Leather Jacket Fantasy

By Ted Mills

Published on Oct 25, 2010


This story, a work of fiction, it is the story of a man realizing a fantasy about male-male sex. It is not a story about S/M or Domination but a realization about his sexual triggers.

In the last chapter Ted came close to making a bit mistake. He let the fantasy he had over that damn leather jacket lead him to a sexual act with a man. Not just a man but the young 19 year old from next door.

As Ted lay in the closet the cum still spread across his belly and pubic hair he realized he had just jerked off thinking about another man. "It's not a man I was thinking about" rationalized Ted. "It's the jacket" The jacket that had been the most central fantasy of the largest part of his life. What was it about that leather jacket. How did it control him like that and why. Ted lay in the closet still hard, but now scared of the thoughts he was having.

He looked down at himself. The jacked over his naked body. He still loved the look and the feel of it. He got up, left the closet, knowing that the door to his room was safely closed this time. He took the jacket off and placed it on the back of the chair in his room, went into the bathroom and cleaned himself up. He got into bed his dick still hard. "What the hell is going on?" Ted thought as he lay in the dark. "It has been just a long day. This will pass tomorrow."

Ted made a mental note to call his wife in the morning just to say hello and tell her he missed her.

Ted tossed and turned for a while his mind would not stop racing. He tried to relax his mind to take it off what he kept going back to; Justin. When he would drift off all he could see was Justin. In the dreams Justin was standing over him wearing nothing but the leather jacket. Justin was completely naked under the jacket, except Ted could not see the boys dick. In the dream the boys dick was always obscured. The boy stood over Ted, the jacket hanging on the boys body so perfectly. In the dream Ted was mesmerized. All he could do was stare at the boy. Justin's smile was a bit evil a bit sadistic and Ted was helpless do do anything about it.

In the dream Ted lay on the floor wearing his leather jacket. He was on the carpet in his basement. Like Justin he had nothing under the leather jacket. He could feel the rough carpet on his butt, the room was cool but the jacket kept him warm. His dick was rock hard and Justin could see it but he could not seem to hide it from the boy. Justin sat down on Ted's body, his naked skin came into contact with Ted's body. The boy was warm and it felt comfortable as if he had felt it before. He bent close to Ted and like he had in the basement a few hours earlier, he moved in to kiss Ted. The kiss was warm and nice. With a serious look, a look of lust on his face Justin leaned in and said: "I want you Mr. Mills". Ted woke with a start.

Ted lay in the bed not knowing how much time had passed. The dream still fresh in his mind, still so real. He could feel the boy, smell the boy, smell the leather jacket. Why was this happening?

Ted looked at the clock it was 4 am. He did not want to go back to sleep, he did not want the dream to come again. Ted decided it was best to get up and do a bit of work. He went to the desk he had in the bedroom and turned on his computer. After a few minutes he was deep into work and was able to get his mind off the thoughts.

At about 8 he heard Justin go into the guest bathroom. Ted decided it was time to put some coffee on and see if Justin wanted some breakfast. As odd as yesterday was, Justin was still a guest in the house and Ted was going to see to it that the boy felt comfortable. Ted put his sweatpants and a t-shirt on and went to the kitchen.

Twenty minutes later Justin came down to the kitchen. With sleep still in his eyes, he said good morning to Ted. He did not really make eye contact with Ted but Ted just wrote that off to a sleepy teen.

Ted felt a bit awkward but decided the best way to handle the situation was to keep talking and not think about what had happened yesterday. Justin didn't seem to want to talk about it either.

"Did you sleep well Justin?" Ted asked in a fatherly way. "Oh yeah real well thanks Mr. Mills, how about you?" Ted's mind went to the orgasm in the closet and the dream and tossing and turning. "Um yes I did thanks for asking."

"Hey Mr. Mills do you need me to get out of here today while you are at work?" asked Justin somewhat out of the blue. "No Justin I am actually working from home anyway, besides its pretty nasty weather out there so you can hang here as long as you like" "Thanks" said Justin a bit awkwardly. Ted realized it was probably difficult for the boy to be spending time at a neighbors house, a neighbor he barely knew especially when his house was right next door.

Justin looked a bit down. He had not seen this in the boy before. What was he upset about? Was it about yesterday? Was he feeling rejected? "You doing ok?" Ted asked Justin hoping the boy would just say he was tired. "Yeah I am fine I guess. Mr. Mills I wasn't completely honest with you yesterday" Justin continued. Ted's heart fell. Was the boy going to talk about what happened. Please dear god don't talk about it. "I didn't get locked out accidentally." Justin said with his head hanging down. "My Dad I mean my Step Dad locked me out."

Ted stared at the boy in disbelief. What kind of parent would lock their kid out of the house while they go on vacation? Especially when it was so cold. "Why did he lock you out?" Ted asked with real concern. "We had an argument before they left, he said I was not to be left in the house while he was gone. My Mom of course disagreed but when I went out for a whle they left and he locked the door. My Mom doesn't know."

Ted did not know what to say. "What did you do that was so terrible that he locked you out" Ted asked. "Nothing really" said Justin. Ted did not press the boy for an answer but sensed there was more to it.

"Well its ok Justin, I am sure whatever it was you will straighten it out. You are welcome to stay here till they come home. I talked to my wife and she was happy that I invited you in yesterday. She would have done the same."

"Thanks Mr. Mills" Justin said with a bit of a shudder. Was the boy crying? Ted did not ask he just kept moving around the kitchen giving the boy a chance to dry his eyes. After breakfast Ted told Justin to make himself comfortable. "Mr. Mills, would it be ok if I shower and maybe wash my clothes. I have nothing else with me and these are starting to get a bit ripe" Ted laughed. "Of course we can let you shower and wash your cloths." There are fresh towels in the guest bathroom and you can grab a robe from my room till your cloths are washed."

"Thanks Mr. Mills." Justin helped with the breakfast dishes then made his way upstairs to shower. Ted could hear the boy upstairs. He heard him go into the bathroom then come right back out. Then he heard the boy going into Ted's bedroom.

"Oh I told him he could borrow a robe" Ted realized. The realization that Ted had left the leather jacket sitting out gave him a bit of a prickle. What would the boy think at seeing it on the chair in his room. Ted quickly went to the bedroom to try to help the boy find the rob and get out of the bedroom. Ted walked into the bedroom but Justin was not there. Where was he? He heard a noise in the bathroom and then Justin came walking out. "Oh hey Mr. Mills. I thought I would try to find that bathrobe you said I could borrow. Its not in the bathroom."

Justin stood there in just a towel. Mostly naked only a few feet from Ted. Justin's body was very nice. Justin stood only about 5'8 but his body was perfectly proportioned. His arms were strong with well defined biceps, His stomach flat showing a nicely toned 4-pack. And his chest, that perfect chest that Ted worked so hard to achieve when he went to the gym.

Ted realized he spent a few too many moments staring at the boy before he answered. "OH yeah sorry" Ted said his voice a bit artificial. " I will get it, I keep it in the closet" Ted reached into the closet and pulled out the gray terry robe and handed it to the boy.

"Thanks Mr. Mills" Justin said as he walked by Ted and into the bathroom. Ted realized his dick was getting hard again. And did he see Justin poking out a bit in the towel as he walked by???

Ted decided not to think about it. He closed the door and got into the shower. While the warm water lapped over his strong body. Ted brought the bar of soap down over his torso. With his eyes closed he let the warm water sooth his body as he worked the lather up on his chest. As his eyes were closed his mind flashed on the boy in the towel. The firmness and strength of the young man. Without thinking Ted moved the bar of soap down to his pubic hair and worked up a lather. Then even further down to his cock and balls.

The images and the effect of the warm water had Ted's dick very hard. Ted's eyes snapped open as he realized he was hard thinking about the boy. "Why is this happening?" Ted thought. "I am not gay. I'm not!" I am a happily married man with a beautiful wife, why am I hard thinking about this boy" As the fight raged in Ted's mind he realized his dick was still raging. The harder he tried not to think of the boy, the more the images seem to force themselves in.

Ted rinsed off then dried himself. He went into the bedroom his hard dick still hanging in front of him. Ted decided the best thing to do was to just ignore it. He slipped on a shirt and some jeans and went down stairs to start some work. As he started out of the room he saw his leather jacket on the chair. The look of it immediately made Ted's still hard cock jump even more. The images of wearing it so many times to jerk off over the years. Then last night seeing the boy wear a similar jacket as he sat on Ted's lap.

Ted's dick jumped again in his jeans. He could see a wet spot forming where he was precumming. "I am in control of this" Ted thought to himself. He went to the first floor and into the office he had to start some work. Ted flipped on the computer and started working. Only a few minutes had passed when he realized his dick was still hard but was now beginning to hurt. He found it difficult to think to do the work he needed to get done.

Ted decided the best thing was to go upstairs quickly and take care of it. He quickly made his way back upstairs and slipped into his bedroom and into the bathroom. Ted was in desperate need of relief. "I haven't been this horny since I was 20 something" Ted thought. He walked into the bathroom and pulled open the jeans, his dick hard and red. It plopped out of his jeans with a whack. Ted took his cock in his hand, the warmth of his dick filled his hand. It only took a few strokes and Ted was feeling the cum erupting from his cock. Fast and furiously flashes of the boy in the leather jacket popped into Ted's mind. The first glob shot out like a bullet hitting the mirror, the second was not as fierce but it made Ted buckle a bit at the knees. When it was finished the mirror and the sink were well coated with a fairly large load. "Damn I haven't shot that big in a long time" Ted assessed in his mind. His body was still heaving from the amazing orgasm.

Ted could now go down to the office and do some work. The day was long and moved rather slowly. Ted had stopped around noon to make some lunch. Justin had finished washing his cloths and joined Ted in the kitchen for a sandwich. "Thanks Mr. Mills you have been great. I really feel bad about imposing on you. This just sucks" The boy seemed like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Ted smiled "it's ok that's what friends are for." Ted looked at the boy he seemed so sad, so lost. "Justin if you need someone to talk to you can talk to me." The boy was quiet his head hanging down, silence filled the room for what seemed like a long time. Ted decided to just be patient and wait for a response from the boy. "My step dad hates me." Justin blurted out, anger and pain in his voice. Ted was shocked to hear this. In the first place he did not know that the man next door was Justin's step dad and second, he thought they seemed like such a perfect little family.

"Why does your step dad hate you?" Ted asked. "My Mom and real Dad met when they were in high school. My Mom got pregnant in their senior year. She was able to finish high school, but right after school they had me. My dad was only 17 when I was born but he tried to be a man and take care of me and my mom. He eventually joined the Army and left to go overseas. While he was gone my Mom got lonely. She decided that she did not love him enough to wait for him so she broke it off. My Dad realized too that it was not good for him either. When he came back to the states they remained friends. He saw me whenever he could and he really is a good dad. I went to see him on the weekends and hang out with him whenever I could."

"When I was about 7, my Mom married Clyde. He was nice to me but I never considered him my real Dad. More like a friend. We never argued but we rarely hung out except at dinner or other family events. Clyde never took me to the movies, ball games etc."

"It sounds like it could have been worse." Ted interjected. "You had a good relationship with your real Dad and Clyde was not mean to you so..." "Yes, I know that. I was luckier in so many ways then some of my friends who have divorced parents."

"Things were going ok till about 7 years ago when we moved here from Ohio. After that I could not see my dad as often, it was way too far. I guess I started to act out a bit and became a bit rebellious. I didn't do anything horrible but I wasn't the same quiet step son that Clyde came to know."

"That was probably hard for you being away from your Dad" Ted said in a fatherly way. "It was. I love my Dad. He is awesome. You would like him too Mr. Mills."

"Well things kept getting more tense between me and Clyde. Finally they sort of just settled. I ignored him more and he ignored me more. Until about 6 weeks ago." Ted's mind started to race? What could have happened 6 weeks ago that made things worse. Ted just waited for the boy to be ready to speak. Justin lowered his head again and he could see tears streaming down the boys face. What was it? Why was the boy so sad?

"It's ok you don't have to tell me if its too hard for you" Ted said softly. "I want to but if I do you may ask me to leave and I have no where to go until they get back." "It's ok Justin, you are safe here. I promise." Justin silently nodded his head. "Come on lets go into the living room and talk" Ted said.

They walked into the living room, Ted sitting in his chair across from the boy. Just continued to look down. Ted just waited patiently. "Well it started about 6 months ago. I was at the gym and I had been working hard on my body." Ted's mind went to the boy's body he had seen in his bedroom a few hours earlier. It was a nice body he thought. He forced his mind back to the conversation. "I realized I was getting alot of looks from the people at the gym. It was very flattering. I have always been a bit on the short size but I was able to really build my body quickly. I didn't get my Dad's height but I have his body. My Dad is 6'2 with a hard military body" Justin added.

"Well I started talking to some guys at the gym. They helped me with machines and reps and we even talked about supplements and diet. I got real friendly with this one guy Aaron, and we became friends. I was only 18 at the time and Aaron was 30 but we had alot to discuss so I never thought about it. We were friends.

We would hang out, work out together. He was a nice guy. Well one day after the gym he offered me a ride home. It was raining out but only a few blocks so I was ok to walk but he insisted. I said sure. When we got to the house I invited him in. We went to my room to hang out. I got out some of my workout mags so we could talk about technique." Justin stopped, something was wrong but what was it.

"I was never with anyone Mr. Mills." Justin said abruptly. Ted looked at the boy quizzically. What did he mean? Sexually? "I was a virgin at 18, I hadn't had sex with anything but my right hand. Well while we were upstairs things got unusual with Aaron. He seemed closer to me. More buddy buddy with me. We would talk about biceps and he would feel mine. We talked about legs and he would feel mine. At first I thought he was just checking out my definition but I realized it was more then that. Also I realized I liked the feeling. It was nice having someone touch me like that. My dick got hard, but I was scared. Aaron and I started to feel each other and before I knew it we were taking our shirts off. When Aaron touched my chest I figured out what was happening. Then Aaron kissed me."

Ted was shocked to hear what the boy was telling him. It was like a confession and played out like a porno in Ted's mind. "I liked the feeling" Justin said. Ted's mind was trying to process this. He was somehow enjoying this information and his body was responding, but there was something bad here that Justin hadn't told him yet. The fear of that news was mixing with the excitement of the story.

Ted said nothing just looked at the boy and listened but his mind was pleading with the boy to keep going. "Aaron and I undressed and we were standing there naked. I have never been with another naked man like that Mr. Mills. It was warm and nice and I liked it. I liked the feeling and the attention. I liked the feeling of our hard cocks pressing against each others bodies" Justin's eyes closed tight.

"It's ok Justin. There is nothing wrong with that. We all want that. You found someone that made you feel good and special." Justin smiled painfully. "It was nice. I was really enjoying being close to Aaron. I really liked kissing him and I really liked the way he felt and smelled. We were just standing there naked, holding each other, kissing when the bedroom door flew open. It was Clyde. He didn't knock or anything. The look on his face was anger and terror combined. I have never seen him like that in my life. He told us both to get dressed and get out. We got dressed but Aaron had no intentions of taking me with him. I was stuck. When I went downstairs my Mom was crying and Clyde was pacing like a wild beast."

"I told you to get out!" Clyde said with anger in his voice. "Mom" I said looking at her, pleading with her. "I don't have any place to go right now." We argued between us for a while, my Mom telling Clyde that I was staying and Clyde saying something to the effect that he wasn't going to have her gay bastard son getting fucked in his house." "Getting fucked??? Was he crazy, we weren't fucking and I hadn't even thought about that sort of thing."

"Things calmed down a bit and I ended up spending alot of my time in my room alone or at the gym. Things between me and Aaron were odd after that. He would waive hi from across the gym but we didn't hang out any longer. I also worried that he would tell the other guys at the gym I was gay and came on to him or something like that."

"It was hard for me. I felt so alone, I had no one to talk to. My Mom didn't talk about it, my real Dad could never know and Clyde treated me like an unwanted house guest."

Ted looked at the boy. He felt so bad for what he was going through. What it must have been like to be so embarrassed by his step father then to be alienated by his family and friends.

"Well I really wanted to have an experience so I started looking for it. I looked online and found some chat groups and made some "friends". Justin emphasized the word friends. "Well, I met up with a few of the guys and had an ok time. It never felt as good as it did with Aaron that first time but it wasn't bad either. I even dated a guy for about a month. I guess I learned alot about who I really was."

The room got silent. Was the boy done? Was that it? Ted's mind was filled with images. Clyde catching the boy embracing the man naked in his room. Justin finding men to have sex with. Thoughts of Justin kissing a man like he had kissed Ted last night. Ted was looking at Justin but he was not feeling very fatherly. In fact all he could think about was holding the boy like Aaron had, shirts off, body's pressing together. Feeling the boys hard firm body against his. Holding the boys ass again like he had on the sofa in the basement. And seeing the boy half naked again in that leather jacket. Oh shit that last thought caused Ted to take a deep breath.

Justin looked up when he heard the sound of Ted's deep intake. He looked at the man with an uncomfortable look. "I am sorry Mr. Mills I did not mean to tell you all that. I haven't talked to anyone about this and I barely know you. If you want me to leave I understand. The boy stood up, silent tears were in his eyes. "Justin sit down" Ted said commandingly. "I told you it was ok to stay. I am not kicking you out"

Justin looked at Ted a feeling of relief coming over him. Why was this man being so nice to him?

"Mr. Mills I would like to tell you something else if its ok." "Sure Justin, go ahead" Ted said a bit reluctantly. "When I saw you naked in your room yesterday with just the leather jacket on it drove me crazy. I have never seen anything like that in my life and it was so hot to me." The mention of the leather jacket made Ted's dick snap to attention. "I went to the guest room and put my leather jacket on and I jerked off thinking about you. I have never had that jacket on over my naked body and the feeling was great. I loved it." Ted could not believe what the boy was saying. Ted could feel the precum dripping inside his pants.

"When we were in the basement and you kept watching me, well I thought you were interested, thats why I took my shirt off and came to you. I wanted you to experience me in my leather jacket and be with you." Ted's mind was moving so fast he could barely think.

Ted could say nothing. He realized now how much he wanted this boy. He wanted to do things to him and with him. Nasty things, bad things but things that would feel so good. Ted felt a force coming over him, a passion he had never felt, never imagined was inside of him.

He looked at the boy. Justin's eyes were bright. There was a smile in his eyes, a relaxed sexuality that Ted had never seen in anyone before. It was almost hypnotic.

"Justin" Ted said not knowing where he was going with this. "I am not gay, I have never been with a man, never thought of a man in that way. I know some guys think that way, they experiment in high school or college. I never did. I never have.

I have never told this to anyone, not even my wife but when I was 14 I masturbated for the first time. I was in my bedroom and there was this leather jacket that belonged to my cousins laying next to me. The smell was nice to me and I slipped it on. Not even thinking any sexual thoughts. Before I realized I had jerked off for the first time in my life." Ted told this to the boy very mater of factly. The boy just listened.

"I realized there was something about that jacket that was powerful for me in a sexual way. My dad bought me a very similar jacket as a gift. The same one that you saw in my room. My Dad did not know of course that it had a sexual effect on me. I was about 19. Over the years I jerked off in that jacket more times then I can recall. But I was always alone when I did it." Justin watched as the man continued the story. "What was it about the jacket Mr. Mills?" Justin asked in a soft voice. "I am really not sure" Ted said looking up at the boy. "I just know that whenever I slip it on I feel good, powerful and I guess if I am being honest sexy."

"I think I understand the feeling Mr. Mills. When I put my jacket on yesterday and jerked off in it, I felt good. I loved the smell and the feeling on my body and I think I felt what you felt." Ted listened to the boy talk and his body trembled. "Honestly, I wanted to share that feeling with you in the basement. I wanted to be with you."

Ted's eyes closed as the images flashed at him. His body was electrically charged and his dick hurt in his jeans. He knew he wanted the boy. He knew he wanted to take the boy in his arms and do things to him. Things he never did to or with anyone and he knew he was starting to lose control.

"Mr. Mills you let me tell you things no one has ever heard before and I know you were being honest with me. Thanks. Its nice to have someone to talk to. Mr. Mills I still want to be with you." Justin said abruptly.

Ted just looked at the boy. "God I want this boy. I haven't wanted anything so badly in my life." Ted thought. "No Justin, I can't. I am not gay and it would be wrong to take advantage of you."

Ted stood up, trying to cover the wet spot in his jeans. He looked the boy, rejection filled the boys eyes. Ted felt bad for causing this pain. "Justin, I need to get some work done." Ted said sternly. Ted left the room and went back to work. He heard the boy go upstairs. He felt for the boy. He felt for the boy that was rejected and hurt by his family. He wanted to hold the boy and tell him it was ok, but he wanted more then that. He wanted to take the boy in the leather jacket. He wanted to do things with him, hot things, sexy things, new things.

Ted was able to put some of the thoughts aside for a bit and got some work done. At about 6 he left the office and realized it was dark in the house. It was time for dinner. He walked up the stairs to ask Justin what he might want for dinner. He knocked softly on the guest room door. "Justin are you up?" Ted asked softly in case the boy may be sleeping. "Come in he heard the boy say" Ted opened the door and took a step in. "Justin its din... " his voice was lost.

There was the boy laying on the bed propped up on some pillows. All he had on was the leather jacket and a pair of white briefs. His right hand was behind his head and his left was inside the briefs, holding his hard cock. Ted was speechless. His eyes covered every inch of the boy from head to toe.

"Justin Stop, what are you doing". The boy said nothing just kept rubbing his cock and looking up at the man. Then Justin turned his head into the jacket and nuzzled his face into the leather. This was too much for Ted. "Justin don't" this time it sounded less surprised and more desperate as if the man were losing control. "I can't" the man choked out starting to lose his resolve. He found himself moving closer to the boy instead of further away.

The boy continued to rub his face into the leather, that soft leather with the amazing smell. Ted saw the boys handsome chest framed by the leather. His flat stomach, his beautiful body in the leather jacket. It was too much for Ted. He was lost.

He wanted to feel the boy. He wanted to hold the boy in that leather jacket, feel both of them against his body. He wanted the boy to feel his strength to feel his manhood. As Ted approached the bed Justin looked up at him. He said nothing just stared at Ted as Ted got on the bed. Ted lowered his body on top of the boy. Justin moved his hand out of his briefs he felt the weight of the man, Mr. Mills' hard cock pressing his own through layers of jeans and briefs.

Ted looked at the boy and then kissed him. The kiss was not a loving kiss. It was raw, hot and rough with passion. He could not control himself any longer. He was going to have this boy there was no stopping it.

Justin's arms wrapped around Ted's neck. The feeling of the boy pulling him closer and the mixture of the passion and the leather jacket drove Ted wild. He ground his body, his hard cock into the boy and the boy loved it. Ted's mouth was locked onto Justin's, his tongue raped the boy's mouth, swirling and tasting ever part. Justin moaned as the two men writhed on the bed. Ted rolled over pulling Justin with him. The boy was now laying on top of Ted. As they kissed Justin pulled the man's tshirt off. Ted helped but his lips did not leave the boys. Then he reached down and unzipped his jeans and pulled those down exposing his hard wet cock.

Justin pulled his own briefs off. Now the two men were naked except for the leather jacket between them. Justin started to remove it and Ted grabbed the boys hands. He looked at the boy and told the boy to leave it on. His voice was deep and commanding. It was a sound that Ted had never heard in his voice before. The boy did as he was told and the men kissed again.

Ted's hands explored the round firm ass cheeks of the boy. The feeling was amazing. The soft hair on the boys butt was a huge turn on for Ted and he wanted to see it. He wanted to be inside of it. He rolled the boy over again and told him to lay on his stomach. The boy did as he was told. Ted looked down at the boy. The leather jacket covered his upper body and stopped perfectly above the boys butt.

Ted looked down at the boys ass. This was better then he thought. The perfect round globes, with the light dusting of hair was inches from his face and it was all there for Ted to have. He took the cheeks in his hands and held them, the boy moaning as he did. He rubbed and massaged the butt as if he owned it. Ted gently pulled the cheeks apart and there was the boys puckered hole. Ted had never seen another man's asshole. There was something about this one that was amazing and Ted did not know why.

Ted just looked, taking in every inch, every hair, every freckle the boy had on his perfect ass. Ted knew he wanted to be in the boy but Ted was so naive he did not know what to do, how to do it. He took the wet tip of his cock, dripping with precum and rubbed it on the boys hole. Justin moaned even louder now. He propped himself up on his elbows and looked behind him. He saw Mr. Mills looking at his ass. He felt the tip of the man's cock at his ass and knew what the man was thinking.

"Mr. Mills" Justin said. I have never been fucked by a man. "Will it hurt?" Ted looked at the boy. "What was he asking?" Ted did not know. Ted stopped what he was doing. "I don't know Justin. I have never done any of this before"

Ted stopped what he was doing, reality was creeping over him. He lay on the bed next to Justin. Justin looked at the man laying next to him. The man looked so sexy, so amazingly hot. Justin moved over to the man and laid on top of him. He started kissing Ted again. Ted kissed the boy back. This time with passion and caring as if this time he wanted to kiss the boy make love to him. Their kiss became more passionate again. Justin moved on top of Ted. Their dicks pressing against each other. Both hard and both dripping with precum.

Justin started kissing Ted's cheek then down his neck. Ted's body trembled at this. then the boy moved down Ted's chest and stopped on Ted's right nipple. The boys mouth sucked in the hairy nipple and started to suckle it. The feeling was warm and amazing and Ted's body felt warm, he could feel every nerve. He moaned loudly and moved with the boys mouth. The feeling playing on his body was better then he ever felt. He looked down at the boy in that leather jacket and watched him intensely as he sucked his nipple. Justin looked at Ted with passion on his face, his free hand slid down over Ted's stomach and to the man's pubic hair.

Justin's found Ted's dick and wrapped his hand around it. Electric shot through Ted's body and he felt like it wouldn't take much for him to cum. He did not want it to end and the boy seemed to realize this. He slowly moved his hands down to Ted's balls and started to lightly rub the hairs. Ted could feel his balls react to the boys warm hand. Justin's hand did not stop there it kept going. Justin moved his fingers between Ted's legs and between his ass cheeks.

Ted could feel the boys fingers at his asshole. No one had ever touched Ted there. The feeling was scary and creepy and good. Really good, better then he had ever felt. Ted's legs relaxed as the boy probed his ass. Ted liked what the boy was doing. He liked the feelings the boy was stirring in him. He also felt like he was out of control. The boy knew how to manipulate the man's body and Ted was giving himself over to the boy whether he wanted to or not.

Justin's mouth left Ted's nipple and started a trail of licks and kisses down the man's firm body. When the boy kissed the man above his pubic area, his body shuttered. Justin looked up at Ted and there was a grin on the boy. It was a mixture of passion and lust. Justin brushed his cheek over the man's hard wet cock and Ted just watched in amazement. The the boy rubbed the leather jacket over the man's cock, a trail of precum streaked the jacket. Justin pulled the wet spot and licked the precum off the leather as if he were doing a show for Ted.

Ted could do nothing but watch and enjoy. This was amazing for Ted. Justin then bent down again and placed his nose against Ted's pubic hair. He breathed in deeply, closing his eyes tight as he took in the smell with pleasure on his face. His tongue continued down further licking the man's balls. Justin did not stop there. The boy kept going, further and further down. Now the boys face was near Ted's hole. What was the boy doing thought Ted but all he could do was watch.

Then he felt it. The boy's tongue touched Ted's hole. The feeling was so intense that Ted's body spasmed. Precum leaked from his cock head. Justin expertly worked his tongue into the man's hole. The feeling only got more intense.

Ted could feel it in his dick. He knew if the boy continued this way he would lose his load without even touching himself. He grabbed the boy by the the shoulders of the leather jacket it and pulled him on to his body. He grabbed the boy and kissed him again. Feeling the boy in the leather jacket on top of him. The smell of leather had been a major turn on before but now the smell was mixed with the smell of this sex boy.

It happened pretty much with out much warning. Ted could feel the boys hard cock between his legs. At first it was between his legs pressing against the man's balls but then the tip of the boys cock was resting against Ted's hole. The feeling was nice. Ted did not think much about it as it felt good. Then he felt the boy slowly pushing the cock deeper into his hole. Ted gasped this time with pain as his breath was taken away by the feeling of the hard cock tip entering his hole.

He tried to move away and Justin sensed this. Justin held Ted tight and slowed his entry into the man. "Just relax Mr. Mills" Justin said. His voice was not the young man he thought he knew but it was a deeper more in charge voice. Ted did what he was told. He was still horny but now was a bit scared for some reason. Justin kissed Ted. Ted's body relaxed as the boy's mouth covered his own. Ted loved the feeling of the boys mouth on his. He loved the taste and feel of the boys warm tongue. As they kissed the smell of the leather drove Ted's passion.

Justin started entering the man again. This time he moved more quickly. His mouth locked on to Ted's not giving the man a chance to stop him. Ted's body spasmed again with pain and pleasure. His mind was on fire and so was his ass. The boy's strength was amazing as he held Ted and continued to enter the man's virgin hole.

Now the boy was all the way in. Ted could feel the boys cock so deep in his body. He did not know how this was even possible. Justin kept kissing Ted then slowly started to pump his cock in and out of the man. Ted felt the boy enter fast then slowly pull out. When the dick pushed in Ted felt the pain and pressure. When the boy pulled out he felt amazing pleasure. The boy continued this over and over again. Ted's own cock sliding between their bodies as the boy continued to fuck the man.

Ted wanted the boy to stop, but he didn't want him to stop at the same time. The boys fucking got harder and harder, the thrusts came faster and faster. The boys body was slick with sweat and the smell intensified the smell of the leather.

Justin was now fucking Ted so hard that the force was pushing Ted up the bed. Justin grunted like a wild animal as he fucked Ted roughly. Then his body stopped as if he were frozen. His face was tight and tense and red. He pulled his cock out of the man, grabbed his cock and with one stroke shot a huge load of cum on the man. The cum shot straight up Ted's body and onto the man's face. Ted could smell the cum on his face. Justin sagged on top of Ted his body spent from the intensity of the orgasm. His cum now smeared between himself and the man he just fucked.

Justin nuzzled his head into the man's neck. The smell of cum, the smell of the boy and the leather and the feeling in Ted's ass was more then he could take. The man grabbed the boys ass and as he did his own cock started to shoot between himself and the boy. Ted was coming without ever touching his own cock. An orgasm he had never felt before. So powerful that he had to hold on to the boy to steady himself.

The two men laid there silent and still. Warm cum cooling between them. Justin's face still pressed into the man's neck. Ted held the boy and closed his eyes. Ted realizing he had just had sex with a man, a boy. The most intense sex he had ever had. Ted closed his eyes and just lay there not wanting to really think anymore.

Next: Chapter 4

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