Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Jan 4, 2013


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Happy New Year Nifty Readers! (My sincere apologies for the delay since the last post, but experience intervened and this boi served. Hope your holidays we're hot and kinky.)

Please Sirs, Masters, bois... please donate to nifty.org so that these stories can continue to be posted and hot times can ensue. Please Sirs, please. (bois, my brothers, do the right thing...)

Several Masters and Sirs on the web have asked for this story, so i thought i'd post it here. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based, in part, on a true story, true experiences, true witnessing of some crazy hot times, and a little fantasy.

Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboy4SIR@gmail.com. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Twenty - Timmy

At 4:00 PM, i checked in with Mr. Girard to make sure everything was set for the rest of His day. He barely looked up from the piles of paper on His desk and let me know things were good and that my request for Thursday and Friday off was approved.

"This must be some new training program you've gotten yourself into, Johnny, good luck with it" He said.

I thanked Him, said that the training was transformational and then said good night. i went back to my desk. At 4:15 i had my desk tidied up and headed out the door. i was leaving nothing to chance with my timing. Having seen Al get His balls burned by Mr. Stevens' cigar at lunch, i realized that deadlines were critical in this new world. Pecs voice barking out "Rule Three: ADHERE TO THE SCHEDULE!" echoed in my head.

On the train, in the corner, staring at a muscular young stud in gym clothes, i thought about Pecs rules from Sunday night. Rule one was nothing in my holes, rule two was minimal clothing, rule three was adhere to schedule. i repeated them to myself again and again. i found the gym with no problems and walked into the lobby and stripped. It was 4:55, when i checked my phone and knelt down to wait.

A minute or two later, i heard the elevator move in-front of me, and then Guns stepped out in His gym clothes. Black basketball shorts with a loose floppy cock bulging in them and an impossibly tight boi-beater tank top. In His hands were cuffs for ankles and wrists, as well as a collar. He buckled me in tight and up we went. He rubbed my head and called me a good boi and my boi-dick strained in its cage. i nuzzled my face in His crotch, breathing in the intoxicating Man scent, until we got to our floor.

I set my small pile of clothes next to the elevator. He clipped the leash on me and walked me into a small room to the left of the main gym. In rapid repetition, we went through multiple exercises - push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, lunges, and planks. 20 sets each, zero rest in between, one set done and on to the next. The cycle repeated three times and then He lower His shorts and watered me with His piss. Sweating and dying of thirst, i gulped down every drop and missing nothing.

After a second cycle of exercises, three each for 20 sets, He watered me again. This time when He finished pissing, He backed me up against the padded wall and forced His huge cock down my gullet.

"Eyes on me, boi, face forward." He instructed, "Jaws wide open, now. swallow it, boi, swallow." i choked and sputtered but not as much as yesterday. i thought i was making progress. It was twelve inches of cock after all and less than a week ago, i struggled with seven or eight. Still, i needed to learn.

To enforce the lesson, every time i gagged even a little, He kicked me in the balls. The weight on them, under the chastity cage, put them out there and fully accessible. i struggled to keep my hands behind my back and my knees apart, knowing the kicks were coming. i worked hard to obey His commands and accommodate His needs with my throat.

A dozen painful, gut-retching kicks into it, i was beginning to get a rhythm down and Guns fucked my eager boi-throat hard. He held my head tight against the wall and fucked. Tears streamed down my face, but i obediently kept my eyes upward on him. His muscles flexing with every downward stroke made my boi-dick beg for release. He was so hot, so in control, so hard.

After awhile, He grunted and shoved hard. His monster cock unloaded a good six spurts of Man cream into my belly. He held me there, fully-throated and completely cut-off from any air until His nut was complete. i panicked slightly and shook, but didn't dare move my arms from behind me. As a darkness began to form, He pulled back and i gasped for air. It burned as i sucked in breath after breath. After the third breath i began to calm down. At that point, He slapped me hard across the face a couple of times. My teeth rattled.

"Fuckin' long way to go, boi... long way to go..." He threatened. i almost pissed myself. i tried so hard and my reward was two skull rattling slaps. He put me through the exercises again and again. i was exhausted by the time He was done with me. He threw my cum stained tighty-whities at me and told me wipe myself up.

I dried what sweat i could with them, but it was a futile chore. He clipped the leash on me and dragged me to the elevator. Pecs was waiting for me and i was handed off. They chatted briefly and then Pecs and i left. In the elevator, i knelt next to Pecs with my clothes, again, neatly bagged with the name Guns written across the bag. Pecs pushed my head into His bulging denim-covered crotch. i sniffed and nuzzled it like it was my best friend.

In the parking garage, i quickly lubed the plug in the seat in the back of the van and lowered myself down as quickly as i could. My ass was incredibly tender from the stinger play with Mr. Stevens that afternoon. Pecs smiled and rubbed His bulge as i grunted and struggled. Once i was in place, He locked my arms behind me and my ankles wide apart.

When i was locked down, He leaned into me and kissed me deeply. His tongue was everywhere, my boi-dick strained hard. He pulled back, rubbed my sweaty head and climbed into the driver's seat.

"Just us tonight, boi. Guns has a special case to work on" He shared. He went on to explain that a local Master had allowed His boi a little too much liberty and the boi ran away for 24 hours before they found him. i respectfully asked how they found Him and was told that all bois have a similar pattern and Masters know where to look. It wasn't much of an answer, but it didn't really matter to me. i would never ever leave my Master. i felt sorry for the boi in one way; Guns would deal with Him brutally. Pecs told me that tomorrow night He would pick me up at my office and we would go to a witnessing session. Several Masters and their boi-slaves would be there to watch this boi learn His lesson. It would serve as a learning lesson for all of us. The whole conversation left me curiously aroused and a little a nervous - on that edge that boi's crave. Tomorrow night would be interesting.

We pulled into the garage and He unloaded me. Dinner, for me, was a super-food protein shake. Pecs ate a real meal with meat and potatoes and everything. i cleaned up and put things away and we went downstairs to the dungeon.

There He removed His tight tee-shirt and slipped on a simple leather harness. He made me put the cum-and-sweat-stained tighty-whities back on and proceeded to cuff me to a padded St. Andrews Cross. He clipped on a harsh pair of nipple clamps and i had to grit my teeth hard not to scream. Suddenly the doorbell rang upstairs.

"Right on time" Pecs said to himself. He quickly checked the tautness of my bonds and then left me.

A few minutes later, a slender young boi, maybe 25 or so, came into the room. Pecs was right behind him, carrying an equipment bag. The boi had stripped naked, his body was lean and muscular and covered in tribal tattoos. he had silver rings in his nipples, his nose and through his meaty cockhead. he wore a thick, heavy metal chain collar, padlocked around his neck. my boi-dick plumped up in its cage.

"boi, this is Timmy, His Master has trained Him to be a photographer. We'll be seeing Him once a week and he'll be photo-documenting your progress for your Master" Pecs explained. "While he is a slave boi like you." Pecs emphasized His point by grabbing Timmy's collar and practically choking him upward onto the tips of his toes, "he is superior to you." He let him down and Timmy knelt down and waited, respectfully.

Pecs snapped His fingers and Timmy started to unpack his camera equipment. Pecs took a minute to reach down and stroke Timmy's dick to its full seven inches and then He turned His attention to me. He opened a cabinet and looked for the right implement. He chose a medium length flogger. He brought it to me, squeezed my jaw open and made me bite down on the handle to hold it for him. He stripped off His tight jeans, revealing a beautiful bulging jockstrap. Timmy smiled ear-to-ear.

While Timmy set up the lights, Pecs grabbed my underwear and pulled my caged boi- dick and weighted balls out. He inspected my balls, pulling and stretching them. It hurt like hell and i groaned around the handle of the flogger wedged in my open jaws. My moans only encouraged him, He pulled and twisted and really worked my nuts hard. Sweat started to cover my body and tears formed in my eyes. As the pain worked its way into my brain, i realized that they were my Master's balls. Master desired them to hang really low. Master demanded this, my pain was a tribute to my Master. Enduring the pain was my way of telling my Master how much i loved him, how much i wanted to serve Him completely. It wasn't pain, it was tribute.

Pecs sneered at me, then slapped my balls hard a couple of times. i almost dropped the flogger. Timmy was snapping pictures and buzzing around the room. Pecs took the flogger and started to beat my legs, arms and chest. Every time the flogger whipped me, i screamed out. When it hit the clamps on my tits, i thought i'd faint.

Timmy's cock was rock hard and oozing pre-cum everywhere. Pecs jock bulged and seemed to throb in its confines. After a good while, i was released only to be flipped and reattched to the cross. The flogger was worked on my back relentlessly. Timmy snapped pic after pic. The underwear were lowered and my stinging ass, get rewarmed with the flogger as well.

Once "properly reddened" according to Pecs, i was released from the cross. Timmy snapped pictures at every possible moment. i was positioned on my hands and knees, and sucked Pecs' beautiful cock to its full-on nine inches. All i could hear was the snapping of the camera and Pecs commands: open it up, swallow it deep, balls deep, hold, and my favorite "good boi."

Once primed, He turned me around ripped and small hole in the backside of the tighty- whities. His amazing tongue worked its magic on my hole for a brief moment and then, with only a spit lube, He drove His cock home. As much as i loved that fat cock, it still seared my hole, burning with every millimeter of push. i screamed and struggled to maintain my position. After a few agonizing strokes, the pain started to ease up slightly and i got into it.

Being fucked hard in that doggy style position does a lot of things. It makes the tit clamps swing wildly, driving little electric jolts across my chest - every thrust caused my hole to squeeze tight around His cock. It also worked my boi-nut into overdrive. Precum was leaking through the chastity cage into the underwear and down on to the tile floor beneath me.

Timmy captured every angle, every moment, every tear on my face, every droplet of precum dripping down. he was standing next to me, squatting near-by, laying on his back, stretching high on the tips of his toes. he was underneath me, fuck, the boi was everywhere snapping every angle. Pecs fucked hard, slamming my hole like a mad man. i tried to focus on clenching the muscles in my boi-hole, squeezing on every stroke out. i could feel His sweat dripping on my back and the room smelled like pure, raw Man. The smell that drives a boi into overdrive.

The stimulation on my boi-nut was too much. i felt the cum being worked out of it, as He dumped His load in my ass. He pulled out and spraying the last two jets across the wrecked underwear stretched over my bubble boi-butt.

Pecs spread my cheeks and Timmy snapped pics of my abused hole. Then Pecs had me clean up His cock and balls. i licked every inch clean and thanked Him profusely for the use. The underwear was removed and Timmy snapped a zillion more pics of them. Some where i was holding them in my mouth, some with them display between my legs, some with them displayed carefully on my back. Then they were carefully placed in a large zip- lock bag and sealed.

When Timmy was done, he obediently handed the camera and zip-lock bag to Pecs. i was allowed to stand and stretch, then ordered to help Timmy dismantle the lighting. Pecs left us. When the door closed behind him, Timmy spoke for the first time.

"That was incredibly hot, boi" he said, rubbing my head. i thanked him and asked him if i could be of service to him, his boi-dick was incredibly hard. he politely declined the offer, saying that Pecs would reward him soon enough. we talked a little about Pecs and his glorious cock, he'd also been trained by these guys and, like Al, warned me to obey strictly.

Pecs came back as we were finishing up and complimented Timmy on his excellent work. i hauled the equipment upstairs and out to the garage. Pecs and Timmy went into the home office. As ordered, i brought Pecs a cold beer and Timmy a bottle of water. i stood behind them and off to the right, as ordered. They flipped through picture after picture and selected the best.

i was amazed at myself, my journey from somewhat successful, independent, white collar guy to subservient slave bitch boi took less than a couple of months from the first email from my Master. Once i decided in my head to let go and trust this new way of life, it moved rapidly. Once i boarded the plane to meet my Master in the desert, it was light- speed.

The selected pics did not show my face and i was asked if i approved of them. i didn't see anything incriminating (and didn't really care at that point) and i was sure that my approval was a formality. With my agreement, they established a profile on an internet auction site and posted the pics. My old tighty-whities were now for sale for $200. They were thoroughly cum and sweat stained, the pics demonstrated the abuse that a "good boi" goes through before being allowed to sell His belongings. It mentioned that all my clothing would be for sale in the coming days.

After the posting was complete, Pecs wheeled His big leather desk chair around and presented Timmy with His renewed hard cock. Timmy needed no encouragement. The boi was on that cock before the command "suck it" completely left Pecs' lips. i was moved to my hands and knees behind Timmy and presented with the hottest twink-butt i'd seen since Simon in the desert.

Grateful for his photography and kindness, i sunk my tongue as deep into that ass as possible. If i could, i would've crawled up it. i worked up every ounce of saliva i could produce, knowing that it was lube to help Timmy handle Pecs' rod. My tongue explored every inch of boi-hole, it was clean and sweet. he purred like a kitten as he swallowed magnificent the niner before him.

Ultimately, Pecs bent him over the back of the leather sofa in the room. My mouth was used to transfer Timmy's precum from his dripping boi-dick to Pecs slamming cock. i was instructed to tug and pull on Timmy's low hangers, while i worked his cock and ass.

"Those are close to what your Master wants outta your nuts, boi" He explained. "Low balls like that take some getting used to, don't they Timmy?"

"SIR, yes SIR, this boi still sits on them accidentally sometimes SIR" Timmy moaned out between purring with delight. Pecs rubbed His head and gave Him a "good boi" and sped up His ass plowing. The balls really did hang low, i could wrap my hand around the sac easily and the balls still dangled somewhat below that.

"Get your mouth on that boi-dick, boi. Catch His load, but DO NOT swallow it" He ordered. i wrapped my lips around the rigid boi-dick, its big PA tickled the back of my tongue. Pecs grunted loud and Timmy's cock erupted on cue.

25 year old slave bois can shoot a lot of sweet boi-jizz. i struggled to catch it all, but proudly did not swallow of loose a drop of the precious seed. Timmy's purrs became a soft roar and then they became grateful words of praise for Pecs and His amazing niner. i was lifted to my feet and the three of us kissed deeply. Timmy's sweet jizz was shared between Pecs and him and i. i was a messy sticky threeway kiss, but in the end all of us got a tasty swallow of boi-jizz.

Pecs plugged Timmy's ass with a nice sized butt plug and sent him on his way. i had brought his clothes to the garage and helped him dress out there. he kissed me good-bye and said that he'd see me soon. he reached down and tugged on my weighted boi-balls and told me it was a lot of work, but worth it. he smiled and left.

Next: Chapter 21: Learning to Serve 21

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