Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on Jun 30, 2012


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

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Several Masters and Sirs on the web have asked for this story, so i thought i'd post it here. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based on a true story. Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboy4SIR@gmail.com. If you like my story, you might like my artwork as well, email me for details. Please, enjoy. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Eleven - All the world is my Master's domain

We left Simon in the Men's room and wandered back into the main area. The DJ was cranking out some industrial, thumping tunes and a few Men were getting out on the dimly-lit dance floor. Master Blake left us to go get Jared, His other lad. Master led me back to the room, walking ahead and pulling me along by the short chain leash attached to my collar.

We got to the room and Master stood me in the center, ordering me to present. He stroked my boi dick back to full hardness, it never really went completely soft with the sound in it and my balls painfully stretched. He'd stripped off His gym shorts and boi-beater tank top and i could feel his huge Master cock rubbing against my leg. Dutifully, i kept my eyes forward and hands locked behind my head, feet spread apart. His breath was hot and steamy and it burned across my face.

"Gonna be a long hard night, boi," He growled, squeezing my boi dick hard. "Everything is gettin' ratcheted up a notch and you'll be feeling it for a few days to come. Good?"

"SIR, yes, SIR, thank you SIR!" The words flew out of my mouth, my body was electrified. i was sure there was a huge pool of precum falling out of the stretched-open hole of my dick. Master forced my mouth open with his strong hand and spit into it. Staring hard into my eyes, He leaned down and kissed me hard. His big, thick tongue almost choking me like a cock.

"Clean up your puddle, bitch; then get me a beer," He ordered. i dropped to my knees and licked up the pool of precum. There was a lot there, but it was salty and sweet. i licked it up like a dog then crawled over to the fridge and got him a cold beer. i knelt before him, knees wide apart, ankles together, head bowed, beer opened and offered up. He took it and walked to the closet. He had me help Him dress: leather chaps, big black boots, leather cock ring, and bulldog harness. He was transformed into a Tom of Finland fantasy right before my eyes.

"Grab a couple of beers, boi" He ordered, finishing the one i'd just handed Him. i fetched the beers and headed back to the center of the room. He reached into the dresser drawer and pulled out the training clamps. He grabbed the two cold cans of beer and iced my tender nips to rock-hardness. "Repeat the oath, boi."

i said the words etched into my brain over and over again. He attached the clamps to my tits, adjusting the screws even tighter than ever. He reached down and pulled my balls lower, forcing the rubber stretcher to hold them painfully away from my body. I tried to concentrate on the words of the oath, but a film of sweat and an all-over shiver gave me away.

"Good boi," He said as He tugged my aching nuts. "I really want to weight these, hang on," He said as if i might be going somewhere. He stood and went back to the drawer and dug around. He came back with a stainless steel weight. "It's just eight ounces, boi, but we'll work up to a couple of pounds soon," He assured me.

He opened both beers and put one in each of my hands with my arms stretched wide apart. "Do not spill a drop, got me?" He warned.

"SIR, yes, SIR" i replied nervously. He grinned and then lovingly, gently, slapped my face.

He knelt down in front of me and shoved my legs wide apart. He pushed the rubber stretcher as high as it could go, and then struggled to put the weight below it. It hurt like a mother-fucker. i thought i'd throw up. i was shaking like mad, trying my damnedest not to spill the beer and repeating the slave oath. Amazingly, i found comfort and a sense of peace in the words:

"This boi is here to serve His Master's desires, submit to His whims, and obey His commands explicitly, Master, thank you Master" i repeated it again and again, tears running down my cheeks as my balls were worked beyond anything i'd ever imagined possible..

Putting the weight on took some effort on Master's part as well as my own. I screamed out a few times as He struggled. At some point, the door to the room opened and the Big- dicked Man was there to help. He lifted my chin up and told me to look forward. He posed me like a good slave and reassured me that i was a good boi. He even encouraged me, telling me that i could do it and that i would do it or else. It took every ounce of energy to hold still. Eventually, Master got the weight on and was satisfied with the result. i wasn't sure i could move.

"Hmmm... looks like a little spillage and a lot of leakage, boi" the Big-dicked man taunted. i held still and kept trying to breathe through it. My nuts ached so bad. Master said it was eight ounces, but it felt like eight pounds. He took the beers from me and handed one to the Big-dicked Man.

"You were doin' good, boi, but spillage is spillage, even just a couple of drops. A little redness on that ass might help you better behave, don't you think?" He asked rhetorically. My dick was hard as steel. Master lowered a leather hood over my head, effectively blindfolding me and muffling any sound i might emit. He pulled the leash tight and I stumbled into Him.

"Listen to me closely, boi, everything will be OK." He reassured me. i nodded respectfully. Leather cuffs were placed on my wrists and ankles. My cunt hole was lubed slightly and the steel plug was shoved in. The tit clamps were tugged and adjusted one more time. i was in pain everywhere, but my nuts still ached the most. A high and tight leather collar was placed around my neck. From the sound of it, it had several rings on it and it held my head very high. Even without the hood, there would've been no chance of looking downward now.

A simple carabineer locked my wrists together behind me. The leash was reattached to the high collar and i was lead outside. Walking was not easy. Every step either made my trapped balls sway slightly or the tit clamps pull. My hole clenched hard to the metal plug and my dick leaked a steady stream of precum. Master directed as much as He led, telling me to turn right and left as we wound our way through the resort. Lots of Men had arrived, it was much noisier and the smell of man-sweat filled my nostrils. The adrenaline and anticipation caused a nervous shiver starting in my shoulders and creeping across my torso. Lack of sight amplified every smell and sound.

i was sure that somewhere in the endless agony of Master applying the weight to my balls, someone had written the words "grope me" across my chest and back. i was pawed, groped, and prodded every step of the way. At the extreme, Men tugged the tit chain and the butt plug or tapped my trapped balls. The more merciful just squeezed my ass cheeks or stroked my boi dick. It seemed like a huge crowd and i found a degree of security under the hood. i smiled to myself, knowing what a kind and wonderful Master was at the other end of my leash.

We must have made our way back to the general common area of the resort, the music was louder and our pace slowed. Suddenly, Master pulled me close to him and forced me forward.

"Spread your legs wide, boi" He ordered, nudging them apart with His knee. i complied quickly. He held my waist and pushed me forward. "You're at the fucking bench," Je informed me as i leaned into the padded narrow support.

Clearly, Master had Men to help him, because an immediate panic set in on me. Before i could really struggle or move my body was secured firmly to the bench. My tortured dick and balls hung below the bench, my arms, knees and ankles were secured to either side of the small bench that supported my torso. My ass and throat holes were at crotch level. i was shaking and sweating like crazy. i was completely vulnerable and at the mercy of crowd of very horny, hard-fucking Men.

"he's hot, but he's still pretty green... just spilled beer all over the place getting this weight on 'im." Master grunted to one of the Men as he slapped my balls. I gritted my teeth, but it didn't prevent a loud grunt from escaping my lips. The crowd laughed and made cat-calls at my predicament. i couldn't move really, like Simon in the Mens Room, i started to realize that this was about my Masters pleasure and my learning to accept that completely and without question. The word "explicitly" from the oath ringed loud and clear in my head. i spilled that beer and that was wrong, punishment was in order. Master rubbed my body all over; double checking that the straps were tight, but not cutting off my circulation.

As if reading my mind, Master leaned into me and said "focus on being still, boi, do me proud." i nodded and mumbled my gratitude to Him. The mouth piece of the hood was unsnapped and He kissed me hard. Then He stood up and nudged His beautiful, rock-hard Master cock deep into my mouth... deep into his property's throat-hole.

i struggled a little at first to accommodate the full eight inches, then calmed myself down and swallowed my Master's meat like a hungry dog. He held my head steady and rhythmically fucked my face.

Once the rhythm was set, the flogging began. i jumped slightly and Master immediately slapped my head hard. i did my best to focus on His cock and not the stinging bite of the flogger. The Man wielding the flogger was clearly an expert, He started at my upper back and worked His way slowly to my ass and thighs... then repeated the pattern back at the top and painfully all the way to the bottom... again, and again, and again... my backside was on fire, but my focus was on pleasing my Master's beautiful cock.

After seven or eight, i lost track of the number of times the flogging pattern was repeated on my back. My world was my Master's cock and His pleasure. At some point i felt him grab my head hard and unload in my throat. i sucked for all i was worth, the flogging intensified, and i slipped into another dimension and nearly passed out.

When i came back around, the hood was off and Master was gently rubbing my face and jaw, looking deep into my soul. He smiled, leaned forward and kissed me long and hard. i smiled back. A stiff rubber o-ring gag was strapped on my head, forcing my mouth open, and a simple black-cloth blindfold was tied over my eyes. The metal plug was pulled from my ass with little ceremony. Suddenly Jared was kneeling next to me. He leaned over and explained that his job was to prep and clean-up the Men as they used my Master's boi holes, and, of course, to make sure they were wrapped safely before fucking me. It gave me some measure of reassurance, but i was still in a bit of a spacey place in my head.

Clearly, the Big-dicked Man was either the Man wielding the flogger or just first in line for my ass. i recognized his cock by it girth and length, clearly stretching me beyond any limits i'd ever had mentally and physically. i groaned and saliva spilled from my locked- open mouth. i could hear Jared slurping and prepping other men off the my right. Before long a Man's cock was filling up my throat. Somehow a Man was positioned at each of my open hands. Both hands were soon working a cock. What a pig whore, serving four Men at once, i thought.

Occasionally, i could hear Jared making sure everyone was pleased and happy with where they were at in the order of things. The cock in my left hand erupted first. Molten hot cum coated my hand and arm. His growl set off the chain reaction that brought the Man in my throat to climax. The stimulation of the huge cock ramming my ass combined with the growling pleasure of the Men shooting around me, brought my own boi dick to orgasm.

Other cocks replaced the fired cocks, the Big-dicked Man mercilessly jack hammered my boi hole - clearly intent on turning it into a sloppy cunt for the next man. Then He let out a howl, leaned onto me and ripped off the tit clamps, causing me to convulse like crazy as He unloaded in my ass.

His head near my right ear, He warned me "I'll own this ass someday, boi, when your Master moves on to His next catch." He emphasized the point by shoving His cock deeper and said "I'm the most sadistic bastard you'll ever service, too." With His full weight on my back, He twisted my tender nips and i screamed around the cock in my mouth and involuntarily gripped hard on the cocks in my hands. The right hand cock exploded. My mind was racing.

He pulled out, slapped my tender ass and another fat cock took His place. The right hand cock was replaced too. i was pretty sure i could hear Jared busily cleaning the Big-dicked Man's cock off, he was slurping like crazy. The Man fucking my throat was close, He was humping my head like a dog in heat. Throat slime was all over the place and my breathing was limited to short gasps in between thrusts. Just as He pumped the first shot out, He growled and pulled back to flood my mouth. I immediately felt Jared near me.

"Don't swallow that, eh?" he asked kindly, in his beautiful British accent, "i want a taste." i struggled to contain it all, not being able to really close my mouth. When the Man pulled out, Jared's lips and tongue were right there. i pushed the load into his mouth and we swapped it back and forth. The Men around us cheered us on. It really got me going. i worked my ass muscles overtime and the Man fucking me grunted out His load.

i lost track of the number of Men that fucked me or used my throat hole, let alone the number i jacked off. It was a hot, endless stream of cock. i have no idea if i was strapped down for an hour, two hours, or what. Occasionally, Master would emerge from the crowd of voices. He'd rub my head and back and praise Jared for doing such a good job on prep duty. He'd lean in to check on me and make sure i was in the pig heaven that He knew i was in. And then He'd talk to who ever was fucking me, like i was his prized possession.

"It's ass cunt never seems to slack, does it?" Master asked a Man fucking the shit out of me. He slapped my ass for emphasis and i squeezed hard on the cock dominating my hole.

"That throat was made for fucking, wasn't it? He'd ask a Man with big cock reaming my mouth. He'd reach around and feel my neck. "Fuck, I love to feel it's neck bulge like that. You know it'll be hoarse tomorrow." He'd laugh and high-five the Man pumping me.

When i showed the least sign of slacking, Master would ratchet up the pain to encourage me. The nipple clamps were on and off at varying points, my trapped and weighted balls were slapped and beaten. At one point in the night, i took ten hard swats with a leather belt across my ass. Screaming like a banshee around the cock in my mouth. It was wild.

Eventually, Master brought it to an end. Jared lovingly cleaned me up and unstrapped me. The blindfold was removed, and i was helped up and off the fucking bench. Master held me in his arms and we kissed deeply, several Men around us cheered me on. Master rubbed my head and called me a "very good boi." Clearly, He was proud of me and i felt like a million bucks... a million fucked-out-hard bucks.

Jared got me some water, told me how happy he was to help. I hugged him tight and told him i couldn't have done it with out knowing that he was there to make sure it was safe and clean. He smiled ear-to-ear. We hugged again like brothers.

Simon was eventually let up from his bondage in the Men's room and we finished up the night lounging in the warm pool and laughing about our crazy exploits. Our Masters smiled at us and let us play. It was a great last night in the desert.

Next: Chapter 12: Learning to Serve 12

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