Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Mar 11, 2012


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Several Masters and Sirs on the web have asked for this story, so i thought i'd post it here. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based on a true story. Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboy4SIR@gmail.com. If you like my story, you might like my artwork as well, email me for details. Please, enjoy. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Nine - slipping over the line

We were awakened by sunlight streaming into the room. i was immobilized under the weight of my Master's body. He held me tight, almost to the point where breathing was difficult. When i would move, He would wrench down tighter on me. Holding my arms together in front of me with one hand and squeezing my balls with His other, it was a bear hug like none other. His cock was up my ass and inflated to full mast as He woke up.

"Mornin' boi," He growled as He shoved His cock deeper. i whimpered a polite good morning Master and did my best to take His fifth or sixth fuck of the night. He worked it hard, keeping me immobile. My boi dick leaked a steady stream of precum. He moaned and told me how much He loved His boi hole. i was so pleased, i had the hottest Master of the night and even after fucking me into a sloppy mess, He still loved His boi's hole. He pumped a few more times, then growled and shot another load.

"Damn boi, Viagra's not just for big-dicked slave bois, is it?" He chuckled in my ear. i agreed and did my best to squeeze His fat cock. My boi dick was so hard.

"Clean it up, boi," He ordered, letting go of me and pushing me under the covers. i sucked the condom off His cock and licked His magnificent tool clean. There had to have been at least three loads in that Magnum. It was frothy. Master smelled delicious, like a sweaty, hard-working Man. i licked His big balls and cleaned him up proper, tonguing His piss slit and licking His perfect helmet carefully.

"Get up and get your stretcher on, boi," He ordered, "then go get me some coffee." With that He pushed me off the bed with His muscular legs and i stumbled to the dresser. In the top drawer i found the leather ball stretcher. i pulled my balls low in their sack and snapped it in place. i went to the bathroom and cleaned up quickly. i looked in the mirror and saw a fucked-out boi: a tired but smiling face, a heavy chain locked around my neck, red swollen nipples, a semi-hard boi dick and two balls trapped low. Damn, it was hot.

I stepped back into the main room. Master was sitting on the edge of the bed. He motioned me over to him. He pointed to the spot in front of him and ordered me to present. My boi dick started to rise up. i presented, feet shoulder width apart, hands behind my head, back slightly arched, chest out. He checked the stretcher, then reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the tit clamps. My nipples were raw. i wanted to beg him not to put them on, but i knew better. i resolved to endure it, to make him proud. Fire shot through my right nip, then my left. He pushed me back slightly and ordered me at ease. He stood.

"Good boi," He commended me, rubbing my head. He pulled me into His nipple and i sucked on it gratefully. His big cock was still semi-hard. He handed me my old cotton gym shorts and flip flops, then pushed me out the door. i slipped on the shorts and flip flops and headed to the dining area. Jared was getting breakfast for Master Blake when i got to there.

"Good morning Jared," i greeted him. he smiled and whistled.

he said good morning then commented, "you've come a long way this week, ain't ya now?"

i admitted i'd come farther than i'd ever imagined. he laughed. we talked a little about the night before as i got Master's coffee. he had a similar story - wild sex beyond anything in porn. we laughed and counted ourselves lucky to have good Masters. his back showed a crazy pattern of whip marks.

we walked back to the rooms together. Master was waiting, naked, outside in the warm morning sun. He said hello to Jared and groped him, squeezing his boi balls while taking His coffee from me. Jared held perfectly still while Master stretched and squeezed His nuts. i'm sure i would've dropped the coffee, but Jared was very well trained. he stood stock still. Finally, Master smiled and waved him off.

Master laid back in the lounge chair He'd dragged over from the pool. He stripped my shorts off and had me stand to the side, where i could sip my coffee and He could fondle my boi dick and torture my balls. He started with some stroking and pulling, but soon moved to idly slapping and tapping my nuts with His hands and fingers. Once my boi dick was hard and dripping, He handed me His empty cup and sent me for a refill.

As i was refilling Master's coffee, the Big-dicked Man staying at the resort, stepped in behind me. "Nothing like a hot naked slave boi, first thing in the morning," He said as He took the liberty of grinding His big dick into my ass and tugging on the nipple clamp chain.

"good morning Sir," i said respectfully, trying my best to not cry out from the pull on my tender nips.

"tell your Master that I'll cover His bill here this week, if He gives me a good couple of uninterrupted hours with you, cunt. Got it?" He asked, jerking down on the chain.

"Sir, yes Sir, got it Sir, " i answered as quickly as i could. He had two fingers shoved up my boi cunt. i was nervous, but rock hard.

i left with Master's coffee, unsure how to tell him what had transpired. He was still sitting in the sun, naked, when i got back. i knelt and handed Him His coffee. "Master, permission to speak, Master, please?" i begged. He nodded and i explained the Big- dicked Man's proposition. Master smiled ear-to-ear. He sipped His coffee and casually kicked at my balls displayed obediently before Him. Master did not say yes or no, He just smiled confidently. i stayed on my knees and took His idle kicks with gratitude. i was sweating, i was afraid of the Big-dicked Man. He was very aggressive and He seemed obsessed in a less-than-sane way.

The snapping of Master's fingers brought me out of my daydream about the Big-dicked Man and what torture He might inflict on me. Master pointed to His cock and i leaned forward and put it in my mouth. His piss immediately began to fill my mouth, i swallowed quickly. He held my head in place with one hand and casually stroked my throat with the other, feeling His piss as it was swallowed into my gut. Mouthful after mouthful was gulped down. i never spilled a drop.

When He finished, He rubbed my head. The Big-dicked Man was standing nearby. "Two hours, no permanent marks or mods, no blood, no scat, right?" He said to Him. i began to shake slightly with fear. i looked at Master longingly. He laughed at me and stood to shake the Big-dicked Man's hand. i could clearly make out the outline of His huge tool in His sweat pants, a wet spot of precum marked it at about 8-inches or more and it was still soft. He was first in line when i spent the night outside and i remembered vividly how He choked the shit out of me with His big cock. i swallowed uneasily, wondering if I'd be able to even talk later today.

"Present, boi" Master ordered. i stood up fearfully. Master unceremoniously unhooked the nipple clamps and reached down and removed the ball stretcher. It all sent waves of pain through me. i was shaking, but managed to not cry out. Master wrapped His big hand through my collar and pulled my face up to His roughly. He kissed me deep and hard, His tongue dominated my mouth. His tight upward grip on the collar was making swallowing difficult. He broke the kiss and pulled my ear to His mouth. i was struggling to keep my balance on my tip toes. "Do me proud, whore" He hissed "or face Todd and the single tail. Got it?" He jerked the collar tighter, cutting off my air supply.

i nodded and squeaked out a "Sir, yes Sir." The adrenaline was pumping through my system and i was completely terrified. He pulled my head back and looked me deep in the eyes, i felt tears run down my cheeks. i could not breathe.

"You are my property, you do as I command. This is about trust, boi" He said, letting me down. i gasped for air and knelt obediently before him, gratefully kissing his big feet.

The Big-dicked Man reached down and grabbed my collar and dragged me to His room. i briefly looked back at Master, His cock was at full mast, rock hard. Even though i was terrified, i was proud to be His boi.

The Big-dicked Man's room was at the far corner of the compound. He walked very fast, choking and dragging me most of the way. Clearly, He was going to get value from every minute of His two hours. i stumbled once and He hauled me to my feet by the collar, cutting off my air supply. Once on my feet, He slapped my ass hard with His bare hand. "Fuckin' whore, already earning punishments," He spat. i thought about begging mercy, but decided it was futile. Besides, the alternative - taking punishment with the single tail whip - was impossible.

He unlocked His room and threw me to the floor. i immediately got on all fours and began to kiss His feet. He sneered. "On the bed, bitch. Head at the foot" He ordered. i crawled on the bed. He flipped me onto my back, then tightly restrained me spread eagle, with my head hanging off the front of the bed. He brought out an o-ring gag and strapped it on my head. The ring was huge and my jaw began to ache as soon as it was strapped in place.

Next He grabbed a leather cord and tied my balls impossibly low in their sac. i whimpered and got my face slapped hard. Last, He used suction cups similar to Master Todd's and worked my sore nips. i was immobilized and in agony within minutes. He laughed and said, "Now, where to begin..." A sheen of sweat poured over my body. i trembled. What had i gotten myself into?

His cock was fairly hard and intimidating - easily ten inches or more. He lined it up with my forced-open mouth and shoved it deep. i couldn't really stop it. It just went in my gaping hole of a mouth and down my throat. My body convulsed with the intrusion. i bucked wildly on the bed, pulling hard on my restraints. They didn't budge an inch. Each time my body bucked, the sadistic bastard slapped my nuts hard. Throat slime, saliva, and snot poured out of me. He was way taller than me and after long-dicking my throat for a while He leaned in and put my trapped balls in His mouth. As He piston fucked my throat raw, He started chewing in my balls. His fucking teeth were sharp, i was sure He was going to draw blood at any minute. But really, my attention was focused on the obstruction of my airway; His hard fucking monster cock.

After what seemed like forever, He tensed up and fired a load into my gullet. i never even tasted it. Had His cock not gone completely rigid and had i not heard His growling, i would've never known that the cock in my throat had cum. He kept His spurting cock deep in my throat, firing load after load. i was sure i was going to pass out, when He finally pulled back. i coughed and choked up cum everywhere.

"tsk, tsk," He mocked, "such a sloppy whore. More punishment." He untied me from the bed and quickly positioned me on a chair in the room. i was tied to it, facing the back of the chair, kneeling on the seat. The Big-dicked Man was a Master with ropes.

In short order i was completely immobilized, tied to the chair with my ass, back and feet available for His use. My big toes were tied together with a leather cord that extended up and stretched my balls painfully backwards. "Stumbling and wasting a paying Man's precious time is a serious offense, cunt. i know your Master and He will not tolerate that."

He lectured me while rubbing my feet roughly. "Ever experience bastinado before, whore?" He asked. i had no idea what He meant and did my best to answer with negative response, shaking my head back and forth. My jaw ached and my throat was raw from His fucking. The o-ring gag really prevented any intelligible response. He laughed an evil laugh.

A second or two later i learned quickly what bastinado was all about as He began to beat the fuck out of the soles of my feet. He had a small leather strop and swat after swat set my feet on fire. i screamed and cried and begged for mercy. Of course, all of it was unintelligible. Sweat poured off my body, a mix of tears and salvia pooled on floor below my head. i was a mess. It lasted all of a couple of minutes. i was on the edge of passing out from the intense pain. i nearly ripped my balls off straining to get away from the strop. He just laughed. He rubbed my soles afterwards, every touch was on fire.

"That was a little taste of bastinado, cunt. you're a smart one, I don't think you'll stumble again soon" He said snidely. i was shaking all over. He tried to rub and calm me down, but i was terrified. i got control of myself eventually and He moved in front of me. His big dick was at full mast and perfectly aligned with my throat. He lifted my head up and shoved His cock deep. i convulsed on it again; gagging and choking. i couldn't move away from it and my breath was controlled by His force alone. Throat slime, my morning coffee, and snot pooled at His feet. He raped my throat raw, fucking it for a good while. Then He shot all over my face. It was a good sized load for a second load. After He rubbed it into my face and scruffy beard, He pulled away.

"Hmmm... 45 minutes left, how can I make it memorable?" He asked himself. Internally i was thrilled to be more than half way to freedom, but still freaked out by another 45 minutes of this cruel Master. He untied me from the chair and retied me to the bed. My feet on the cold tile floor of the room felt soothed, but tender. Walking was going to be a chore for the rest of the day. i was again expertly tied to the headboard in a sitting position. Arms extended outward to the edges of the headboard, my legs were pulled tight to the corners of the bed. He used a long broom handle and tied my knees to the ends of it, effectively keeping them wide apart.

Then He brought out a healthy-sized butt plug. He put on rubber gloves and i was sure He was going to fist me or something. i started to get very nervous. Master knew that fisting was a limit for me, but did this Man? He coated the plug with some kind of cream from a white tube, then reached around my waist and lifted me up. He centered the fat plug and let me down. Instantly, my boi cunt stretched and then it started to burn like a mother fucker. i tried to stay off it, but the gravity of my own weight just drove it deeper. The burning sensation was crazy, i wanted to scream but i was afraid, i just moaned and quietly begged. Eventually the widest part of the plug slipped in and my boi cunt closed tight around the base, pulling the burning cream deep inside me. He smiled and wiped away some tears.

"Good little whore," He said, condescendingly, "Now let's try this on for size!" He held up a long metal sound. "I saw you admiring that obedient little Brit bitch's dick plug the other day, let's see if you're up to it." i strained in the ropes. No one had ever put anything in my dick, i was sure it was going to be unbearable. i did my best to beg mercy. He looked at me with a disgusted smirk. He walked over and grabbed another part of the gag. It was a long narrow cock gag. He shoved it in my gaping mouth hole and buckled it in place. The head of it went back just passed my gag reflex. It had a breathing hole in it and once i realized i wasn't choking, i calmed down and managed to deal with this rubber cock in my throat. Virtually no noise came out of me now. The Big-dicked Man was pleased.

He coated my boi dick with lube and stroked it to its full 6 inches. He lubed up the sound with another kind of lube from a white tube. i got nervous. The last time He grabbed a white tube of something, He applied it to the plug. Was the same burning sensation in my ass now going in my dick? i strained and began to pray that Master would show up and save me. Sweat was pouring off my body, i was shaking like a leaf.

"Easy, cunt," He snapped, trying to calm me down. He slapped my face hard, a couple of times. i got control of myself. i felt him hold my dick head in His gloved hand and pull my piss slit wide open. At first the coolness of the metal sound honestly felt good, but then as He eased it in, it stretched my dick hole wide and hurt like a son-of-a-bitch.

Between the cock gag choking me, the burning plug in my ass and now having my dick hole fucked, i was in sensation overload. Somehow, the inner slut, the real whore, the horniest cunt in me took over. All my holes were filled. It honestly began to feel good. i found myself riding the big burning plug in my ass and sucking on the rubber cock in my mouth, wishing it was my Master's cock. How did this happen? i slipped over a line between agony and ecstasy, just like that. i was a bitch in heat. i couldn't even see straight, all i knew was that it felt great and i wanted to cum so bad. Fuck that plug was rubbing my prostate raw. i was a blithering idiot, uncontrollably fucking myself and loving every minute of it.

Suddenly the rubber cock and the whole gag itself was removed and a real cock took its place. i was thrilled. i sucked that cock like it was my Master's... and then it dawned on me... these veins, this girth, that perfectly shaped helmet... it was my Master! i didn't realize that i'd clenched my eyes closed at some point, when i looked up He was smiling down at me. He face fucked me and i sucked His cock for all i was worth. His big hairy Master balls bounced off my chin, more throat slime slipped from my mouth and down my chest. He growled and held my head tight and fed me His sweet Manly nectar. My boi dick began to erupt at the same time. The Big-dicked Man pulled out the sound and sucked down my creamy boi load. i felt like i was cumming forever. The Big-dicked Man swallowed it greedily, then He kneeled on the bed and shot His third load all over my stomach. Now, my body shook with relief... it was only 11:00 AM. i'd survived and done my Master very proud.

Next: Chapter 10: Learning to Serve 10

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