Leather Jacket Fantasy

By Ted Mills

Published on Oct 21, 2010


This story, a work of fiction, it is the story of a man realizing a fantasy about male-male sex. It is not a story about S/M or Domination but a realization about his sexual triggers.

Hi my name is Ted and this is the story of how my fantasy lead to me best sexual experience ever.

My name is Ted and I am a 40 year old man. I live in a suburban area with my wife and 2 kids. Both of our kids are in college and are only home on vacation. I have been faithfully married for over 20 years. I have never cheated on my wife. Not even online. That is except in my mind. I have always liked to JO, it has been this way since I was 14. When I was younger I could JO 3 plus times a day. I can still JO once a day when I am particularly horny or when my fantasies have been triggered.

So here goes. I have never shared my fantasy with anyone. Not online, not in person and never with my wife. This has been my secret for a very long time. "I like leather" Now before you go judging or thinking the wrong thing, I am not fantasies about crazy stuff. I do not want to be tied up, spanked, etc. I just like leather. Leather jackets to be exact. I am not turned on by boots, gloves, pants or chaps, just leather jackets.

I remember the first time I realized this. It was also the first time I ever had an orgasm. I was 14 and it was thanksgiving. The house was packed with guests. Mostly family but friends of my Mom and Dad's as well. My bedroom was the closest to the front of the house so I had to have all the coats piled on my bed.

After dinner dad and my cousins and uncles put on the game, mom and my grandmother and aunts went to clean up. I was tired and full so I went to hang out in my room. I was laying next to the pile of coats on the bed watching some TV when I noticed the smell. I was the smell that was amazing to me. At first it did not register what the smell was. Then I realized it was a leather jacket piled on the bed. It was new and still had that fresh leather smell. I reached over and touched the soft sleeve of the jacket. If felt good. I pulled it out of the pile. It was my cousins I think. It was a brown bomber with a sheepskin lining. It was soft but rather heavy. I decided to try it on. I slipped it on over my tshirt and looked at myself in the mirror. It looked good on me. I liked the way it made me feel.

I am not really sure what happened after that. I remember getting so aroused and rubbing my dick. It was a great feeling standing in front of the mirror with this great smelling jacket on. My dick was so hard it hurt. I never felt anything like it. I knew what a boner was, we talked about them all the time at school but I had never really felt one. Without thinking I reached into my pants and started to rub it. When my hand touched the tip it was wet. A few good rubs and I filled my hand and my pants with so much liquid I was sure it was piss. My body trembled with my first orgasm. When it was over I was left standing in front of the mirror in this leather jacket and a quickly forming wet spot. I quickly took the jacket off, buried it in the pile and ran to the bathroom to get cleaned up before anyone noticed.

This whole thing excited me and shocked me at the same time. Jerking off was never discussed in my family as a taboo thing. We just never talked about it. Later that night while I was in bed I thought about it again. My mind racing like crazy. The thought of that amazing moment when I had my first orgasm. As I lay there thinking about it, my dick got hard again. I knew I was going to jerk off again but this time I wanted it to be slower. I wanted to really feel it.

I pulled my shorts down and started to rub myself. It felt good. My mind started to drift to some of the girls in my class. Karen had the best smile and the hottest tits. All the boys fantasized about her. Mindy had the hottest ass and she was a total tease. There were even rumors that she lost her virginity to one of the seniors.

My mind started to race as my hand caressed my hard dick. I closed my eyes and thought about walking up to Mindy. The odd thing was that my mind kept going back to that leather jacket. I could picture Mindy but all I could really see was looking at myself in the mirror and the smell of that leather jacket. In a short while my cock exploded all over my hand and my belly. I was a bit more prepared this time but damn it felt so good.

Over then next months and years I really honed my skills at masturbation. I jerked off 3 or more times a day sometimes. It was great but there was always that memory of that leather jacket. I am not sure why my mind kept coming back to it but it always did. I remember when I was 17, I went into town to buy some xmas gifts for my mom, dad and brother. I was in the mall on by myself and looking from store to store. I walked into one of those large anchor department stores. The first section was the perfume section. I walked in trying to figure out what I wanted to buy. I had no clue and not alot of money either.

I walked into the men's department and was hit with the most incredible smell. I was standing in the leather jacket section of their outer wear department. The smell hit me like a tone of bricks and before I realized I was hard as a rock. I walked over to the racks and enjoyed looking at all the different styles. Short and long, brown and black. Some where more dressy, some more casual and others very bulky. From across the section I saw one similar to the brown one I wore a few years ago. It was brown and short. It had a fur type collar and had a sheepskin lining. It was like my cousins except his did not have the collar. I found out later that the collar was removable.

I was caught off guard when the salesman asked if I wanted to try it on. I stammered like an idiot. It felt like I was being caught doing something wrong. I am sure I blushed 5 shades of red. When I did not answer he pulled one from the rack. Here you go this should be the right size. He helped me put it on then directed me to the mirror. "That's a great looking jacket" he said. "It's a bomber jacket, great quality. That jacket will last a lifetime. The hood and lining are removable so it can be worn in cold and not as cold weather." I just looked at my self in the mirror as he talked. At 17 my body was much more mature then the last time I wore the jacket. My chest was much broader. I was in really good physical shape from all the high school sports I played.

The feeling of the jacket was amazing. Without thinking I asked the clerk how much was the jacket. "It is on sale for $350.00. Thats a great price it was almost $600.00 when we first got them in."$350 dollars are you serious???" I would have to work a lifetime for that type of cash, but I wanted this jacket so badly it hurt. I never wanted anything so badly. "Um thanks but I will have to think about it. I am a bit broke with christmas and all." "OK sir please come see us if when you decide. Have a merry christmas" I reluctantly took the jacket off and handed it back to the clerk. I was so horny that I thought I would pop a nut right there.

I did something I had never done, never needed to do. I went into the restroom, into a stall and pulled my cock out. It didn't take long and I shot my load all over the toilet. I cleaned up quickly and went home and jerked off a few more times.

About a week later my Dad said he was going into town to the mall and asked me to go with him. On the way he said he needed to get something for Mom for Christmas. I think he just wanted to get out of the house. One thing about my Dad he hated shopping. We went into the department store and we looked around for a while. I was getting bored and my Dad realized this. Hey bud go wander around and I will find you in about an hour.

My body was on the way to the Men's outerwear department before I realized. I barely recognized the department. There were huge sales going on all over the place. Finally I found that brown leather bomber. I slipped it on. No one was around. I was looking at my self in the mirror getting hard thinking about that damn jacket when I heard a voice behind me. "Hey that looks good on you". FUCK! it was my dad. I felt like I was just caught jerking off. I turned around so fast I almost fell over. "Hey bud everything ok?" "Yeah dad you just startled me" "That jacket looks good on you. I had one like it when I was in the service. It got lost when I moved when I was younger."

I started to take the jacket off. My dad took it from me and grabbed the hanger. "Wow he said thats not bad. The original price was $600.00 its on sale for $250 now. I may have to buy this for you." "Really?" was all I could get out. I was so excited that my heart was leaping out of my chest. Dad walked the jacket over to the sales desk and handed it to the clerk. "I think we will take this."

Oh my god. I was so horny on the ride home I could not believe it. Dad said that him and mom were trying to figure out a gift for me and that was the real reason to take me to the mall. I barely heard anything he was saying. When I got home dad said they would wrap it and I could open it and act surprised on Christmas morning. Dammit. Christmas was 4 days away.

Christmas morning finally came and I got the jacket. I think I JO'd in that jacket about 8 times in one day. I jerked off so much that my cock hurt. I am not sure what the trigger was but there was something about a leather jacket that just drove me crazy.

The years passed and I went to college, got a job and eventually married. We were happy and sex was good. Many times when we were having sex I would think about that leather jacket. I kept the jacket with me but it got a bit worn out so I kept it in a box in storage. Once in a while when my wife and kids were out of town I would take it out and jerk off.

Like I said in the beginning I never cheated on my wife. I did this all by myself and actually never thought about another person when I was jerking off in my leather jacket. I just felt good wearing it. As the years past I managed to get another leather jacket. It was one my wife bought for me as a gift. It was nice, black and what I would consider "stylish" I could wear it with jeans but also with a dress shirt and slacks. It had a good smell and I could definitely JO in it but it was not quite as exciting for me.

After our kids went off to school we decided we would move into a smaller place. We found a great townhouse not far away and made the move. It was a great place. We settled in quickly. One day I was working from home and my wife was on a business trip. I was standing in the living room looking out the window. Standing in front of one of the houses was my neighbors son Justin. Justin was a nice kid about 19 years old, 5'8, good body. Justin was a good looking boy and my oldest daughter thought he was hot when she met him. Just had a bit of devilish side to him. He seemed a bit rough. What I mean is that he had that look of a good kid but with a bit of scruffy beard and a pierced ear.

There was Justin just standing there. He was wearing a leather jacket. Not just any leather jacket the leather bomber. Who it looked good on him. I had not had mine out in so long I almost forgot about it. Seeing him wearing his reminded me of my jacket. Justin looked up and saw me staring at him. He waved up at me. I smiled caught off guard and waved back. It was very cold morning.

A few minutes later the doorbell rang. It was Justin. "Hello Mr. Mills" "Hi Justin, how are you doing? What can I do for you?" "Do you mind if I come in. Its freezing out and I am locked out of my house" I let him in and led him upstairs to the living room. "Make yourself comfortable Justin. Can I get you something warm to drink? Do you need to call someone?" "Thanks I am good. I called my folks but they are out of town. The old neighbors had a spare key and no one else does so I am locked out till they get back on Monday" "Where will you stay??" "Um not sure. I called a couple friends to see if I could couch surf till they get back but no one has called me back yet" "You can stay here if you like. My wife is out of town and the girls are away at school so the house is empty. That's if its ok with your folks."

Justin called his folks and they were very appreciative of my offer. Just settled in. I made some lunch then went to work. I showed Justin to a room and got him some clean towels.

As I walked Justin through the house I realized he did not take the leather jacket off. The smell was fresh and it drove me crazy just like it had when I was 14. I was so horny I rushed him through the house so I could go jerk off. I went into the bedroom, found the box and took the leather jacket out. I went into the bathroom I slipped it on and started to play with my cock in front of the mirror. God it still felt good. The leather was well worn but still felt great. I was a teenager again and the feeling was amazing.

I stood in the mirror playing with my cock wearing nothing but the leather jacket. Without thinking about it I walked back into my bedroom to lay on the bed. I did not realize I had left the bedroom door open and as I passed in front of the door in my leather jacket Justin was coming out of the bedroom.

Did he see me? He had to see me. Oh shit what was he going to say, to think. I ran back in the bathroom and got dressed. I decided to stay in the bedroom for a while and eventually went down stairs about dinner time. I took some things out of the fridge and yelled up to Justin. I decided to just play it cool and not say anything. Just came down and joined me for dinner. He never mentioned what he had seen and I never said a word about it. As far as I was concerned he did not see anything.

After dinner Justin helped me clean the dishes. I asked him if he wanted to watch some tv or even a movie on the tube. It was a cold night and there was no where to go. Sure Mr. Mills that would be cool. I told him I was going down to the media room and he could join me when he was ready.

Justin came downstairs wearing jeans, tshirt and his leather jacket. "Oh are you going out?" I asked. "No Mr. Mills I just dont have any cloths with me and I am a bit cold." I wanted to tell him there was a blanket he could throw over himself but there was something about watching this young man in that leather jacket sitting there that was driving me crazy.

I have to say here, I have never even thought about being with a man, much less touched one inappropriately, but there was something about Justin that was making me feel very weird. Justin sat down on the sofa next to me and we popped a movie in. I could smell the leather. It was driving me crazy. The smell was amazing. When he would move I would hear the soft rustle of the leather. I kept finding myself trying to catch glimpses of him out of the corner of my eye.

After about an hour of this torment, Justin picked up the remote and paused the movie. "I have to go pee, I will be right back" He stood up and walked right in front of me. His round firm butt passed in front of my face. The leather jacket riding right above it perfectly framing it. My dick was so hard now.

He came back and sat a bit closer to me on the sofa. Probably just my imagination. "Hey Mr. Mills can I ask you a question" "Sure Justin whats up?" "This is sort of weird for me but I wanted to ask you, were you naked except for a leather jacket earlier???" My mind was racing, my heart beating so hard it hurt. How do I answer his question? It was obvious he saw me. What do I say? "Oh yeah you mean when I was in my room. Yeah I guess I was. I um was trying it on to see if it still fit. Just a spur of the moment thing is all. I tried my best to make it nonchalant. "Ok. It looks alot like this one." "Um yes it does. I got it when I was 17 from my Dad. I have had it so long I forgot about it until yours reminded me of it. " Did that sound like a good answer? Would he buy it and leave me alone about it?

Justin started in again. "I like mine, I got it a few years ago. It feels great on and smells great too." "Yeah mine felt and smelled good to me as well" I said. I could not believe this conversation. It was so awkward and hot at the same time. We talked a bit more then Justin said he had to pee again. I was actually relieved to have him out of the room I needed the time to breath.

Justin returned but this time he did not sit down next to me. This time he stood in front of me. Completely in front of me. I looked up at him and he just stared at me. Before I could ask him what he wanted he reached up and grabbed the zipper on his jacket. He slowly lowered it while looking at me. What the fuck was he doing???

As the zipper lowered I realized he had no shirt on under the jacket. What was he doing? Was he coming on to me. I was shocked and mesmerized at the same time.

The jacket was open and Justin's body was now visible. Justin was a short guy but he had a solid, beautiful body. He had soft brown hair no his chest. Not alot but what he did have looked good on him. I could not believe what was happening. He looked down at me still and placed a hand on each of my shoulders. Then he straddled my lap and sat there facing me. The smell of his leather jacket was intense. Without thinking about it I cupped Justin's butt in my hands. It was firm and felt good in my hands.

This ends chapter 1.

Next: Chapter 2

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