Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Dec 1, 2012


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Please Sirs, Masters, bois... please donate to nifty.org so that these stories can continue to be posted and hot times can ensue. Please Sirs, please. (bois, my brothers, do the right thing...)

Several Masters and Sirs on the web have asked for this story, so i thought i'd post it here. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based on a true story. Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboy4SIR@gmail.com. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Seventeen - A new workout

The stinging on my ass went on all afternoon. my ass cheeks were sore and bruised from the corrective punishment laid on them the night before, my hole was raw from precision caning. Sitting was difficult and a constant reminder that my world was changing.

my stomach grumbled all day. About 2:00 PM a text from the Big-dicked Man informed me that i was to go to the Mens room and piss. i immediately jumped up and did so, gratefully, thanking Him before i went and immediately when i finished.

my job is relatively busy, so i poured myself into it - checking off detail after detail, really getting things back in order after being out for the last few days. my boss was in and out of meetings all afternoon, so when 4:30 rolled around, i shut everything down and made my way to the gym based on the card that Pecs handed me when i left the apartment this morning. i punched the address into my phone and realized it was only a couple of train stops away from my home stop. It was going to be close. i cursed myself for not checking the address in the morning and planning better. Maybe i was a fuck up, maybe i deserved to be punished, maybe they knew me better than i knew myself. my boy-dick begged for release.

On the train, i found my way to back corner as close as i could get. Sadly, reality check, there we're no sexy Men on the train what-so-ever. A few grossly over-weight older guys and some teenagers, nothing to focus on. The worry set in as the train inched slowly towards the right station. i checked and rechecked the map on the phone. It was five blocks east of the stop, a warehouse district that was quickly turning into the "in" place to be in the city. At 4:28 the train finally pulled into the stop. i jumped off like i was on fire and ran the five blocks as fast as i could.

The card said "4500 NE Almsford, Space D." So, i assumed walking in the door and finding Space D was easy. i assumed finding 4500 NE Almsford was easy... i was very wrong. i found a row of warehouses, 4200 and then 4950. i backed up and looked all over for the building numbers, but couldn't find them. i crossed the street and looked at the buildings, a real panic was setting in now. i checked and rechecked the card. i called up the map and it pointed to the building in front of me. That must be it, i decided and walked up to the steel door and pushed it open. There was a small entry way and an elevator, one of those old freight elevators with the cage-like door on it. Next to the elevator door was an intercom. i pressed the button and it buzzed. A voice boomed over the loud speaker.

"you're in big trouble, you little fuck-up. Get naked and get in the fuckin' elevator, NOW!" it commanded. i started shaking like crazy. i stripped and folded my clothes as fast as i could. i opened the cage door and climbed in. As soon as i closed the door behind me, the machine growled and lifted me up four stories. The first three floors looked completely empty and unused. Then the elevator emerged onto the fourth floor and it was clearly a gym. i noticed it was well lit and there was a lot of equipment and then i noticed a very angry looking Guns waiting for me.

i almost pissed myself i was so scared. i fell to my knees and bowed my head and apologized. He flung the cage door open and grabbed me by the neck and pulled me out, throwing me across the floor. He grabbed my pile of clothes and threw them down next to the door, then came over to me. He towered over me, wearing a leather jockstrap and big black boots. i began to kiss and lick his boots immediately, begging for mercy, pleading my innocence and sorrow.

"I thought you were smarter than this, boy, way smarter. It hasn't even been 24-hours and you've violated at least two of the three simple rules." He sneered and walked away, ordering me to follow him, on my hands and knees.

He walked to the wall and opened a cabinet. i kept my head down and focused on his boots. He ordered me to stand and present, i compiled immediately. He placed the strictest, most confining leather collar i've ever worn around my neck It must've been 5- or 6-inches high, very stiff leather. He buckled it on tight, but checked that i could still breathe and swallow. It forced my chin up at a harsh angle and i could only see what was above me. my forward vision or any peripheral vision was severely limited.

Leather cuffs were attached to my wrists and ankles. my wrist were locked together behind my back and a length of chain attached my ankles to one another. Something, i assume a ball-stretcher or parachute harness was attached to my balls. i was led forward as He grabbed a ring on the collar and pulled me behind him.

I quickly learned to shuffle along as He walked. We left the gym and entered a darker hallway, then a dark room. He ordered me to stand still, as He walked behind me and slammed a heavy door shut.

"Welcome to the Hell Room, boy. The Boss had it designed with four layers of sound- proofing. It's a good place to really teach you the rules in a way that will make them stick in your thick skull for good" He explained, then turned on a low light. The walls appeared padded, but with the collar on, i couldn't see much.

My arms were unlocked behind me, but then immediately attached to two separate overhead cables. Guns turned a switch and my arms were spread painfully apart and high up. i was barely standing on the tips of my toes. i felt something being attached to whatever was constraining my balls, and then the sound of the winch again as they were pulled down hard. i instantly realized that any movement in my legs or torso would yank painfully on my balls. Sweat dripped off of me, but so did pre-cum. Guns noted that.

"A good boy's dick never lies" He sneered. "Focus on the words in front of you boy and say them out loud in a crisp, clear voice. Got it?" He smacked my ass for reassurance.

"SIR yes SIR, thank you SIR" i screamed out nervously.

The ceiling above me was instantly a screen. As i screamed out the first word "Masters" the first swat of a crop burned into me. "Everything" was the next word and more stinging swats. "boys" and "nothing" appeared. The whipping with the crop was electrifying, i was in pain everywhere, but i shouted out the new mantra again and again. "Masters - Everything, boys - nothing" i repeated it dozens of times, the pain was intense and everywhere. He swatted my chest and arms, back and ass, legs, balls, stomach and shoulders... i did my best to hold still, but even so, my balls felt like they were being ripped off of me. Occasionally, He would tighten the winch and keep me stretched taut. i only screamed the mantra harder and with more meaning then. It went on forever.

I broke into tears and sobbed when He finally stopped. It felt like every inch of my body had been whipped with the crop. my balls ached so bad that i couldn't even focus. In all the pain, all i could think of was the Master at hand, Guns, and how i could possibly please him. As soon as the beating stopped, the words spilled from my mouth.

"SIR thank you for teaching this boy, SIR, thank you SIR. SIR Masters are everything SIR, boys are nothing, SIR, nothing SIR. please SIR, please work me harder SIR." i couldn't help myself, i was delirious with a desire to please. He laughed and agreed that more work was needed.

He lowered the winch and my balls and arms loosened. i worked hard to not scream out as the circulation returned. Before i was unlocked from the cables a pair of sharp nipple clamps were attached to my sweaty nips. i was grateful and thanked Guns properly for the pain. And then a metal plug was lightly lubed and inserted in my ass. It was wide and solid and hurt like hell going in, but gave me a nice full feeling once placed. Again, i praised Guns and thanked Him for his work. Once released, He relocked the cuffs behind my back and led me by the ring in the collar back out into the gym.

Shuffling behind him, clenching the plug and feeling the pain in my chest was difficult, but i kept pace and stayed very close to him. He put me through a variety of exercises, simple things without machine - sit-ups, push-ups, planks, a few yoga-like poses to stretch, and lunges. Lunges were the hardest. With my arms locked behind me, my neck held up-right, and a solid metal plug in my ass - they were nearly impossible. Throughout the routine, He used the crop to focus me and help me find my balance.

In the beginning my skin ached, by the end there was burning pain everywhere, every muscle. i began to shake with exhaustion and cry. He inspired me with little stories about life with my Master. Like Pecs and the slave contract signing description, the stories were vivid in detail and i quickly wandered into them for comfort.

"Imagine a day, boy, when your muscles gleam proudly. Your Master likes perfectly toned boys, you're there at his estate in Cali. One of his crazy dinner parties, you're greeting guests at the front door. Naked, of course, it's not allowed a stitch of clothing, not even a chastity cage. Its cock is primed, hard and ready all the time, like a very good boy. When the guests arrive, they can't help themselves. They freely paw this beautiful boy, knowing that it won't cum without permission, knowing that its muscles are on display for their pleasure because it pleases Master. It's an obscene little Roman slave statue, there to be touched and fondled and used."

My boy-dick strained as i listen and grunted out sit-up number 58, 59, 60... my wrists locked tight to the collar, my ankles locked to eye hooks in floor. It was a pain-induced dream. The workout went on for a long time, an hour, maybe more.

When Guns was satisfied, He led me to a shower room and removed all the cuffs and collar. The tit clamps were removed to make the last set of lunges even more focused. To keep me balanced, he'd push only on one sore tit or the other. The plug was grunted out and handed to me to wash under a cool shower. It felt amazing. In the drain, it the corner of the slave shower was to serve as my toilet. Under Guns watchful eye, i relieved myself.

As usual, with showers, i was given no soap, just a rough wash rag to scrub myself with. For the most part, it worked and i was clean enough for a boy. Once i was mostly clean, Guns stripped, stepped into the slave shower area, and inspected me. He was incredibly beautiful and his menacing 12-inch cock looked like heaven.

He ran his rough Manly hands over every inch of my body, pulling and tugging, poking and prodding, squeezing and gripping. He bent me over and inspected my hole, prying it open with his big thumbs. It was tender from the caning a few hours before, but otherwise OK. He pulled on my balls and checked them carefully. He seemed pleased.

When He finished the inspection, He roughly forced me to my knees and fed me his cock. He wasn't quite hard, maybe nine or ten inches and growing fast. By the time i got it wet enough to get a decent portion of it in my mouth, He was full-on twelve. He lifted me up and turned me around so that i was held upside down with his cock in my face.

"suck it, boy" He commanded and i eagerly obeyed. From this angle He could easily slide several inches of his cock into my throat. He slapped me around some and ordered me to open my jaws as wide as they would go. Make no doubt about it; a 12-inch cock hurts a boy-throat. It's not just long, but it's thick. i did not take this cock easily, it was an effort to get even half of it down my gullet every time. i wretched and choked and sputtered, but i was a determined boy.

Eventually, He put me back on my knees and planted my head was back against the tiled wall of the shower area. Chin down and eyes up were the order, every gag got me a slap. He was patient, to a degree, but determined to dominate my throat. i was sure He was trying to tear my throat muscles. He yelled at me to 'open up' again and again.

"It's not stopping until you open that fuckin' throat, boy. Let me in, boy, let me in" He chastised me. i felt like i was doing everything i could humanly do to accommodate his cock, but it was just too big. He was relentless, hammering and slapping, squeezing my jaws apart, raping my throat.

He'd drive for a dozen hard strokes then let me catch my breath for the briefest of seconds, before driving hard again. On the fourth or fifth set, something gave and his cockhead popped into my throat. my whole body went numb and then convulsed slightly. i think i pissed my self.

"That's a boy," came out of nowhere, "that's a big cock popping your throat cherry, boy." He laughed and hauled a mile of cock out of my throat. i gasped for breath, but He didn't give me much time before He went right back down. The second push was way easier. He had to force it, but it went balls deep. His neatly trimmed bush banged into my nose, crushing it.

"oh yeah, boy, fuckin' love a cherry throat on my cock," He moaned. He never pulled his cock completely out of my mouth after that. At the halfway mark, maybe six or seven inches, i could breathe through my nose enough so that He could just keep fucking. i looked up at Him through tear-filled eyes, He just sneered down at me and kept on fucking my throat.

My jaws ached, my throat was on-fire and i was so dizzy i was sure I'd pass out at any minute. But, i held on. i was deep-throating twelve inches of cock, nothing makes a boy feel more pride in his work than the crush of a Man's pubic hair in his nose. Fuck the pain, i was in hog heaven.

Time stood still until He pulled completely out, stroked his enormous cock twice and spewed volley after volley of cum all over my face. It was like hot wax, glob after glob painting my face white. He clearly hadn't cum since the wee morning hours when He fucked my ass last. i hungrily swallowed as much as i could.

"OK, boy, lets get some grub" He said, smiling down at me.

Next: Chapter 18: Learning to Serve 18

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