Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Jan 23, 2012


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Several Masters and Sirs on the web have asked for this story, so i thought i'd post it here. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based on a true story. Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboy4SIR@gmail.com. Please, enjoy. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter six - Deeper down

As the grunts and groans subsided, Master Todd pulled out and shifted upward in the bed. Master pulled my ass to Him, clearly He wasn't about to go anywhere. Master Todd slipped off the condom and tilted my face upwards. He smiled as i opened my mouth instinctively. He emptied the rich contents of the condom into my eager mouth. Fuck, i love cum. My ass squeezed around Master's cock as the salty, slimey spunk slid down my throat. Master Todd slipped off the bed and Master took over, pausing only briefly to put on a new condom.

"fuckin' good boi, sloppy cunt is still tight for your Master... nice..." He growled as He slid His fat eight inches into His well-stretched boi hole. He spooned up to me and reached around and tweaked my right nip, hard. i cried out and clamped my ass down hard on his cock. "Damn, boi... those clamps really worked... shit, that's tight..." He moaned, working his cock back and forth. "Tomorrow maybe we'll see what some piercing might do..." He threatened. i moaned and squeezed in fear.

Master kept this "pillow talk" up for the next ten minutes, tweaking the hell out of each of my nips. Then suddenly, He lifted me up onto my hands and knees and fucked his boi doggy style. Master Todd emerged from the bathroom, showered and cleaned up.

"Beautiful" was all He said. He leaned over and kissed Master good night, They whispered something to one another. i was lost in my own erotic world, having my brains fucked out again. Before Master Todd left, i heard the now familiar jingle of the chained nipple clamps. He applied them to my nips and rubbed my head as He left. "Door open?" He asked.

"Yeah, why not? It's hot in here and the boi's throat needs work." He chuckled. Master Todd laughed.

"Won't be empty for long" He said as He walked out. Master picked me up and put my head at the foot of the bed, never missing a stroke of His fat cock. Minutes later, a Man appeared at the door. Master reached down and lifted my head up.

"Open up boi... the next cock is here..." He ordered. i opened obediently and a good sized uncut cock was fed to me. i sucked greedily. The Man grabbed my head and face fucked me. i sputtered at first, but soon got into the rhythm. Master just casually see- sawed His beautiful cock up my ass. This lucky boi was lost in cock.

At one point, i heard Master say in a stern voice, "One in the room at a time guys... there's plenty of throat..." i started to panic slightly, but Master tugged sharply on the chain between my nips and my trust in Him was instantly restored. i felt the cock in my mouth go rigid and then spew a hot load down my throat.

"Thanks bro," the Man said as He high-fived Master and rubbed my head. Master didn't respond verbally, i imagined Him waving in the next Man. This time it was a hard eight incher, a lot like Master's cock.

"Finally..." the Man said "...been a long time since the breakfast bar and the pool." Master chuckled and said something about it being worth the build up. The Man just shoved His cock deep down my throat. As expected, the build up, the wait to use me all day, made Him an aggressive throat fucker. He held my head in a vise-like grip and fucked my throat raw. i gagged and choked around it, doing my best to keep up. i knew better than to spit up like i had yesterday with Master Todd. i worked it as best this boi possibly could. My boi dick throbbed beneath me. My legs and arms were aching, but like a greedy pig, i endured.

The Man's cock started showing tell-tale signs that He was about to erupt. i squeezed my ass as hard as i could. Master moaned. i worked every muscle in my mouth, throat and tongue too. Soon, i got my slippery reward; first in the throat, then on my tongue and finally the last three spurts on my face.

"Fuckin' good cockwhore..." the Man complimented Master. "Thanks for sharing" He said to Master as He left. Master grunted, grabbed my hips and fucked me hard. The chain around my neck and the chain between my nips jingled hard back and forth. My tits were screaming, my hole was on fire, i was babbling out a litany of praise filled with 'thank you Master' and 'please Master... fuck me Master...'

Another random cock filled my mouth. i can't even remember if it was cut or uncut. It was big and it shut me up. The Man quickly picked up the same speed in front that the Master was maintaining in back. Within a couple of minutes i was coaxing a third Man's load down my throat and Master was growling out as He dumped His second of the night in His boi ass. The Man in my throat simply pulled out and left, mumbling his 'thanks man" as He walked out.

Master pulled out and slapped my ass hard. i jumped and cried out. "Get out there on the porch and finish up that line of men, boi. Do me proud, got it?" He threatened. In my selfish haze, i started to whine that i was exhausted. Master was having none of that. He got out of bed and dragged harshly me to my feet.

"i'm sorry Master, i'm sorry Master" my pleas did nothing to help.

He slapped me hard across the face and shut me up. "PRESENT" He ordered. He snapped a different, more painful rubber ball stretcher on my nuts, i was shaking all over. He cuffed my hands together behind my back and shackled my ankles. He dragged me to the porch by my collar and forced me to kneel.

"DISPLAY" was the command, it echoed in the courtyard. i knelt and spread my knees apart, obediently, still shaking. He cuffed my ankles together and then cuffed my hands to them. He came around to the front of me and kicked my knees wider apart. "Use the hole, Men," He said to who ever was standing around. He disappeared into the room, closing the door. A Man stepped up. i immediately and eagerly sucked His cock. i found some renewed energy somewhere and sucked dick like my life depended on it. Master returned with a large dildo. He lifted me up some and planted it right at my hole. Every time i slacked my upright position, the huge thing pushed hard into my already abused hole. He leaned into my ear as i was sucking cock and whispered "this is discipline, it pleases Me, boi." He jerked the chain on my nips and laughed and stepped out of my sight. i sucked like a Hoover.

i probably sucked another five or six cocks. My jaw was a wreck. My face and hair was sticky with cum, but i was begging for more cock. By the time i finished the last Man, the dildo was firmly up my ass. The sky was starting to brighten in the east. i slumped over and fell asleep on the doorstep. At some point, someone mercifully dropped a beach towel over me and i was really out.

"DO NOT EVER REFUSE ME, boi" the words came before i noticed the door open. The gentle slap across my face woke me up completely.

"Yes Master, thank you Master, your boi has learned his lesson Master" i groveled, sleepily, kissing His feet before me. My hands were numb, my body ached all over. He unlocked the cuffs and told me stretch out slowly. One eyelid was stuck shut with dried cum. i'm sure i was a complete mess. The dildo was on the porch beside me. It was huge. i stretched my arms and legs. He helped me to stand and stretch a little more. Then He reached down and hoisted me up and over His shoulder like a sack of dirty laundry.

i started to cry uncontrollably. He rubbed my back. "Let it out boi," He told me with zero emotion in His voice, "this is your life now. Obey me and it will be good. Disobey and there will be harder nights than that." He set me down in the shower and stepped back, then pissed all over me. The hot morning piss was rank, but it felt so good. i opened my mouth to accept it and He hosed off my cum-stained face.

"Take off the nipple clamps, boi" He ordered. i shook and hesitated, "NOW!" came the harsh command. i reached up and unclamped the left, anticipating a sheer pain, but nothing came. It was numb. i unclamped the right and set them carefully aside. He reached down and grabbed my pecs with both of His hands... then the agony came. i began to whither and flop around like a fish out of water. My scream started, but was silenced with a stern, piercing stare from Master. i struggled, and slowly, i got a hold of myself. He massaged and rubbed my pecs and tweaked each nipple slightly. i sobbed and moaned and thanked my Master.

"Fuck yeah," He pronounced, "now that's how a boi's tits should look!" i glanced down and couldn't believe my eyes. My nipples were deep red, almost purple and they stuck out like little, erect boi dicks. "Master is very pleased, boi" He said. i smiled and giggled a little. He rubbed my head. "Take your time, boi, and clean up good. I'll try to take it easy at the pool today. Tonight, all bets are off..." He chuckled to Himself.

"Yes Master, thank you Master" i answered, lavishing kisses on His feet on the edge of the shower. He turned on the water, smiled down at me, and walking out. i laid there on the shower floor in the warm shower water for a few minutes, still crying, still shaking. Eventually, i pulled myself together and slowly stood. Stretching felt so good. My hands were still really numb. i dropped the wash cloth a few times and stumbled at least twice. It was a long shower. i was grateful. My balls were still bound by the rubber stretcher, they were very dark red. My asshole was incredibly tender. i washed and douched.

At some point, Master walked into the bathroom. He was talking to someone on His cell phone. He opened the shower door, turned off the water and pointed to the spot in front of Him. i knelt obediently and opened my mouth. Master put His soft cock on my tongue and started to piss again. i swallowed as fast as i could keeping my eyes adoringly focused on Him. He was so beautiful. i could hear Him talking but couldn't quite put the conversation together. It sounded like directions to somewhere. He finished and threw a wet towel at me. i dried myself and brushed my teeth. He went back into the main room.

In the main room, Master was sitting in the armchair. A warm breeze was blowing into the room through the open door. Men, Masters and bois were heading to grab breakfast. "Present" He ordered calmly, as He pointed to the spot on the floor before him. i stood there, spread my legs and raised my hands behind my head and gazed downward respectfully. He leaned forward and pulled on my swollen, sore balls.

"These are stretching nicely, lets do some weight today" He said, getting up and walking to the dresser. i was beginning to dread what was in that top drawer. He pulled out one and half pound ball weight. He quickly removed the rubber ball stretcher and replaced it with the locking chrome weight. Once it was locked in place, He let it go. One and half pounds doesn't seem that heavy until it's hanging on your sack, pulling your nuts low. i groaned my appreciation to Master, He smiled.

He ordered His gym shorts and flip flops. i dressed him. The flimsy cotton gym shorts did little to hide His beautiful cock. i kissed his feet as each flip flop was placed adoringly on each foot.

"Grab the room key and let's go, boi" He ordered. i was going to be naked today. i locked up the room and followed Him in my station to the breakfast area. The ball weight pulled with every little movement.

The breakfast area was crowded. Master handed me an apple and a bottle of water and explained that this was breakfast for me today. My stomach grumbled, but my words were simple, grateful and clear, "thank you Master." He nodded and i grabbed Him a plate and got His breakfast as He ordered. Gripping the heavy plate with hands still slightly numb was nerve-wracking. i didn't dare drop it. It took all my concentration to carry it. He found a chair outside on the patio and sat. i knelt to His right, set my apple and water on the ground and held the plate for Him as He ate.

i noticed that all the slaves, bois and lads were all similarly naked. All of them seemed to be serving Masters as well. All were similarly on the ground, like i was. As the Event began, the rules at the resort seemed to change. Suddenly bois were treated like bois, Master and Men were supreme. Many of the Men stopped by to rub my head and thank Master for His generosity last night. He chatted politely with each of them and asked about my usefulness. As they complimented my throat skill, Master beamed with pride. i kept my gaze downward, but smiled some myself. A couple of Men commented on the progression of my tits, talking about the redness and erectness of them like they were fruits on the breakfast bar. Master would usually reach over and tweak them as they commented. i nearly dropped the plate the first time. Master's glare kept me focused. The Man who commented laughed sadistically.

When Master finished His last bite, He allowed me to eat my apple and drink my water. He chatted with a few Men and then summoned Jared over from across the patio. Like all the bois, Jared was naked except in his case, he had a leather cockring on. It made his erection rock solid. When he got closer, Master said the word 'present" and then commented on his jewelry. "Do you like this, boi?" He asked me, lifting my chin up to look directly at Jared's hard dick. In the end of his dick was a ring. i didn't think Jared had a PA and i must've had a puzzled look on my face. Master grabbed Jared's erection and pulled on the ring, it was attached to a sound running into his dick. Jared didn't move an inch, he was stone still. Master pulled the sound in and out of his dick, fucking his piss slit. i was mesmerized. "Boi?" Master asked a second time.

"Yes Master, it's beautiful Master," i answered.

Master smiled and said "good answer, boi" petting me on the head. He looked up at Jared and said "dismissed." Jared turned away and went back to Master Blake. Master reached down and stroked my hard dick. He pointed to the spot on the floor between his legs, i moved in. He turned me so i was facing way from him and ordered me to 'display.' i knelt there, knees spread, hands behind my back, between my Master's legs while He finished His coffee and chatted with the other Men. i was ordered to refill his coffee cup twice, always returning to this same 'display' position. He'd reward my good service with tweaks to my nipples or a light kick to the ball weight, making it sway slightly. The rough texture of the bricks on the patio cut sharply into my knees, but i dared not complain. My boi dick stayed hard the entire time.

After a good half hour of coffee and breakfast chat, Master decided it was time to nap by the pool. He stood and pulled me to my feet. i cleaned up our breakfast mess and followed Him at my station to the room.

Our room was being cleaned when we got back, so Master sat in the lounge on our porch. i was ordered to stand near by and 'present.' At first, Master idly stroked my dick and tugged on the ball weight. He soon got bored with that and ordered me to lay across His lap, my dick and balls trapped between His strong legs. He proceeded to idly spank my ass, almost as if to tell the cleaning guy to hurry up. Instead of tapping his foot impatiently, He slapped His boi ass.

After a few minutes, He took his flip flop off and used that to redden my ass. When He got bored with that He ordered me to reach back and spread my cheeks. He then proceeded to use the edge of the flip flop to spank my hole directly. The dull thud was annoying more than painful. My pucker winked with every hit. My boi dick dripped.

Suddenly a Man stepped near us and said "Here, try this" to Master.

"Interesting, a cock whip?" Master asked. The Man explained that it was called a stinger, a special small whip i had no idea what a stinger was, but any kind of whip made me nervous.

"Here, allow me to demonstrate?" He asked politely. Master agreed. He told Master to hold my cheeks apart, explaining that it was better for the boi that way. Master's big paws grabbed and spread my cheeks painfully-wide apart. "Hold tight," the Man told Master. He gripped hard. The next thing i felt was an incredible stinging sensation all over my ass hole. i screamed and bucked. Master held me tight. "Most bois can take five before they start to really scream" He said, in a condescending tone. That seemed to be all the egging on that Master needed.

"My boi can take five, can't ya, boi?" He asked. There was only one answer.

"Yes Master, thank you Master" i stammered not believing myself. He gripped me hard and then... whoosh! The Man whipped me again. "Thank you Sir, may i please have another" came tumbling out of my mouth, as tears started falling down my face. My body trembled. Another couple whips came quickly, Master laughed and noted about my low pain threshold, but He credited His control for my endurance. Another whoosh and i was crying hard now, still i managed to thank the Man and ask for another.

"Is that four or five, boi?" the Man asked.

i wasn't sure when the counting started, so i erred on the painful, but safe, side and said "Four since i agreed to five, Sir. Please Sir, may i please have another, Sir?" He lashed hard and i screamed my thanks. My ass was on fire, every uncontrollable wink of my puckering hole was agony. My ass lips felt sunburned.

"Very nice... a stinger, huh?" Master asked "We'll need to pick one up, eh, boi?"

"Yes Master, please Master" i sobbed. His hard cock was throbbing against my belly. He rubbed my sore hole with his big fingers. i moaned gratefully.

At some point in all that, the room was done and the cleaning guy had left. Master ordered me up.

"Towels and sun screen, boi" He commanded as He made His way to a sunnier spot. i grabbed the stuff from the room and joined Him, spreading a big beach towel on a lounge for Him. He handed me His gym shorts and asked for His sun glasses. i hurried back to the room, sniffing the shorts on the way. Walking or jogging jolted the weight on my balls, but i knew better than to slack off. Once Master was slathered in sunscreen, He looked around and saw one of the Men from last night.

"Wanna rub some sunscreen on the boi?" He asked the man. The Man practically fell over himself to say yes. "Present, boi" Master ordered. The man was liberal with the sunscreen and made sure He got it into every nook and crevice on my body. He applied extra to my dick, stroking it to full mast.

"No cumming, boi" Master ordered, "we have a big night tonight." The Man smiled and kept stroking. My dick was so hard and He just kept edging me closer. Just as i was about to beg the Man to stop, He stopped on His own and winked at me. He coated my legs and butt. The lotion stung on my sore hole. The Man worked a couple of fingers into my hole. i gasped. Master grinned. Finally, the Man was finished. He thanked Master and went back to His lounge. Master pointed to the space beside Him and told me to lie down, face up.

Like yesterday, Master lazily played with His boi balls while i slept fitfully in the sun beside Him. i flipped over when ordered and He toyed absent-mindedly with my hole. Flipping was signaled by sharp slap to my ass or my balls. It jolted me awake each time. i was exhausted, but thoroughly aroused too. At some point i was ordered to the room to get water. He looked so amazing laying there by the pool, muscled and oiled up with sunscreen. My boi dick chubbed every time i looked at my Master. We slept most of the morning away.

Around noon, Master Todd emerged from his room and joined us. He pulled a lounge chair up on the other side of me and immediately stuck His big manly fingers in my hole. "This tightened back up, I see" He commented to Master. Master laughed. "Mind if I use it?" He asked.

"What's mine is yours, babe" Master offered, "just don't bruise it or let it shoot." Master Todd reassured Him that He'd be his usual gentle self and it'd be quick. Master laughed, reached down and pulled me up by my collar. "Be a good boi for Master Todd, pig. NO CUMMING, got it?" He ordered. i accepted his orders, obediently stood and followed Master Todd. He was wearing sweat pants and they hugged His bubble butt perfectly. He pushed me ahead of Him, up the stairs to His room.

"Wash that shit off of you, pig, you smell like a fuckin' coconut" He mocked, pointing me to the bathroom. i found a washcloth and proceeded to wash off the sunscreen as best i could. Master Todd came in naked and joined me. He scrubbed my skin even harder. i washed his body some, His tattoos were beautiful. "Damn those tits are coming along nicely" He whistled as He scrubbed them. "I got something that'll help work 'em good for ya" He said as if i asked for help with them.

I answered gratefully "thank you Master Todd," knowing that my Master would want my tits worked harder.

He turned off the shower and stepped out, but ordered me to stay. He dried off with a towel and then turned to me, pushed me down to my knees and pissed all over me. i opened my mouth like a good boi and swallowed some. He smiled. "Shake it off boi, no towel." i shook and rubbed the piss all over my body. He grabbed me by my collar and took me outside to His back balcony and stood me in the sun to dry. He came back in about five minutes and pronounced me dry enough. In the main room, He opened a black bag and pulled out two little devices that looked like caps. He ordered me to "present" and i stood legs spread, arms above my head. He squeezed the cap and then placed it over my nipple. It sucked the nipple hard into it. i winced and groaned a little.

"Easy boi, next one" He said as He applied another to my left nip. Then He flicked both of them with His fingers, it was electric. My boi dick got rock hard. He laughed and slapped my dick around. He leaned in and grabbed my head and pulled my face to His. He kissed me hard, then pushed me towards the bed.

"I gotta nut bad, boi" He announced. His cock was huge and throbbing. He put some leather cuffs on my wrists and then tied my hands together behind me. Next He cuffed my ankles and tied them off to the corners of the bed frame. i was positioned leaning over the end of the bed; immobilized.

"I like my bois secured," He laughed "Richard is too easy on 'em." Master Todd slapped my ass a couple of times, then spread my legs and dove his hard, fat tongue into my sore pucker. i squealed. He said "your screams out there woke me up a while ago, boi, not good..."

Suddenly He stood up and a minute later He shoved a red rubber ball gag in my mouth. It stretched my aching jaw wide open. i didn't realize until then, just how sore my mouth was from all the cock sucking the night before.

Master Todd went back to my ass, between severe slaps He tongued my hole until it was begging for Master cock. Sore or not, it needed to be used and stretched hard. His niner was just the ticket. Restrained or not, my hole was begging for it. His tongue was magic. The slapping on my ass only added to the arousal. My weighted balls took a slap here and there too. i was so hot, by the time He nudged His blunt cockhead into my hole, that i felt my ass suck Him in. i think He was intending to go slow, but i was so horned up and eager that He leaned into it and drove it all home. i moaned into the ball gag, it was rich.

He fucked me hard for a good ten minutes. It took every thing i had not to cum, per Master's orders. We were both covered in sweat, the suction cups on my nipples tugged hard with every thrust. Finally, He picked up the speed and jack-rabbited my ass. Master Todd grunted twice and shot a good five ropes of cum up my ass before collapsing His muscular frame on top of mine. My boi dick strained for release, i was so close to the edge. Without moving much, He unbuckled the ball gag, pulled His huge cock out of my ass and brought the cum filled Magnum to my mouth.

"Don't swallow boi" He ordered. i sucked the thick, salty load into my mouth until the condom was empty. Then He threw it aside and kissed me hard. His tongue pushed the cum everywhere in my mouth, it was so hot.

He pulled back and pronounced "damn, I taste good in a hot boi's mouth. Go ahead, boi, swallow," He ordered. He untied my legs and pushed me up on the bed. He spooned tight behind me and we fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 7: Learning to Serve 7

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