Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Jan 17, 2012


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Several Masters and Sirs on the web have asked for this story, so i thought i'd post it here. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based on a true story. Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboy4SIR@gmail.com. Please, enjoy. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your praise to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter five - double pleasure, double pain

In the room, Master selected clothing for the night. Besides the chrome plug, i was ordered to put my chrome cockring on. It's small and a tight fit. i always get hard putting it on. Master relaxed in the armchair and watched me struggle. He sat there naked and smiling. It certainly didn't make it easier. He was so fucking hot. Eventually, i manipulated my boi dick and aching balls through the ring, resulting in a hard pulsating and dripping boi dick. He had me stand before Him, legs spread, hands over my head, as He examined the fit. He then proceeded to slap my hard dick and balls until the pain made them subside some. It was agonizing but i took it like a good boi knowing my Master wanted my dick soft.

i was given a different pair of tight leather pants, these had zippers in front and back. The zippers worked the opposite way that normal pants zippers worked, they began at the waist band and zipped together going down. When they were on, Master produced a keyed padlock and locked the front and back zippers together, between my legs. It was odd having, a padlock, dangling between my legs.

Instead of the harness i wore the night before, Master selected a pair of leather suspenders. i tucked the leather pants into my motorcycle boots and put my black belt on. Master stood up. He ordered my hands behind my back, my legs spread apart. He adjusted my package so that my semi-hard dick pointed to the right and my balls pointed to the left. He then put the suspenders on me. They were made from sturdy black leather and He adjusted them so they were appropriately tight over my shoulders. The edge of stiff leather was abrasive against my swollen, red nips. Master smiled devilishly, His cock was more than half hard. He went to the dresser and found a pair of nipple clamps. They were different from the metals ones i wore when He fucked or disciplined me. These clamps snapped onto the suspenders and then onto the nearest nip. They were connected to each other by a beautiful braided leather cord. i squirmed as they were applied. They didn't bite as hard as the metal clips, but they certainly bit. Master explained that these were new and custom designed by a leatherworker friend of His. We would be meeting this Man at some point and i should be very respectful to Him. He tugged the suspenders and my nips were on fire. i winced, but did my best to hold still.

"Thank You Master for displaying this beautiful jewelry on your slave, Master," i groveled. He rubbed my head and pulled me to His pec, calling me a "good boi." i nursed gently on His left nip.

"OK boi, let's get Me dressed" He ordered. i helped him into a black jock first, every kneeling and standing movement tugged painfully on my nips. After the jock was on and adjusted around His semi-hard eight incher, He selected His favorite pair of black leather pants. i knelt and dressed Him obediently. He wore His English bulldog harness and it accentuated His huge pecs. A leather arm band on His left arm was next. He also selected a leather necklace with a pendant that read "MASTER" in bold print. He put a loose fitting, button-down, brown, short-sleeve shirt on and left it unbuttoned. After lacing up and licking His big black boots, He was set.

"Good work boi, clean this place up and meet me at Master Blake's room" was His command as He tucked in His chained wallet, grabbed His leather gloves and a couple of cigars, and left. i straightened up the room, quickly. i caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and stopped. Wow, i thought, not the same guy i was 48-hours ago. i smiled, this was the hottest experience ever. i grabbed the room key and my ID, locked the room up and made my way to Master Blake's room.

"Welcome" Simon greeted me when i walked into the open room. he hugged me gently and immediately remarked on the suspenders and the nipple clamps. Master steered me to a place in front of him and explained to the small crowd of Men and bois, how the clamps attached to the suspenders and to each other, basically keeping the bois nips in a constant agitated state. i'm sure my wincing and cringing throughout the little demonstration was evidence of that.

"He'll be a popular boi tonight" commented the big-dicked Man from the pool that afternoon. He adjusted himself as He spoke, Master laughed and pulled me protectively to Him. He reached down and squeezed my jaw open.

"This hole is common property. Use it," He explained as He shoved a couple of gloved fingers deep in my mouth, "the rest is well locked up, Men." He jingled the padlock between my legs. The message was clear, i'd be sucking a lot of cock, but not getting fucked by anyone but Master. Master pushed me back to my station and i was happy to go there.

Jared and Simon both had on leather jocks and chaps. Both of their nips were clamped with nice silver chains. Both had simple, matching leather collars on as well as simple leather cuffs. Master Blake thanked everyone for coming and then suggested we "wrap up the gathering" and head out to the Ice Breaker reception in town. Master leaned back to me and told me to go help the lads.

"Simon needs help in the bathroom" He sneered. i didn't quite get it, but didn't question it. i headed to the bathroom, there was a line of Men obviously waiting to piss. i was pushed to the front of the line. inside the bathroom, Simon was kneeling and clearly guzzling piss from a tough looking Man. Another Man was pissing in the toilet. i got it. i knelt next to Simon and immediately had a pissing cock in my mouth. i did my best to keep up and swallow. Simon and i were urinals for at least three Men each, no one used the toilet when piss pigs were available. The last Man finished and pointed us at one another. We kissed and made out a little. He liked the show. Jared came in and got us and the three of us scurried to clean up the room. When finished, we ran down to the gate and joined our Masters.

Master Blake drove and i was placed in the front seat with Him. Master was in the back seat with an eager Simon on one side and Jared on the other. i heard Him groan as we pulled out of the resort. i looked back to see both boys sucking His cock. i whimpered slightly, but then found Master Blake pulling my collar into His lap. His cock was out and hard. i smiled and opened my mouth. i nursed on His cock while He drove. i was a happy boi.

We got to the bar where the Ice Breaker event was being held. There was a line to get in. i held closely to my station, Master reached back and slipped His hand down the back of my pants. His warm hand held my left ass cheek and it felt wonderful while we waited. The line moved quickly.

Inside, our names were checked off a list and there were interesting name tags. Instead of just "Hello, my name is" some read "Master" or "Dom" or just "Man." There were no name tags for bois or slaves. Master filled out His "Master" name tag with "Richard," then took me over to a guy who had the job of marking bois and slaves. He wrote something across my back and then my name on my right arm "slave john." Master reassured me that it read "Property of Master Richard" on my back. i thanked him and the writer. Master tipped the Man and then had Him write "please tug" just below the braided leather cord between my nips. Master was pleased, i beamed.

We found Master Blake and the lads at the bar. Jared's back read "Master Blake 1 of 2" and Simon's read "Master Blake 2 of 2." Master ordered a vodka tonic and a bottle of Bud Light for me. He found a spot against the wall and had me kneel next to him. We watched the crowd. Several Men and Masters came by and introduced themselves. Master was very popular and chatted with all of them. Whether i was on my knees or standing, per Master's desires, every one who talked to Master read the words on my chest and tugged the cord. Some were rougher than others, many grabbed my arm to read my name. No one spoke directly to me. i was objectified in a whole new way. Master occasionally, rubbed my head and complimented me on my good behavior.

After a while, Master sent me to the bar to get him another drink, Simon went with me. Like the night before, we got plenty of attention. This time, however, the bartender was gruff and to the point. No flirting, no smiles, just service. Simon was clearly disappointed. i was a little relieved. Having eaten no lunch and a small side salad for dinner, one beer had me a little light headed. i was glad that Master told me that i'd be drinking no more beer.

Master was chatting with Master Todd when i got back with His drink. Master Todd affectionately rubbed my head and patted my ass. i was glad that He wasn't angry. Master positioned me in front of Him, and casually patted my balls while Master Todd explored the nipple clamps. my agony and discomfort was clearly pleasing to Them. i tried to focus on Them and their happiness. After a good five minutes of torture, Master Todd leaned in and joined Master and i in a hot three way kiss.

The bar was really crowded, leather Men everywhere. All shapes and sizes, all levels of dominance and subservience, all friendly and talkative. Master Todd, moved behind us and unzipped His pants and pissed into my beer bottle. Right there in the dark bar, i was sure we would be thrown out, but no one seemed to notice. He handed me the warm bottle, i knelt down and thanked Him by nursing the last few drops from the tap, before tucking His glorious cock back into His pants. He ordered me to stand between Master and Himself and drink my recycled beer.

They played with me on and off for the next hour, either tormenting my nips or tapping my balls. i did my best to tolerate it with out much reaction, other than wincing or cringing. They chatted idly with the Men and Masters near them, often letting these strangers tug on the cord or grope my package. The crowd was really thick, lots of leather Men, fewer Masters and bois. Occasionally Master would point out some of the extreme behavior in the crowd. One Master had brought His slave completely bound in a rubber suit, head to toe. The slave's eyes were exposed, his arms bound behind his back, his legs shackled, and was led through the crowd by a leash attached a harness around his dick. Master Todd rolled His eyes at the display, He leaned back behind me and made some comments to my Master. They laughed and it made me nervous. i glanced up at the crowd from time to time, there was always at least a couple Men leering at me. When Master Todd or Master noticed these Men, they always invited them over. i was pawed and prodded by old Men, young Men, fat Men, skinny Men, every type of Man you could imagine. In due time, Master needed to piss. He leaned into me and rubbed my belly.

"Gotta piss, boi?" He asked, pushing directly on my bladder. It was a whole new point of pain and i jumped ever so slightly.

"Yes Master, please Master, may your slave please relieve itself Master?" i asked respectfully. Without answering, He grabbed the lock on my collar and dragged me through the crowd. Master Todd was behind me, holding my hands together. At some point in the march to the Men's Room, He cuffed them together with a pair of steel handcuffs. The line at the Men's Room was long, Master was in no mood to wait. He pushed past the line and headed out the back door of the bar to the parking lot. He headed for the dumpster in the corner, Master Todd kept me restrained and close behind Him.

The parking lot was fairly well lit, but it was shadowy by the dumpster. When we got there, Master looked behind it and laughed.

"Great minds think alike" i heard him say "my name is Richard." They shook hands. The other Man/Master introduced himself as Thomas and gestured to a naked slave on his knees calling him "cuntface." i glanced over at cuntface, he was covered in piss and cum. Master respectfully asked "May we?" as He gestured to cuntface.

"Absolutely. cuntface is a real piss pig and cum whore, especially for hot slave brother piss." He said as He tugged on the cord. Master reached down and unlocked the zippers. With Master Todd's cuffs still tightly gripping my arms behind my back Master unzipped me and pulled my semi-hard cock out, aiming it at cuntface. cuntface was easily in his thirties and very slim. his entire body was shaved head to toe and he was pierced everywhere - ears, eyebrows, septum, nipple and a huge PA - to name what i could see.

i'm relatively bladder shy to start with but, pissing like this was going to be hard. i tried to relax, but nothing. Suddenly Master pushed on my bladder again and cockring and semi-hard cock or not, i was pissing. Master knew exactly where to apply pressure to make me piss. cuntface was ecstatic, moaning and slurping piss like it was the finest wine. Master Thomas was goading him on, urging him to drink my worthless slave piss. my piss was aimed all over my brother slave.

When i was done, cuntface leaned up to suck the last drops, but Master slapped him back into place with a stern "NO." Crestfallen, cuntface eased back into his display position. Master Todd pushed me back to Master Thomas and He took control of me, while both Master Richard and Master Todd pissed and slapped the hell out of cuntface. Having felt Master Todd's slaps recently, i felt sorry for cuntface.

i really had little time to be concerned about him though, Master Thomas was fascinated by the suspenders and clips on my nips. After tugging and pulling on them to the point of tears, He actually unclipped them. The blood rushed back into my nips and i was close to screaming, had i not been witnessing the fury my Master and Master Todd could unleash before me. cuntface was taking one hell of a beating. My back was suddenly against the chain link fence surrounding the parking lot and i gripped it for dear life and held on. Master Thomas rubbed and tweaked the hell out of my nips, there was a fire burning all over my body. i kept my teeth clenched hard so as to keep myself from screaming. Master glanced back at me between pissing and slapping the shit out of cuntface.

Finally Master Thomas had enough of my tit torture and reclamped them. The pain seared all over again. He reached down and stroked my rock hard boi dick. i was at full mast and dripping like crazy, my ass was spasming hard around the plug. My Master turned around and complimented Master Thomas. He rubbed my head and called me a 'good boi.' Behind them, Master Todd grunted and unloaded His jizz all over cuntface. Again, cuntface leaned forward to take Master Todd cock and got a harsh slap coupled with a sharp kick to his nuts.

"We got a boi for clean up" He spat at cuntface. Master had just stuffed my dick, but not balls into the pants. He pushed me to my knees and i eagerly nursed and cleaned up Master Todd's cock. cuntface whimpered quietly. Once Master Todd was cleaned up, They thanked Master Thomas and we went back inside.

We stood in line to get back into the bar, my balls were completely exposed when Master's gloved hand wasn't holding or squeezing them. If the interesting suspenders and nipple clamps didn't bring me a lot of attention, this surely would. i could feel the adrenaline pumping through my system. i was clearly on an erotic high, i shook slightly all the time.

The line moved slowly, Master Todd occasionally pulled me back into him and bear hugged me. Usually this was a cue to Master to turn around and smother my short 5'7" frame between their taller 6'3" and 6' 4" muscle bodies. They would kiss up above me and the mashing would shove the nipple clamps into my nips. This would elicit a gasp or whimper out of me, but moreover it would elicit catcalls from the other Men standing in line. In my humble opinion, my Master and Master Todd were the hottest Masters in a city full of Men and Masters. my boi dick throbbed and leaked constantly.

Once back inside the bar, Master Todd went to the bar to grab beers and Master led me out to the back patio. They wanted to smoke cigars. The walk through the crowded bar was hard on my nips, but Master's gloved grip on my swollen, aching balls was even harder. He's tall, so i had to almost walk on my toes to keep up and try to ease the pull. It was impossible. By the time He found a space and an empty bar stool on the patio, my balls were a wreck. Master sat on the bar stool and lit His cigar. He spread His muscular legs and pointed between them, i stood there and He pulled me close.

"Some day boi, you'll learn to be a true cigar slave. You'll learn to light this for Me, get it perfectly wet, and serve as my ashtray" He promised "but until then we'll work on your boot lickin' skill." He pushed me down to His boots and i obediently licked them. Master had taught me to lick His boots and keep my eyes as locked on His eyes as much as possible. It's not an easy position to maintain. Basically you are kneeling and leaning into the beautiful black boot, licking and tasting the leather, while craning your neck upward to see your beautiful Master. It was made more difficult with Master Todd's steel cuffs holding my hands together, locked behind my back.

Down there, on the floor of a crowded leather bar, put me in a sea of boots. When my neck could no longer crane up to gaze at my Master, it went down to worship His boots and the surrounding view was nothing but more and more Manly black leather boots.

After some time, Master Todd came back. i recognized His motorcycle boots, they were similar to mine. He stood next to Master and made use of my back as His foot rest. His heavy boot pressed hard into the small of my back. He'd wiggle it back and forth and it would somehow jiggle the plug in my ass. My reaction was to lick harder on my Master's boot.

When He tired of me as a foot rest, i would be ordered to switch to His boots for licking and worshipping, while Master gently kicked my exposed balls with His left boot and used my back to rest the heel of His right foot.

Of course, this scene attracted the attention of the crowded patio. Master after Master approached them and complimented Their skill and dominance. i could hear bits and pieces of what They said, but seldom the whole message.

"I'd strip it naked out here."

"Not trained enough for ashtray duty?"

"Hot action, Men, is that cunt available?

They always chatted the visitors up and i couldn't hear their responses. i did hear more than one invitation to a house party and some conversation about a slave auction, but mostly i was focused on the boots before me and licking them to perfection. When i glanced up, as often as i possibly could, the Masters always grinned down at me.

At one point, i was ordered to kneel between Master's spread legs facing the crowd in the display position. Master Todd removed the cuffs and rubbed my wrists. Master Richard pulled my arms up and laced my fingers together behind my head. My balls were out there for anyone to see. When Master lifted my elbows up, the stretch on my nips was intense. Master Todd took the space between my spread knees and nudged them even farther apart. i screamed out, but it was muffled in His bulging package planted in my face. i was basically held in an intesnse spread eagle position by the placement of my knees and elbows. When my screaming stopped and i could breath again, Master Todd slowly backed up. Holding this position for long was impossible. My body began to shake after about 60 seconds. Finally, Master released my elbows.

"At ease, boi, stand up and stretch it out" were the most wonderful words uttered by Master that night. i beamed with gratitude and thanked Master profusely. He smiled and kissed me hard. The taste of cigar dominated my mouth and i was grateful for it. Master stood and i was kindly offered the bar stool. Master Todd and my Master stood in front of me, while i rested and got myself back together. i was a mess of sweat and tears and i was aching all over.

Last call came within minutes and people started clearing the bar. Master zipped me up and relocked me, then leading me by the collar got me out to Master Todd's car. i sensed that i'd be serving them both all night. And it was going to be a hot night.

Back at the resort, i obediently opened the gate for Them and then stripped naked once inside. Master removed the nipple clamps, but left the plug and cockring in place. i carried my neatly folded clothes to the room and opened the room for them. Master ordered me to the bathroom to make sure i was clean and to leave the plug and cockring out. Having worn the plug most of the day, it was tricky to get it out. The cockring was downright torture to remove. Once cleaned up and made my way back to the main room.

Both Masters were standing there, making out. i knelt before them and was ordered to undress Them. i removed Their boots, pants, jocks, shirts and harnesses. Folding each piece carefully and smelling Their rich scent every chance i got. Both Masters were hard and on my knees before them i could compare both glorious cocks at the same time. Master Richard's was a cut, thick, meaty eight inches, Master Todd's was an uncut, hefty, niner. Both Masters had beautiful golf ball sized balls.

As they made out i took one, then the other cock in my mouth, Their hands on the back of my head guiding me. Deepthroating Master Richard was an exercise in throat stretching, deepthroating Master Todd was an exercise in gag control. Taps on my shoulders resulted in my reaching up and tweaking whatever nipples i could find. Finally, Master Todd reached down and almost tenderly (to my surprise) lifted me up onto the bed.

"It's my turn to get a piece of this sweet ass" He said, playfully slapping my boi butt. Master Richard guided His cock to my mouth as Master Todd lubed my ass. The Master cock in my mouth was stretching my jaw and forcing it's way into my throat. Master Richard had a hand on the back of my head and used His other hand to balance Himself against the headboard. i was on my back with my legs spread. Master Todd grabbed my ankles and lined His cock up with my hole. My boi pucker winked in anticipation, then finally was rewarded with nine hard inches of Master cock stretching it wide open. i grasped around the cock in my mouth, but had no voice to scream. The huge cock dominated my hole. Master Todd's strong arms held my ankles completely apart and high in the air and He long-dicked my hole.

"OHHH... fuck Richard... where do you find these hot cunts?" He growled rhetorically. My hole was filled to the tilt one minute and gaping empty the next. In and out, in and out. i sputtered around the eight inches filling my mouth, throat slime was dripping down my chin. My boi cock was dripping a constant stream of precum, it was pooling in my belly button. i was delirious. Master pulled His cock out of my mouth and leaned into my face.

"Hope there's enough there for two, boi" He sneered. Master Todd swooped in and lifted me up and impaled on His cock. It was almost like a big bear hug. Holding me, He rolled onto His side and suddenly i was on top and straddling him. His cock never missed a stroke in His rhythm. He pulled my head down and kissed me hard, His tongue was strong like Master's and it dominated my mouth. His cock seemed suddenly cooler, but then it hit me as Master lined His cock up next to the niner. i was about to be double fucked.

i started to panic. There was no way i could possibly take two huge cocks like that. My panic was settled by Master grabbing both of my arms and bending them sharply behind my back. It had the effect of scaring me and immobilizing my torso. i creid out and tried to buck, but They were too strong.

My hole was on fire, but inch by inch, Master shoved His beautiful cock where He wanted it.

"Give it up boi, give it up" He chanted in my ear. i was sure my ass was tearing, but i did my boi's best to comply. If my Master wanted to double fuck me with His best friend, a good boi should accommodate Him. He seemed to read my mind and rubbed my head in appreciation.

"Such a good boi," He said "making His Master very happy." Something took over with those words and i just melted. My ass was so full of cock, it had never been more full. Soon the full feeling gave way to an incredible bliss. i released any control i had of my body and became Their complete play toy.

"See, boi, that wasn't so hard now," Master chided, "such a good tight cunt." They both moved inside of me and shock waves of ecstasy poured over me.

"I'm not gonna last much longer with your fat cock next to mine, babe" Master Todd alerted Master. Master picked up the speed and fucked. Minutes later Master Todd growled and erupted a huge load. It sent me over the edge next and my dick exploded into Master Todd's stomach. All of that edged Master to His climax a minute later. The room echoed with grunts, growls, and groans. It was the craziest scene ever.

Next: Chapter 6: Learning to Serve 6

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