Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Dec 16, 2012


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Please Sirs, Masters, bois... please donate to nifty.org so that these stories can continue to be posted and hot times can ensue. Please Sirs, please. (bois, my brothers, do the right thing...)

Several Masters and Sirs on the web have asked for this story, so i thought i'd post it here. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based on a true story. Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboy4SIR@gmail.com. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Nineteen – service-oriented, pleasing

At some point in the night/early morning, Pecs manipulated me so that His hard cock was in my face. Instinctively, almost without completely waking up, i sucked it, opened my jaws wide and let Him skull fuck me until He filled my belly with His sweet seed. With my arms and ankles restrained, i had nothing but my mouth to work His cock, my throat was like a fleshlight for him. i was a sweaty mess when He finished.

Once finished, He rolled over and went back to sleep. The alarm rang sometime later and we were off on the same morning routine as the day before – protein shake, hard run (with the pound and a half ball-weight still attached), quick shower, dressed for work and out the door. The only difference was that i was given a pair of my tighty whities to wear under my suit. They were CK hip briefs and they were a little worn, but still tight. The underwear held the ball weight in place for the most part. i bought them because they looked hot and accentuated my package. Pecs took several pics of me in them, with my suit on and off.

On the train, i looked for Mr. Applethorpe, the hot man i'd sucked off the day before, but He wasn't there. i settled on a Latino construction worker instead. He was maybe 5' 9" and muscular, dressed for a day on a job site, hard hat in hand. His dirty jeans hugged His ass perfectly and the bugle in front was impressive. My boy-dick ached for Him to come closer, but He never moved from His spot.

Without any morning excitement, i made it to the office early. After starting the coffee pot and getting the office kitchen tidied up for the team, i organized my Boss's office, taking a huge stack of filing to my desk. Clearly my replacement did not file anything, or maybe Mr. Girard didn't trust her like He did me. i smiled to myself.

Around 9:00 AM, i realized that i hadn't heard from the Big-dicked Man yet today. i checked and rechecked my phone. A slight panic set in, i had no orders for the day. What was i supposed to do? i must've looked at my phone a dozen times, hoping that the little green light would flash, but nothing. i felt alone and nervous. i buried myself in my job, filing like crazy, doing every little task i could possibly think of.

At some point in the morning it dawned on me that "Masters – everything" included my straight boss, Mr. Girard. Even though we had never had any sexual relationship, i served Him like i hoped to serve my Master, like i should serve all Men. This revelation made my job much more exciting, my boy-dick throbbed in its cage. Every task took on new meaning, even the simplest chores – making coffee, wiping up the sink area in the Men's room, straightening up a conference room before a meeting, bringing the Men in the meeting whatever they required. It wasn't work, it was service for Men, my job suddenly took on a while new light.

About 10:00 AM, i really had to pee. i checked my phone anxiously, nothing. i even risked rebooting the thing, thinking that it might not be transmitting – but, nothing. By 11:00, i began contemplating a text to beg for help, but at 11:45 the green light flashed and i quickly checked the message.

"Piss, boy, then politely beg for an extra half-hour at lunch" was the message for the Big- dicked Man. i responded gratefully, practically ran to the Men's room. i lifted both seats and sat down. Peeing was a great relief. i finished quickly and went back to work.

i stuck my head in Mr. Girard's office and asked if He minded me taking a little longer than normal lunch, "just an extra half-hour, please, Sir?"

"Johnny, you're so helpful, take an extra hour, if you want" He smiled.

"Thank you, Sir" i replied and went back to my desk. i texted the Big-dicked Man and He replied quickly.

"Mr. Stevens is expecting you in ten minutes, boy, do not disappoint"

i quickly shut things down and ran over to Mr. Stevens' office. i went directly to the desk and asked the same lady as yesterday, if i could please see Mr. Stevens. She smiled and asked if i was Johnny. i said that i was and she handed me a name badge.

"You can just wear this when you come here and go directly to Mr. Steven's office from now on" she said, handing me the badge. It had a picture of my face on it. i was looking up at the camera and i clearly had no shirt on. It must've been taken the day before. Under it was my name "Johnny" and then "Charge of Mr. Stevens" and His information, a bunch of numbers and a bar code, below that.

i thanked her, slipped the lanyard over my head and practically ran to the elevator. i was nervous and fidgety the whole ride up to His floor, luckily the elevator was empty. When the doors opened, Al was there waiting for me. he immediately grabbed me by the shirt collar and quickly walked me back to Mr. Stevens' office and into the secret room.

"Naked, boy, NOW!" he shouted. i stripped as fast as i could. he folded my clothes and put them in a pile. Once naked, he buckled leather restraints to my ankles while i buckled restraints to my wrists. he was buckling a stiff collar around my neck, when Mr. Stevens burst into the room. His face was red and angry.

"Jesus fucking Christ," He shouted, "8 years of training you boy and you still can't get a fucking piece of meat ready for me quick enough?" i looked at Al and he literally pissed himself on the spot. he was shaking like crazy, dropped to his knees and begged for Mr. Stevens' forgiveness. i took the cue and knelt as well, bowing my head to the floor and willing my self to disappear. Al was in big-ass trouble. his gray suit showed a huge wet spot.

"STRIP and follow me" Mr. Stevens said, kicking Al hard in the ribs. He grabbed my collar and dragged me out the opposite door in the room, down a long cold hallway. i could hardly keep up with Him and got choked roughly several times trying to keep pace. At the end of the hallway was an elevator. He hit the down button. Seconds later, a naked Al came running toward us.

For a muscular, well-endowed, Italian man, he looked scared as hell. The elevator doors opened and all three of us entered. Mr. Stevens shoved me into the corner, hit number B5 and turned His attention to the cowering Al. He pulled a cigar out of His pocket and lit it up. Al was sweating like mad. The elevator filled with the intoxicating Manly smell of cigar smoke and sweaty boy.

"Present `em, boy, you know the drill" He grunted. Al started to cry and wimper, but he slowly stood and begged.

"Please Master, please..." his voice trailed off into sobs. The elevator descended slowly, floor by floor. "i promise, Master, never again to miss a minute deadline, Master, please."

"All the fussing in the world, isn't going to help you, boy," He jeered, "Never has, never will." Al cried even harder. My boy-dick strained in its cage. i watched closely, my eyes glued to Al. The elevator stopped, but Mr. Stevens hit a button labeled "hold." It was like we were trapped in that little hell box. Al sobbed.

"PRESENT `EM, BOY!" He shouted.

Al reached down and grabbed his low hanging balls, like two beautiful plums in a nicely shaved pouch. He gathered them up and lifted them past His erect cock, high up until He was standing on the tips of His toes. Mr. Stevens took a heavy drag on His cigar, the tip glowed orange. With little ceremony, Mr. Stevens took the cigar from His mouth and touched the glowing end to Al's balls. It was only for the briefest of seconds, but Al shrieked and screamed like crazy. My ears hurt and i struggled to not piss myself as well. Al fell back into the corner of elevator, still clutching his singed balls, offering them up for more. i was stunned by his obedience.

"Let's go, boys" Mr. Stevens chuckled to himself with pleasure, hitting the "open" button and releasing the doors. He grabbed my collar and dragged me out. Al came gingerly stepping behind us. B5 was clearly the bottom basement of the building, even lower than the bottom parking garage. Boilers and engines hummed all around, it was hot and steamy. Mr. Stevens strode quickly down a cement corridor lined with doors, puffing on His cigar. At a door marked with the letters S and D, He stopped and unlocked it.

He dragged me inside. Al shut the door behind us and secured a deadbolt. It was a rough little dungeon, nothing like the quaint little space off of His office. This was gritty and smelled like man sweat and a little like piss. Having just witnessed how sadistic Mr. Stevens could be, i started to panic a little.

Just as i started to shake, Al reached down and hoisted me up and onto the sturdy table in the center of the room. he gave me a knowing, somewhat reassuring smile and my nerves calmed slightly. The table looked more like a workbench than anything else. i was positioned on my hands and knees. Arms wide apart, knees painfully wide apart. Mr. Stevens secured my ankle cuffs to the sides of the table, while Al used straps to pull my knees to either side as well. Mr. Stevens tugged on the ball weight.

"I see the boys have started a good stretch already," He commented to himself, mostly. Then He spread my ass cheeks and laughed. "Look at this, boy," He said to Al, "fuckin' Trainers gave it some hickeys last night, teeth marks everywhere!" Al laughed and rubbed my head.

"Bet that was a treat for it, Master" he said to Mr. Stevens, as if i enjoyed having my ass lips chewed on. The pain of it was intense, I shivered remembering it. Mr. Stevens laughed and instructed Al to "hold it open for a warm up."

Al's hands grabbed my cheeks and spread them wide apart. His semi-hard dick slid across my back as he straddled me. Mr. Stevens came up to me and made me kiss His implement of choice – the dreaded stinger. It looked just like the one used on my hole at the resort, except it was made with blue and black mylar strands. i was terrified. Without hesitation, i kissed the stinger and thanked Mr. Stevens profusely.

He pulled my tighty whities out of His jacket pocket and stuffed them in my mouth. They still tasted fairly clean with faint hint of boy-sweat, piss and pre-cum.

"It is respectful, I'll give it that," He said. He rubbed my head and walked behind me. Seconds later the stinger was wreaking havoc on my hole. Every swipe was a direct hit. i screamed like crazy into the gag. Occasionally Al jolted and screamed as well. i can only assume that Mr. Stevens had ready access to Al's cock and balls the way he had straddled me. It went on forever. i struggled to hold my position. My ass was on fire and my hole was the epicenter of the inferno. At long last His words came.

"Well..." swoosh, "I guess..." swoosh, "I better ..." swoosh, "stop... the skin looks close to breakin'" He announced, with a disappointed tone in His voice. He brought the stinger back in front, pulled out the tighty whities, and presented it for my love and affection. i kissed it and thanked Him mightily. Al rubbed a stinging lotion on my ass and i thought I'd pass out. It was like fire on fire. i shook hard in my bonds and cried.

"Flip it and strap it down tight, boy, it's almost lunch time for the Men and i told them there was a throat that needed training. They're a bunch of horny bastards" He laughed. Al loosened my bonds laid me on my back and stretched me spread eagle on the table. he strapped down my thighs, waist, chest and elbows as well. my ass burned like hell on the table. i was completely immobilized. he turned a crank and the table lowered some, then he unclipped the board under my head and my head hung down.

Mr. Stevens hard cock was right there at mouth level waiting for my eager throat. He stepped up and shoved it down deep. His balls banged against my forehead. i did my best to take it, but it was relentless. Al straddled my torso and worked my nips and rubbed my throat as His Master's big cock stretched it. When it finally erupted, He pulled it out and gave Al the reward. Mr. Stevens left.

Al gave me a little water and then They came, one after another. Mostly banker types or office workers, but one after the other fed me cock. My throat was fucked by long and short, cut and uncut, thick and skinny, black, white, Latino and maybe even Asian, i don't know, i lost track. They all, pretty much, were wham-bam fast. Some only needed five or six strokes before shooting. Al kept me cleaned up, using the tighty whities as a cum rag, and kept me primed the whole time. When the last one finished, Al took liberty with me himself and finished with a piss load down my throat.

i was unbound and helped up. Sucking 8 or 10 cocks over a lunch hour was insane, but then again this new life was like that. i wanted to ask Al about his punishment, but something Jared told me at the pool back in the desert ("its not polite to ask") rang in my head, so i didn't. Al took me to a little shower area, where i washed myself down and redressed. Al dried the tighty whities a little under an old blow dryer. They were damp and a little crusty when I put them back on. He walked me back to the elevator, himself naked and moving gingerly. i glanced at his balls and they looked angry and red.

"It'll burn for a few days until it heals, but i won't be late next time, even if i have to rip your shit off of you, boy," he warned me. i promised to run even faster. he rubbed my head and called me a good boy. my boy-dick strained for release. his was full-on rigid again.

Before i left the office, Al reached over and tipped my head up and kissed me. his tongue explored my mouth and dominated me. "Mr. Stevens is a great and kind Master, Johnny. Thanks for being late" he said. Then he slapped me on my stinging, burning ass and shoved me out the door.

i made my way back to the office and finished up my day. Sitting was next to impossible, so i kept myself busy running from filing cabinet to filing cabinet, meeting room to meeting room. Always making sure that everyone was taken care of and everything went easily for the Men that i worked for, my job was to please.

Next: Chapter 20: Learning to Serve 20

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