Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Sep 18, 2013


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Please Sirs, Masters, bois... please donate to nifty.org so that these stories can continue to be posted and hot times can ensue. Please Sirs, please. (bois, my brothers, do the right thing...)

This boi genuinely appreciates your encouragement over the course of this story's telling. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based, in part, on a true story, true experiences, true witnessing of some crazy hot times, and more than a little fantasy.

Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboi4SIR@gmail.com. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Twenty-seven - workout

"By Friday, boi, you'll be holding your own ass cheeks apart and begging Me for the stinger," Mr. Stevens laughed, "it'll be the least of your worries." A whole new layer of sweat rolled off my body and i cried myself to the point of passing out.

When i came to, my ass was on fire. Al was wiping me down with my underwear, one of my few pairs of boxers. A fan was cooling the room down and i found myself shivering.

"your ass is pretty beat up, boi" he explained, "won't be much sitting and even walking will be interesting." he laughed a little, then unbuckled me and helped me to my feet. It felt like my ass was lacerated, torn to shreds. Al reassured me that no skin was broken, but it was damn close. i gingerly got dressed.

"The rest of the week, there'll be no restraints, boi. It's gonna be hard, but i'll be right there with you." he smiled and lifted up my chin and kissed me hard on the lips. his strong tongue was everywhere looking for any last remnant of his Master's seed. i knelt gratefully and sucked his dick , he spewed a thick load after a quick couple of minutes.

By the time i was on the street again, i really had to hurry to get back. Running and even walking fast was agony. The afternoon dragged by. i sat only briefly and then cringed the whole time. At 4:30, i wrapped things up for the day and made my way to the gym. As i was undressing and waiting for the elevator, i thought about how quickly this routine was sinking in. The elevator doors opened and i gingerly walked and knelt down.

Guns was waiting as usual. As i crawled to him, He opened a leather collar and buckled it tight around my neck. Cuffs went on my wrists and ankles.

"Stand and present, boi" He ordered. i stood straight, locked my hands behind my head, eyes forward, feet shoulder width apart. He kicked my feet farther apart, then reached down and unlocked the chastity device. "Shouldn't need this for a while, boi, just behave and don't ever touch your Master's boi- dick without permission" He ordered, slapping it hard. It stung like crazy, but, of course, it got instantly rock hard. "got it?" He asked, slapping it a second time.

"SIR, YES, SIR, UNDERSTOOD, SIR" i shouted. He grabbed my dick and stroked it a couple of times, then smeared the precum all over the head and polished it until i could hardly stand still. He walked around back and bent me forward at the waist. Guns carefully inspected the stretcher on my nuts and added a little ointment around the stretcher. Then, He knelt behind me and inspected my bubble butt. He whistled to himself, then ordered me to stay still.

He walked away and came back with another Master who had a lean, but well-toned slave in tow. Guns stood in front of me, His beefy thighs against the back of my bowed head. The Master and slave were behind me. Guns reached down over me and spread my ass cheeks.

"See this? Classic work by Stevens. See how the welts come right to edge of breaking the skin, but no breakage anywhere?" He asked the Master, "Go ahead. inspect it."

Guns straddled me, with my head locked between his legs. My arms were repositioned behind my back, each hand clasping the opposite elbow. He grabbed my ass even harder and told me to hold steady. At first the Master gently rubbed His rough hands over the welts and while it hurt, it wasn't that uncomfortable. My legs and back began to ache slightly from being held in this position.

"Looks good and severe. You're right, no bleeding too, must be just the right amount of pressure, or something, eh?" He asked Guns as He continued to inspect Mr. Stevens work. He started to pinch the welts and i shook. The pain went to severe instantly. Sweat broke out and i wanted to scream, but willed myself to take it silently.

"Easy boi," Guns ordered me, before answering the Master's question. "It's a combination of pressure with patience and years of whipping boi-asses. Stevens is a sadist bar none." Guns explained as He let me go and ordered me to stretch out, then kneel. He stepped away and gave the Master even more a sales pitch for Mr. Stevens work. i realized that there was a genuine business aspect to all of this, beyond the extreme eroticism. Guns was a salesman and I was the demo product. My head was spinning.

Minutes later, Guns came back to me. He squatted down and rubbed my head. My boi- dick responded immediately.

"Good job on that inspection, boi, you're learning." He laughed, stood, and grabbed a ring in my collar and dragged me into the gym proper.

"We're hitting weights from here on out, boi, lots of 'em" He said as He led me to a bench and had me lay prone. The leather covering on the bench felt cool and comforting on my back. Clearly we were doing some chest work, the barbell stood racked with 25 lbs weights on either side. Not a lot of weight, but it had been at least a couple of weeks since I'd lifted anything. Laying naked on the bench felt weird, but there were other Masters and slaves in the gym and most everyone was naked or close to it. Guns wore black gym shorts, commando; His lethal weapon swayed back and forth when He walked.

"Let's warm up with 25, boi" He said, arms in a perfect spotting position. i lifted the bar and weight and pumped out 20 before i got tired. 21 through 25 were rough, but doable. After each rep, i was instructed to give thanks and beg for another rep. Looking up at Guns the whole time made my boi-dick rock hard. There was a constant jingle of the rings on my shackled wrists and the sounds of Masters and slaves grunting filled the room. It smelled like a sweaty gym: rich, Manly, and raw.

At the end of the set, Guns leaned over the bar and roughly massaged my pecs and tweaked my nipples hard. My boi-dick was rock hard and leaking pre-cum. He rubbed it into my pecs like it was lotion. He pumped my dick to get even more pre-cum. It was getting hard to lay still. His huge cock tented the loose shorts now inches from my face. My mouth watered thinking about His cock in my throat. He stood up after a solid 5 minutes of manipulating me to the edge.

"Next set, boi, 35 lbs., 15 reps. I'm gong light today, boi, be grateful." He cautioned.

"Sir, yes, Sir, thank You for going light on the weights with this slave, Sir" i blurted out as He clipped my ankle cuffs to the floor. Once He was back at my head, we started set number two. It was heavier, for sure, but still workable. By rep number 12, i was struggling, but He encouraged me verbally, with 'good boi' comments, through to rep number 15. i was sweating a lot now. The cool seat on my ass was now hot and stinging and extremely uncomfortable as sweat reached my tormented hole.

After the last rep, Guns locked my wrists to each side of the machine. i was locked in, arms spread wide, legs firmly anchored. A hard foam support was inserted under the arch of my low back and a strap was secured around my upper stomach. Once i was secured, Guns called for the water boi. A lean, toned twink came running to him with a bottle of water. The boi knelt in front of Guns and offered up the opened bottle of water. Guns gulped down almost the entire bottle. He lowered the font of His shorts and the water boi obediently opened His mouth hole to receive His semi.

i watched the water boi's throat muscles work quickly to gulp down Guns piss load. Not a drop was missed, all of it swallowed like the greediest piss pig you can imagine. It made me thirsty. Guns knew it instinctively.

When He finished, He stood the water boi up and brought him to my head. Only then did i notice the unusual chastity device. It was chrome and completely covered His boi-dick, but what was interesting was a clear catheter hose extending out from the tip of it. It was clipped tight with a matching chrome clamp. The boi straddled my head, His boi balls inches above my nose. Guns pinched the catheter hose and unclamped the end of it as He inserted it into my mouth. The clamp was then adhered to my right nipple. Pinching it severely, but i did my best to take it and hold still. My body betrayed me and i trembled all over.

"Easy, boi," Guns warned, massaging my chest roughly "this is a very fortified water and it comes at a high price. Don't fucking spill a drop. Got it, boi?" i quickly answered affirmatively and appropriately. He loosened His grip on the thin hose and a good stream of water boi piss filled my mouth. i swallowed quickly. Focusing on not spilling any of it, took some focus off my tortured right nipple, but i was in swimming in nipple pain.

"OK, last bit, boi," He told me, "Fill up your mouth, but don't swallow. When i pulled the hose out, swish it around good, then swallow. Got it?" He asked. i nodded, the hose in my mouth. My mouth filled with acrid water boi piss. Guns withdrew the hose, i swished the piss around and then swallowed it. As soon as i gulped it down, the clamp was released from my nipple. i wanted to scream, but gritted my teeth and groaned slightly.

Guns re-clamped the water boi's catheter hose and dismissed him. He leaned over the bar and rubbed my nipple and massaged my pecs. He edged me back to a full fledged hard- on and milked as much pre-cum as i could produce, rubbing it all over my chest.

"Good job, boi. You surprised me, i thought for sure I'd be tanning your hide for spitting water boi piss all over the place." He laughed. He then explained that the water boi drinks several shots of wheat grass and other antioxidant juices between performing His duties. "This time of day, those juices are going right through him and into bois like you, that's why it's so flavorful, boi."

"Sir, yes, Sir, thank You, Sir" was my quick and grateful response. He unlocked my wrists, bumped the weights up to 45 and we did ten good reps. It burned like hell, but felt good. We continued around the gym doing four more chest-focused exercises. At the end, my pecs were on fire and i was spent. My balls were blue from repeated edging the entire time. Honestly, it took all of my effort to not touch my rock hard dick and jerk it off. Of course, i knew much better than to even dare do it.

He led me into the shower area and removed my cuffs. Another Master was showering with His slave. Guns ordered me to present on my knees and pointed me towards them.

"Observe this slave, boi, He is very well trained." He ordered and walked away.

The shower room was a big space, maybe 20-foot wide by 30-foot long. It had showerheads projecting out of the wall every six feet or so. It was a classic gang shower set up. It smelled like man, piss and a little soap. The floor was wet under my knees and the tiles were harsh to kneel on. Still, i held my position and observed.

The Master was powerfully built; a muscular bear, hairy, with big beefy muscles everywhere. Hairy might not be the best word to describe it, it was dark, rich, manly fur. He looked tall, over six-foot and didn't have an ounce of fat on him anywhere.

His slave was equally hairy, but clearly trimmed and clipped short. While the Master had a full head of hair and a beard, His slaves face showed a dark five-o'clock shadow and His head was shaved bald.

The Master luxuriated under the shower, while the slave hustled around him soaping His entire body head to toe. The slave used his fingers and appeared to lightly use his finger nails to clean his Master's body. The slave's face was never more than a couple of inches away from the Master. he worked every inch of his Master's body, behind His ears, under His chin, His beautiful hairy pits, His legs and feet. The slave focused on each finger and each toe with precision, care and adoration.

As the Master rinsed off, the slave was directed to the Master's ass where it looked like he sucked and licked and cleaned extra good. Finally, the Master shoved His semi-hard cock down His slave's throat, bathing and cleaning it in slave saliva. When He pulled off the slave, His cock was a good ten inches hard. A line of slave spit connected the Master to His property.

The Master rubbed the slaves head and motioned for him to stand and bend over. Just as the Master soaped up the slave's ass and shoved His cock deep, Guns returned, naked.

"Nice show, Derek" He hollered, the Master just smiled and fucked His slave. Guns reached down and scooped up my pre-cum and fed it to me. i sucked His fingers like i wanted to suck His cock. He grabbed my collar and led me over to the showers next to Master Derek and His slave. The slave was rocking his hips gently, pulling his Master's cock deeper and deeper. his head hung down and he moaned softly.

Guns turned on the water and handed me the bar of soap. He stepped under the stream and waited a brief second or two. i got the hint and immediately began washing Him like the slave washed Master Derek. i was careful to miss no detail. Guns was considerably taller than me. He stands maybe 6'7" to my mere 5'7". It was a struggle on the tips of my toes in a slippery shower, but i did my boi-best. Guns chatted with Master Derek as if it was completely normal to talk to him while He used His property.

"Roger is in town this week" Guns told Master Derek. "Should be interesting, He wants a new boi again." They both chuckled.

"Damn, He eats 'em up fast, doesn't he?" Master Derek asked between grunts.

"yeah, but He has the cash and there's rarely a lack of boi-meat" Guns answered as i carefully lifted and washed each of His big feet. "You getting tired of this one?" Guns asked, pointing to the slave Master Derek was fucking.

"There are days with it, when I wouldn't mind trading it, but for the most part it's good." He emphasized the point by fucking the slave harder. The slave groaned a little more and got a hard slap across its wet ass. Master Derek just pummeled hard and grunted as His Master seed was deposited deep inside His slave's ass. Once spent, He immediately pulled the slave back to its knees and shoved His spent cock down it's throat. Holding the slave's collar tight, He looked down and reminded him to hold that load in, it was the only lube it was getting that night. The slave obediently sucked Master Derek's cock and thanked Him profusely. The scene must've turned Guns on, because He pushed me to my knees and throat-fucked me like crazy.

Next: Chapter 28: Learning to Serve 28

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