Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Nov 4, 2015


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Please Sirs, Masters, bois... please donate to nifty.org so that these stories can continue to be posted and hot times can ensue. Please Sirs, please. (bois, my brothers, do the right thing...)

This boi genuinely appreciates your encouragement over the course of this story's telling. It has been over a year since my last post and life and love intervened. All things are possible. Never give up. It is the right time to continue the story. Thank you for Y/your patience.

Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based, in part, on a true story, true experiences, true witnessing of some crazy hot times, and more than a little fantasy.

Y/your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboi4SIR@gmail.com. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments and suggestions to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Thirty-five - Off to the second weekend

As i quickly got dressed, i enviously watched the young Man clean Mr. Stanton's cock and swallow the rich contents of the condom. He also licked up a huge pool of boi- drippings on the floor. i left after thanking Mr. Stanton and got back to my office an hour late.

i texted Pecs from the street and told him i was delayed. He asked for details and i described the encounter briefly. He replied simply that i was becoming an obedient whore.

Back at the office, i worked hard to make up for lost time. At 3:30 a message came from the Big-dicked Man, "the weekend is beginning now, meet the van at the curb in 30 minutes sharp." i almost pissed myself i was so scared. i quietly stepped into Mr. Girard's office and politely asked for Friday off.

"More training, Johnny?" He asked. i blushed a little, remembering that He thought i was doing some intense workout regiment.

"Yes, Sir, its intense, Sir," i replied quietly. He smiled and said OK, i quickly wrapped things up. Ten minutes before i was to be downstairs a text ordering me to go to the bathroom and piss before finding the white van parked curbside. i did as instructed and left the office. Curbside was the van. i walked towards it as the window unrolled.

"Strip" was the command as i approached the van. As mortified as i was, i remembered instantly the night before and my promise to obey instantly all commands. There on the sidewalk, outside of my big corporate office building, i carefully shed my suit, piece by piece. My fingers trembled with every button and zipper, until i was completely naked, save for the cock cage. i heard a few passers-by gasp. i focused on my task for the most part. i did as i was told and followed the command. My boi-dick strained with excitement.

Once naked, i knelt on the sidewalk and waited. It seemed like a full minute or two passed, before the door slightly opened for me to enter. i was flush with embarrassment, thinking that every co-worker i had known saw me out there. In reality, my head was bowed and i saw no one and really heard nothing. i was already deep into my proper boi- space.

But "deep into my boi-space" doesn't mean i wasn't terrified: my body shook with nervousness and a chilled temperature, my stomach twisted and turned, tears of shame welled up in my eyes. This humiliating exposure is an important part of the journey to complete service, it's critical in learning to serve. At the core of it is the inspired notion that Alpha Men are Superior and subordinate bois like myself, while strong in our own way, are most comforted and at peace when obeying and pleasing these Men. Enduring tests like this taboo of complete public exposure brings a boi into a state of compliance, it further objectifies the boi and rewires its thinking by building a basic, fundamental trust in its Superiors that surpasses its trust in itself.

i carefully set my pile of clothes in the van and climbed in. The Big-dicked Man was behind the wheel and quickly sped off as the door shut hard behind me. i was roughly manhandled by two burly Men i did not know.

"Welcome to the weekend, boi," the Big-dicked Man laughed, "lucky for you, you're my personal project for the next three days." Before that even registered i was tightly secured and stretched spread-eagle on the floor of the van. i knew better than to cry out, but the roughness was already a level or two higher than anything Pecs and Guns dished out. No nice leather cuffs, these Men used a rough, prickly hemp rope. It bit and scratched at the skin around my wrists and ankles. They carefully wound rope around my neck as a makeshift collar too, not quite tight enough to choke me, but a simple tug on it would certainly gain my complete attention.

In my head, i saw my Master and trusted Him completely. This was part of His desire for me and i complied obediently. i repeated His mantra again and again as the Men rough handled me.

The metal chastity device was unlocked and roughly yanked off. The insert burned as it was pulled out and i wondered if my dick was damaged. But no, it was fine as it instantly throbbed, rock hard. i had little time to really think about it as a long medical catheter was lubed and shoved down my pee hole. i gritted my teeth and whimpered slightly as it went on and on. My whole body trembled. It seems like a foot of catheter was inserted, my body shook with pain and i had trouble remembering the words of the mantra.

When they finally stopped, i felt any pressure in my abdomen disappear. Clearly they hit my bladder and it emptied. Oddly it was another step in the objectification process - it no longer controlled its own bladder function. The powerlessness of the moment was profound and deep. i wanted to cry and jump for joy at the same time. All the worries in the world, all the things i could and could not control were being willingly handed over to my Master. My trust in Him grew deeper and deeper. He knows best. The words and the meaning of His mantra came back clearly in my head and i found peace... but not for long.

As my dick was being catheterized, my aching balls were being roughly massaged and manipulated. These new Men worked as one, a seamless team, even more in sync than Guns and Pecs. As one pulled my nuts far away from my body, the other quickly attached an impossibly tight leather parachute harness that would become the bane of my existence.

The parachute wasn't simply snapped in place. The Men filled the snaps with a small dot of super glue, before snapping each snap shut. The permanence of it, recognizing that super glue held tight forever, made a millions questions run through my head: how long is this session? Will it ever come off? How will i wear it to work on Monday? How much can my sack be stretched before my balls get ripped off my body? How much pain can i endure?

And while these questions raced through my brain, i never questioned the intent of the action. i knew that my Master desired very low hanging boi-balls, as much or more so than He desired His slave to be lean and muscular. It was part of the process, beyond learning to serve, it was transforming from my own view of myself into my Master's view of His slave. A view He would be proud of, a view He would love. i wanted one thing: to serve my Master completely. All other desires were His and His alone to control and shape.

"Mr. Stevens is very good at His craft, Boss," one of the Men reported as He attached a lead to the parachute and secured my Master's boi-balls low and tight. i struggled to breath, sweat and tears poured off my body. i would just get ahold of myself and the stretch would be pulled farther and the agony would ensue again.

When They finally stopped stretching, one Man wound the infernal prickly rope around the taut sack. It played in slow motion in my head, round after round the rope seemed to wrap like a boa constrictor forcing my Master's boi-balls lower and lower. The pain went from ouch-to-fuck and quickly to oh-fucking-God-help-me. But again, i whimpered and shook, but obediently, did not cry out. It was not easy. Don't let these simple words fool you. The agony was blinding.

In retrospect, i think my terrorizing fear of the Big-dicked Man and the love and trust i had in my Master melded to help me be more compliant, even more obedient, to give even more than i ever imagined i had to give. Still, at some point, as my nuts were literally stretched so far away from me, the agony so gut-wrenching, that just i passed out.

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