Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Sep 5, 2013


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Please Sirs, Masters, bois... please donate to nifty.org so that these stories can continue to be posted and hot times can ensue. Please Sirs, please. (bois, my brothers, do the right thing...)

This boi sincerely apologizes for the delay between posts - life sometimes intervenes and it takes time to readjust. i genuinely appreciate your words and emails over the past few months. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based, in part, on a true story, true experiences, true witnessing of some crazy hot times, and more than a little fantasy.

Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboi4SIR@gmail.com. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Twenty-six - back to "normal"

"One down, boi, five to go. This week will be an adjustment. Pain will be relatively constant and some other changes will start. Got it, boi?" He asked with a further intense tug on my tender boi-balls.

"Sir, yes, Sir" i shouted as best i could through gritted teeth and agony.

The ride was uneventful. Pecs and Guns spoke to one another, more about sports and things, seldom about the events of the weekend.

We pulled into the garage at Their house and Pecs dropped Guns off and came back to the van with a duffle bag. We left Guns there and went back to my apartment. Parked on the street, Pecs climbed in back and untied me and handed me my old gym shorts. i dressed quickly and we went inside the building.

i stripped naked in the hallway, knowing it was expected, and then we entered the apartment. In my general state of exhaustion, i had no fear or cares. i wanted to sleep in my bed and that was all i could focus on.

i think Pecs wanted the same thing, because we quickly showered and cleaned up and i fell asleep with my head nuzzling into His armpit. No restraints that night, except the chastity cage with its huge stretcher on my boi-balls. i was ordered to always keep my legs spread and hands behind me as much as possible. Pecs dozed off squeezing and pulling on my balls.

i woke up with Pecs completely smothering me as usual. His beefy legs across my arms and chest and one arm across my groin. i had to piss like crazy, but i waited quietly and nuzzled into Him. Minutes later the alarm went off and the day began. He allowed me to piss and shit under His observation and then we were off for the day.

Suddenly, it was like every other day again. The morning routine was virtually the same - a hard run, shower, and out the door. On the train, i stood in my corner and looked around. It was crowded like a Monday morning and i couldn't really see past the two women and one elderly man in front of me, so i stood there quietly.

It dawned on me, at that moment; i was alone for the first time in days. i mentally checked myself. Was i sane? Was this really happening? Did i still have options? Did i want options? i reached down and felt my stretched boi-balls through my suit and a pair of boxers. It was real, they ached like crazy. i was slipping from this world into Master's world. It felt wonderful, exciting, and liberating. i know, liberating sounds strange, but my worries and fears about career and life and direction, were suddenly gone. i felt like i had real purpose. A real drive to do this and do it to the best of my ability started to bubble up within me. i felt my adrenaline rise and as the train pulled into downtown, i got off and walked a few extra blocks to the office. i was a proud boi.

Mr. Girard was gone for the week, in Denver on business. At exactly 8:00 AM every morning, He would call and we would review His schedule for that day. i noticed that there were more "yes, Sirs" in my conversation and i wrote down everything He said in detail. He was very pleased and more than once told me what a great job i was doing. i beamed, almost as if my Master was rubbing my head. More than once, i had to fight the urge to beg Him for anything else He might need.

When i hung up i realized just how much the Master/slave dynamic was taking over my subconscious. i started to panic a little, but then i looked at my phone and saw there was a message from the Big-dicked Man. It ordered me to go to the bathroom and pee, then to get my boi-ass over to Mr. Stevens office by 11:30 AM sharp. The morning had flown by.

i texted my gratitude to the Big-dicked Man, went to the Men's room and peed, then sprinted over to Mr. Stevens office. i wore my name badge proudly and walked directly to the elevator and hit the button for Mr. Stevens floor. My boi-dick throbbed in its confinement and my weighted balls ached.

i opened the door to Mr. Stevens' office and Al greeted me with a great big smile. he jumped up from his desk and grabbed me by the shoulder. he escorted me quickly to Mr. Stevens' private office and into the little dungeon room hidden to the side.

"Mr. Stevens is pretty busy today, boi. He'll take care of business here," he explained as we undressed and he buckled me into the fuck bench. he strapped me down tight.

Next he shoved that evil metal o-ring gag into my mouth, i swear it was bigger than i remembered. Once tightened, Al tested it by shoving his seven-inch alpha-cock down my throat. he held it there forever, i twisted and strained, but the straps held tight.

he pulled out and i gasped. he made no comment and tightened everything a little more. he applied a pair of nipple clamps to my tits and adjusted my boi-dick and weighted balls so they hung perfectly below my hole. Then, he knelt and obediently waited beside me. my jaw ached. i began to sweat, there was no air conditioning in this little dungeon.

It felt like we waited for a long time. Al held perfectly still. i was impressed. Saliva was dripping from my gaping mouth hole. Suddenly the door opened and Mr. Stevens came in. i tried to look straight ahead or downward, but my head was held upright. He pulled a big cigar out of His pocket and tossed a lighter to Al. Al held the lighter steady while His Master carefully puffed and twirled the cigar to light it.

He grunted and began pacing around me, rubbing my immobilized body and testing the restraints. Al scurried around after him, helping Him remove His beautiful suit and carefully hang it up before it was wrinkled. When His boxers were finally removed His big cock bounced all over the place. Instinctively, my mouth watered even more. He lifted my weighted balls and dropped them, eliciting a shallow grunt from me.

"Richard always was a freak about boi-nuts," He said as He walked back to my head. His big cock suddenly jammed into my open throat hole. There was no pretense, just there, and shoved in deep. i was totally caught off guard and panicked. Every muscle in my body convulsed, i thought i might have a heart attack. Just as i started to black out, Mr. Stevens pulled back.

"Mondays are a bitch, boi," He sneered and shoved himself back in. He was relentless. He rammed my throat again and again, full length in and full length out. Sometimes i got a breath, sometimes no. Throat slime, snot and bile burned everywhere in my mouth. i was thoroughly throat raped hard. There was no escaping it and not really any chance to do anything but take it, like a good, obedient boi.

After an eternity, He shoved it deep and coated my bruised throat with His thick Manly seed. i sobbed, both sad and relieved that it was over.

"Not a bad start, eh, boi?" He said to Al. Al complimented Him profusely as He cleaned up His Master's cock. "Now... let's get to business on that hole."

He pushed Al aside and disappeared behind me. i felt Al climb onto the fuck bench and then kneel as He straddled my back. His big hands pulled my ass cheeks apart as Mr. Stevens carefully inspected my boi-hole. He pinched and pulled at my puckering ass lips.

"Looks like he had some time impaled this weekend, see that bruising?" He said to Al.

"Yes, Sir, i imagine they strung him up to stretch his balls, Sir" Al commented boldly, then shivered.

"Maybe you need a weekend reminder back there yourself, boi" Mr. Stevens taunted. Al whimpered, apologized, and quietly agreed with His Master's desires. His Master chuckled and proceeded to whip the fuck out of my hole. Without let up, Mr. Stevens whipped away and explained what the week had in store for me.

"By this Friday, boi, you'll be holding your own ass cheeks apart and begging me for the stinger," He laughed, "it'll be the least of your worries." A whole new layer of sweat rolled off my body and i cried myself to the point of passing out.

Next: Chapter 27: Learning to Serve 27

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