Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Jan 1, 2012


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Several Masters and Sirs on the web have asked for this story, so i thought i'd post it here. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based on a true story. Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboy4SIR@gmail.com. Please, enjoy.

Chapter Two - a glorious first day as a boi

I glanced up and found Him snoozing. i crept slightly forward and rested my head on His thigh. He moved His big hand to my head and held it there. He applied a natural, heavy pressure and it told me to sit still. We dozed for a few minutes in the afterglow.

After a while, He stood up and pushed me away. "Stand up, boi, and stretch out" He commanded. i stood, reached above my head and stretched. After sleeping in a kneeling position, it feels good on a boi's knees to stretch. i suppose that's a feeling only a boi can really know. i was left standing naked, collared, in my boots, eyes downward, in the center of the room. He inspected my belongings. Nothing was mine any more, it was His. He looked through my tee shirts, jocks, jeans, toiletries, and finally my toys. It was a small collection of toys really: a small butt plug, a chrome cockring, a leather cockring and a leather cockring/ball stretcher. He liked that last one.

"Come here boi" he ordered. i stepped over to Him. He grabbed my nuts for the first time. His hand was big and warm, His touch made me hard again instantly. He focused on my balls, squeezing and shaking them. "i want these accessible, boi" He explained as He manipulated them. He tugged them low in their sack, twisted them, and squeezed them - all to my growing discomfort. i groaned and grimaced and tried to not scream out. His "stand still, boi" command was accompanied by a light slap across my face and stern look that said He meant business. He led me by my balls over to the dresser in the far corner of the room. It was difficult to keep up with Him, but He wasn't letting loose of my balls. He opened the top drawer and it was full of interesting implements - dildoes, clamps, collars, cuffs, everything. He looked around and pulled out a leather ball stretcher. He yanked my balls low in their sack and snapped the device in place. My balls were aching like crazy, he patted them gently. "See. I have your complete attention now, don't I boi?" He asked.

Almost before i could answer with a "yes Master, thank you Master," He said "good boi. Get me a beer from the fridge and let's get this room cleaned up."

i walked gingerly, learning to deal with the pain, over the little fridge in the kitchenette and grabbed a cold Bud Light and opened it for Him. i walked over the arm chair and handed it to Him. He grabbed my sore balls and squeezed them, before saying "thank you, boi." He has a sneer that makes my heart melt.

He then ordered me to refold my belongings and told me the dresser drawers were His, my stuff could go on the floor of the closet on the far side. i carefully put my stuff away, kneeling and bending over were an experience in and of themselves.

He sipped His beer and had me open the doors to the room. It was a nice sunny 85 degree day in the desert and the warm air felt great. It was a little odd being exposed, but it was a leather Event and i assumed there were other Masters and slave bois at the resort.

Once my clothes were put away, He motioned to His suitcase. i opened it and put all His leathers away as instructed. Chaps, pants, shirts, vests - all neatly hung in the closet. Boots carefully lined up underneath them. No detail went unmissed. As i was in the bathroom putting things in order, i heard Master greeting someone. i was soon called out to the main room.

"Boi, get out here." i stopped what i was doing and made my way to Him. "This is Master Blake, get Him a beer." The longer I wore the stretcher, the easier I could move in it, I walk over to the fridge and got the Master a beer. i carefully opened it and handed it to Master Blake, by kneeling near him and offering it up while gazing down at his beautiful boots. Master Blake accepted my offering, taking the beer from my hands.

"Good boi, you have here" He said to my Master in a hot Britsh accent. "May I?" He asked, gesturing to me.

"Please, feel free" He said to Master Blake, "it'll be a first for him.".

"Up, boi, hands over your head." was Master's sharp instruction to me. i stood and laced my hands over my head immediately. Master Blake proceeded to inspect my entire body, while casually talking to my Master about the agenda for the Event. From the top of my head to over my ears, nose and inside of my mouth, He looked over every inch of me as if He was purchasing a plow horse.

i was clearly uneasy. Where was this going? We had not discussed things like this in the weeks prior to meeting, my heart was racing. They spoke to one another, i was not involved in the conversation and was more like a play toy for Master Blake's entertainment, than anything else. His hands were rough, but warm, and they gently pinched and massaged my musculature everywhere. He briskly pushed me in front of Him and reached around to tweak my nips hard and squeeze my pecs. His bulging shorts pushed against my bubble butt. i struggled to stand still and succeeded until the point when He reached to my bound balls. i suddenly jerked to the right and buckled slightly as He squeezed my trapped balls. Mid-sentence, my Master flew out of His seat and slapped me across the face hard.

"i'm sorry, Blake, he's fresh and new and clearly needs more discipline. Can you hold his fuckin' arms up there, please?" Master said to Master Blake. "It's best to teach them quick when they fuck up, like this."

My knees started to shake, i knew i had screwed up. Panic swept through me and i struggled as the tall, muscular Brit gripped me tight. "i'm sorry Master, i'm sorry... please Master, please..." i begged. i was terrified.

"Enough boi, take it like a good pig, and count 'em out for me" He ordered. i tried to steady myself. Master Blake had laced His arms through mine, effectively immobilizing me against His broad hairy chest. Whack! Master slapped my balls hard, no holding back. The pain was intense. i screamed out "What do you say boi?" Master growled.

Master Blake spoke into my ear, with great advice, "Count, thank Your Master, and ask Him kindly for the next, boi. Come on. Be quick on it." i was shaking all over, His grip tightened. Sweat poured off my body.

"One Master, thank you Master, may i please have another Master, please Master" the words came tumbling out of my mouth. My Master smiled, rubbed my head and gave me a "good boi" before delivering another painful slap to my balls. i struggled to breathe through it and squeaked out "Two Master, thank you Master, may i please have another Master."

By the time Master got to nine, i was a blithering mess, struggling to stay upright and crying out my thanks, nearly screaming for another. The tenth slap was over and Master Blake still held tight. His bulge was huge against my backside. Master reached down and held my tender balls gently in His hand. "now, when Master Blake let's you go, boi, do your Master proud" he said "we have a lot of work to do and it's only Wednesday, boi. There will be other Masters and other inspections, do you understand me?"

He let go and sat back down, not waiting for an answer. Master Blake released me. i fell to my knees and apologized profusely to Master Blake and then thanked Him for helping my Master make me a better, more obedient boi. "That's a good lad," he said. "I'll have to introduce you both to my lads. One is a model of good behavior, the other... well we're getting there. They're out getting some shopping in now. Dinner tonight?" he asked looking at my Master. It was as if the torture session was a commercial break, now the show went on. i knelt there, trying to hold back tears as my balls throbbed.

"Yes, we'd love to grab dinner with you Blake" my Master replied.

"Good, then. I'm in 107, stop by around 7:00 and we can head out down the road then." He shook my Master's hand, rubbed my head and left.

Master went into the bathroom, i waited patiently. i could hear Him peeing a steady stream. Mid-way through He called me to the bathroom. "Thirsty, boi?" i knelt on the cold tile floor and obediently opened my mouth. He turned to me and said "just the head, boi."

i lightly clamped my lips around the Master cock helmet and was soon rewarded with mouthful after mouthful of Master piss. i gulped fast, but still felt some drip down my chest. He finished, lightly slapped my face a few times and called me "a good piss pig."

He told me to finish putting things away, clean up the piss that dribbled on my chest and then come join Him for a nap before dinner.

i quickly put the rest of the toiletries away, washed myself down with a warm wash cloth. No soap; soap is for Men, not slave bois. When i came back into the main room, the doors were still open, but the sheer curtains were drawn and billowing into the room. Master was lying naked in the bed with a sheet over His sculpted body. He smiled at me, casually lifted the sheet up and welcomed me to the bed. i took off the boots and eagerly climbed in. He pulled me tight to Him, spooning His big beefy cock to my ass. He reached around me with His big arms and forcibly turned my head around towards His, and then He kissed me hard, forcing His tongue in my mouth and dominating it. My dick was rock hard again.

He pulled back, spooned tight again, reached down and grabbed my tender balls. "Go to sleep, boi." i thought to myself, sleep??? i have Master's semi-hard eight inch cock at my ass, my boi dick is rock hard and my agonizing balls are in my Master's grip... how can i sleep? i laid there awake for a few minutes and then finally dozed.

An hour or so later, i awoke to find myself on my stomach with my arms above my head, held in place by my Master's strong left arm. His right hand was rubbing my ass roughly. i blinked awake and looked over at Master. He had a beautiful smile on his face. "This is how I like to wake up, boi" He said.

i felt Him reach over and grab something off the nightstand and then felt cold lube on my ass. One finger, then two, explored my boi hole, before He put His weight on my back and shoved His eight incher into my hole.

i grunted and started to scream. He pushed my face into the pillow to muffle the sound. He growled in my ear, "give me My hole, boi. Let me have it. It's MINE, boi. I always take what's mine, whenever I want it."

i tried to relax and give it to Him, but He was relentless in His push. Finally, He paused, i relaxed for a nano-second and He drove it all the way home. It took my breath away. There was no adjustment time, no easing it in... this boi went from sound asleep to full- on ass pounding in under 60 seconds.

At first i struggled, flailing my arms and legs all over the place; but a good slap to the back of my head and a harsh threat ("don't make me beat those balls again, boi") brought me to a place where i calmed myself down and endured the pain. He reached under me and pulled my dick and stretched balls out from under me. i started to tremble again. Focus, be calm, ride it out.

i was basically forced into a spread eagle position on my stomach. His big strong guns holding my arms wide apart, and His muscular legs kicking mine in opposite directions. Clearly, Master is in 100-percent, complete control of His slave's body when He's fucking. Through the relentless jack-rabbiting of my ass, through the numbing pain, came my stilted words of praise "thank... you... Master... thank... you... for... fucking...Your... boi's... hole... Master..."

At some point He lifted His sweaty body off of mine and what i can only imagine was a push-up like stance; He began long-dicking my hole. All the way out, all the way in - one hard thrust. The pain had dissipated and the pleasure had taken over. My prostate was in over drive. i was a delirious boi. "oh God... thank you... Master... thank you Master... thank you Master..."

He reached under me and pulled my dick and balls backward again. Now, with every stroke in, His massive Master balls banged into my trapped, tender boi balls. i screamed with every thrust, and involuntarily squeezed my ass tight around His fat cock. It was a struggle to stay spread eagle, but i knew better than to move. Still, my whole body shook with excitement or fear or both.

Eventually, He resumed pounding and ultimately growled in my ear "take my fucking load, pig, fuckin' take it. That hole is Mine now, pig. Mine." He shot a good healthy load in my ass, and slowed His pace. He collapsed on top of me for a minute, then rolled over, extracting His monster cock from what was now "His" abused hole. "clean it up, boi" he ordered as he pushed my head down to His crotch.

His cock was sheathed in a Magnum condom. When did He slip that on? i remembered that He promised me, that He would be safe with me. i smiled and looked up at Him, He smiled back.

"Hands behind your back for clean up duty, boi." He rubbed my head, lifted it and guided it over His slowly deflating cock. i sucked off the condom and its rich contents, greedily swallowing the load it held. Pushing the condom to the side of my mouth, i licked His glorious cock and balls sparkling clean.

As soon as i was done, He stood up and said, "let's get dressed for dinner, boi." He ordered up what clothing He wanted for himself and for me. i spit the empty condom in a tissue and scurried to fix the bed and layout the clothes, while He brushed His perfect white teeth and washed His handsome face. He chose a pair of leather pants, a military shirt, a classic English bulldog harness, and big black boots for Himself. i was told to try on an old pair of His leather pants (they fit like a glove), a tight black tee shirt, and an interesting looking "Y" harness. The chain collar and lock was to be displayed outside the tee shirt always. If some asked, i was to point to my Master for an answer.

Master came out of the bathroom, put on a simple black jockstrap and helped me into the Y harness. Two sturdy leather straps went over the shoulders and then came together in the front at my chest. One strap went down from there into a chrome cockring. It continued from the cockring back up the crack of my ass to hook into the two straps coming over my shoulders. He released my balls from the leather restraint and then forced them and my boi dick through the cockring. Sounds simple, but i was more than half hard and jamming my tender balls and cock through the ring took more than a couple of tries. Master wound up grabbing a couple of ice cubes from the freezer to cool me down and wilt my boi dick. Ice on hot, sore balls is a pain this boi had never experienced, but it worked. Master knew what He was doing. Once my junk was through the ring, there was no backing out of it. He adjusted the front strap so that my dick and balls were lifted high for "good access."

He then pushed me down on all fours on the bed, grabbed my small butt plug and using what lube remained from His fucking of me, shoved it home. The strap through my ass crack locked the plug in place. All the leather straps were tightened up and it made for a slightly uncomfortable, tight fit. "It'll stretch some boi, get used to it" he said with a gentle slap on the face. The snug leather pants over top of that, bulged obscenely. Anyone could clearly see where my dick and both balls were. i have to say, my ass looked great in them too.

Master stood behind me and pulled His boi close to Him. He checked to make sure He could easily access my balls by casually reaching down and patting them. The leather pants did little to protect them, He patted them firmly and tweaked my nips hard. "Looks hot, boi. You're ready to go." He said.

The last order of business was putting on Master's boots. He was extremely picky about how this is done and it became a worshipping event over the next four days. Kneeling before Him, the left boot was unlaced and held at my chest. His socked foot was inserted into the boot. i pulled on the tongue of the boot, then the back, then the tongue, then the back. All the while He drove the boot into my chest. Once on, He lowered His foot. i looked down to see my Master's boot print in the red flesh of my chest. He smiled. i then laced up the boots carefully and tied them tight. Repeated on the right foot.

Once our boots were on properly, He inspected my look again, pushing on the plug in my ass and gently patting my balls a little more. "I could do this all night" He threatened. He stood in front of me and held my face in His hands. He kissed me hard, forcing His tongue all over the mouth that was now "His." i melted.

He pulled back and looked down at me. "Boi, simple rules for dinner and all meals, really. I will order everything for you. You will eat and drink everything I feel like giving you, gratefully. Mind your manners, boi. You may speak only when asked direct questions, unless I give you permission otherwise. Is that clear, boi? I will not hesitate to punish you any where, any time. CLEAR?" He barked.

i answered with a quick "yes Master, thank you Master." i was rewarded with a good head rub and sniff of His ripe armpit as He pulled me tight to Him. "This is going to be a good, but hard, weekend, boi. I hope you're ready."

A shiver of excitement ran down my spine. As we left the room, i was responsible for the details. Which lights should be left on, which turned off. Always restock a fresh supply of Magnums and lube on the nightstand. Clothes picked up, bed made, rugs straightened, everything neatly put away. Room key and ID in my pocket, nothing else on me; no cash, no credit cards, no smart phone. As we left the room, Master said "grab your tee shirt, boi, you'll need it for the restaurant, but otherwise no shirts. I like those pecs and nips displayed."

Master led the way to Room 107, He knocked on the door at what i imagined was exactly 7:00 PM. A beautiful, short, slender boi opened the door and welcomed Master. he was stark naked, except for a high leather collar. Like Master Blake, he spoke with a charming British accent. Master Blake was dressed and seated and another slender boi was nearly dressed. "Welcome, welcome. Richard (my Master's name), this little sprite is Simon" he said pointing to the naked boi. "And this is Jared, my alpha lad" He said as He motioned to the other half-dressed boi.

Both lads simultaneously responded with a chorus of "hello Master Richard, pleased to meet you."

Master answered with "It's my pleasure bois. This is my boi, john. He's very new to this, but a quick study. He'll have lots of questions and I hope you'll all help Me make him a good boi." As He said it, He pulled my head to His chest and rubbed my head.

"Boi?" He asked looking at me.

"Pleased to meet all of you," i answered, intentionally keeping my words to a minimum.

Master Blake ordered His bois (He called them lads) to finish getting dressed, clean up the room and meet us at the gate. "Five minutes!" He barked in a loud voice that startled me. We started to leave the room and they were literally running to meet Master Blake's demands.

My Master chuckled and said "look at that boi, nice efficient model. Stay here and watch, but stay out the way. You can speak freely to them, it's OK." And with that, He left me there. Once the door closed, the lads got chatty.

"So, this is all new to you, then?" every phrase out of their mouths ended sounding like a question. i love accents and thought they were super hot. It took me a second to respond.

"Yes, it's all new and really exciting. You're both incredibly hot." i just blurted it out.

They laughed and said "Indeed, so are you mate."

Simon put on a full body harness (including a cockring that held up a nice meaty boi dick), tight jeans, and a leather vest. Jared snapped his fingers and pointed to a place in front of him. Simon knelt before him and Jared undid Simon's high collar. A chain collar, sort of like mine, was underneath it. "i'm the alpha-lad here" Jared explained.

"The high collar is only worn in the resort or at a bar when Master wants a display" added Simon. i must've had a puzzled look on my face. They ran around the room and in under five minutes it looked like the maid had just left. i was amazed. They worked in perfect harmony.

"How long have you both been serving Master Blake?" i asked as we made our way to the gate.

Jared laughed, "just two years, but He's a good Master, strong on discipline." They both nodded to one another and smiled. We hurried and met our Masters at the gate.

Dinner was my first time in public in leather, collared with a Master. i was a little anxious and my nervousness showed. Our Masters rode in the front seat, i was centered between the lads in the back seat. Sitting was difficult at first with harness on tight. The plug felt like it was stretching my hole wide and the cockring was strangling my dick and balls.

The Masters chatted casually about the different bars in town and plans for the night. Simon had his hands all over my crotch. Stroking and rubbing my dick to full mast. Jared just smiled and patted my leg. Occassionally, Simon reached up and tweaked my left nip. The plug in my ass got more comfortable and it really amplified the whole experience. i was sure that the precum would soon seep through the leather, but realized that it couldn't.

The restaurant was a short drive away and the big rainbow flag out front was comforting. Once out of the car, Master ordered me to put my tee shirt on. Simon whimpered a little. "Someone's taken a shine to your boi" Master Blake chided my Master.

Master reached over and lifted Simon's head with His hand under His chin. "If you're a very good boi, you might get more than a feel, Simon" He said to him. My boi dick stirred. The cool night air felt good.

Dinner itself was really uneventful. We were given permission to speak freely and while our Masters spoke mostly to one another, i really had a chance to get to know the lads. Our Masters ordered margaritas, we were served one beer each. Empty plates were brought for us and our Masters scraped food from their plates onto ours. The lads ate sparingly. i was so excited that a little food was all i could eat. Master asked if i was full more than once. i reassured Him that i was and thanked Him for His concern.

After dinner we went to check out a bar called First Base. It was a pretty regular gay bar, porn playing on the monitors. My shirt was order off as we got out of the car, as were Simon's vest and Jared's shirt. Master gave me a twenty and had me get Him a vodka and tonic, and ordered me to get myself "one beer in a brown bottle."

The bartender smiled at me when i walked up, He was smoking hot like most gay bar bartenders - ripped six pack, pecs for days, tight bulging jeans. The fact that my dick and balls were practically on display for Him, made me feel like a piece of meat. "What'll it be, boi?" He asked, brazenly reaching across the bar and tweaking my right nipple. He flashed a confident, cocky grin. My boi dick throbbed and i stammered out, "a vodka tonic and a bottle of Bud Light, please, Sir." He winked and said, "coming right up, boi."

Simon was next me and he pointed out the obvious "that Man is really taking a fancy to you, you lucky devil." i was flattered and laughed. The drinks we're brought back quickly, i handed the bartender the twenty and He made change. i went to leave a tip and He pushed it back. "Tell your Master I'd prefer to take my tip in trade, boi, if that's cool with Him." i nodded and said "yes Sir, thank you Sir." Simon giggled.

i went back to the table and presented my Master His drink, then found my way to my station at His right side, a step behind Him. i tried to explain that the bartender wanted a tip "in trade, if it was cool with Him." i was clearly unsure of what it meant.

My Master chuckled. "He wants more than a tweak of your nipple, boi," Master explained as He sipped His drink "and damn, by the amount of vodka in this, He's gonna get it." He clinked glasses with Master Blake and Master Blake made a toast "It's good to have hot ones!" Clearly Simon got the same treatment as i did, but considering he was at least 15 years younger than me, i felt very proud of myself. i was beaming.

We stood around and chatted and the bar filled up. Lots of locals, but lots of leathermen coming into town too. My Master is from a nearby city and he knew a few people. He always introduced Master Blake, but seldom introduced me or the lads unless His friend asked. And then, i was introduced as His boi, john.

Occasionally, Master would pull me in front of him and casually tap on my balls to the beat of the music playing. It wasn't a slap, really more of tapping, but it clearly had my attention and it added well to the overall ache in my balls. Other times he would stand with His hand on my ass, pushing and tugging on the strap down my back Each tug would jolt the plug in my ass a little. i was essentially kept in a state of complete arousal all night long.

With Master's permission, i danced with Simon and Jared. True to Master's word, the harness stretched and gave a little, movement was still odd, but doable. Dancing really tested it. We attracted a lot of attention. Our Masters were proud of us and always rewarded us with strong kisses and head rubs when we returned from the dance floor. After getting the third vodka tonic for my Master, the bartender said "tell your Master, my break is in ten minutes, boi. I'll be out back having a smoke."

i reported back to my Master and He leaned over and spoke with Master Blake. They laughed and agreed on something. Master pulled me to Him and said "Are you going to be my good boi?"

i answered quickly, "yes Master, of course Master."

He smiled, "You and Simon are going to help the bartender out back there. Suck His dick, make Him real happy. Jared will watch and make sure it's OK, got it boi?" My Master was whoring me out to a hot bartender for stiff drinks, my boi dick throbbed. i looked over at Simon and he was grinning ear-to-ear.

We made our way to the back of the bar, getting one or more nipples tweaked by random Men on the way. So much so, that at one point, Simon squealed a little. i turned to see Jared pushing Him after me, a stern scowl on his face.

The night air was a little chilly, it was Fall in the desert. Jared did all the talking for us. "Hello Sir, the Masters are grateful for your service" he said to the bartender. He already had His jeans pulled down some and was stroking a nice fat cock while He smoked a cigarette. Fuck, He was hot. "These two mouths are at Your service, Sir, i'm here to make sure You're happy and we're all safe" Jared explained.

"Nice" was all that the bartender said. He looked down at His cock and Simon and i raced to it. i love sucking dick with another pig bottom. Simon and i slobbered all over that fatty. At times, i had a mouth full of balls, while Simon had a throat full of cock. i remember looking over and seeing Simon's throat bulge obscenely. We switched places, i did my best not to gag, but i wasn't half the cocksucker Simon was. In about ten minutes, the bartender was moaning and shooting a big load over our faces. It was fucking hot. The stuff porn is made of. i couldn't believe myself.

The bartender zipped up and said, "thanks bois, nothing beats good stiff service." He patted our heads and nodded to Jared and went inside.

Simon had the majority of the load on his face, i had some in my scruffy beard. "Clean each other up, lads. Be quick about it" Jared snapped. We lapped the now cold cum off one another's face. i saved some in my mouth and kissed Jared hard as we got up to leave, sharing the hot load with our guardian. He smiled and patted my ass. "damn, you are a good boi, aren't you?" he said. i smiled and thanked him.

Back inside the warm air felt great, but the cold air made our nipples even harder and more tempting to the crowd. i was tweaked raw by the time i made it to Master's side. When we got back to the table, Master rubbed my head and gave me a "good boi" for doing His bidding. Jared gave Him a thumbs up. Master ordered another drink and asked me for my beer bottle. When i got back with His stiff vodka tonic, He handed me a warm bottle of Master piss. My throat was raw from the cocksucking and it tasted like pure Man. i was a happy boi.

We stayed at the bar until midnight and then Jared drove us home. i noticed that Jared had only one beer all night, Master Blake must use him as the designated driver. Master Blake is a smart Man. Simon was ordered to the front seat and i was set between both Masters for the ride to the resort. Each worked a nip like it was their own personal play toy, which, of course, they were. i had a hard time not moaning and squealing, but Master kept that in check by unzipping my leather pants and squeezing my balls with His gloved hand whenever i got too rambunctious. It was a rough ride back. Every time i looked up front, i saw Simon and Jared smiling at my predicament. Both Masters were hard on me and i was sure my nips were close to bleeding.

When the car stopped, Master Blake told my Master "what a delightful ride home." They hugged and we all parted ways once inside the gate. At our door, i opened it for Master and obediently followed Him inside. According to His rules, i stripped naked as soon as we entered.

"Everything off boi, except the harness, go use the bathroom, the night's still young" Master said. i hurried to the bathroom. My boi dick hard as a rock.

When i was finished, Master pointed to a spot on the floor at the foot of the bed. He placed a leather blind fold over my eyes, effectively blacking out my vision. "This is about trust, boi. We'll start slow and work our way up, got it?" He asked. i replied affirmatively and gratefully.

He placed something leather beneath my nose, "smell it boi, this is My slave training collar, boi." It smelled like leather and sweat, i started to get excited. He placed the high collar around my neck, "it's about an inch bigger than Master Blake's collar that you saw on His lad when we got there tonight," He explained, "i like my boi's head held high and tight." He chuckled to himself as He strapped the thing on me.

My neck was completely encased from my collar bone to my lower jaw was effectively immobilized. There would be no looking down in it. "right hand, boi" He ordered and i offered my right hand. He buckled a leather cuff snug around my right wrist.

"Good boi, left hand" he said, obediently i offered my left hand and my left wrist was tightly cuffed. i was ordered to stand, my boots were placed on my feet and a leash was attached to the high collar. He adjusted the harness to another level of tightness, shoving the plug in hard and forcing my boi dick and balls outward. "Again, this is about trust, boi, got it?" Master asked while gripping my boi balls in His strong hand..

"Master, yes, Master. i trust you completely Master" was my reply.

Master led me to the door and out into the courtyard of the resort. Walking blind was a whole new experience, Master guided me with His calm, reassuring voice. The tightness of the harness alone, made each step more difficult, the plug was annoying at this point. My boi dick and balls were aching for release. The small porch of our room had a big wooden portico, i hadn't noticed it that day really, but as Master secured me to it, upright and spread eagle, i learned it was there. Master strung me up.

i felt His warm breath in my ear, "boi, don't make me get the ball gag. Some guests are sleeping, some other bois are being used even harder than you'll be, but everyone is respectful of the time of night. Is that clear, boi?"

i was shaking from the anticipation ad excitement, but answered "Master, yes, Master." i was rewarded with a deep, dominating tongue kiss and a head rub.

Next Master was busy at my balls. At first he pulled and stretched them, squeezing and rubbing, generally tormenting them. "who's balls are these, boi?" he asked.

"Yours Master" i replied.

"What should I do with My balls, boi?" he asked.

"Anything you desire, Master" was my obedient reply. Master was happy with that response, i was rewarded with another deep kiss, a head rub and continued ball massaging. He stepped away for a minute and i thought He was attaching the ball stretcher, but soon realized it was a parachute. He pulled hard on my balls, forcing them low into the sac. My balls, like my boi dick, are pretty average; about half the size of Master's beautiful balls. i inhaled sharply and tried to breath through the pain. It took some effort, but in a couple of minutes my balls were secured.

Master was back at my ear again "remember I told you that you would learn everything about your Master's boots this weekend, boi?" He asked. i replied that i remembered that conversation. We'd spent one night chatting endlessly about boots.

"Good boi, tonight you'll learn how much they weigh" he snickered. A minute later, He'd tied at least one of His boots to the parachute. Damn, it was heavy. A minute later the weight doubled, both boots were definitely tied on now. i was breathing hard, desperate to scream or at least moan, but i knew better.

Master was back at my ear again, "awwww... is that too heavy, boi?" He mocked.

Unsure how to reply as the word "no" was removed from my vocabulary with Master a long time ago. "it is heavy, Master" was my reply between breaths.

"Mens boots are heavy, boi. I like them hanging from My boi balls" He whispered in my ear.

"Yes Master, thank you for hanging Your boots from Your boi balls, Master" slipped naturally from my lips, in between sharp breaths. About this time, the plug in my ass was driving me crazy, my boi dick was rock hard. i'm not sure i'd ever been as horny as I was at that moment.

"Good boi, how about a little boot swinging?" He asked as He pushed the boots and made them swing between my outstretched legs. i almost screamed out, but Master wisely put His hand quickly over my mouth.

"No screaming boi, mind your manners now" He admonished, slapping my face a couple of times to reinforce the message. The pulling was exceptionally painful. "you're halfway there boi," Master whispered "keep breathing."

My head was spinning, what else could match this? i was in agony. i just kept breathing hard. Master stepped away. Even in the cool desert night, my body was sweating. When He pulled away i was instantly chilled and lonely. i craved my Master's return and almost whimpered.

It seemed like forever before He came back. As the boots stopped swaying, the pain eased slightly. i could hear muffled moaning and whimpering across the courtyard. For a brief minute, i thought about the lads and how their evening might be going. Jared did not look pleased with Simon and i noticed Master Blake slap Simon's ass more than once in the night.

Suddenly Master was back, "round two, boi" He announced. "i see the cold air has helped get these ready, boi" he tweaked my nips. They were raw from the bar and the car ride home, but they are wired directly to my boi dick. It immediately rose to full mast.

"Very nice, boi" Master said as He stroked my stiffening cock. "Now listen carefully, boi. I'm going to clamp your nipples and it's going to hurt like hell. Do you want to be gagged, boi?" My mind was racing.

"I'll try to be a good boi, Master" was my reply.

"Good boi." He said, kissing me deeply and swinging the boots at the same time. My balls were the center of my universe at that point. I wanted to grit my teeth, but Master's tongue was solidly parked in His boi's mouth. I went back to breathing hard again.

But, a second later my left nipple was on fire and it took center stage. The kiss never broke. Master was very adept at this. i moaned into His mouth as He placed the second clip on my other nip. i'd never had clamps on my nips before, it was excruciating to say the least. i thought the car ride was intense, this was crazy. The clamps must've been attached with a metal chain, it felt icy on my sweaty skin. i whimpered out loud and got a very hard face slap.

"Quiet down, boi. This is it for tonight. Just take it like a good boi, while i enjoy my cigar." He pulled a deck chair up and i heard the lighter go off. The smell of cigar smoke was incredible. My boi dick leaked like a faucet. Where ever He'd put His chair, He could easily reach over and stroke my cock. It felt like i was kept in pain and on edge for a good half hour or more.

At one point, Jared was there. i recognized his voice. Master Blake had sent him to check on us, should Master need anything. Master seemed a bit annoyed, but ordered him to get Him a beer. i heard the beer can open and Master thank him. "How about working on this?" Master said.

i could hear slurping noises and i whimpered slightly. Jared was sucking my Master's big cock. i was so envious, even through the pain my boi dick was rigid. Master pushed the boots and tugged on the chain connecting the clamps. The fire in my nips and the sway on my balls brought me back to attention quickly. He continued to occasionally stroke my cock. It dripped continuously. Suddenly, i felt Jared's mouth on my cock. It was heaven. i knew it was Jared's mouth because there was a clean shaven face around it. Master stood up, leaned into me and whispered in my ear "do NOT cum, boi, that's an order."

Jared edged me more and more, closer and closer to the line. His tongue was everywhere on my dick, licking, sucking, fucking the piss slit with his tongue, over and over again. i was squirming like crazy, whimpering more than i should have.

Suddenly, Master stopped him. "Thank you lad, best head back to your Master now" he dismissed Jared with a couple hard cracks to his ass. i was so close to cumming. My body was shaking like a leaf.

"Let's get inside, boi. I want My boi hole" Master said. He kissed me deeply again, His thick tongue dominating every corner of my mouth. At the same time, He removed the clamps. i thought they were painful going on, apparently, i had no idea what pain was. When they came off i went a little crazy, my entire body was on fire. Master massaged them and it was agony. Tears streamed down my face and I shook all over. If Master's mouth wasn't covering mine, His amazing tongue not down my throat; i would have woken the entire resort up with my screams.

Master held me close and rubbed my pecs. The pain eventually subsided. i was rewarded with a head rub and a "good boi." Master removed His boots and parachute, but not before playfully tugging on them. "Not so bad on the balls now, boi, eh?" He asked.

"Yes, Master, thank you Master" i grimaced through it with gritted teeth. With my balls it was an ache, with my nips it was a searing pain. i was learning.

Master released me from being strung up. i collapsed into Him, my arms were useless and almost numb. My legs were weak. He lifted me up like a rag doll and threw me over His big broad shoulder. He carried me into the room, laid me on the bed and took the harness off and removed the plug. After wearing the plug for a good six hours or more, i was empty without it. Not for long, He lubed my ass up.

With little ceremony or pretense, He shoved His big cock up my ass. Master's cock slid in easily. "That's how I like my boi hole, pig; nice and ready. I might keep that plug in there 24/7" He laughed to Himself. i was exhausted and just moaned out a "yes Master, thank you Master" response.

Try as i might to have any control of my ass, I had none. Like a good boi, i just laid there and took the onslaught of The Man. He stood at the end of the bed, pulled my feet up to His massive chest, and reached down to tweak my raw nips. I was a babbling idiot, the room was filled with deep grunts and groans along with a continuous chorus of praise for Master. "Thank you... for fucking...Your boi hole... Master. Thank You Master... Thank You Master..."

He was in the zone, jack rabbiting, long dicking, jack rabbiting. And then He growled and shot His load, thrusting into my abused hole a good eight times. He finally lifted Himself up and scooped up my trembling body. Without pulling His fat cock out of my ass, He scooted us up on the bed. Suddenly there was a blanket over us and i fell asleep with Him buried deep inside me, His arms around me and His boi balls held firmly in His grip. It was a glorious first day as a boi.

Next: Chapter 3: Learning to Serve 3

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