Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Oct 20, 2015


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Please Sirs, Masters, bois... please donate to nifty.org so that these stories can continue to be posted and hot times can ensue. Please Sirs, please. (bois, my brothers, do the right thing...)

This boi genuinely appreciates your encouragement over the course of this story's telling. It has been over a year since my last post and life and love intervened. All things are possible. Never give up. It is the right time to continue the story. Thank you for Y/your patience.

Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based, in part, on a true story, true experiences, true witnessing of some crazy hot times, and more than a little fantasy.

Y/your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboi4SIR@gmail.com. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments and suggestions to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Thirty-four - Busy day for a boi

As we neared the office, Pecs reminded me that tomorrow was Friday. W/we'd be leaving for the weekend at exactly 4:00 PM. A shiver of excitement ran down my spine and i smiled slightly. Pecs reached over and grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and pushed my face into His crotch.

"That grin says it all, boi," He grunted, rubbing my head as i inhaled His steamy bulge, "it's right where it needs to be." my boi-dick throbbed and my ass winked in anticipation. The car slowed to a stop and He let me up.

Instinctively, i shivered because i knew W/we'd be heading back to the facility tomorrow for a second weekend of agony and suffering to make me the boi my Master desired. At the same time, my boi dick expanded and stretched the limits of the steel cage that contained it, because the notion of being closer to my Master was intoxicating. i shifted in my seat a little.

"Be careful, boi," Pecs warned, "that little metal tube inserted into it's Master's boi dick means that controlling precum is near impossible." i glanced down and saw a small spot appear on the light gray suit pants i was wearing. He told me to get on my way and to obey. i respectfully leaned over, kissed His big bugling crotch once more and thanked Him. i quickly exited the car and went directly to my office.

i kept as busy as i could trying to avoid making the spot grow, but my efforts were thwarted by random text messages from Pecs thoughout the day. Each text showed me pics of myself serving the Men that took pleasure in my holes. There were pics of Mr. Terrazzo and His crew of hot Italian Daddies and Sons pounding my boi-pussy relentlessly, pics of a lot of random Men using and abusing my Master's holes on the running trail in every way imaginable. A few hot pics of Guns' 12-inch monster buried in my throat with tears streaming down my face. By lunch time i was a mess. The insert was irritating and the spot was considerable.

Pecs ordered me to proudly display it as i walked the few blocks to Mr. Stevens office at lunch. i walked directly to the office and held my head high. i worked hard to look people in the eye as W/we passed and held doors open for several Men coming and going. Most of them ignored me, but at least two noticed the slight bulge from the metal cage and the expanding wet spot. Inevitably, i blushed crimson red.

In the elevator up to Mr. Stevens office, it was just one Man, a very tall, muscled business Man. i held the door for Him, He smirked, got on-board and hit the close doors button. He quickly cornered me, pushing me back into the elevator and called me a fucking faggot. i cowered instantly, thinking i was about to get my face bashed in. Instead, the Man pushed me to my knees and rubbed His bulging crotch in my face.

"What floor, faggot?" He asked. i mumbled out Mr. Stevens floor and He immediately stepped back and reached down for my identification badge. He read it quickly, hit the button for the appropriate floor and then continued to rub His bulge in my face. As the elevator slowed to a stop, He shoved His business card in my face and ordered me to bite it.

"When you're done with Stevens, you have a second appointment this afternoon. Do not be late, faggot" He told me, menacingly. The elevator doors opened and i crawled out, His card between my teeth.

As the elevator doors closed behind me, Al opened the door in front of me. He snatched the card from my teeth, glanced at it and said "yowza, don't be late for that one, boi."

"Yes, Sir, Al, Sir" i answered, crawling behind Him down the hall. He had not indicated to stand and i thought it best to stay right where i was. Crawling through Mr. Steven's office, past desks of lawyers and their aides, i kept my gaze focused on Al's heels and moved quickly.

Moments later, i was naked and trussed up as usual on the fucking bench in Mr. Steven's little private dungeon. The metal cage straining and a steady stream of precum dripping.

"These cages get worse as the day goes on, boi," Al warned, "They irritate the urethra and drive you crazy. you'll be begging your Trainers for release tonight." He laughed and shoved His cock in my mouth. i sucked Him for all i was worth, hoping that He was exaggerating, knowing He was honest.

Mr. Stevens came in before Al finished. Al immediately withdrew His beta cock from my mouth and knelt before His Master. Mr. Stevens dismissed Him and went directly behind me.

"Until now, we've focused on whipping this boi-cunt," He stated, "today, a little whipping on your boi-balls is in order. It'll loosen them up for this weekend. you want that, right, boi?" He asked, squeezing my boi-sack and finding a nut between His thumb and forefinger, squeezing just the left nut so hard that i lost my voice. My entire body trembled in agony and i thought i'd vomit.

"RIGHT, boi?" He asked, finding my right nut in His other hand and adding an indescribable pressure.

"yessssss, siiiirrrrrr" i hissed as quickly as possible, sweat pouring off my body as it reacted with shivers and convulsions to the pain.

"Good answer, bitch," He spat and He gave each nut a final terrorizing squeeze. Al slapped my face, just as i was about to pass out from the blinding pain.

"Focus, boi" He said, grinning in a demonic way, before He disappeared behind me. Al pulled sharply downward on my balls. His hand on my lower back was an odd comfort somehow. Mr. Stevens wasted no time in applying a little whip to my taint and stretched sack.

After a couple of harsh thwacks and loud screams from me, They discussed how ungrateful it was. i got the hint quickly and began thanking Them and begging for more, very, very quickly.

"Thank You, Sirs," i screamed between breaths, "Please, Sirs, more Sirs, please Sirs..." my voice getting hoarse and raspy very quickly. Every once in a while i lost track of whether i was being beaten or not and just screamed my praise. i was certain that my balls were being whipped entirely off my body. The pain enveloped me in a bizarre state of hot and crazy. i loved it and hated it, equally.

It seemingly stopped as quickly as it started. In moments, Al's beta cock was fucking my mouth and Mr. Stevens' Master cock was fucking my ass. They both pulled out and coated my back in cum together. My boi-dick strained mightily in the metal cage - the insert was irritating as hell and it resulted in a huge puddle under the bench.

Before He left, Mr. Stevens, slapped my ass and oddly wished me luck this weekend. Al rubbed the cum into my skin until it dried, then untethered me and left me to dress and see myself out. i was warned to crawl from now on, when in this office.

At the elevator i fumbled for the business card of the Man from my earlier ride. It said His office was 8 floors down, so i hit the down button and crawled into an empty elevator when it opened. i was grateful in one way, that it was empty. Oddly, it was also a little disappointed. i hit the correct floor number and waited. Once there, i walked out and sought the proper suite number, 431.

The sign outside of suite 431, read several names of important sounding Men. Worthington, Bryce, Goldberg, and Stanton; all lawyer sounding names. i entered and was greeted by a chirper young Man named William. i quietly said hello and asked for the name on the card, Mr. Stanton.

He smirked, did not ask my name, but simply said "follow me, boi." i blushed, bowed my head respectfully and followed him. i didn't really think about it, it came naturally. Al's 'warning' only seemed to inspire me. The young Man was clearly expecting me, maybe a pussyboi like me showed up every afternoon and asked for Mr. Stanton - He was a beautiful, strong Man. It all seemed logical.

The young Man knocked on an office door and a growl from within seemed to indicate entrance. The young Man put a steady hand on my lower back and pushed me into the office, closing the door quickly behind me.

Instinctively, i knelt down and crawled to the desk. Mr. Stanton snapped His fingers and waved His hand a little while talking on the phone in a stern business tone. i took this as an order to undress and immediately began to disrobe. He held His hand over the receiver only to tell me to go slowly.

I stripped off my suit one piece at a time, carefully folding and piling the pieces until i was naked. He stood and carefully inspected me, inch by inch. Pulling, tugging, teasing. My boi-dick strained in its cage. i stood obediently with my arms crossed and hands locked behind my head, legs spread about a foot more than shoulder width apart.

He cradled His phone between His shoulder and ear, to free both hands to inspect me. All the while barking orders and asking demeaning questions to the people on the phone. He bent me at the waist and shoved two fingers roughly into my hole. What little lube Mr. Stevens used was not enough to stop me from crying out a little, His fingers felt like fat sausages, relentlessly invading my boi-cunt.

At some point He sat back down, His fly open and a fat niner stood at attention. My smile at it, earned me a teeth rattling slap across my face. i knelt before Him and let His big hand on the back of my head guide me down on it. It was hot and hard as a rock, every vein bulging and throbbing. Like a good boi, i worked it enthusiastically. The more He berated people on His call, the more He choked me on His cock.

At one point, in a particularly nasty tirade, He held my head in such a vice-like grip i thought He might crush my skull. The slightest whimper from me was rewarded with a sharp kick to my balls or a slap on the head.

A good fifteen minutes into it, He tensed up and fired a load down my throat. He never missed a beat on the call, but quickly ended the conversation as the last of His load coated my tongue.

As He hung up the phone He roughly picked me up and bent me over His desk. He turned me around quickly, made some adjustments. He quickly slipped on a condom, spit on my hole and shoved His still fully engorged cock balls deep in one trust.

He fucked me hard and fast, grunting and slapping my ass. His rhythm was steady at first, He'd pause every now and then only to spit on His cock. That was all the lube, except for what was left from Mr. Stevens use a few minutes before.

At one point, He adjusted His position and metal cage knocked loudly on the edge of the desk. i kept my arms behind my back, each hand grabbing the opposite elbow. Mr. Stanton never disrobed, His suit pants and open zipper occasionally scratched my tender ass. i worked hard to keep my legs apart and back arched as best i could to give the Man full access. Squeezing on the out stroke, breathing on the in stroke... struggling to keep quiet as He stretched my boi-hole mercilessly.

When He shot, He leaned forward with all of his weight on top of me and pumped load after load into the condom. i felt His dick throb with every volley. He hit a button in the phone and a minute later the young Man at the front desk opened the door and came in. He wasted no time in kneeling beside Mr. Stanton, leaning in to slurp the big dick as it slowly inched out of my well-fucked cunt. Once freed from the cock, i was pushed aside and ordered out.

As i quickly got dressed, i enviously watched the young Man clean Mr. Stanton's cock and swallow the rich contents of the condom. He also licked up a huge pool of boi- drippings on the floor. i left after thanking Mr. Stanton and got back to my office an hour late.

Next: Chapter 35: Learning to Serve 35

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