Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Feb 1, 2014


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Please Sirs, Masters, bois... please donate to nifty.org so that these stories can continue to be posted and hot times can ensue. Please Sirs, please. (bois, my brothers, do the right thing...)

This boi genuinely appreciates your encouragement over the course of this story's telling. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based, in part, on a true story, true experiences, true witnessing of some crazy hot times, and more than a little fantasy.

Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboi4SIR@gmail.com. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Thirty - The public slave boi emerges

"Not. Good. boi." He grunted as He fucked me hard, His balls banging against mine. Finally He shot, flooding my guts with His usual big load. He collapsed on top of me, His big arm around my neck.

"you gotta learn to wait for your Master to allow you to cum, boi. you know, I have to punish you for that, right?" He asked choking me in His grip. i got scared and thought i might piss the bed right then.

Pecs yanked His niner out of my ass and climbed up in the bed to feed it to me for cleaning. With my hands cuffed together behind my back He had to hold my head up and force it into my mouth hole. i eagerly sucked off His cum and my ass juices, hoping to please him, but knowing He was angry with me. i fucked up. i was disappointed in myself.

Once clean, He pulled my feet up behind me and locked them to the cuffs at my wrists, effectively hog-tying me on my side. my back arched and the muscles in my arms and legs strained as He tipped me onto my back. Restrained like this, the tops of my thighs, crotch, stomach and chest were exposed for punishment. He grabbed His big black belt and towered over me.

"What do you need, boi?" He asked, sneering at me.

"Sir, please punish me for cumming without permission, Sir, please Sir!" i begged, knowing it was going to hurt like hell, i started to tear up.

"Count and be grateful, boi" He commanded. The belt rained down on me mercilessly. My chest, my abs, my boi-dick and stretched balls, my legs - all welted and burned. Pecs did not hold back, His massive arms wailed on me again and again. 10, 20, 30 strikes. i was delirious. i struggled to not scream, to count and thank Him and to beg for more. He'd stop occasionally and rub His big hands over my body, only to resume with greater vengeance.

By 40 i was a blithering mess; by 50, I'm sure i was incoherent. My boi-dick stayed rock hard through it all, even when it was hit and stung. Pecs pulled my aching body down towards the bottom of the bed and covered me up. He turned out the light and slipped in next to me. His raging hard-on was face level. i obediently opened my mouth and swallowed it.

With little ceremony, He held my skull still and fucked my throat, dumping a second load that evening into this slave. my jaw now ached as much as the rest of me. As His big cock exploded, i felt every vein expand and pulse. my boi-dick throbbed and my balls ached, but i did not cum. It was an effort, but i found that concentrating on the cock in my mouth, stretching my throat, helped immensely.

A piece of my ego subsided that night, it was all about the Man and His pleasure. If i could focus there, then my body would behave. It sounds simple, written here, but it was a profound realization.

i slept fitfully in that hog-tied position. Pecs held my collar most of the night, keeping His cock or ass close to my face. i gently licked and sucked all night long. When the alarm rang, He turned it off and unhooked my wrists from my ankles. Unbending was painful and slow. He stretched me out and undid my wrists from one another and ankles as well. Once the circulation had returned, we were up and at 'em.

"The intent is not to cause injury or bodily harm, boi, it's to create enough pain to redirect your head into compliance and true obedience. Understood?" It made perfect sense and i readily agreed. He grabbed me by one of the rings in the collar and dragged me on my hands and knees into the kitchen. We had a quick breakfast, most of the kitchen was bare; then, we were off for the morning run.

At the apartment door, He lowered His shorts and pulled my face into His crotch, His semi-hard cock felt warm against my cheek. The smell was intoxicating - man sweat, a little pissy, and very sexy. My uncaged boi-dick instantly went to full staff. He gave me my worn and sweat-stained cotton gym shorts and running shoes. i dressed quickly. Pecs lowered the backside of the shorts exposing part of my ass crack. My hard boi dick was now, really tenting the flimsy shorts. i have no doubt that with the collar, cuffs, belt marks across my torso and upper thighs, and tenting dick, i looked every part of the kept boi or street whore.

i kept close behind Pecs, running at His fast pace as best i could in my exhausted state. The rings on the collar and cuffs jingled with every step, my chest and legs burned as the red skin was stretched taut with the pace. My hole burned as salty sweat ran across it.

As we entered the wooded area of the run, a beautiful Man ran toward us. i barely glanced up at Him from a distance. As He neared He smiled broadly at Pecs and they acknowledged one another with a quick hello. Moments later Pecs looked back and slowed to a stop. Focused on Pecs feet, i nearly ran into Him. i stopped quickly and squatted obediently, a bit behind Him and on His right side, as was the protocol. The beautiful Man glanced back and jogged back toward us. Pecs looked down at me and ordered me to remove my gym shorts.

At first i was shocked, but His immediate slap across my face brought me to the reality of the situation and i instinctively did as told, handing them to Him as the Man closed in on us.

"I thought I caught that look in your eye" Pecs said to the Man as He approached. i kept my eyes downcast. "Need a little relief?" Pecs asked him.

"Who wouldn't?" the Man replied, chuckling.

"Follow us" Pecs told Him and started off down a side trail. i followed him, running naked like this was a new experience. My boi-dick flopped everywhere. My stretched balls ached. i kept as close to Pecs as possible.

A ways off the trail, Pecs stopped and i squatted beside Him. The beautiful Man stopped behind us.

"My cum-whore here is happy to help" Pecs said, as He leaned into the beautiful Man and kissed him. Pecs grabbed the waistband of the Man's running shorts and lowered them. i knew my job and leaned in and sniffed His bulging jock. The Man pulled His cock out, a decent 8 inches and getting harder by the second, and i lost no time swallowing it. His cock smelled odd at first, then i realized He was probably a bi man. It smelled like pussy.

Pecs man-handled Him above me, i boi-handled Him down below. He might have fucked a chick the night before, but He was gay at the moment. He fucked my skull like it was the hottest cunt He'd ever met. Pecs tweaked the fuck out of His nipples while He invaded His throat with His tongue. It must have been a sensation overload, within minutes He grabbed my head and held it still as He pumped load after salty load in to my mouth and throat. i was greedy, i swallowed every last drop.

He quickly pulled His cock free of my grasp, said a quick "thanks, guys" and ran back up the trail. Pecs bent me over, spit on my hole and rammed His hard niner home. He's insatiable. i grunted softly as that fat cock ripped open my tender hole. He was horny and relentless. He held my hips steady as He fucked like mad. There was a chill in the late summer air, but i was sweating like the Fourth of July.

Another runner appeared in the path. Pecs grabbed my short hair from behind and i lifted my head obediently. i knew what to do and opened my mouth eagerly. The runner stepped up and dropped His shorts and fed me a nice 7 inches of thick, uncut Man meat. Pecs drilled harder. i coughed and choked, but did my boi-best to satisfy the runner and my Master Trainer.

The runner shot His load, flooding my mouth with warm, salty goodness. Then He was off, i swallowed eagerly. Pecs picked up the speed and soon flooded my guts with His thick morning load.

He spun me around and shoved His spent cock in my face for clean-up. i eagerly licked His dick from head to balls, scouring my ass juices from it. Once finished, He ordered me back to the trail and we continued running - Pecs clothed, slave boi naked. With every step, i clenched my hole tightly in an effort to hold Pecs seed inside me, but it was futile effort. i could feel the load slipping down my left leg as my hard dick slapped against my lean belly again and again.

We passed at least three other Men and one woman, to each Man, Pecs pointed back at me and said one word to Them: tomorrow. i kept my chin up and chest out, but eyes lowered - fixated on the heels of Pecs running shoes. When we emerged from the wooded running trail, Pecs slowed and stopped. Obediently, i squatted next to him.

"Present, boi" He shouted and i stood and presented. He reached down and stroked my boi-dick to full staff, then handed me my gym shorts and ordered them on. They tented obscenely. He grabbed my boi-dick and stroked it through the thin grey cotton shorts and produced a huge wet spot of precum on them. i lowered the backside of the shorts. He smiled, rubbed my head and commended me on being a good boi.

"A good boi with cum breath," He laughed and we were off for the last two miles. My lewd conduct and naked/near-naked run was something i would've been ashamed of, even terrified of, a few short weeks ago. The emptiness of the apartment, the complete control that Pecs represented, gave me comfort. i was crossing into new territory and trusting not only my Master, but a part of me - deep inside - that told me it was right and good.

Next: Chapter 31: Learning to Serve 31

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