Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Nov 24, 2012


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Please Sirs, Masters, bois... please donate to nifty.org so that these stories can continue to be posted and hot times can ensue. Please Sirs, please. (bois, my brothers, do the right thing...)

Several Masters and Sirs on the web have asked for this story, so i thought i'd post it here. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based on a true story. Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboy4SIR@gmail.com. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Sixteen - A new work day

When i got off the elevator, the phone buzzed. i smiled at the Security Guard, He had the biggest Cheshire cat smile on His face. Something told me i wasn't the first boy to be used by the Man. i blushed a little and quickly exited the building. The text was from the Big-dicked Man.

"that's a start boy, now get your ass to work and expect instructions at 11:30, sharp. GO!" the text ordered.

i walked quickly to my office, smiling at every hot Man i passed. On the walk, i scanned the pics in my phone, several were blurry and unfocused, but a few were clear and crisp. There i was on my knees with a stranger's cock in my mouth, my eyes pleading for more. His business card next to my face read Terrence Applethorpe and some random credentials. In the text exchange, the Big-dicked Man congratulated Him on His sub- spotting capabilities. The Big-dicked Man assured the suited Man of His privacy, then demanded the pic. i imagine Mr. Applethorpe would've paid cash or anything else at that moment; He needed to get off, bad. i smiled, happy that i helped Him unload.

The company i worked for was in the tallest building in the city, my Boss, Mr. Girard had a sweeping view of the bay and the mountains beyond it. But as i rode the elevator to the 43rd floor all i could think about were the hundreds of cocks in the building and which ones i might suck today. A boy has goals, i was one down and two to go. i smiled to myself as i stood in the back corner of the elevator, head bowed.

Our front desk was manned by a young guy, named Justin. We'd been on a couple of dates, but he was really not my type. Clean cut, ladder climber; he took the job just to get his foot in the door. Bitchy queen, but a nice cock; i smiled at him and said good morning. He nodded and smiled.

On my desk was a stack of mail and tons of paperwork. My replacement was a 20- something girl and she really didn't do much based on the state of things. i took off my jacket and hung it up and started up my computer. i grabbed my coffee cup and headed to the coffee station. About halfway there i stopped and remembered rule number one: nothing goes in your holes without permission. i went back to my desk thinking that it was going to be a long day.

About an hour later, Mr. Girard came into the office in rush. i got a quick "oh good, you're back, Johnny, I've got a lot of stuff that needs your attention." i hadn't heard my own name in almost a week and it sounded odd. i grabbed my tablet and followed Him into His office. He was a tall man, maybe 6'5" of taller. i began to wonder, is He taller than Master? Taller than the Big-dicked Man? He's always been pretty trim and works out regularly.

"Johnny? you here?" He asked. i snapped out of it and blushed a little.

"Sorry Mr. Girard, i switched to a no caffeine/no coffee diet on vacation and it's going to be a rough week, Sir." i explained. He laughed and sat down behind His desk. He made polite small talk, asked about the weather in the desert, told me i had a nice glow, then jumped right into a million tasks. i'm good at my job because i listen well and get everything down. i ask about schedule and timing constantly, so that everything can be planned and ready before He needs it. my job is to make His job easier. i feel like i had a good day when He leaves the office happy and ready for the next day. He's a good, kind Boss. That said, He'd be stunned if i told Him about even the first hour in the desert: sucking some Leather Daddy's cock in the cab ride to meet my new Master. He knows i'm gay and submissive, but that's the limit.

The rest of the morning rolled by, i cranked through hundreds of emails, got appointments set up, meetings ready, and a million other not-so-erotic details taken care of. At some point mid-morning, i got text ordering me to go pee. i went to the Men's room, the end stall. i lifted up the toilet seat and sat gingerly on the cold porcelain rim. Peeing through the chastity device is relatively easy, but it does tend to get more wet than usual. i dried it off with some toilet paper, cleaned up and got back to my desk.

Around 11:15, i started glancing down at the little clock along the top of the screen. Every minute was a minute closer to the Big-dicked Man's newest instructions. i started to sweat. i grabbed my phone at 11:25 and waited. 11:30 AM exactly, the Big-dicked Man's text came, "A high protein lunch is good for a boy." My boy-dick immediately strained in the cage.

"Sir, yes, Sir" i texted back immediately, my stomach grumbled. Seconds later a nearby address appeared on my screen.

"GO! Ask for Mr. Stevens. NOW, boy!" i jumped up, put on my jacket and texted that i was on my way, along with my gratitude, of course. my schedule is fairly flexible, as long as Mr. Girard is happy, life is good. He was in meetings off-site the rest of the day, but tomorrow was intense.

In the corner of the elevator i mapped the route to the address, four blocks east, one south. It was a bank. i walked in and asked the information person for Mr. Stevens. The lady took my name and made a call. She wrote something down on her pad, i waited nervously. She finally hung up and handed me the paper, it was a floor and office number. She pointed me to elevators and said "Have a good day, now." If she only knew...

i went up to the office and entered. A handsome guy in a beautifully tailored suit looked up from His desk, He had a dashing smile. i smiled back. "You must be Johnny, come on in, boy. Mr. Stevens will be here in a couple of minutes" He said. He stood up and walked me to the corner office. He led me inside and closed the door.

"Listen closely, boy, my name is Al. I'm the alpha here and I'll walk you through this. i was a boy like you once too" He said, then He leaned into me and kissed me on the lips. His tongue dominated my mouth and i gasped. He pulled back and told me to get naked. As i stripped, He did too. i folded my clothes in a neat pile, He did the same. He whistled when He saw my sore, red ass.

"Looks like the training is off to a good start, those Men can be brutal. Take it from me, obey every command" He warned me. The office was rather plush. Oak walls and bookcases, heavy velvet curtains, soft carpet; clearly a wealthy and important Man's office. Al grabbed a bookcase by the side of it and it swung open, like a secret chamber. Inside was a little dungeon, my boy-dick started to leak. Al caught it and licked it off His fingers. He led me to fuck-bench and strapped me down.

i started to panic a little, but Al told me it was all going to be alright. "you'll be back to work in an hour" He informed me as He lubed my ass and then blindfolded me. A metal o-ring gag was fitted in my mouth, Al tested it but shoving His six-inch cock down my throat. He held it there for almost a second too long, i twisted and strained, but the straps held tight.

He pulled out and i gasped. He tightened my right ankle a little more, then pronounced me ready. i was completely in the dark and now a little scared. Sweat started to bead up on my skin. my jaw ached. The sweat on my tender ass and nipples made them itch and burn.

Suddenly Al was speaking a different, much more subservient tone to a Man that i can only guess was Mr. Stevens. i heard him say "it's trussed up and ready for you, Sir, it looks pretty fresh." The Man grunted and there was a sound that indicated He was being undressed.

"It does look fresh" He agreed pacing around me, "clip its tits and wrap down its balls." His big cock suddenly filled my stretched open throat hole. i did my best to pleasure the cock, but with this kind of gag, your mouth is really useless. A boy's mouth is just a wide open cunt hole. Still i sucked and squeeze my throat muscles and laved my tongue as much as possible. It was a big cock, it completely plugged my throat when it was inserted all the way. i sputtered and choked and coated the Man's cock with throat slime.

In the middle of the throat rape, my nips were clamped with something harsh and painful. Each one burning and screaming as the device was attached, causing my body to involuntarily shake and shiver. i screamed out around the Man's cock, but it was unintelligible and it only got me a harder throat fuck.

my balls were also coated in some sort of lotion, cold at first, then very hot. Then i felt rope being wound around them forcing them impossibly low in the sac. The discomfort was enormous, but i was so immobilized i couldn't move an inch to relieve them. It seemed like every coil around my balls was one more impossibly lower round. Finally it was tied off and secured. i was sure my boy-balls had never been stretched that far.

Still, my hole spasmed and my boy-dick dripped.

Mr. Stevens pulled my blindfold off. The room was incredibly bright. i was so immobilized that i could only see the firm hairy abs in front of me. Suddenly there was my Master's voice laughing with Mr. Stevens, talking about what a hot boy i was and how I'd soon be trained into the perfect fuck boy for him. Mr. Stevens complimented him as He raped my throat with His big cock. His sweaty balls banging off my chin with every inward stroke.

"its got potential, for sure, but it really has a ways to go" He reported. He pumped hard and began dumping His load into my mouth and throat. i swallowed as fast as i could eager to not miss a drop of this Man's precious gift. He pulled out and Al was before me, cleaning him up, eagerly sucking any droplets of cum that i missed. Mr. Stevens stepped away and there was my Master on a video screen watching me. He sneered, then laughed and signed off. My heart sank.

"Splay him, boy," Mr. Stevens ordered Al and He quickly pried the cheeks of my bruised and sore ass wide apart. Al climbed on the fuck bench and stood over me, straddling my lower back. His hands each grabbed an ass cheek and held them apart, painfully wide apart. My head instantly went back to the desert and Master's introduction to the stinger - an evil little plastic whip that He used to work over my hole. i tried to struggle, but to no avail.

"it knows what's coming Sir, look at it struggle" Al commented and laughed.

"it hasn't seen anything yet," threatened Mr. Stevens, but before He could get the words out the first lash was laid down hard on my hole. i was blinded by pain and screamed at the top of my lungs, a burning heat consumed my entire body and i shook involuntarily from my toes to the top of my head. The pain was focused lash after lash right on my hole, right on the tender lips of my boy-cunt. i cried, begged and pleaded for release, for mercy, but got no relief. It was the work of a small rattan cane, expert work; work with perfect aim every time. Ultimately, a now familiar numbness took over and i passed out.

Slaps to my face from Al, brought me back to reality. He untied me and told me that lunch was over. i needed to get dressed and get back to work, but first - He pointed to His cock. Obediently, i knelt before him and sucked His throbbing 6-inch boy dick. i was grateful for His help and expertise. If i hadn't been tied down properly, i could've really hurt myself. i sucked His boy-dick for all i was worth. Within minutes, He spurted a good five ropes of boy-juice in my mouth. i eagerly swallowed it, like a greedy cum-pig. my hole was on fire, my throat was raw; but my own boy-dick was in control. i was a horny mess.

He handed me a small towel and i wiped myself down, it was a very sweaty session. He wiped down my back. He explained that Mr. Stevens was a very successful banker and He was His personal assistant. i would likely be spending a few lunch hours with them, apparently Mr. Stevens was satisfied with me enough to request a return. Al informed me that only a couple boys a year get selected for Mr. Stevens' treatments. i was honored and i thanked him. Al told me that my Master was very beautiful and i agreed completely, i told him that i felt like a very lucky boy to have such a wonderful Master. Once i was dressed, i made my way back to my office. Every step was painful as my beaten hole rubbed against the fabric of my pants. It was going to be a long afternoon. i did my best to focus on my work.

Next: Chapter 17: Learning to Serve 17

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