Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Jan 4, 2014


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Please Sirs, Masters, bois... please donate to nifty.org so that these stories can continue to be posted and hot times can ensue. Please Sirs, please. (bois, my brothers, do the right thing...)

This boi genuinely appreciates your encouragement over the course of this story's telling. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based, in part, on a true story, true experiences, true witnessing of some crazy hot times, and more than a little fantasy.

Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboi4SIR@gmail.com. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Twenty-nine - vacating

When i could finally speak again, i thanked Him profusely. When i could move i licked His boots like they were my last meal. i was cleaned and fed. my cuffs were reattached and the ball stretcher put back on. He easily lifted me up over His broad shoulder and carried me out like a sack of laundry.

At the van, the kindness ended. i slobbered over the plug and worked gingerly to sit on it. Pecs' patience was thin. He roughly grabbed my arms from behind me and yanked them backwards, causing me to lose my balance and ram the last biggest part of the plug in one fell swoop. i screamed and shook all over. The tears running down my face only made Pecs' slaps across it sting more.

"Jesus, boi, We're being too soft on you." He grunted as He locked my ankle cuffs in place. My hole throbbed around the plug and rock hard boi-dick burped up more pre- cum. "How's that erection lasting more than four hours?" He joked. i knew it was a rhetorical question, but still answered respectfully that it was fine. As He drove, He explained that Master Roger has a thing with boi's pee-holes, much like my Master has a thing with boi-balls.

On the street outside of my apartment building, He gave me my old gym shorts once i was unlocked. My hard boi-dick stuck out the bottom right leg obscenely.

"Its about time you started getting used to more public exposure, boi," He said as He grabbed the leather collar i had on and pulled me across the street and to the building. He handed me the key to the building and then stood behind me as i unlocked the door for him. He lowered the shorts to expose my ass and rubbed my hole while i fiddled with the key.

"I want 'em lower to show off at least half that boi-ass, always now, boi, even when we run in the morning. Got it?" He asked.

i answered with an obedient "Sir, yes, Sir" as i held the door and He stepped in-front of me and into the building. Once at the apartment door, i dropped the shorts all together and unlocked and held open that door for Him as well.

Upon entering the apartment, i was shocked to see it almost completely empty. Pecs pushed me down to my knees and lifted my face up to meet His stern gaze. Tears ran down my face. i was stunned.

"They're just material possessions, boi." He lectured. "Goodwill was happy to get them. A select few personal items are in a box in the bedroom. Now, go to your computer and email the property manager and ask to be let out of your lease as soon as possible. Explain that you'll do whatever it takes, boy. Got it?"

Oddly, His words rang true and clear and brought me a small sense of comfort. His hand under my chin was strong and warm, it offered me a moment of security. Instinctively, i knew this was my life now and i felt a sense of relief. i smiled at Him and affirmed my acceptance with a "Sir, yes, Sir, thank You, Sir."

He grabbed the collar and dragged me on my hands and knees to the empty living room. My laptop was all that remained in the room, plugged in, in the corner. He guided me to it and let me go. i opened it up and noticed almost all of the icons were removed from the desktop. Years of porn was gone, links to the hottest websites deleted, just my gmail icon and a couple of other standard icons remained. Between this loss and my possession losses, it hit home. i started to cry as i began the email to Mr. Terrazzo, the property manager.

"Dear Mr. Terrazzo,

I am writing to notify you that i will be vacating apartment number 302 as soon as possible. I will do whatever is required to terminate the lease. Please let me know how you wish to proceed.

Sincerely, John"

Finished, i knelt in the appropriate display position next to the laptop. Pecs came back from the bathroom, looked down at the screen and read the letter. He frowned. He squatted down and again held my head in His hands. He looked me directly in the eye and out of no where slapped me hard across the face. It stung like crazy, my teeth rattled, but i did my best to hold my composure. One strong hand held my jaw, the other grabbed my balls, both gripped hard to conveyed His intent: this is serious.

"That doesn't sound like a good boi's message to me. Rewrite it and be respectful and honest." He said in a stern and commanding voice, His strong grip on my jaw lowered to my neck and His fingers closed in a very threatening choking manner. He was very serious. "There will be many Men that you will expose your true self to, before this is over, boi. Mr. Terrazzo is among the first."

He softened His grip and i swallowed hard. He slapped my face a couple of times to remind me of my place and then shoved my head to the keyboard and walked away.

i had met Mr. Terrazzo through a friend when i first moved to this city. He owned several properties including rental and commercial units. my friend Tom owned a small bookstore that specialized in gay and lesbian books and he rented a commercial space from Mr. Terrazzo.

One day i was checking out Tom's latest inventory, when Mr. Terrazzo stopped by. i was immediately taken aback. He was a tall, muscular man; definitely Italian heritage and carried himself with a confident, in-control air.

Tom was immediately flustered when He walked in. he quickly finished up a transaction with the only other customer in the store and then called out to me.

"Hey John - this is Mr. Terrazzo, my landlord," he said as he introduced us. Mr. Terrazzo extended His meaty paw and we shook hands. His grip nearly crushed mine. His eyes looked me up and down. "We have some business to take care of in back, do you mind watching the shop for me for a few minutes, please?" Tom asked, smiling weakly.

Mr. Terrazzo put His hand on Tom's shoulder and squeezed. Tom winced a little. i agreed and they were off; Mr. Terrazzo seemingly pushing Tom ahead of him. The whole thing happened in short order and my dick was rock hard. Clearly, Mr. Terrazzo was a demanding landlord. He never said a word and Tom was a mess.

i milled around the shop. There were definite grunting noises coming from the backroom. i almost pulled my dick out to jack-off, it was definitely hot and i was an uncontrolled horn-dawg then. The bells on the front door chimed as a customer came in and i went behind the counter in case i was needed. The grunting in the back seemed to quiet some. There was no door to the backroom and i desperately wanted to peek back there, but for some reason, i knew better.

As the customer browsed, Mr. Terrazzo emerged from the backroom smiling. As He walked past me in the narrow space behind the counter, i distinctly felt His bulge rub against my ass. i jumped a little.

"Very nice to meet you, John." He said in a deep, gravelly voice as He adjusted himself and walked out. Tom came out from the backroom looking a little worse for wear, but grinning ear-to-ear.

"Thanks for helping out, John. Mr. Terrazzo is hot, isn't He?" he asked. i agreed completely. Tom quietly explained that a blow job or a quick hard fuck when ever Mr. Terrazzo stopped in was part of his rent deal, a really good part. we laughed. he mentioned that Mr. Terrazzo had some great apartments and he gave me His contact info.

The following week i called Mr. Terrazzo and He agreed to show me what He had to rent. We met at a sort of run-down looking place in a not-so-good part of town. He again griped my hand and crushed it, my dick got hard instantly. He showed me the apartment, but it was really questionable. i was hesitant, but the price was right. He led me around the space, occasionally rubbing my shoulders. He saw that i was undecided and offered to show me another place. i followed Him there.

The second apartment was in a much better location. He directed me to the upper floor and showed me around, it was perfect. i told Him so. He smiled and put His big hand on my shoulder.

"Well, Johnny," He said, using the boi-like version of my name for the first time, "this apartment costs a little extra." He pushed me down to my knees. i leaned into His bulging crotch. "I know you pussy-bois all talk, so Tom's likely told you about the extras. You serve me well and I'll make you a good deal on this place."

I fished out His big cock and sucked it for all i was worth. Mr. Terrazzo was a fast cummer that day and shot within minutes. i swallowed His savory load like a good cum whore. i licked Him clean and carefully stuffed Him back into His boxers and zipped up His fine, tailored, suit pants. We closed a great deal.

That was five years ago. i learned a lot about myself since then, i blew Mr. Terrazzo about 7 or 8 times a year. i found out He was married to a beautiful blonde woman and they had five or six kids, all boys aged 9 to 18. i was sad to have to say good-bye to Him, in a way. He was the hottest and best landlord a boi could hope for.

"Dear Mr. Terrazzo, Sir:

After a long and careful search, this pussy-boi has found a wonderful Master to serve utterly and completely. i regret to inform You that i will be vacating my wonderful apartment as soon as possible to relocate and finish my training for my Master, ultimately relocating to California to serve Him, 24/7. As always, Mr. Terrazzo, i am of service to You, grateful for your kindness and eager to repay You in any way possible for terminating my lease two months early. My trainers are available to discuss the details of my final payment, Sir, their contact info is listed below. Again, thank You so very much for Your kindness over these past five, good years, Sir.

With respect and gratitude,


Pecs was pleased with the rewritten letter and ordered me to hit the send button. i did so. While Mr. Terrazzo knew i was gay and liked to get blow jobs from me, this admission of servitude was a whole new level. i don't doubt that He suspected i was capable of it, He always called me a pussy-boi. Still, in the back of my mind, He was a married Man, a Father with kids. i was slightly freaked out.

Pecs led me to the bathroom. We cleaned up and soon went to bed. As i was brushing my teeth, i noticed that the cuffs were still on. Normally, they stayed in the van, but tonight they stayed on the boi.

In bed, Pecs locked my wrists together behind my back and locked my ankles to the footboard. He spooned in behind me and lubed my ass. i grunted into the pillow as He slid His whole nine inches deep into me in one long continuous drive. He rubbed my head and called me a "good little cum dump" and fucked my tender, sore ass mercilessly.

Having had a cucumber dildo in my hole all night, I'm sure it wasn't the tightest hole. Still i did my best to squeeze and milk His beautiful cock as He pounded me. At some point in the pounding, my unlocked dick gave way and i shot my load all over the place.

"Not. Good. Boi." He grunted as He fucked me hard, His balls banging against mine. Finally He shot, flooding my guts with a big load. He collapsed on top of me, His big arm around my neck.

"You gotta learn to wait for your Master to allow you to cum, boi. You know, i have to punish you for that, right?" He asked choking me in His grip. i got scared and thought i might piss the bed right then.

Next: Chapter 30: Learning to Serve 30

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