Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Nov 10, 2012


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

Please Sirs, Masters, bois... please donate to nifty.org so that these stories can continue to be posted and hot times can ensue. Please Sirs, please. (bois, my brothers, do the right thing...)

Several Masters and Sirs on the web have asked for this story, so i thought i'd post it here. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based on a true story. Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboy4SIR@gmail.com. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Fourteen – No rest

The message was simple. "When you're told, you'll go down and let two of my Men in. NAKED boy. The front door. They'll orient it. Obey my Men."

It was an ominous text message, i started to sweat and shake a little. The old house had other tenants. i was sure some were home. i went over my front door and waited. Then i paced back and forth. i put my dirty plate and empty glass in the sink in the kitchen and went to the living room. i texted my thanks to the Big-dicked Man and said i was ready. i waited.

"GO DOWN AND MEET THEM, NOW boy" came the message, a minute or two later. i took a deep breath, opened my apartment door and stepped out – naked. It was chilly in the hallway, i ran to the stairs and went down, trying hard not to think about anyone else in the building. When i got to the lobby i saw two strong, muscled Men waiting. They looked mean, but sexy as hell. One had a black leather duffel bag with Him. i walked quickly to the door and opened it, welcoming Them in.

One of them whistled and said to the other, "damn, where does the Boss find these?"

"who knows..." answered the other as He walked in and pushed me back up the stairs. Groping and slapping my ass every couple of steps. Once back in the apartment, He pushed me down to my knees and then forced my head down to His big black boots. i immediately began to lick them as He spoke. "boy, you call me Pecs and my partner is Guns, you address us as Sir or Boss... got it?" He sneered as He bent down a slapped my ass.

"Sir yes Sir, thank you Sir." i answered quickly, not missing a lick. Guns locked the door and crouched down behind me. He felt me all over, squeezed my ass cheeks, tugged hard on my balls, tweaked the fuck out of my nipples. He squeezed my biceps, poked my stomach, and rubbed my thighs and calves. All the while, i obediently licked Pecs big black boots.

"Good base to work with Pecs, i think we can get somewhere in six weeks." Guns reported on my physical condition. "Present, boy." Guns ordered. i stood up quickly, spread my legs wide and laced my hands together behind my head. They continued the poking and prodding and asked me all kinds of questions about my general health, workout history and diet.

Both Men were built and ripped, at least 6' 5" and blonde. They could've been brothers, my boy-dick strained in the cage. Pecs inspected the apartment like it was his. Guns held my head and commanded me to open my mouth as wide as possible. i complied and He forced a couple of His fingers deep into my throat. i gagged a retched like crazy, but did my boy best to take it, and to hold the position. Tears welled up in my eyes and ran down my cheeks. He just looked at me with a stern, no nonsense gaze. i choked and gasped and struggled, He held my head up, with His meaty hand under my chin, in a firm grip around my neck.

When i didn't think i could take another second, He pulled His fingers free whipped me around and bent me over. Immediately, both spit covered fingers were shoved deep into my boy-hole. A little yip escaped my lips and i was backhanded hard across the back of my head.

"Shut the fuck up, boy" He ordered, reaching under me and grabbing my balls hard. Just as my knees started to buckle, Pecs stepped in front of me and unzipped His fly. He fished out a fat 9 inch cock and with little ceremony forced it deep into my throat. My arms immediately went to His thighs. A hard slap across my ass reminded me where they belonged. i struggled to let go, He held His cock deep in my throat until i managed to work my hands back behind my back. i nearly blacked out.

The whole time Guns held my balls hard and high, forcing me onto the tips of my toes while His fingers stretched my hole wide. Pecs raped my throat over and over again, there was throat slime, spit and snot everywhere.

"Don't you dare puke on my cock, boy" He warned, menacingly, "you don't ever eat until you're told, got that?" His niner just kept reaming and the sandwich just kept churning. i was really sure i was going to vomit. After a solid ten minutes of hard skull fucking, He grabbed my head, plugged my nose and pulled my throat way down over His cock – firing a good five loads straight into my belly. Guns worked my prostate into overdrive.

"Catch the load coming out of that worthless boy-dick, it's all the lube you get boy" Guns sneered. i was dizzy as hell, but managed to reach under myself and find my trapped boy- dick as it started to leak out a load of cum. My prostate had been effectively milked. i thought I'd collapse, but Guns wouldn't let me loose. His fingers finally pulled free and He let go of my balls.

"Lube your cunt, bitch," He ordered. i spread as much of my cum as possible in and around my hole, shoving it in and spreading it deep. Seconds later, my hands were slapped out of the way and i was impaled on a monster cock. i have no idea how big it was, but it rivaled the biggest cock I'd ever taken. It took my breath away. i gritted my teeth to stop from screaming. i was sure my hole was being ripped.

Once it was lodged deep inside of me, my arms were pushed back behind me and cuffed together. Pecs sat on the couch in front for me and held my head up with His hand under my chin. He sneered and slapped my face a couple of times. It stung like crazy. He was incredibly beautiful, but sadistic as His boss, the Big-dicked Man.

"Listen closely, boy," He began, "I have a lot to say and its important that you follow the rules. you'll be corrected for the most minor deviation from these rules and breaking them will result in punishment that will require `sick days' to recover from. Is that clear?"

"Yes SIR, thank you SIR," i shouted, as Guns began sawing His mammoth cock in and out of my abused boy-hole. He reached forward and lifted my torso up by my shoulders, effectively impaling me on His cock, holding my back to His powerful chest. i gasped and shuddered, never having felt so full of cock. Pecs stood, slapped my face a couple more times, then punched my gut hard three times. i thought I'd vomit. i yelped and squirmed between the punches, but they came fast and finished with more face slapping. This was by far one of the roughest, hardest sessions i'd ever experienced, but my boy- dick strained and dripped precum constantly.

"Rule One: NOTHING GOES IN YOUR HOLES WITHOUT PERMISSION!" He barked. "No food when you're hungry, no water when you're thirsty. No cock when you're oral fixation is in overdrive, nothing, unless you're told to do it. For the next six weeks, the Boss, Guns and me will feed and water you and get your pathetic boy ass on a routine. After that, your Master will take it, unless you're a total fuck up. you seem like a bright boy. you'll learn that it's not about you anymore EVER, it's about real Men, period." He sneered as slapped my face a couple of times. i thought my teeth were loose and i started to tear up. My headspace was a jumble of thoughts and ideas and what-ifs.

Before i could even focus, Guns bent me forward and fucked my hole hard. i screamed out my gratitude and acknowledged rule number one through gritted teeth. He explained that while His initial words focused on my mouth, He meant all my holes: my boy-hole, my piss slit, my nose and ears. Nothing was to go into the boy unless ordered and then it was to be done immediately and without hesitation. The painful fuck continued until Pecs reached down and lifted my chin up again. Our eyes locked. i was impaled completely on the cock.

"Rule Two: MINIMAL CLOTHING!" He barked. "Boy's gonna host an online garage sale, where he'll sell most of His clothes to low-life, wanna-be Masters who will pay for used boy-stained underwear and socks. you'll always strip in the hallway before walking in here and remain naked in this place at all times. Same for our place and the gym and wherever else we fuckin' tell you. Got it, boy?" He asked. Before i could speak a couple more punches landed in my abs and slaps stung my face.

"Sir, yes, Sir. Minimal clothing, Sir, thank you Sir." i shouted. Again, on cue, Guns bent me forward and fucked the hell out of my hole. By now the load i'd lubed myself with was wearing thin, He spit on my ass a few times, but it was quickly becoming a painful dry fuck. i started to really cry. i was quickly becoming a limp, fucked out rag doll. Guns grabbed my shoulders again and impaled me back hard on the full mast of cock. i looked at Pecs through blurry tear-filled eyes.

"Rule Three: ADHERE TO THE SCHEDULE!" He shouted. "Some major things in your life are going to be transformed in the next six weeks, boy. Where you live, what you eat, how you work out, how you think – all gonna be refocused. It's going to be hard, harder than a dry fuck. It's gonna reprogram your boy head and get you ready to make your Master proud. Now surrender that pussy and let my friend have it all." i was bent forward, Pecs cock was rock hard again. He pulled my head towards it as Guns grabbed my hips and started slam fucking the shit out of me. My whole body tingled with pain and numbness. i screamed around the cock in my mouth. The pounding of my throat was as relentless as the cock sawing back and forth in my hole.

At a certain point, it all went numb. The tingling sensation in my skin felt like millions of tiny needles pricking me all over, i closed my eyes and let go. They sensed my surrender and laughed maniacally. The spit roasting of the new boy continued for another forever, time didn't matter. All that mattered in that moment was the cock in front and the cock in back. It was about the deconstruction of who i was and the rebuilding of a complete subservient boy.

"That's a good boy," Pecs taunted "a natural born submissive bitch boy. Once the you get it through your head that the pain isn't gonna stop, that your needs and wants don't fucking matter, your body and mind slips over to full service mode. It's all about the cocks now, ain't it, boy?" He was rough skull fucking me and He was absolutely right. The inner pig was out and loose. i was craving the pain, craving the hard fuck, breathing cock. All i could think about was the meat, every bulging vein, every swinging pair of balls, every inch of stretch.

Guns growled, slapped my ass hard a couple of times and then stiffened up and shot His load up my ass. Seconds later, Pecs cock went to blue steel and fired a second load straight into my boy belly. i squeezed every muscle in my ass and throat, milking their balls dry of all the cum i could get. In the end, Pecs had to forcibly push me off His cock and direct me to the clean up duty on Guns. i eagerly took Gun's mammoth 12-inch cock into my mouth and licked every drop of ass-slime and cum off it while Pec's proceeded to examine any damage to my hole.

He pried my hole wide open, each thumb was hooked in and pulling. i struggled to hold still. He rubbed His rough fingers all over the pucker; pinching and pulling as He inspected it. i did my best to focus on the giant stalk of cock in my face, it was heavenly. Finally, Pecs pronounced my boy cunt to be in good shape, amazingly, no tearing, no damage.

"Cunt's clearly had some use, but that happens in the desert," He remarked to Guns, laughing.

"Yeah, it was tight, but needs work. This one is gonna be a fast learner though." Guns chuckled and rubbed my head, then gently slapped it. He directed me to clean up the pool of precum that had leaked out of my trapped boy-dick on the floor. i obediently licked up the salty puddle.

When i was finished i was ordered to stand and present. i stood. i was shaky at best. my feet were far apart, hands still cuffed behind me, gaze forward and down slightly. Guns pulled a binder out of the duffel bag. It had multiple tabs and pages and was a good two inches thick.

"This is the textbook, boy" He growled. "Over the next six weeks we'll work through it. The last page is a very simple and clear slave contract. If you get through the training period and pass the Boss's final exam, you'll be brought into His attorney's office and you'll sign your life away to your Master." My head was spinning, this was so erotic, but scary as hell at the same time. i started to shiver. Tears welled up in my eyes.

Pecs stood behind me and wrapped His arms around me in a rough bear hug. "Let it out, boy, cry away your freedom. Cry away the confusion. Cry away the indecision. All of that confusion and mystery is going away. The Boss has a great program. It's worked for dozens of scared and confused boys just like you. And on that day you sign, you'll be so happy that you'll feel like pissing yourself." He laughed and reassured me that i wouldn't dare piss myself without permission.

"Visualize it with me, boy," He said, breathing His hot breath in my ear. His voice was hypnotic. His big warm arms wrapped around me from behind, His meaty hand around my neck holding my head high "a naked boy, more muscular and fit than he's ever been, kneeling next to its Master. Feel the plush carpet under your knees, boy, this is a rich bastard lawyer. He'll be smoking His big Cuban cigar and sharing a cocktail with the Master. He'll have one of His sub bitch's naked and collared, read the terms of the contract. But you'll have read them a hundred times already. It's a formality. Master will grow bored before the end of paragraph One, item A. He'll absent mindedly work the slave tits while it listens attentively. At the end, the lawyer's sub will set the contract on the hardwood floor with a cheap Bic pen. Master will push the slave towards it, but you'll eagerly crawl to it. Master will step on the contract with His big black boot and put the other boot square on the slave's back. you'll grab the pen without hesitation and sign your name for the last time on the line that says slave. It'll kiss its Master's boot and thank Him profusely. The lawyer's naked sub will take away the Bic pen and pick up the contract and lightly dust it off, before setting on the desk for your Master to sign using the lawyers expensive fountain pen. And that'll be it, you're property... chattel... an object, then." It was a mesmerizing story and i saw every part of it in my head. Pecs warm arms held me still.

"Knowing your Master," Guns interjected "He'll have His big hands on your balls, workin' `em hard the whole time." He laughed and reached over and grabbed my boy balls and gave them a hard squeeze. i winced, but endured it, feeling safe in Pecs arms.

They explained that I'd continue to work in my job until they felt i was committed or far enough along in the training to quit. My mind started wandering again. i had a good job. i was the executive assistant to the CEO of hot shot tech company. My boss was Joe Girard, He hired me fresh out of college and I'd given him 12 good years of service. i really liked Him, He was a nice guy and He treated me well. my head was spinning until Guns reasserted His hold on my nuts, bringing me immediately back to the here and now.

"Focus, boy, this is a long process and it'll take trust and focus" He emphasized the point by jerk down hard on my balls. my knees buckled and for that i got a hard slap across the face.

"you're weak, boy," Pecs shouted in my ear. "There's gotta be more discipline. Am i right, boy?" He asked. i knew the only answer was yes.

"SIR yes SIR" slipped out of my mouth automatically.

"Good answer" He sneered, "let's start with some weight." He pushed my back forward holding my hips upright. Guns stepped up and held my head down at His crotch. His mammoth cock was soft, but still incredibly large. With my legs spread, my balls were easily accessed by Pecs. He grabbed them and quickly snapped a parachute harness on them. Seconds later i felt the first weight added and my nuts stretched low in their sack. i groaned, but dealt with it.

"A little more coming, boy, and some strop, you gotta learn, boy" Pecs dictated. i just nodded. The weight was doubled and i whined and begged forgiveness, but got no relief. my nuts ached like hell and i started to sweat and squirm. Guns held me steady, His big cock dangling in my face.

"Count `em out, boy, 20 for eating without permission, 20 for losing focus" Pecs demanded. i was scared. The strop looked harsh and my pain tolerance was minimal.

"SIR please SIR..." i begged, just before the first swat connected with my ass. Instantly heat exploded across my body. i screamed out involuntarily, but quickly remembered my orders and shouted "SIR one SIR, thank you SIR."

Seconds later the second explosion tore up my ass. i screamed again and my mind went blank. Guns slapped my face and i screamed "SIR two SIR..." By five i was sobbing, by twenty i was a complete mess. The weight on my balls was tearing them off, the sting on my ass was electrifying my entire body. i was crying like a baby.

"Now, now, boy, man up" Pecs admonished me, slowly rubbing my tender ass. Guns released His hold on my head and they switched places. Pecs squatted down to my eye level and held my head in His hands.

"Not gonna ever eat without permission again, are ya, boy?" He asked, looking directly into my watery eyes.

"SIR no SIR never SIR" was my response. He smiled, stood up and pushed my head between His legs, clamping down and holding me locked in place. i struggled and cried, but soon felt the next explosive swat.

"SIR twenty one SIR" came out of nowhere. 22, 23, 24 and 25 came in quick order. If Pecs didn't have me completely locked down and held in place, i would've fainted. At 30, my voice started to give out. By 35 i was a blithering, incoherent mess. i made sounds for 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40... but it wasn't clear. Every blow seemed more powerful than the last, every one made me scream like a banshee. i was sure my neighbors would hear me, but i didn't care.

"Damn that's a hot red ass" Guns pronounced as He rubbed it all over. i just sobbed. Pecs stepped back and released me, lifted my head and asked me what i learned.

"SIR focus on your message SIR, thank you SIR" i sobbed. He smiled and rubbed my head and told me that i was a quick learner. The head rub felt amazing and i shuddered. i was exhausted and i wanted to collapse. i was shaking like a leaf and sobbing continuously. i was in pain like i'd never felt. Pecs hoisted me up over His broad shoulder and carried me to the bathroom. They unlocked my arms and handed me my tooth brush and tooth paste. When i finished, they set me on the cold rim of the toilet and watched me pee.

Back in the bedroom, they made me kneel by my bed and they affixed a very rigid, high leather collar snuggly around my neck. They relocked my arms behind me – this time with leather cuffs and a carabineer. i was pushed into the middle of the bed. Pecs crawled into bed and His cock was in my face. i opened my mouth and sucked it like a pacifier. Guns turned out the lights and crawled in behind me. He must have lubed His huge cock, because with some effort He forced it back up my ass. i passed out plugged full, but happy. Master was right, there was no rest in the program.

Next: Chapter 15: Learning to Serve 15

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