Leather Jacket Fantasy

By Ted Mills

Published on Oct 22, 2010


This story, a work of fiction, it is the story of a man realizing a fantasy about male-male sex. It is not a story about S/M or Domination but a realization about his sexual triggers.

Recap: In part one Ted discovered that he was sexually excited at a fairly young age by a leather jacket. Ted is a happily married straight man who discovered a desire for wearing a leather jacket. Ted has never engaged in or even thought about being with a man. That is until his young neighbor Justin came along.

At the end of the last chapter, Ted is alone in the his town house with Justin. Justin is a 19 year old guy who accidentally locked himself out of his home and has to stay with Ted until his folks return.

"I cannot believe this" thought Ted. "What the hell is happening? Justin was sitting on Ted's lap wearing his jeans and that leather jacket. Justin had removed his shirt on his last visit to the bathroom. Now Ted found himself sitting face to face with this young man. The boy who was 19 he had a small but well built body. Justin was only 5'8 but well proportioned.

He was wearing the same leather jacket that Ted had fantasized over for many years. The brown bomber with the fir collar and the sheepskin lining. The same jacket Ted's father bought for him when he was about the same age as Justin is now.

Justin just sat there staring into Ted's eyes. There was a look on Justin's face that was warm and sexy and scary and weird all at the same time.

No man had ever looked at him like Justin was. Ted had never thought about a man in that way. He never fantasized about being with a man. Not even once.

Ted was a good looking man. He was 6'1 with a well maintained body. Ted jogged and worked out. He was not gym rat but he worked at maintaining his body. Ted knew his wife liked his body very much and Ted was proud of that. Ted was a good husband. A straight husband who never cheated. Not even once with any woman. Now he was sitting on their sofa with the young man on his lab and Ted was rock hard.

Justin put his hands on Ted's shoulders as Ted held onto the boys round firm butt. Ted could smell the boy and the leather jacket. His heart was beating so hard he could barely hear, barely think. What the hell is going on?? Is this a dream he thought? Justin slowly moved his body closer to Ted. Ted could feel the leather jacket come into contact with body. The smell was even more intense. That amazing smell he had forgotten as his jacket had lost most of it over the years. Justin brushed his cheek against Ted's as his body settled even more into Ted's.

Ted moved one hand off the boys butt and up to the leather jacket. He had to feel the leather. The feel was soft and warm and amazing. It felt like his jacket had when it was new. He rubbed the jacket on the boys back and felt the boy move with the feeling.

Justin pulled away from Ted slightly then looked into his eyes again. The boy was intense, his look was passionate and serious. He kept his eyes open as he looked at Ted then he slowly, gently and slightly pressed his lips to Ted's lips. Ted did not move. He did not really understand what was happening. This had to be a dream he would wake up from soon.

Justin's kiss was warm and nice but different. It was not like kissing anyone he had ever kissed before. The boys rough lips were different then his wife's. There was also something else there that Ted did not understand. A type of passion that Ted had never really felt coming from this boys kiss.

Ted did not kiss Justin back he just let the boy kiss him. Justin kept the kiss soft but intense, his tongue darted into Ted's mouth ever so gently. When Ted felt the boys tongue he could not resist any longer. He grabbed the boy and pulled him close. Passion and desire were overtaking Ted like he never felt before. He wanted this boy, he wanted this boy in the leather jacket that was Ted's passion for more years then Ted could count, more years then Justin was even alive.

Ted held the boy tight to his body. He kissed the boy with a crazed passionate abandonment that he had never felt. There was a part of him, a deep part that was being let out that had never been let out. A part that even Ted did not realize existed.

Justin wrapped his arms around Ted to steady himself against the man's passion. He seemed to love the attention this man was giving him and it was what he wanted. Justin reached down and put his hand on Ted's body feeling the firmness of the man's chest then slowly he worked his way down to the man's bulging crotch. Time froze!

"STOP" Was all Ted could get out. "STOP"

"What is going on? What is happening? I can't do this!" said Ted. Justin looked at Ted still sitting on his lap. Justin was confused. Seconds earlier he was in a passionate embrace with his sexy neighbor now the man was yelling stop.

Ted gently pushed Justin off his lap and stood up. "Justin" Ted began. "I can't do this. I am not gay. I have never been with a man. I am happily married. I am so sorry. I have no idea what I was thinking."

Justin stared at him not sure what to say, what to do. He was feeling a bit awkward standing in his neighbors house in nothing but jeans and the leather jacket. Watching his neighbor on the verge of tears or a nervous breakdown or possibly hitting him.

"It's ok Mr. Mills" Justin said, not knowing what else to say. "I just thought that you maybe were interested. It seemed like we had a similar fetish and you might like to..." "Fetish? What fetish" Ted cut Justin off mid sentence. "You think I have a fetish?" stammered Ted. "Well yeah I saw you in your leather jacket in your bedroom" said Justin. "It was hot for me. I have always found men in leather sexy and hot. When I saw you earlier I thought you were trying to give me signals."

Ted was lost. What this boy was saying was true but not true. Ted loved to wear his leather jacket. He loved it since that first Thanksgiving when he put his cousins on and jerked off, but he never thought about it with another person. Not a woman certainly and never with a man.

Ted looked at the boy. "Yeah, I have thought about a leather jacket for a long time but I never thought about it with another person. said Ted choosing his words carefully. "I guess when you came over earlier today and you were wearing that jacket it made me think about my leather jacket that's all. I didn't think about you or having sex with a man." Ted's mind was racing and blank and scared. What if the boy said something to his wife? What if the boy tried to blackmail him?

"So you are just into the leather then? asked Justin curiously. "Well yeah I guess so" confessed Ted realizing he never talked to another human being ever about his fantasy. Ted started to relax as he tried to explain for the first time. He explained to Justin how he first JO'd on his bed with his cousins leather jacket. How the smell was amazing to him, how the feel turned him on. He told Justin how he got the first leather jacket which was like his best friend over the past 20 years and how he pulled it out on occasion and jerked off in it.

"And you've never been with anyone while you were wearing it?" Justin asked with curiosity and a bit of skepticism. "No, no never. No one ever even saw me in it like you did earlier today. Not even my wife." The response was so deep that Justin felt he could believe him.

"When I came on to you though you did not stop me right away" Justin continued. "You seemed to enjoy it, you seemed to really get into it." Ted closed his eyes as the horrible memory came streaming back to him. "Justin" Ted said in a very soft way. "You are a nice and good looking boy, my wife and my daughter's think you are wonderful too. I just don't know what happened to me. I was just caught off guard. I am not gay and I am sorry if I misled you. I hope we can keep this crazy thing between us?"

Justin smiled but there was some pain behind the smile. "Sure Mr. Mills. I am sorry if I read the signs wrong. I just got the signals mixed up. You are a handsome man and you looked so hot in your jacket earlier. Sure we will keep this between us. No worries."

"Thanks Justin" Ted said. The mood was very awkward and tense but Ted felt a bit more calm now. "Is it ok if I still stay here until my folks come back? I really don't have another place to go?" Asked Justin. "Of course you can, Justin. You are more then welcome."

Ted decided the day was weird enough and decided to turn in. Justin did the same saying good night.

Ted shut down all the lights and checked that the doors were locked. He went to his bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. "What the fuck was I doing thought Ted? What did that boy have over me that I almost made a huge mistake??? I am not gay. It must have just been that jacket." Ted brushed his teeth and got into bed.

Ted fell asleep fairly quickly, but within an hour he was tossing and turning. His dick was rock hard and dripping with precum. He could not get the smell of Justin's leather jacket out of his mind but that was not all. He kept thinking about Justin's body under the jacket. The way the leather framed his slightly hairy chest, the feel of the boy on his lap and the boys lips on his own.

Ted reached down and felt his hard dick in his underwear. He could not remember a time when it was this hard. At least not in the past several years. He lay on his back trying not to think of Justin, trying not to remember the feeling of the boy sitting on his lap. Trying not to imagine the round firmness of the boys ass. And mostly trying not to think of how amazingly sexy the boy looked in that leather jacket. As he tried not to think of these things the images flashed in his mind so powerfully that he could not turn them off. Without thinking about it he caressed his cock and in a very short period he was close.

Ted jumped out of bed taking his hand away from his hard cock. He started pacing the room like a wild animal. "I AM NOT GAY" Ted said over and over again in his head. He tried to concentrate on his beautiful wife, tried to imagine her naked. He found he couldn't. The images would not come to him. His mind kept racing back to the young man in the other room, the leather jacket was probably laying on the chair next to him as he slept. The amazing smell of the leather and the way it mixed with the boys smell. These thoughts did nothing to help Ted. His dick continued to rage harder and harder.

"I have to get to sleep" he thought. Ted went to the large walk in closet and closed the door behind him. He slipped the leather jacket on as if his mind shut off and his fantasy was in control. With the jacket on Ted grabbed his cock and started to pull on it. His mind took him back to the basement, back to Justin kissing him. Back to the way the boy looked in his leather jacket. The way he felt. One, two, three strokes and Ted was having an intense orgasm inside the closet. The feeling rocked Ted and his body shuttered like it never had before. He slumped against the wall of the closet, his eyes closed and enjoyed the feeling.

With the feeling of the orgasm now passing Ted realized he still could not get the image of Justin out of his mind. His dick would not soften but the feeling was amazing.

This ends chapter 2. I hope you are enjoying the story.

Next: Chapter 3

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