Learning to Serve Series

By John Smith

Published on May 31, 2012


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

my sincere and humble apologies for the delay between chapters. Sadly, my day job got in the way. Several Masters and Sirs on the web have asked for this story, so i thought i'd post it here. Respectfully to the Masters involved, i have embellished some. The names, dates, and places are changed to protect all involved. This is loosely based on a true story.

Your constructive feedback has been great so far, more is very welcome at obedientboy4SIR@gmail.com. If you like my story, you might like my artwork as well, email me for details. Please, enjoy. To all the Masters and bois who have emailed your compliments to date, thank you so much, this boi is very grateful.

Chapter Ten - gifts are really for Master

The Big-dicked Man untied me and i collapsed on the bed. He pulled the plug slowly out of my cunt hole and i cried out. Master and the Big-dicked Man chatted amicably while they untied my nuts and removed the suction cups from my tits. Then, Master lifted me up and threw me over His big shoulder and carried me to His room. i was a rag doll. Exhausted and completely fucked out.

Back in the room, Master put me down in the shower and i laid on the floor for a while, just enjoying the hot water cascade over me. Master joined me and stood me up. He washed me gently all over, taking care to wash the remains of the burning cream out of His boi hole. i whimpered softly and did my best to help Him clean me up. When i was clean, He lowered me to the floor where i sat and waited while He washed himself. i felt bad that i couldn't wash Him, but i had nothing left... no energy what-so-ever.

He turned off the shower and dried himself off, then helped me out and rubbed me down with His towel. He really is a very kind and caring Master. i cried and held Him tight. He held me and let me let it out, rubbing my head and telling me how proud He was of me and how safe it was in His arms, under His control like a good slave. We left the bathroom. It was a beautiful hot sunny desert day outside. He grabbed two beach towels and led me outside.

He arranged His lounge chair in the sun and laid my towel on the ground next to it. "Down, boi" He ordered. i laid down. i remember someone rubbing sunscreen into me and rolling me over occasionally, but really i slept like the dead for the next 4 hours.

Master woke me up with a gentle kick and ordered me to clean up the mess poolside and meet Him in the room. The pool area was fairly deserted and i was eager to get showered. i picked up our towels, Master's magazines and sunscreen and empty water bottles and beer cans. Master was lounging on the bed when i got into the room with the stuff. i carefully put everything away and then presented myself bedside waiting for Master's demands. He spread His legs and pointed to the spot between them. i scurried onto the bed and lay down between His legs. He lifted His massive cock.

"Balls" was His simple command. i crawled to them and began to lick and suck them like the precious fruits they were, eventually managing to stretch my jaw wide enough to fit both egg-sized orbs into my mouth at once. My mouth was completely full of sweaty, hairy, manly Master balls.

He rubbed my head and told me that i was a good boi. He pulled my hands up to His nipples and ordered me to tweak them. Splitting my focus between His balls and His nipples was difficult. i would often remember to suck and lick, but forget to tweak. i gentle slap on my head would remind me. His big cock throbbed. He spoke to me while i serviced Him.

"Boi, you've done well the last couple of days. You've obeyed and served me like a good bitch" He said, adding emphasis by rubbing my head. "Tonight's the last full night of fun, are you up for it?" He gently slapped my head and commanded me to speak. i let His big balls slip from my stretched mouth. From my vantage point between His muscular legs, i could smell only sweaty balls and hard cock.

"Master, the last few days have been a slave's dream come true, Master. Master, the limits we spoke of before this, have been pushed and everything You promised this boi, has come true, Master. this boi is grateful and eager for more Master. Please Master, please" i begged. My boi dick was hard as a rock. The sleep had renewed my energy, i wanted desperately to be back in the game. i looked longingly at Master, tweaking His nipples and smiling at His handsome face.

He reached down and pulled me up onto Him by my collar. His hard Master cock grinding into my hard boi dick. We kissed and made out for a good ten minutes. His tongue dominated my mouth. Sometimes He would hold my jaws open and spit into my mouth, then French kiss me wildly. He bit, nipped and licked my mouth and face. Finally, He pulled away.

"mmmmm... you are one hot fuckin' boi" He growled, slapping my face for added measure. i beamed and gratefully acknowledged His praise with kisses and licks to His face and torso. "Tonight's agenda is dinner with the guys here for the BBQ and dance party and then come back to the room to send it out with a bang. Good with you, boi?" He asked, knowing the answer.

"Master, yes, Master" i practically shouted with excitement. He pushed me off the bed and ordered me to clean up and get the shower ready for Him. i hopped out of the bed and hurried to the bathroom. i quickly cleaned His boi hole out and got the shower good and hot, like Master likes it. i let him know it was ready and He came into the bathroom, buck naked and beautiful. i knelt next to the shower - knees spread, hands behind my back, head lowered. He stepped in between my knees, kicking them painfully farther apart. Then He raised my head and told me to open my mouth. My boi dick responded immediately getting rock hard. He unleashed a healthy stream of piss down my eager piss-slut throat. He smiled, i gulped like crazy.

"Damn you've become one hell of a piss pig in four days, boi" He commented. i burped involuntarily. We both laughed. He stood like a chiseled, bronzed God in the shower and i worked my way around Him, scrubbing clean, every inch of Him. Once He was rinsed off, He handed me the washcloth and told me to wash myself down. He pushed me up against the shower wall and roughly worked His big fingers into my hole. Even though I'd been plugged and fucked repeatedly over the whole weekend, without lube it was a painful reminder of His control. When i whimpered, He slapped my wet ass. Master pulled His fingers out abruptly and smelled them. He sneered, growled a little, and then shoved them in my mouth. They were clean. Master ground His big cock against my hole. i thought, for sure, the He was going to fuck me raw right there.

After a little grinding, He stood there and watched me wash myself carefully for a minute or so longer, then He got out and dried himself off. i hurried to finish and He tossed the wet towel at me. Once cleaned up, we dressed for the BBQ.

Master wore a pair of flimsy gym shorts and tank top with flip flops; no underwear. His big semi-hard cock stretched the thin fabric and showed off nicely. After helping Master dress, i was called to the center of the room and ordered to present.

"I ran into town and did a little shopping while you were catching up on your sleep today boi." He announced, holding a little black plastic bag in His hands. "You were such a good boi that i thought I'd reward you with some new toys."

"Master, thank you Master, but your boi was just obeying His Master's orders, Master." i explained. Master laughed and reached into the bag.

"Well this stuff is really more for my amusement than yours boi," he laughed. First out of the bag was a ball stretcher, made of a rubber material. It looked huge and menacing. He grabbed my balls and stuffed them through it. i was dancing in pain as He forced them through. i got a harsh slap on the ass and an order to stand still. The leather stretcher was one thing, this rubber thing really hurt. i groaned as He tugged my balls into it and adjusted it.

"Work with me boi, someday those balls will hang down to your knees... if i let you keep 'em" he taunted. i shivered. He patted them with His hand and i almost buckled to my knees. He smiled devilishly. Master had a thing for torturing boi balls.

Next, He pulled something out of the bag wrapped in tissue paper. It was a shiny, silver penis plug. He held it up for me to see. i smiled because He was smiling.

"Master, thank you, Master" i gratefully offered, nervously wondering what it would be like. i didn't have to wait long.

It had a ring that locked snuggly behind the head of my boi dick and held it in place. It was hollow, so i presumed i could pee with it in, maybe even cum. He stroked my boi dick to full hardness and then lubed the plug and inserted it in my pee hole. Next, He forced the head of my dick through the ring on it. My pee hole was tender, having just been stretched for the first time that morning. It hurt a little going in, but Master was very excited and happy, so i endured and smiled for Him.

"Get the neoprene harness on and let's go, boi" He ordered. i slipped into the rubber harness and opened the door for him. Walking with my balls stretched a low 3 inches and my dick plugged was difficult. My feet were still a little sore from the bastinado. Outside the room, He attached a short chain leash to my collar. He pulled me close to him and had me repeat my slave oath while He stroked my boi dick back to full hardness.

"This boi is here to serve His Masters desires, submit to His whims, and obey His commands explicitly, Master, thank you Master" i said in a clear calm voice. He smiled, tweaked my tender nip, then rubbed my head and praised me for being a good boi. i beamed and my boi dick throbbed. Precum dripped freely out of my opened dick.

Master led me to the back dining area of the resort, all the Men, Master and their bois were there. Walking through this crowd with a hard dick and stretched balls on full display was still a little nerve-wracking. Master took a seat next to Master Blake. Simon was on his knees in front of Master Blake gently nursing on His cock. the words "piss boy" were written on his forehead. he was naked and his arms were cuffed behind him. Master positioned me to the right and just behind His chair. i was ordered to present and stood there, legs spread with my fingers laced together behind my head, my eyes straight ahead. Master casually squeezed my aching balls and stroked my hard dick, while chatting with Master Blake.

All around me, other slave bois were being used similarly. Master Todd's new boi, Jason, was squatting next to Him as Master Todd chatted idly with the Big-dicked Man who put me through my paces that morning. My Master's idly stroking of my boi dick was edging me close to orgasm. A small moan escaped my lips and He stopped abruptly, leaving me close to the edge. He switched to squeezing my cold, trapped balls. His hand was electric.

After about 20 minutes, the resort hosts rang a bell indicating that dinner was ready. Master ordered me to fetch him His dinner, but before i could leave, Master Blake ordered Simon to clean up the precum dripping from my dick and pooled at my feet. He crawled over and made quick work of it, gently licking but not sucking my dick head. My Master took the opportunity to rub Simon's little bubble butt. He complimented Master Blake on the firmness. Master Blake encouraged Master to feel more. Master offered up His fingers to me and i wet them obediently, sucking on them. Simon was now licking the precum off my legs and feet. Master roughly shoved two of His wet fingers up Simon's hole. Simon simply continued licking and made no noise. i don't know if it hurt or not, but Master smiled and proclaimed it "tight as hell." Simon never flinched, and got a head rub from Master Blake.

Once cleaned up, Simon's wrists were unlocked and we were dismissed to grab dinner for our Masters. We stood in line with several of the bois and a couple of Men from the resort. The Big-dicked Man stood in line behind me and alternately squeezed Simon's and my ass cheeks and fingered our holes. It was a short wait in line and by the time we got up to the food, we were both hard and dripping.

We filled plates for each of our Master's and grabbed beers for them, then headed back. Once they got their meals, we were allowed to fill one more plate, "sparingly" according to Master Blake, for us to share. Simon never spoke, but he stood close to me the whole time, occasionally reaching down and scooping the precum off the end of my dick. We put a little food on the plate and went back to eat.

Once the Masters had eaten and more beers were fetched, we cleaned the table up. Simon was getting a little antsy, obviously anticipating the next scene. Master saw the puzzled look on my face and pulled me aside to explain. Simon was to serve as the piss boy for the night. Master Blake had offered Simon's services knowing full-well that Simon would protest some. He needed to learn to accept His Master's orders implicitly and this was His Master's desire. Simon's wants and needs were unimportant, servitude was everything. Clearly, this was a test for Simon.

Master Blake hauled him to the Men's room off to the side of the main area. Master and i followed. Master ordered me to comfort and reassure Simon. i knelt on the cold tile floor in front of him and held him and told him to focus on Master Blake's magnificence and think only about how lucky he was to have such a wonderful Master to guide him. Master Blake and my Master secured him between two porcelain urinals, his arms stretched wide and his knees equally stretched apart, tied to the urinal piping. Next, a strange gag was affixed to his head. It had a pipe that was inserted into his mouth and a funnel leading to it. Simon shuddered as it was strapped securely to his head. i tried to hold him and calm him, but was of little comfort. Master ordered me up. Master Blake put "out of order" signs on the urinals to each side of Simon, indicating that the only working urinal was Simon.

"Do me proud, lad" was Master Blake's parting instruction. He left and Master stepped up to the human urinal, pushing me to my knees beside him. He slowly filled Simon's funnel, then gave some nectar to me. Simon struggled a little at first, but quickly got into a rhythm. It was hot.

Next: Chapter 11: Learning to Serve 11

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