Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Aug 15, 2013


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Please Sirs, Masters, bois... please donate to nifty.org so that these stories can continue to be posted and hot times can ensue. Please Sirs, please. (bois, my brothers, do the right thing...)

This boi sincerely apologizes for the delay between posts - life sometimes intervenes and it takes time to readjust. i genuinely appreciate your words and emails over the past few months. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based, in part, on a true story, true experiences, true witnessing of some crazy hot times, and more than a little fantasy.

Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboi4SIR@gmail.com. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Twenty-four - A stretch beyond

Guns brought a dog bowl full of an oatmeal like porridge and Pecs pissed in that too. My free hand was cuffed to my collar and eating was hard, but i was starving and it looked and smelled fantastic. Like my brothers around me, i buried my head in the bowl and devoured it in minutes. Before it was finished my boi dick was throbbing hard as blue steel. What a breakfast!

i put my head to the floor and waited obediently for my Masters to return. i didn't dare look around or anything. i just focused on being a good boi, my boi dick throbbed, my weighted balls swayed with every breath i took, and oozed precum constantly.

After a while, they came and got me. Pecs rubbed my head and commended me for obeying so well. i crawled behind them through a maze of hallways, back to room 14. i saw little except for the tiles on the floor. i couldn't tell if it was day or night. i hadn't seen a window since entering the Facility.

The closer we got to my cell, the louder the screams were from some other boi. Directly across from my cell was room 15. i could hear a very husky, deep-voiced boi moaning constantly. his breathing was heavy and the pitch of his moaning varied slightly.

Pecs reattached me to the rack on the wall. As Pecs tightened me in place, the husky boi's lusty moans suddenly went into a high-pitched squeal accompanied by the sound of creaking leather being strained. i could only imagine what he was enduring.

Guns popped earbuds into my ears and then used a piece of duct tape to hold them in place. Seconds later i heard my own voice repeating my Master's mantra.

"i'll be your good boi, Master. This boi is here to serve His Masters desires, submit to His whims, and obey His commands explicitly, Master" my voice repeated, again and again.

i don't remember it being recorded, but it was my voice, clear and crisp. It played again and again. Sometimes certain words were repeated several times. "Explicitly, explicitly, explicitly, explicitly, explicitly, explicitly, explicitly..."

Pecs began working on my boi-balls again. He removed the weight that had been tormenting me for the last several hours and started roughly massaging my nuts. The day seemed to barely have begun and i was already in pain and crying.

He stroked my boi dick a few times, i was desperately close to shooting and tried everything imaginable to hold back. At the last second, He stopped and started wrapping my nuts with a leather thong. Lower and lower He wound it, i wanted to vomit. The pain was intense. Guns stepped up and gently rubbed my stomach and it eased the vomit sensation slightly. Through my own voice in the ear buds, i could hear Guns encouraging me.

"Easy boi, hang on tight... just a little lower, boi... breathe through it..." He said, slapping my face to keep my attention focused on Him. The bonds held me stretched tight, my body shivered and shook all over, sweat was hot and then cold on my skin.

"Nice, boi," Pecs announced proudly "look at that. Good work, boi." He high-fived Guns and Guns lifted my chin to look at the monitor across from me. A camera was focused in on my nuts. Pecs' smiling face was next to my nuts wrapped and stretched impossibly low in their sac. He held up a ruler and it measured just over four inches from the bottom of my rock hard boi-dick to the bottom of my shiny, angry red balls.

"Very hot, boi." Guns complimented me. i grunted out a proud thank-you-Sir between gasps.

"Good enough for a starting place," came a loud startling voice out of nowhere. i looked up and saw the Big-dicked Man walk into the room. A new layer of sweat suddenly chilled me to my core. i immediately lowered my gaze and focused on breathing. He roughly grabbed my hard boi-dick and stroked it. His big thumb rubbed that little spot under the head, milking out a quantity of pre-cum. He slathered it over the head of my dick and started to polish the head. It caused me to squirm uncontrollably, even stretched as taught as i was. It was agony renewed. Pecs was working something on my balls. i couldn't tell what.

"Set the ratchet at 4, we're getting to 6 today... and for fuck's sake, you two, get his ass impaled. Is this your first boi?" He snapped at Pecs and Guns. He abruptly stopped polishing my dickhead, much to my relief, and walked out of the room. Guns held me up as Pecs lowered my arms and i fell forward across Guns broad shoulders. Pecs moved quickly behind me and from what i could gather attached the meanest dildo in the world to the wall.

My ass was quickly lubed up, Guns pushed me back against the wall and the head of the dildo was lined up. He shoved me hard and it slipped in full length. i screamed as the hard latex invader had zero give to it. It felt like Guns cock but even harder. i saw stars. My hole was stretched wide open and the dildo wasn't going anywhere. Pecs re-tightened my arms above and to either side of me, but my hole was the pain center.

As i was wrapping my head around the concept of being impaled, the ratchet on my nuts tightened quickly, taking my breath away. At first i groaned, but quickly screamed with every new click of the ratchet. Guns was stroking my dick, but i was in such pain i couldn't get it up. He slapped me hard across the face a couple of times. It kept me from passing out. Suddenly i heard His command to listen. i tried hard to calm myself and then i heard it, my Master's voice.

"Give it all to me, boi." He said in a calm, but demanding way. "I WANT IT!" i immediately struggled to obey as best i could. Getting a grip on yourself when your body is so stretched and in such a state of panic is difficult, but my Master's deep voice brought me instantly to a full-fledged hard-on. Pecs held my face upright, squeezing my jaw hard.

"Control what you can, boy: the space in your head. We've got the muscles and the space outside your head. Think about it." He explained in a calm, logical voice. His grip on my jaw was hard. i could only look into His eyes. He was in complete control. i started to calm down, thinking that fear and pain are mental games. Pecs was right. i had to let go of the outside to preserve the inside. i had to give it all to Master, my boy-dick throbbed.

i started to think about Master and His smile, how kind He was to me, how serving Him made me feel so good, how proud i was when other bois admired Him and envied me. i lost myself in thoughts about my Master. i found myself fucking the impaler millimeter by millimeter. Guns warm hand on my hard boi-dick was intense.

At some point, Pecs let go of my jaw, Guns eased up on my boy-dick and the room went dark. My Master's voice repeated in the headphones, telling me to give it all to him. My own voice was dubbed into the background repeating my boi-mantra. Honestly, the pain and agony never really went away, but it was tolerable and i found my breath.

Randomly, the fat latex cock in my ass would buzz and throb against my boi-nut. My boi- dick was harder than steel and a steady stream of pre-cum bubbled out. i think i might've dozed off at different points. i completely lost track of time. Occasionally Pecs or Guns would be in the room with me and would rub my body down with some sort of oil or lotion. They'd stroke my boi-dick to the edge and then turn the infernal ratchet a notch tighter. At first i begged them for mercy, but eventually begged them to stretch my nuts for my Master. i wanted to cum so bad, i wanted anything for my Master.

"Please, Sir, please stretch these boi-balls for my Master, please, Sir." i screamed and begged them. They happily complied.

The weekend passed like that, hours of agonizing ball-stretching torture. i never came, but was constantly aroused. i passed out many times only to be rudely awakened by Dr. Heilmann and smelling salts. There was no escape. My boi-balls felt hot, like they had been badly sun-burned. My boi-hole felt raw from an almost constant impalement. Even my wrists and ankles were in agony.

When i was finally lowered, i sobbed. i realized it must be Sunday and time to go home. To say it was a hellish weekend, really puts it mildly. It was the most extreme conditioning i had ever experienced and S&M beyond anything i ever saw on xtube or any porn site. And it happened to me. In part, i was grateful to be done with it, but moreover i was pleased that Guns and Pecs did well. i saw the effort they made on me and i was grateful.

The Big-dicked Man and even Dr. Heilmann had inspected my progress often and, other than increasing the strain and severity of my condition to meet their wicked standards, they seemed satisfied. As a final act to signify that they were pleased, my boy-nut was stimulated until i erupted. While it felt good to release my pent-up boi-load, a prostate massage with no hand action what-so-ever, is almost more medical than sexual. My boi- balls were drained, but the cock i craved, my Master's cock, was not fucking me. It was empty.

After the draining, i was thoroughly washed down and a modified bird-cage device was secured to my boi-dick again. It had a special latex ball-stretcher component that kept my boi-nuts a good three inches low.

Once loaded into the van with my boi-ass plugged and balls secured with a rope pulling them towards the dashboard, we started the ride home. A mile or two down the road, Pecs yanked on the rope bringing my attention sharply into focus on His words.

"One down, boi, five to go. This week will be an adjustment. Pain will be relatively constant and some other changes will start. Got it, boi?" He asked with a further intense tug on my tender boi-balls.

"Sir, yes, Sir" i shouted as best i could through gritted teeth and agony.

Next: Chapter 26: Learning to Serve 26

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