Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Jan 8, 2012


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Several Masters and Sirs on the web have asked for this story, so i thought i'd post it here. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based on a true story. Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboy4SIR@gmail.com. Please, enjoy.

Chapter Three - Red ass shopping

i slept hard for a couple of hours, but then Master stirred and my ass twitched. i realized somewhere in my sleepy state that the control had come back to my sphincter, i gently squeezed Master's cock in my ass. His arms were heavy and held me close and tight. my movement was severely restricted. His cock began to swell and He moved slightly, reaching down for my balls. He was clearly awake now and started to fuck His hole again. i groaned and glanced over at the clock, it was 7:08 AM. i love getting fucked awake, this was heaven. He pumped my ass hard while we laid on our sides and then He pushed me over on my belly and really went at it.

Like before, my arms were pulled to the far corners of the bed and my legs nudged, almost painfully, wide apart in a spread eagle fashion. i was learning that this was Master's ideal fucking position for the boi; completely splayed out. He dominated the bed, fucked His boi hole hard. The whole bed shook as He drove His big cock into my hole again and again. i moaned and groaned and offered a litany of praise for His use of His boi. He just grunted and fucked.

Finally, after a solid twenty minutes of hammering, He shot a good load and collapsed on top of me. 6' 5" and 250 pounds of muscle completely smothered my slim, 5'7", 145 pound boi frame.

He rolled over and pulled His cock out of my ass. "Get a washcloth and clean Me up, pig" were his first words of the day. He stretched and yawned, i scurried out of the bed and warmed a washcloth in the sink. When i came back, Master was lightly snoozing again, so i gently, lovingly washed his big cock. It wasn't dirty, but the condom was really full of Master cum. Protein is perfect for breakfast. Once He was cleaned up, He smiled at me and pulled my face to His and kissed me deeply. i'm sure he could taste His seed. His big tongue was everywhere and hard like a boi dick in my mouth.

He pulled back and said "Good morning boi, good first day and night. Ready for more?"

"Yes Master, thank you Master" i eagerly replied "Yesterday was the most erotic day of my life ever, Master." He smiled.

"There's a lot more and we have a full day ahead. Go snap on that ball stretcher from yesterday and find a pair of gym shorts, then find us some coffee, boi" He ordered. As i got off the bed He reached out and slapped my butt hard, "and remember, 24/7 clean, boi." i ran to the bathroom, washed up and washed out my hole. The leather ball stretcher was on the dresser. It was easy to figure out and i snapped it on with little effort. my balls looked swollen and red, but walking wasn't a problem especially compared with yesterday's challenges with it. In my clothes stack on the floor of the closet was a gray, snug-fitting pair of gym shorts. Way skimpier than i would ever wear to the gym, but ordered exactly as Master requested - one size smaller than normal. i pulled them on. my package bulged obscenely. With the chain collar around my neck, i thought i looked like an obedient slave boi. i slipped on a pair of flip flops and headed out the door.

The resort was quietly waking up, the sun was bright and warm. i made my way to the back corner of the place where i knew they served breakfast. On the way, i got a couple of knowing glances from other guests. A very good looking Man was getting coffee when i got to the breakfast area.

"Good morning boi," he said, grinning ear-to-ear. i smiled politely and returned the greeting.

"Good morning Sir" i said and quickly found coffee cups and filled them for Master and myself. As i grabbed a couple packets of sugar and creamer, the Man helped himself to a grope. His hands were all over me and His strong arms pushed me down to my knees. He lowered the front of His sweat pants and hauled out a huge cock, easily 8 inches soft. i nursed on it a little, He rubbed my head. Then He pulled back and smiled.

"More of that later boi, get back to your Master now" He said, smiling all the time, talking to me like a dog. i stood up and headed back to the room. i was rock hard. i struggled to hold two hot cups of coffee and a cup of creamer, plus sugar. i had a whole new appreciation for wait staff suddenly. The coffee was hot, balancing everything was hard, and then trying not to spill anything - all the while half naked and aroussed. i was definitely learning a lot.

As I neared the room, the Man in the room to the west of Master's room came out. "Good morning, boi, sounds like you had a good night" He grinned and winked. i blushed beet red.

"i'm sorry Sir, was i too loud, Sir?" i asked, hoping He wasn't angry.

"Not at all, boi. It was better than porn" He laughed. "Tell your Master that I noticed and I compliment his skill. You're a lucky boi." i acknowledged the compliment and thanked Him, before opening the door and delivering Master His hot coffee.

"Who were you talking to boi?" was Master's immediate greeting. He was gruff and sounded a little angry, my heart began to race.

"The Man next door, Master. He seems like a nice guy and He complimented your skill, Master" i reported. Master said that He thought He knew the guy from somewhere and proceeded to tell me how really small the leather community was in southern California. i told Master about the Man in the breakfast area and Master called me a good slut.

"Some Masters think they need to write the words 'cock whore' on Their boys, guess I don't need to do that now, dio I?" Master joked, rubbing my head. He put on a pair of sweat pants and tee shirt, His big cut cock and balls were clearly noticeable in the soft material. We went outside to soak in some morning sun and enjoy the coffee.

"Bring a beach towel for yourself, boi" He ordered. On our small porch, Master sat in the deck chair, He pointed to a place at His feet for me to set the towel. He sent me off to fetch the paper for Him, while He relaxed in the warm morning sun. i hurried up and found the paper and got back to Master as soon as i could. i sat there at his feet, between His muscular legs. He put one leg over my shoulder and instructed me to rub His foot. The other foot came around my side and found its way into my lap. Master bounced the foot in my lap against my stretched balls. It was clear, the boi balls were his favorite play toy and He would play hard again all day today.

After a short time, i was sent for more coffee and to report back on what was available for breakfast. Before i left, Master had me stand in front of Him for a little inspection. He ran his warm hands all over my body, tugged the shorts down, bent me over slightly and shoved a finger up my boi ass. He wiggled it around, then pulled it out and stuck it in my mouth. "100-percent clean, 24/7" He said, slapping me hard on the ass and sending me on my way. My dick was rock hard and made an obscene tent in the gym shorts.

At the breakfast area, i refilled the coffee cups, inventoried the food supply and started to head back. i noticed another boi there with his Master. The boi was completely naked and kneeling on the cold tile floor next to his Master. he had a thick steel collar around his neck and it appeared to have been welded on somehow. his back was red and welted. Master was right, some bois did get harder punishments last night. i hurried back my Master, grateful for His kindness. When i got back, Master was chatting with a couple other Men. i handed Him His coffee and took my place at his feet.

"Boi, these are my friends from San Diego, Master Lonny and Master Todd. They're staying in the room next to Blake and the lads" He explained. Keeping my eyes downcast, i greeted both Masters respectfully and asked if i could fetch them some coffee too. They accepted the offer, Master smiled at me, and i ran to get it. When i got back they had pulled up chairs and were idly chatting with Master. Master Lonny was a Pacific Islander and a very big Man. He told me to stand near Him. i looked at Master and He nodded. i stood near Master Lonny and He immediately lowered my gym shorts.

"No need for these really, is there?" He asked Master. "Such a beautiful ass should really always be on display." He went on to tease my Master about Master's obsession (as Master Lonny put it) with boi balls. They all laughed and Master Todd started to tell a story about beating a boi's balls. Master Lonny told them that he was all about beating a boi's ass. Then He pushed me face down over His knees and proceeded to rub and smack my ass while they chatted and laughed. Not wanting a repeat of the scene with Master Blake yesterday, i laid there and quietly took the spanking. They went on and on, the random slaps started to sting. i was uncomfortable, but i held as still as i could. Between slaps, Master Lonny massaged my glutes and rubbed His fat fingers over my boi hole. Occasionally, He'd reach under and scoop some of my precum from my rock hard boi dick and force me to eat it.

Once They finished their coffee, They decided it was time to head over and eat. Master Lonny lifted me up and told my Master what a good boi i was. Master grinned, pulled me to him and rubbed my head. "he is learning fast, but still learning" He said. "Nice glow on his ass, Lonn, I guess I'll leave it out there. Go put your shorts away boi, pick this shit up and meet us at the breakfast area."

i tidied up the porch area, ducked into the room and made the bed quickly, put a few things from last night away, grabbed the coffee cups and made my way to join the Masters. My ass was warm and rosy. It felt odd, but somehow liberating to walk around the resort naked. The breakfast area was crowded now, probably ten or more guests. The Master with the naked boi was still there, but the boi was now serving as a foot rest for his Master. My Master was seated with His friends, He'd grabbed His own meal.

"Grab some food boi, eat a good breakfast, you'll need the energy today, boi" He barked. The other Masters chuckled knowingly. Master Lonny slapped my ass as i walked by Him. i grabbed my breakfast and came back to the table. Master motioned to the seat next to Him. The chair felt good and cool on my tender ass. i ate quickly, They chatted about the Event and Master asked about shops in town. No one spoke to me and i focused on eating quickly.

They left me there to clean up after them. Master Blake and the lads showed up as they were leaving. Simon looked a little rough. he was naked like me and his backside was red. There were cane stripes across his butt. his wrists and ankles were red and his nipples looked like they been severely tortured. he was walking strange and i noticed he was wearing a plug. Jared was leading him by the arm. Master Blake gave me a stern look that told me to mind my own business. i tidied up after my Master and His friends and hurried back to the room.

Master was in the bathroom when i got back, Master Lonny was sitting in the arm chair. "Come here, boi. I wasn't done yet," he said, motioning to His lap. Obediently, i laid across his knees again and he resumed swatting. This time it was twice as hard and the slaps echoed through the room. After a few hard slaps, i was wiggling uncontrollably, trying my best to not make Master or Master Lonny unhappy. Even gritting my teeth didn't help, soon i was whimpering and groaning out loud with every whack. Master appeared around the corner.

"Jesus, Lonny, you could ask for permission, ya know" He grunted at His friend. Master reached down and lifted my head up, smiled at me and said "Master Lonny loves working a boi ass. I'm going to shower and clean-up. Go with Him to His room and behave. Got it, boi?"

Nervously, i replied "yes Master, as you wish Master."

"Take it easy on him Lonny, you got half an hour, no permanent marks," He said as if He was loaning His friend the keys to His car. Master Lonny chuckled, high-fived Master, and grabbed my chain collar and basically dragged me out of the room. It was hard to keep up with the big Man. i felt like if i made one misstep and i'd hang myself. He marched directly to His room, opened the door and forced me on the bed.

"On all fours, bitch. Ass out and ready, got it?" He commanded. i didn't verbally respond, i just did as ordered and quickly got onto my hands and knees and stuck my ass out. i was shaking all over, my nerves were on edge. Master Lonny did not comfort me with gentle words and warm touches, like my Master. In fact, other than a few grunts and odd commands, He said very little through the session.

He started by laying three devices on the bed: a ping pong paddle, a leather covered paddle and a mean-looking leather strop. My shaking got worse, Master Lonny laughed an evil laugh. He started with the ping pong paddle. i began hoping that Master would come save me soon. A half hour... that was a long time. i felt sweat starting to form on my back.

WHACK, WHACK, WHACK... Master Lonny seemed to have a pattern. Two whacks to my right cheek, two whacks to my left, three whacks to my right, three to my left. It stung like crazy and i couldn't help squirm and wiggle. i was breathing really hard and after a short time, begging Him to stop. Eventually, He did stop. My ass burned like i'd been naked by the pool for a few hours with no sunscreen. Master Lonny rubbed it a little, got up and left the room for a minute. Soon, i could hear him pissing. i was scared. Master Lonny is not my type at all and the thought of sex with Him was freaking me out.

He came back in to the room with His shorts still on and i mentally breathed a slight sigh of relief. With no communication, He grabbed the leather paddle and went to work. i about leapt off the bed with the first whack. He knelt on the bed, put His big fat arm around my waist and effectively held me up while He paddled the fuck out of my ass. i was screaming and wiggling like crazy, but He wasn't about to let up. He might've been fat, but He was strong too. My arms and legs flailed all over the place. I was sobbing hysterically. It was sheer agony. i wanted out and away from this sadistic bastard, but there was no way out. Finally, He stopped and pushed me aside.

"Damn it, you are new at this. Only five minutes before Richard gets here, boi" He told me. i was crying and holding my ass. "Five strops, get ready, spread eagle boi." He reached between my legs and pulled my dick and stretched balls out from under me. Holding my tender balls, He gave me one last instruction, "Spread eagle or the strop whacks the balls, you got five coming, ready?"

Before i could say anything, the first thwack cracked across my ass. i saw stars, i screamed into the bedding. He didn't wait, thwacks two and three came in rapid fire. i felt my legs go numb for a second and i thought i was going to die. i'd never felt such pain. i couldn't even scream at this point. Thwacks four and five came shortly after. i just sobbed, shook like a leaf and tried my best to breathe. i was a complete mess. Master Lonny grabbed my arm and stood me up. Grabbing the chain collar, He led me to the corner of the room and stood me there facing the corner. Arms bent at the elbows behind my back, forcing me to hold each elbow. Legs spread wide a part. Nose nearly touching the corner. i was still crying, but i knew it was over and some part of me felt proud that i'd survived it. The burning fire was already sudsiding slowly into a warm glow.

My Master knocked on the door a few minutes later. Master Lonny welcomed Him in and thanked Him. "Now that's red," Master whistled, "thanks Lonny, I like it. Good work as usual, bud." He grabbed me by the balls and pulled me to Him, my head instinctively went to His pecs and i huddled as near to Him as possible. Master high-fived Master Lonny.

"Thank Master Lonny for your color, boi. He's a good man" my Master instructed me. i obediently dropped to my knees and crawled over to Master Lonny and kissed his feet.

"Thank you Master Lonny for turning my boi ass red for my Master, Sir. This boi is very, very grateful, Sir." i groveled profusely, hoping He wouldn't slap my ass good-bye. i was in luck, i got a head pat and a "good boi" and we were off. Master ushered me back to the room.

"You are rank, boi!" He announced "Go get in the shower and scrub up, we got some shopping to do. I left a washcloth and my towel on the floor in there for you, mind your manners, boi" He said sternly. i realized what "mind your manners" meant suddenly and dropped to my knees.

"Thank you Master, thank you for letting Master Lonny redden my ass for you Master, and thank you for the shower and towel and washcloth, Master" i groveled at His feet. He half-heartedly kicked me away towards the bathroom and went to sit outside in the sun. i crawled to the bathroom like a good boi. After unsnapping the stretcher, i got in the shower.

The water felt amazing on my ass. The washcloth, not so much. i scrubbed my pits, they were really ripe. i wanted to use soap, but i knew better. i found that if you scrub your pits (Master ordered all my body hair trimmed with a number 2 breada trimmer attachment) you can get them clean without soap. They won't stay that way for long though. i finished washing, dried myself with Master's cold, wet towel and hung everything up neatly. i reattached the dreadful stretcher and walked out to the main room.

Master had laid some clothes out for me; a pair of my tight jeans, black socks, boots and a tee shirt. He was sitting outside the room on the patio, He looked in and pointed to the clothes. The jeans were rough on my tender ass in back and tight on my tender balls in front. i put the socks and boots on, straightened up the room and then went outside and knelt obediently next to Master. He rubbed my head and pulled me to His chest. i opened my mouth and sucked a little on his right nip.

"Mmmm, good boi. Go get the keys and close up the room" He ordered. i jumped up and grabbed the stuff, "bring some water and don't forget your tee shirt, boi, you probably won't need it, but just in case." Master was already walking to the gate when i got out of the room, i ran to catch up with Him. The chain collar jingled as i ran. i walked just behind Him, eyes lowered, and to the right. Master had put a very tight, form-fitting, white boi-beater tank top on. It complimented his tight jeans and big black boots perfectly. His broad chest was barely contained and His big nips hovered just barely undercover.

Just before He got to the gate, He paused and i reached over and opened it for Him, locked it behind Him and handed Him the keys. He walked up to the car, it was a sleek black BMW two seater. i walked over the passenger side and waited for Him to unlock the door. i looked at the door, tried the handle, it was locked. i looked over at Him to see an angry, stern look on his face. Oh shit...

"BOI" he barked really loud "get your fucking ass over here, now!" He pointed to the spot next to Him. i ran over and knelt in the parking lot. He grabbed my face in His big strong hand, squeezing my jaw painfully. "you never leave your station, you piece of shit, until I tell you too, is that absolutely clear?" he emphasized it by slapping my face hard. It stung like hell and i felt tears in my eyes. i apologized profusely and begged his forgiveness. "Stand up" He barked. i flew to my feet. He walked over the passenger side door, i followed appropriately behind him and to the right. He opened the door and then reached into the glove box. He pulled out a pair of metal handcuffs, "Turn around, hands behind your back, boi," He growled. i complied. The cuffs were locked on. He unzipped my pants, reached inside and hauled out my bound boi balls. My dick was still inside the pants and it looked crazy with my balls sticking out like that. "I might leave you like this as we go shopping" He threatened. i started to sweat. i was sure there were public indecency laws here. What would i do? i blushed thinking about it. He pushed me into the passenger seat, reached in and buckled the seatbelt and closed the door.

He sat down in the driver's seat. i apologized again for my fuck up. He just grunted and drove. The entire way to the shopping strip, He held my balls in His hand, roughly squeezing them. i squirmed and whimpered the entire way. When He took a break from my balls He grabbed a nip and twisted like hell. Even in the full blast of the air conditioning, i was sweating like crazy. i was also quietly begging for mercy, but He was having none of it. We finally pulled up infront of a store with a half-dozen black and blue rainbow flags flying.

"Are you going to behave, boi? He asked a little condescendingly.

"Yes Master, please Master" i begged. He smiled a warm, generous smile. He reached over and grabbed my head and pulled me to His face and deeply kissed me. He pulled back and pushed me forward. He unlocked the cuffs and told me to tuck myself back in. He got out and ordered me to do the same. i ran to my station and followed Him. Shirtless in the desert was one thing, shirtless and collared and obscenely bulging jeans was another. He approached the door, i reached over and opened it for Him.

"Good boi" He said and walked in. The smell of leather was everywhere, the store had a big selection of leather goods and clothing. It was 11:00 AM and the store was clearly ready for this Event. A chipper, hot salesboy practically ran up to Master to see if he could help Him find anything. i beamed, knowing that i had the hottest Master in the desert.

"Hello Sir, my name is Jason, can I help you find anything for yourself or your boi?" he asked. Master eyed the salesboy up and down for a full 30 seconds. The poor salesboy fidgeted nervously, and then gave him a 'maybe' response. He dismissed him and told him He'd ask for him when He needed something he might be worthy for. He continued to browse. When he got to the underwear section, He held up a pair of underwear with no ass in them. He looked through several pair, then chose a black and yellow pair. He called out for Jason and told him He wanted me to try these on.

"Of course, Sir" Jason beamed eagerly and started leading the way to the changing room. Master stopped him and asked, if i could just try them on here instead.

"I keep him nearly naked most of the time anyways" Master said of me. i blushed and started to protest, but Master's stern eye silenced me.

"Why yes, of course, Sir. No need for changing rooms for slave bois" Jason chuckled almost cocky like. He took the underwear off their hanger and handed them to me. i stripped off my boots and jeans. Master reached down and unsnapped the stretcher and put it in his pocket. i tried on the underwear. By now, we'd attracted the attention of a few other shoppers. The underwear held my tender red ass high and made my bulging boi dick really stick out. Jason took the liberty of adjusting them on me and coping a feel at the same time. He pronounced them "perfect." Master smiled.

"They'll do," He said. i took them off and politely handed them to Jason. i started to put my jeans on and Master stopped me. "Not yet, boi. I might see something else for you to try on. Do you mind Jason?" He asked, winking at Jason. Jason almost melted.

"No Sir, not at all, Sir." he replied. We proceeded to walk through the entire store. Master and naked slave for another fifteen agonizing minutes. i tried on two leather jockstraps and a pair of leather shorts, none of which were agreeable to Master. All of which got admiring nods from the other patrons in the store. i stayed tight to my station, behind him and to the right, the entire time. As we finally walked to the register to pay for the underwear, Master let me put my jeans on. Jason rang us up and we left.

Next door was a store that sold sex toys. Master walked up and i opened the door for him. Inside were all sorts of toys. The place, like the last, smelled of leather. Did they import that smell just for this Event? Master made his way to the butt plug section and found an interesting plug. It was chrome and heavy. It was shaped like a bullet and at one end of it was a rubber piece that attached to another circular, but flat, chrome piece. The bullet went up your ass, the other chrome piece stayed out of your ass and kept the bullet retrievable. They all looked exciting to me, Master chose a medium sized one and made me carry it around the store while browsed. When we got to the check out counter the sales clerk, a geeky looking 30 year old, asked Master if he'd like a bag or did he want his slave to wear it home. The store was empty except for us, but i still blushed beet red for the tenth time that morning.

"I like that service," Master said. He turned to me and ordered me to "Drop 'em, boi. Bend over and let the man put it in ya," He ordered. i dutifully lowered my jeans and bent over next to the register. The guy walked out and cut the packaging open and pulled the plug out.

"Best lubed with spit, SIR, may I? asked the clerk. Master nodded. The clerk noted the rosy red glow on my cheeks and smiled. Master slapped each one a couple of times to emphasize the glow. The clerk buried his tongue up my ass. Master held my head down and leaned over and added his spit to the mix. It honestly felt wonderful, but i sensed something painful was coming and really couldn't enjoy it fully. When my boi hole was good and juicy, the clerk pushed the chrome plug home. Damn it was big and solid and hard. It was at least as wide as Master's cock and had zero give. i grunted and whimpered. Master held me still. i was about to beg the clerk to just shove it in, but then he said "best to tease up a good boi hole like this."

Master laughed, I whimpered, the clerk shoved. It popped in and my ass swallowed it up. The clerk stood up and wiped his chin. Like the last salesboy, he pronounced it a perfect fit. Master let me stand, my ass was clearly full, divinely plugged. Master slapped my ass a couple more times, tugged on it, and then ordered me to get dressed. The geeky clerk wiped out his cock and started jacking a respectable 7 inch cock. Master let him jack off and made me take his load on my face, all the while thanking him for his excellent customer service.

Master rubbed the load all over my face and then made me lick his hand clean. We left the store with my face covered in drying cum. Master jeans bulged obscenely, my own showed a huge wet spot on them. We got in the car and drove off.

On the way back to the resort, Master complimented me on my behavior and my quick learning. He said He was hungry and pulled through a fast food drive through. He ordered a burger, fries and a coke; drove forward, paid for and got his food.

"No lunch for you boi, I want you hungrier. Tomorrow night when we get to the banquet, I want you to salivate when they bring dinner" He chuckled to himself. "Now, feed Me My fries while I drive." i reached into the bag and pulled out the fries. Of course, they smelled delicious. i pulled one out and brought it to His mouth. We went through this routine until the fries were completely gone. Occassionally, i brought the Coke to his lips as well. i was ordered to tear the burger into bite sized pieces and feed that to him as well. It was very messy, but Master licked my fingers clean. We took the long way back to the resort, driving past the venues for parties and other events that were scheduled for the week. The dried cum on my face was itching and peeling off. Master said it looked great. i smiled, i love my handsome Master's compliments.

i opened the gate to the resort and Master entered. i carried the bag with my new underwear in them, the heavy plug moved slightly with every step. Once through the gate, Master stopped and turned to me. "Strip" He ordered "from now on you'll strip here just inside the gate and remain naked whenever here at the resort, unless otherwise instructed. Clear, boi?"

"Yes Master, thank you Master" was my grateful reply. i stripped my jeans off, neatly folding them in a small pile, took off my boots and socks and carried everything to our room. i was careful to follow Master staying at my station, to his right and a pace behind. The chain collar and the plug was all i had on.

The pool area was busy, Master said hello to a few guests and waved to Master Blake. "Drop the stuff in the room, boi, and grab two beach towels" He ordered. i hurried to the room, put everything away and grabbed two beach towels. i joined Master near Master Blake. Master Blake was naked and lounging in the sun by the pool. His cock looked impressive. Jared and Simon were in the pool.

"Pull up a lounge for me, boi, and cover it with the towel, then go fetch some sunscreen" Master commanded as He stripped his clothes. He continued to chat idly with Master Blake while i got his lounge ready for him, folded His discarded clothes and went to get sunscreen. i proceeded to slather His beautiful body with sunscreen. When He felt He was sufficiently coated, He said "lay that towel next to me and go beg Jared to put some sunscreen on you, boi. Then get your ass over here and let's take a nap." I raced to the side of the pool and begged Jared, he smiled and obliged me. I raced back to Master and laid on the towel next to Him.

"Face up, pig" He barked, and I obediently flipped over and spread my legs to give Him full access to His play toys. He grabbed my balls and squeezed tight and we both dozed in the sun. He'd occasionally flip and order me to flip, then He'd idly play with the plug in my ass. It was a glorious day in the desert sun.

Next: Chapter 4: Learning to Serve 4

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