Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Sep 30, 2013


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Please Sirs, Masters, bois... please donate to nifty.org so that these stories can continue to be posted and hot times can ensue. Please Sirs, please. (bois, my brothers, do the right thing...)

This boi genuinely appreciates your encouragement over the course of this story's telling. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based, in part, on a true story, true experiences, true witnessing of some crazy hot times, and more than a little fantasy.

Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboi4SIR@gmail.com. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Twenty-eight - Dinner will be served

The scene must've turned Guns on, because He pushed me to my knees and throat-fucked me like crazy. 12-inches of Master Trainer cock is challenge no matter how you take it or, in this case, are force fed it. i held my hands tightly behind my back and stayed on my knees as best i could. my tongue extended out as far as possible, dreaming of licking His huge nuts. i swallowed as hard as i could and tried to relax my throat. All of it was for naught, as Guns just fucked the boi-throat in His grip. Any technique i'd learned to date simply failed me. It was a hard, brutal throat-fuck.

When He finally shot, it went directly into my belly, six good spurts or so. Honestly, i was so light headed and near passing out. that i lost count. i obediently nursed Him clean and savored the little taste i could get. As i thanked him, grateful for His use, i inadvertently burped. We both chuckled and He rubbed my head.

"you're improving, little cum-whore," He said, in a complimentary, but humiliating way. His bladder let loose a stream of hot Man piss all over me. my trapped dick was throbbing and aching for release. We washed up, He spent extra time cleaning me out, and we left the gym.

Guns was dressed a little nicer than usual. He wore a classy, tight pair of jeans that left little to the imagination, a form fitting button down shirt that accentuated His shoulders and huge pecs, and a sports coat. i was naked except for leather cuffs and high collar and, of course, my chastity cage and ball stretcher. i squatted next to Him in the elevator. Instead of going down to the garage like normal, we ascended to the floor above. i realized then that the elevator had no buttons for floors, just a keypad to enter codes into.

Interestingly, the doors opened and we were in the lobby of what appeared to be a very high-class restaurant. Guns squatted down and removed my chastity device. my boi-dick needed no encouragement to get hard. He attached a leash to the collar and indicated that i was to crawl behind him. The carpet was lush and soft, a deep red color. As a boi, you appreciate these things at a whole new level. The smell of food made my stomach grumble. Since the training began my diet was strictly controlled and i was kept a little hungry (not starving) constantly. Besides a lot of cum, Guns and Pecs fed me a very high protein/low carb diet with a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables.

In a new space like this, i was apprehensive, but i instinctually followed Guns, knowing that He was in control. The restaurant was fairly empty, large u-shaped booths lined the room, there were no windows. Everything was upholstered in a deep brown leather and the whole place was very modern and tastefully decorated. i forgot that i was in an old warehouse building for a minute. A sharp tug on the leash brought my focus back to Guns boots as we walked/crawled to our booth.

As we neared the booth three pairs of boots stepped down from the booth and greeted Guns. Pecs was one of them, i knew the boots He wore. When i heard His voice, i was proud of that knew that. From what i could gather, the other boots (a very well-polished and expensive looking pair of black boots) belonged to a Master named Roger and a pair of Wescott boots laced high, belonged to a Master named Dave.

A sharp upward tug on the leash and "present" command brought me to my feet, legs spread wide, hands behind my head, chin up, pecs out, low back arched, ass up. Pecs explained that i belonged to Master Richard and was a week into training. Master Roger proceeded to examine me head to toe. He was a big bearish Master, but very well kept. His dark beard was trimmed perfectly, His brown eyes sparkled. His hands rubbed my head, tugged my ears, rubbed my pecs, and stroked my boi-dick. Pre-cum bubbled up.

"Ahh, the perfect condiment," He laughed as He wiped the pre-cum from my piss slit and tasted it. "Richard certainly has a knack for finding hot ones," He said to Guns. Guns respectfully acknowledged that and then explained that my endurance was being tested this week.

"Tonight could be interesting," He noted. Then He bent me over at the waist and spread my ass cheeks wide apart. "Stevens clearly gave it a Monday-style training." They all chuckled and someone whistled. My tenderized hole was poked and pinched. Clearly, Mr. Stevens worked me hard. Every movement remind me of it, but like a good boi, i did not complain or whine. i dealt with it and was grateful for the training.

As i was bent over, a pair of bare feet joined the group and stood quietly to the side. i could see that it was a naked slave, but little else. i focused intently on Pecs boots as they continued my inspection. After a few minutes, i was pushed to my knees. The leash was handed to the naked waiter slave and Guns instructed him.

"Only thing off limits are its balls, unless you can stretch 'em beyond where they're at," He told the waiter slave. "That said, there's a hard tip in it for you if you do," He laughed and rubbed His bulge. The waiter slave bent down and tugged on my sore nuts.

"Sir, there shouldn't be a problem accommodating all of Your desires, Sir." He dutifully reported. Guns reached into His shirt pocket and produced a little blue pill. He commanded me to open my mouth and then shoved the pill deep into my throat and forced me to swallow it. The waiter slave tugged the leash and led me to the kitchen.

It wasn't so much of a kitchen as a prep room. i was rough handled by two other strong naked waiter slaves as soon as we entered. they lifted me into a tub of water and scrubbed me briskly with evil little plastic brushes. Like the floor waiter, these slaves were all very muscular and strong. my skin was on fire from the scrubbing and i looked down to see it was bright red. They didn't miss an inch, even my boi-dick and tender hole was scrubbed.

Once scoured, i was oiled up with a sweet smelling oil. A cart was rolled out and it had an odd looking little narrow bench on it. they lifted me onto the bench and placed my stomach down on it. It extended from my lower stomach to just past my chin. my knees and elbows were bent and i was trussed tightly. The bindings were like plaster casts, applied in layers and dried in between. They truly immobilized my arms and legs. The ball stretcher was removed only to be replaced by a parachute that yanked my balls to the end of the cart. The string pulling my balls back was adorned with a little silver bell. i screamed as it was hooked in place and got a hard slap across the face.

Next my jaw was opened wider than i ever thought possible and a huge apple was wedged in place, effectively gagging me. The muscles in my face immediately ached. Tears streamed down my face. This was the most restrained bondage i had ever experienced. Appetizers and fresh vegetables were arranged around me and an odd- looking candelabra with phallic shaped candles was buckled onto my back.

The most painful part came when a carrot, delicately carved to look like a beautiful flower with a long narrow stem was oiled in front of me. The chef spoke for the first time.

"Ever experienced a sound, boi?" he asked, knowing that answering was impossible. he grinned evilly and disappeared behind my line of sight. My boi-dick was rock hard, but he stroked it anyway. Then, with little ceremony, he began forcing the long narrow stem of the carrot stick sculpture into my urethra. Oiled or not, it burned like a mother fucker going in. i screamed, but no sound came through my improvised gag. my bondage was so complete, i could barely shiver in pain. i saw stars. Tears dripped from my stretched face.

"Focus, boi" a waiter commanded as he slapped my face hard to keep me from passing out. The string pulling my balls was tightened as a distraction, the little bell rang softly. Then something long, hard and thick was slid up my boi-hole. (I learned later that it was a 10-inch long English cucumber carved with a spiral groove and bunch of grapes carefully attached to the outward end of it. Whatever it was oiled with burned like crazy on my tender hole.)

In each of my hands was placed a bunch of delicately carved carrot sticks resembling 20 different shaped cocks. Many hands were bound such that i couldn't release the carvings. Similarly, something was displayed between my toes, with my feet tightly bound. Strings of sharp glass and pointy metal beads were carefully strung over the rest of my body. The table centerpiece was complete.

The cart was wheeled back into the dining room, candles were lit, and the little bell jingled lightly as the string pulling my balls backwards quivered with every bump. The chef, the one who inserted the sculpture into my dick, explained the menu of healthy choices to the table as the cart was somehow wheeled into the center.

"Masters, we are pleased to present Your appetizer course, Sirs, plenty of fresh veg and a variety of dipping sauces, Sirs" he explained. "Masters, this one in particular is a house specialty and it changes with each new boi." the chef then not so gently fucked my dick with the cruel carrot causing precum to drip out from around it. Immobilized, my body shivered in pain, drops of wax from the candles splattered my back and the bell attached to the string stretching my balls rang softly. The beads scraped cruelly into my skin. It was going to be a long night.

The Masters applauded and thanked the chef. For the first few minutes, my display was photographed and They played endlessly with the carrot sound. Often they pulled it completely out and shoved it back in. At one point, Pecs leaned in and licked the tears off my face and whispered in my ear.

"Good boi, remember this week is all about pain endurance. Go to the oath, give to your Betters." He advised. More tears flowed, but i began repeating my Master's oath in my head and thinking about how wonderful His cock felt in my ass. The pain was intense, but it seemed to change somehow. my hole throbbed around the cucumber and more precum bubbled out.

"You are a Master at this stuff, Pecs, look at this boi go!" Master Rogers complimented Pecs. i beamed somewhere inside knowing that i helped make Pecs look good. He was the kinder of the two Master Trainers, though cruel in His own way.

The conversation eventually went back to business at hand. Master Roger was there to select a new boi, Master Dave was there to actually find a boi with potential that measured up to His expectations. More than once, He was referred to as the Recruiter. Master Roger might have wanted an Asian or Latino boi, but I'm not sure. He might have wanted a small frame, skinny, and uncut. After that, i couldn't tell you what. i was in an incredible amount of pain.

i recall the appetizer course finishing, but nothing more. i know i was there through dessert, but for the life of me, i couldn't describe it. i never dozed off, sleep was impossible. Someone, probably Guns or Pecs made sure i was awake, every few minutes fucking that infernal carrot in and out of my rock-hard drippy boi-dick.

When at last the dinner was over, i was wheeled back into the kitchen. Pecs followed. Once inside the prep room the apple was removed. My jaw was slack. It wouldn't move. Similarly, when the plaster casting was removed my body somehow atrophied and i was like an agonized pool of jello. i was washed carefully and massaged until my muscle control was restored. Pecs reassured me that i did well and everything would come back. He rubbed my head a lot and that felt incredible.

When i could finally speak again, i thanked Him profusely. When i could move i licked His boots like they were my last meal. i was cleaned and fed. My cuffs were reattached and the ball stretcher put back on. He easily lifted me up over His broad shoulder and carried me out like a sack of laundry.

Next: Chapter 29: Learning to Serve 29

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