Learning to Love

By Mack Thomas

Published on Aug 3, 2023


Lester made his way down the hallway in a hasty fashion as the the last bell would be ringing at any moment. He didn't really know why he was so worried though. As a senior in high school with only one month left towards graduation, his diploma was pretty much in the bag.

As he barreled through the door of his seventh period science class the bell rang, signaling his close call. "Good job Mr.Truman." said Mrs.Holster as she gives him the 'you got very lucky this time' look.

"Still cutting it close I see." His friend of ten year, Leke said. Looking over at his friend with a little smirk Lester gave a slight nod. He heard the giggles of a couple of the girl's sitting closer to the front of the class and gave them a Truman smile.

To be honest the girl's didn't really have a chance with his forest green eyes, and slightly long for a guy his age, chestnut Brown hair. Not to mention that he was no slackers in the physique department.

As the wrestling captain of Wedgwood high for three year's he gained quite the body. With his six pack abs almost looking as if the aren't real, and accompanied his sun kissed skin flawlessly.

Through out all of this he couldn't help but see Leke roll his eyes and shake his head, with a small smile tugging on his lips. In all actuality Lester knew that his buddy was only joking, seeing as though he had nothing to be jealous about.

Leke wasn't an athlete, but he looked very good for a man who didn't work out. His long and slender body was nothing to be slept on, and his height was absolutely impressive.

At 6 foot 4 he was not only one of the tallest kids in his class, being three inches taller than Lester, but in contrasted perfectly with his baby face.

One thing many, including Lester, never let him live down is that even though he's about two weeks away from 18 he still looks like he's a tall 15 year old.

His milk chocolate Brown skin, and beautiful bone structure would've been a big hit with the ladies if he'd been interested. See Leke made no secret that he was gay.

Lester knew and didn't care, besides the fact that he wasn't some homophobic prick, he also liked to experiment with both sexes, and at the moment he also had his eyes set on a specific male.

In the front of the class room completely away from the rest of the students, sitting in his own little world was Levi. Who Lester had been trying to get the attention of for the last couple of months to no avail.

Levi, was a thing a beauty almost resembling that of an angel with his long blonde hair cascading down his petite frame. Standing at only five foot five he easily blended in with the large student body, successfully evading Lester at every turn.

But, today would be different Lester promised as he stalked what was soon to definitely be his prey. He waited silently almost desperately for the teacher to shut up, and the bell to ring so that he could make his move.

As if the heavens heard him and answered his prayers the bell rang and he intercepted the little beauty as he seemed to be flying towards the door.

"Hey, Levi. What's up?" He while placing his arms on both sides of the little man's shoulder effectively pinning him to the lockers right outside of the classroom.

"C...can I help you?" Came the soft timid reply, and Lester bit his bottom lip to keep from crashing his lips onto the young man's right now.

You see Lester was a very dominate young man with a dominant/sadistic side. He loved to beat up on young men before taking them with ferocious passion.

And he had a lot of experience with it as well conquering the quarterback, the swim captain, the basketball captain, the hockey captain, and baseball. He usually liked them bigger so that it was more of a fight, but there was just something so alluring about the little blonde lad.

"Hey, I've been falling behind in English and I need some...tutoring. And since today's Friday I figured you can uh, help me out for the weekend." He said in a suggestive way that left no room for debate.

Lester had done his research on Levi, and he knew that every May his parents went on a month anniversary and seeing as though Levi was 18. He'd definitely be home alone for the entire time.

"I...I guess so." Came his delicate reply. Looking at those passive silver eyes shaking from side to side had him biting his bottom lip so hard that he thought it would bleed.

"Good, I'll be at your house at six. I'll pack an overnight bag." He said before sauntering off leaving Levi wondering as to how he could possibly know his address.

Lester could barely hold his excitement as he rang the doorbell of the unnecessarily large home. For three people to live in, it truly was an over abundance.

The door opened and Lester smiled broadly seeing that Levi had changed into something much more...comfortable. wearing a loose pair of black basketball shorts, and a white tee so small that it looked like a wife beater.

Lester made his way into the home anf Levi showed him around eye's glued to those soft buns. He mostly ignored the timid chatter of Levi in favor of devouring him with his eyes, but when they pass by a large room with nothing but mirrors, a punching bag to the side, and a large black mat he had to ask.

"What's with this room?" He asked and Levi stopped for a moment. "Oh, this is my dad's 'fight' room. It's where he and mom like to handle situations when they can't resolve them any other way."

Lester looked at the young boy in disbelief. "So your dad beats your mom up in here?" He asked a little mortified. He'd beaten up plenty of men, but never a woman. Levi just shrugged. "Sometimes he wins, sometimes she wins. I think the score is 18-12 in my dad's favor."

"Wow, your mom must be one tough chick." Lester commented stepping into the room after Levi and looked around. He noticed something one one of the walls and walked closer to it. On the wall were tally marks in three colors blue, pink, and yellow.

Blue had the most with 18, pink not far behind with 12, and yellow with 7. "Yeah, she is. I've fought her a couple of times and I usually lose. We always handle our disputes in here, and leave it on the mat. I usually lose, but hey how many people can say that they get to swing on there parents." Levi finished, and Lester noticed a change in his speech.

His voice was still soft, but there was no stuttering, and he was speaking with more confidence. The made Lester smile, maybe the boy wouldn't break so easily.

"I'd have never pegged you as a fighter, how about a little sparring session?" He suggested hoping that this entire ordeal went easier than expected.

Levi looked downright nervous, but a part of him did want to see how well he'd fair against an opponent who wouldn't hold back like his parents.

"Um, okay I guess." Levi agreed and Lester couldn't believe his luck. In less than an hour of being in this beautiful man's beautiful home, he was about to claim his beautiful ass.

"Okay, so how about we make this interesting? If you win, you can get whatever you want from me, but if I win I get what I really came over here for from you." Lester commented.

Levi looked initially surprised, but thought on it for a moment before agreeing. What he didn't know was just how truly sadistic his opponent was, but that was quickly going to change.

Lester circled his soon to be prey with such intensity that Levi was convinced that he'd heard growling noises.

Not wanting to wait another moment Lester went on the attack, and before Levi could dodge Lester had him on his stomach and pinned to the floor, using one of his hands to hold both of Levi's down.

Using his right hand he felt up Levi's surprisingly ripped abs. Lester scooted his groin a bit further down his preys back to slowly grind his thick eight inch penis on Levi's soft buns.

Lester didn't know if it were reality, or his imagination, but heard thought that he heard soft moans eliciting from the petite man. Wanting to feel more skin Lester made quick work of removing the boy's tee, but this gave Levi a chance to make it back to his feet.

Lester calmly made his way back to his feet, but twirled his preys tiny tee in his hand for a moment before tossing it to the side. Never losing that Cheshire grin.

Levi, breathing slightly heavy gained another stance and waited for Lester to come at him again. Lester was only too happy to oblige, and Levi quickly found himself in the same exact position. This time losing his shorts and briefs as well.

This time however Lester didn't remove himself and as he lay on top of Levi's naked body grinding his still fully dressed body against him. Still holding his victim captive Lester removed his own shorts to show that he was completely commando.

At this point Lester found all of the mirrors on the wall handy as he let go of Levi's arms and grabbed a wistful of his beautiful mane. He took this time to take his shirt off while still keeping that suggestive pose.

After his shirt was completely removed forcefully pushed Levi's face into the mat leaving the highest point of his body being his ass. Lester lay his entire body down on Levi who was definitely moaning this time with his back arched and ass pushing up against Lester's penis.

Lester was so caught up in looking at the writhing beauty in the mirror that he didn't notice his opponent stop moaning long enough to slip out of his grip.

Before he knew what hit him Levi had made it around him and put him in a choke hold. Lester was completely surprised by the brute strength of Levi that he was actually struggling to break his hold.

Lester managed to make it to his knees in time to gain some control, but he was not able to flip him forward. While grasping for air and quickly losing oxygen he made a desperate decision. He used all his weight and fell at full force onto his back.

The impact had the desired effect as it knocked the wind out of Levi leaving him gasping for air as Lester made his way back to his feet. "BITCH, you're going to pay for that!" He exclaimed while moving with haste towards his writhing opponent.

But once again he underestimated his opponent as he didn't pay attention to Levi's feet, and got his swept form under him. Completely caught off guard Lester's head hit the ground with a thud.

Dazed he rolled onto his back with only for Levi to sit on his chest for a moment before applying a figure 4 lock around his neck. Lester couldn't believe the predicament that he was in.

Not only was he losing his first fight, but he was losing to the smallest kid ever. His humiliation at the hands of the smaller man though were just beginning however, because just before it was lights out for him Levi lightened up with a grin of his own and a few words that sent chills down Lester's spine.

"Oh, no time for sleep now big boy. We've got a long night ahead of us."

Next: Chapter 2

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