again then in again then out again. This time when he pulled it out, Justin backed into him to push it back in. This enraged Ted and without thinking he raised his hand and smacked Justin on the ass. The slap was not hard but the sound echoed in the room. Justin remained still.

Ted pulled back again and this time looked at his dick. He saw the steel hardness of it as it lay between the boys ass cheeks. Ted looked down at it and spit. The wad landed exactly where he had planned it. He pushed the wet dick back into Justin this time building an in and out rhythm. Ted gyrated into the boy. His fucking motion was strong and he had to hold onto the boy or else he would throw him over. Sweat dripped down his chest as he fucked this beautiful boy in front of him.

Justin held onto the bed as the man invaded his ass. Ted could hear the boy moaning. Was he actually enjoying this? Did the boy realize how mean Ted was being to him? Ted did not care. He wanted to fuck the boy and there was nothing left holding him back.

Every time Ted pushed into the Justin he could hear him moan a bit more. This fueled Ted's passion even more. He started to fuck the boy. His body bucking like a wild animal. His dick drove into the boys hole then pulled back only to drive in again. The boy moaned as the man filled his ass. He took his right hand off the bed and started to pump his own cock as the man fucked him.

Ted realized that Justin was jerking off. The thought of this excited him but Ted stopped him. No the boy would come when Ted decided he would come. Maybe not at all. "I am in charge" Ted thought to himself. He pulled the boys hand from his cock. Justin moaned as Ted continued to fill his ass.

Ted slowed his pace a bit and could feel the cum building in his balls. He wanted to cum badly, he needed to cum but where should he cum. Should he make the boy eat it? Should he fill the boys ass with his seed? Ted knew he had to slow down even more. He was getting close and but he wanted it to last. He wanted Justin to know he was in charge, in control.

He pulled out of the boy. His dick was rock hard. He pulled the boy up and turned him so that he was facing Ted. Justin stood in front of Ted. The boy that Ted knew was no longer a boy. Ted looked at Justin and all he could see was a man. A sexy, desirable man. He looked at Justin like he never saw him before. He looked at Justin as if he were the first man Ted ever even noticed. There was something about Justin that Ted realized he wanted that he had to have.

Roughly Ted put one hand on the back of the boys head and the other on his ass. He pulled the boy to him, their lips met and Ted kissed Justin. Ted liked the feeling of the boys lips on his. He liked it when he pushed his tongue into the boys mouth and the boy opened his mouth to let Ted in.

Ted could feel Justin wrapped in Ted's leather jacket. He could feel it pressing against his own body and he could feel their hard cocks pressing together. Ted stopped kissing Justin, he pushed the boy down to his knees. Justin sank eagerly. His jeans still around his ankles. Now the boy's face was in front of the Ted's thick hard cock.

Ted reached down and grabbed a handful of Justin's hair with one hand a his own cock with the other. He started to wave his cock in front of Justin. Justin looked up at Ted. A look of passion and innocence and desire. He waited for Ted to feed him his cock, to indicate to the boy what he wanted him to do. Ted took the cock head dripping again with precum an started wiping it on the boys lips, smearing the clear liquid on the boy's mouth.

This drove Ted crazy. He bent down and kissed the boy's lips tasting his own precum on the boy's mouth. Ted then repeated the process of smearing the boy's lips and face with precum then licking and kissing it off.

Then placed his cock at the boy's mouth and for the first time in what seemed like a long time Ted told the boy to open his mouth. Justin obliged without even a thought. He opened his lips parted and Ted slid his hard cock into the boys waiting mouth. The feeling was amazing. Watching the boy giving Ted a blow job was amazing. Ted pumped the boys mouth. Not as roughly as he fucked the boy, but rough enough so that the boy knew he was in charge.

Ted looked down at the boy and watched intently as the boy sucked the man's cock like he had been doing it for a long time. Ted's balls started to boil and his body started to quiver. He could feel the cock getting close. The cum was ready to shoot from his cock. Seconds before he exploded he instinctively pulled his cock from the boy's mouth. He held the cock in his hand and aimed his cock at the boys face. Splat! One huge wad of cum hit the boy right on the lips. The boy did not move. Splat a second wad streaked the boys chin and neck. Splat the third and largest wad hit the leather jacket the boy was wearing. The leather jacket the Ted had had for so long and jerked off wearing so many times was now streaked with his cum.

Ted pulled the boy to his feet. He could smell his cum on the boy. He could smell his come mixing with the smell of the leather jacket. He kissed the boy. His lips were right on top of the cum that Ted shot on the boys mouth. Justin's lips parted and Ted's tongue entered his mouth along with some of Ted's cum. Ted's mouth left the boy and in an instant he was licking the cum from the leather jacket. Then bringing his mouth up to Justin's to feed it to the boy. Justin eagerly sucked the cum from Ted's mouth.

While he fed Justin the cum from the leather jacket he reached down and started sliding his hand up and down Justin's very hard cock. The boy shuttered and held on to Ted as his legs seemed to weaken. It did not take long and Ted could sense the boy getting close. He put his lips on Justin and held him close while he continued to rub the boys cock. Justin's body jerked and Ted could feel cum splashing his stomach. Warm bursts hit Ted as his lips continued to kiss Justin.

When Ted felt Justin's body relax and knew the orgasm had passed he released the boy. Still holding the boy he pushed him back slightly and looked down to see his body covered in the boys fresh cum.

He pushed the boy down to his knees again. "You eat every bit of cum you shot on me."

Next: Chapter 5

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