Learning to Fly

Published on Sep 26, 2019


Learning to Fly Chapter 9

Learning to Fly

A story by Jesse James (JesseJamesNiftyEmail@Gmail.com) © 2019

Disclaimer: This story, at points, involves sexual acts between minors. If this is illegal wherever you live, please stop reading now. I, nor Nifty, are responsible for any legal ramifications if you continue. You’ve been warned.

I would like to make a special shout out to XPud for helping me with formatting, editing and suggestions as well as being a truly great mentor.

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Chapter 9

I awoke Wednesday morning the happiest I've been in a while. Despite all that's been going wrong lately. Today was my day. I thought. I was 15. Me and Caleb were friends again. Today all my problems can go fuck them themselves.

I sat up in my bed and stretched, glancing over at my clock to see what time it was.

8:09. I said to myself as I stretched out my arms and felt my back pop. Six Flags opens at 10:30 so I better wake up sleepyhead...


I suddenly found myself bent over and planted face down on my bed with a nearly naked Caleb on top of me, laughing evilly as he pinned me down... Wait a tick, a nearly naked Caleb is on top of me? HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! Oh shit, huge erection...

"Caleb what are you doing?" I laughed; despite the fact my dick was now uncomfortably strained against my pajama bottoms.

"Welp, birthday hugs are sooooo last year. This year it gets physical!" he replied goofily, I'm sure grinning like an idiot.

I busted up to that. "What does that even mean!? Do I get, like, birthday sex or something?"

I mean, please?

"Weeeeelllllll, I DO have morning wood..." Caleb teasingly trailed off before he repositioned himself just enough to brush his boner against my leg, nearly causing me to shoot my load.

"Jesus..." I muttered as my dick actually got painfully hard.

"Nope! Just Caleb!" he said with what I’m sure was a shit-eating grin.

There’s no way that just happened. Straight guys don't do that! Right?

"Jesse? You ok down there dude?" Caleb asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"You just brushed your hard on against me," I stated aloud in a bit of disbelief.

"Um yeah, sorry didn’t mean to freak you out there. Just thought it would be a funny way to mess with you I guess. Prrrrooooobably didn’t think that through very well," he explained, still not moving from where he was holding me down though.

He's just messing with me? That... that’s it? What the hell Caleb!?

I was still for a moment longer, wondering exactly how to take that. Then I just laughed and thought, Fuck him, if that's how he wants to act, then I can mess with him too!

"Hmm? What’s so funny?" Caleb asked.

"Can't hold me down forever mofo!" I declared as I pushed my ass back on his crotch, definitely catching him off guard based on the very audible gasp he made.

His grip on me loosened just enough for me to twist out and push Caleb over on his side. I quickly gained the upper hand and went after Caleb's biggest weakness, tickling his sides.

Caleb howled with laughter, tears starting to form in his eyes as I launched my vengeful tickle assault. The racket woke up Phillip, who immediately began barking in excitement and started running around my bed.

"Bet you didn’t see this coming, did you!?" I cackled evilly.

"Jesse!" Caleb managed to get out in between laughs. "Jesse I'ma fucking pee if you don't stop!" he desperately warned me before he resumed laughing.

I mean... Wait, holy shit I'm not that kinky, am I?

That distracted me just long enough for Caleb to manage to push me onto my back and straddle me, catching his breath as he held my arms down by my wrists. I looked down and couldn't help but notice both of our cloth covered erections were millimeters apart from touching, each breath we took causing them to pulse and get dangerously close to actually making that sexual connection.

I felt my face warm up as I looked up into Caleb's beautiful gray eyes, finding them gazing back into mine. We stayed like that for what felt like several minutes, but it was probably no more than 10 or 15 seconds. I noticed Caleb was blushing as well, but his signature goofy grin remained.

"Hey there birthday boy," he said, drawing out the `there'.

"Hey there best friend of the birthday boy." Ok, I know I'm not smooth. Leave me alone.

Caleb just giggled some more though and continued to look into my eyes with a smile.

"What?" I asked with a slightly awkward giggle of my own.

Suddenly Caleb started to lean in, "Jesse..."

Oh god what's happening!?


Is he gonna kiss me!? Oh, please Caleb kiss me. This is DEFCON 1 everybody!



He stopped, hovering just inches away from my lips. Please, just stop torturing me and just do it...

"You to say Uncle."

To say I was deflated was a colossal understatement. My dick agreed, as it near instantly softened. I can only imagine what my face must have looked like, but I bet it looked something like this, $%*&@#!

Caleb, for his part, pulled his head back, cocked it slightly and started grinning like an idiot.

"What?" he asked like he had no idea what he just emotionally put me through (Ok, to be fair, he probably doesn't. But I don't care!).

"You uncle fucker," I said as flatly as my dick now was.

Caleb snickered at that. "Well I guess you did say uncle!"

He then just hopped off me and out of bed and picked up my puppy (Who was still barking excitedly, apparently convinced he was missing out on the funnest thing in the world), holding him and scratching his head.

"I'm hungry," he stated before making a puppy dog face and asked, "Make me breakfast?"

I'm gonna murder this boy in a fit of sexually repressed rage...

"You can make your own damn breakfast!"

"Well that's just rude," Caleb said, feigning shock, but unable to suppress a grin.

Rude!? Me!? After that tease he just pulled!?

But instead of tackling him to the ground and forcing my love upon him, I just narrowed my eyes and pointed at him and said in a throaty voice, "You shut your whore mouth."

"Still a slut and one who wants breakfast! Oooooohhhh!" he said sing-songy, before a sudden realization hit him. "Jordan's an early bird! I bet he will make me breakfast!" he excitedly declared. "Come Phillip!" And with that Caleb took off to head downstairs in search of breakfast, taking my damn dog with him, leaving me to sit alone in my bed to process what the fuck just happened.

I sighed and rubbed my temples, replaying the morning up till now in my mind, trying to make sense of it. Was he trying to send me signals? And if so, is he just too afraid to see them through any further? I guess that could make sense…​ But then again, he already asked me about girls once. Maybe he really is just super playful and it's coming off as him being a tease. Fuck I'm too young to have to deal with this shit...

I got up out of bed still muttering about Caleb being a cock tease, unintentional or not, and made my way downstairs following the sounds of Caleb and Jordan's voices, not to mention the smell of breakfast.

Speaking of which, what the hell is Jordan making? It almost smells like...

"WAFFLES!" I shouted out as I bolted the rest of the way down the stairs and into the kitchen where Caleb was impatiently hovering around Jordan.

"There's the birthday boy!" Jordan announced with a big smile as he ignored Caleb's (playful) pestering.

"Yes. I, Jesse, the birthday boy, have decided to grace both of you with my presence!" I said with a mock regal voice as Jordan smiled and rolled his eyes, as per his usual response to me being over-the-top. "And Caleb," I said as I turned my focus to him, "where is my damn dog!?"

"Oh Phillip? He's eating," Caleb said, gesturing over to the laundry room that adjoins the kitchen, where I saw Phillip chowing down on some dog food. "Unlike me!" he pouted, giving Jordan a look, my brother didn't even bother to acknowledge.

"Alright Mr. Fifteen-year-old! First one is yours! One white cheddar and bacon waffle coming up!" he said as he opened the waffle iron and scooped out my favorite breakfast item and put it on a plate for me. "Butter and syrup are on the table. Enjoy!"

I happily grabbed my plate and stuck my tongue out at Caleb who impatiently crossed his arms and grumbled under his breath.

I sat down and immediately buttered up my food and doused it in Mrs. Butterworth's. By this time my little Phillip had finished doing what I was about to, wolfing down his food, and ran over to me, getting up on his hind legs and placing his front paws on my knee, wagging his tail excitedly. I began scratching him, which he took as me playing with him seeing as he playfully started to bite my hand, while I took a big bite of waffle.

"Fuckin a..." I said through a mouthful of food. Just perfection. Crispy on the outside but light and fluffy on the inside. Yet also hearty thanks to the white cheddar and bacon bits perfectly spread throughout.

Caleb, finally getting his waffle, quickly added his toppings and tore into it like he hadn't eaten in days (he sometimes takes the teenage appetite stereotype to the extreme). He crammed a massive bite into his mouth and said something that was completely unintelligible and a definite affront to the Queen’s English, causing me and Jordan to both give him a confused look and say, "What?"

Caleb rolled his eyes (Yeah, like it's our fault he can't swallow before he talks. Or at least take a smaller bite) and swallowed before repeating himself. "What I said was, `Oh my god this is delicious!'. I mean, seriously Jordan, why aren't you a damn chef!? You cook better than anyone I know and it's not even close!"

"He's right you know," I chimed in before taking another bite. "You could so totally have your own restaurant." I added the last part as I showed Caleb how to properly converse with food in one's mouth. I doubt he paid attention...

"Why thank you guys! That really means a lot," Jordan said with a sincere smile as he sat down with his food. "But honestly I couldn't deal with running a kitchen and putting up with that many strangers' requests I don't give a damn about!" he said with a chuckle before smiling warmly at us and adding, "I just love cooking for the people I care most about."

Me and Caleb returned the smile as we resumed eating the amazing birthday breakfast Jordan had cooked up. Once we finished (after Caleb successfully begging Jordan for a second one; he's such a fatass at heart), we helped Jordan clean up before we raced upstairs to hurry up and get ready to make the almost hour-long drive to Six Flags.

"Alright dude," I began as we got back to my room. "we need to make this quick. You should go and shower first since I showered yesterday after school and I really only need a quick rinse," I suggested to Caleb.

"Hey now! I showered before I came over!" Caleb mock protested.

"Ok I'm sure that's true... Well you take longer! So there! Now just hurry up and get it done!"

"Oh whatever! You spend so much time on your hair sometimes it's unreal!" he countered.

Ok, so he kinda had a point there. What can I say? I like to have well-conditioned, good smelling hair... But it's not all the time!

"Well, yeah, but... not today! Today it's getting minimum treatment!" I declared. Ha! Let's see you give me a comeback to that Caleb!

Caleb lowered his eyes at me and made a face like he was going to say something else but thought better of it and marched off to the bathroom, ranting the entire way. As soon as I saw him enter the bathroom and shut the door, I quickly shut my bedroom door and pushed my pants down, grabbing my hardening dick and began stroking it.

So yeah, confessional time. I actually wanted him to go first so I could take care of the load I had built up from A) not jerking off last night, and B) Caleb's cock teasing horseplay this morning. I let out a happy sigh as I felt the familiar rush of emotions wash over me. Seriously, anyone who claims they don't jerk off is either a fucking liar or is the most ignorant human being on the planet.

I sat my bare ass on the edge of my bed and leaned back slightly, enjoying the sensations of my familiar ritual. As I got more and more into it, I involuntarily placed my arm across my stomach, gripping myself. I quickly picked up the pace of my stroking, not wanting to risk Caleb getting done earlier than normal and catching me. Speaking of Caleb...

"Oh yeah Caleb..." I moaned softly. "Stroke my cock dude. That feels soooooo amazing..."

As you've surely figured, images of Caleb standing in front of me and working my dick with his hand, flashed through my mind.

"Please kiss me dude," I asked this imaginary Caleb.

I fantasized about him giving me his amazing smile. The same one he gives me when we've had a moment like reconciling after a fight. In my mind I see him do that adorable half-smile that’s full of warmth, his head cocked slightly. Then he leans in and presses his lips to mine.

"Fff-uck!" I gasped as I feel my balls let loose and cum shoots out of my dick and coats my hand in stickiness.

I shot several drizzles and then just sat there, catching my breath and enjoying my post-orgasmic high. I knew I didn't have long though; Caleb would be finishing up soon enough, but instead of reaching for a tissue like I usually do, I just looked at my rapidly cooling cum.

"Ah fuck it. If I'm going to be into guys I should just get used to the taste." I reasoned aloud as I proceeded to lick my hand clean. Once I had finished, I pulled my pajama pants back up and gathered my clothes id be changing into after my shower.

My timing worked out great, because only a couple of moments later Caleb reentered my room, looking and smelling amazing.

"Squeaky clean and ready for Six Flags!" He announced. "Why was your door shut by the way?" he asked me curiously before a mischievous look came across his face. "Where you spanking your monkey? You totally were, weren't you!" he playfully accused me.

I blushed slightly, just enough for him to (probably) know he was right, and responded, "I plead the fifth!" I grabbed my clothes and hurried off to the bathroom while Caleb snickered.

The drive to Six Flags was pretty standard for the three of us; me and Caleb dominating the conversation, in this instance discussing what rides we wanted to hit up first and how many times we wanted to ride them, with Jordan interjecting intermittently, usually to just to make fun of us or try and ruin our amazing plan to ride the Titan a dozen times consecutively with his stupid logic. "You'll throw up all over the place and meh meh meh meh meh meh..." Exactly how he sounded too. Kinda.

We got there about 13 minutes before the park opened and, being a weekday during the school year, were able to get some great parking. That being said, it was surprisingly busy still. I'm going to choose to believe they all took today off in honor of my birthday.

After buying tickets to get into the park and Jordan giving into me and Caleb's incessant begging to buy us THE FLASH Pass (because fuck lines. Not worth the risk!), we quickly bolted off into the park and began by hitting up the El Diablo first, enjoying some serious hangtime 100 feet in the air at the climax of the ride, while Jordan began programming times into our pass for other rides throughout the day down on the ground.

From there we slowly snaked our way through the park, hitting up numerous rides such as Runaway Mountain and The Joker (and riding most of them two or three times because me and Caleb are idiots), before taking a lunch break around 1:30. We collectively decided on Bubba's Texas Giant Hot Dogs, since it was near the Titan and the Texas Giant.

I sat down at one of the benches with my oversized frank (Oh, the jokes I could make... wait, how has Caleb or my brother not said something?), smothered in chili and cheese, curly fries and an ice-cold Dr. Pepper and dug in while Caleb did the same to his turkey leg. Jordan sat down once he finished paying for our food and drinks, apparently settling on a chili cheese dog himself (Ok, that explains Jordan’s lack of a joke...).

"Ok, here's the game plan," Caleb began after swallowing a massive bite of smoked poultry. "After lunch we hit up the Titan and ride that bitch `till we are blowing chunks..."

"You two idiots will do no such thing," Jordan interjected, looking back and forth between us with his eyebrows arched slightly. "We went over this in the damn truck!"

"Hey now," I protested, "We wouldn't literally do it until..."

"Yes you absolutely would," Jordan cut me off before taking another bite. Psychic motherfucker...

"Ugh fine. How many times can we ride it before you cut us off, Mom?" I pouted, adding the last bit sarcastically.

Jordan held up two fingers as his answer since he was still chewing his food.

"Just twice!? Ah come on bro! I need to be able to at least get a little queasy!" I argued.

Jordan took a sip of his Dr. Pepper and replied, "Don't push it," shaking his finger as he did.

"Weeellllllll do we get to at least ride the Texas Giant twice right after?" Caleb asked hopefully.

"I'll let you guys ride that one a few times," Jordan said after a moment of pondering, causing me and Caleb to both hiss "yes" and high five. "After you've given yourselves a 20-minute break post Titan."

"Oh come on!" we both groaned simultaneously.

"I am not dealing with a pair of puking teenagers. Neither one of you pays me enough to," Jordan reasoned as he went back to enjoying his food.

"We don't pay you at all!" Caleb exclaimed while pointing his half-eaten turkey leg back and forth between us and then at Jordan.

"Exactly," Jordan replied with a mouthful of food as he wiped some cheese off his chin.

Caleb eyed Jordan as he slowly took another bite of food.

"Ok then. How much to buy your willingness?" He was serious, people. And I was totally on board!

"Yeah Jordan. What's your soul worth these days?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him and taking up a thoughtful pose.

"One month's salary and a chimichanga from Chuy's," Jordan replied without missing a beat. "And a handle of Rum," he added as a quick afterthought.

Caleb nodded thoughtfully. "You drive a hard bargain. I have no counter." He then simply resumed eating the rest of his turkey leg.

"Seriously!? That's it!?" I asked Caleb in disbelief.

"I don't see you making any counteroffers," Caleb pointed out in-between bites.

... Ok, point taken. But dammit you started this! I absolve myself of responsibility! Also, see birthday, mine.

"You win this round, you high-priced bastard," I said to Jordan, refusing to acknowledge Caleb for the next several seconds. That'll show him.

"I never lose a round, baby brother. I merely choose not to win," he said with a smirk as he got up to throw his trash away while Caleb broke out laughing as I frowned and flipped my brother off.

"I love you too, Jesse," he said without even turning around to see me do it. Seriously, psychic motherfucker

"Well I'm done too!" Caleb announced as he jumped up to throw this trash away as well. "I know it's your birthday, but hurry up dude; you're slowing us down!" Caleb said playfully, sticking his tongue out at me as he finished and darted off in the direction of the Titan.

"HEY THAT'S MY THING!" I shouted as I took off after him, dumping my trash on the way out while Jordan hollered at us to slow the hell down and wait for him.

We ran all the way to the line entrance for the Titan began, Caleb breathing hard and me practically dying (Why the fuck did I do that? I hate cardio!), while Jordan jogged up behind us like he had been on a casual stroll (I hate how in shape he is sometimes...), commenting on how he can't take us anywhere.

"Whew!" Caleb breathed out. "Ok now that lunch is worked off let's do this!" he said excitedly as he pointed forward like we couldn't see the giant, 245-foot-tall steel roller coaster right in front of us.

"Caleb your heterosexual life partner needs to catch his breath first," Jordan teased as I continued to catch my breath. Fuck my conditioning really is shit...

"Ah, whew... blow me," was all I felt like saying back, getting a laugh out of Jordan.

"Come on men! Jesse can catch his breath as we cut to the front of the line! ACTIVATE THE FLASH PASS!" Caleb commanded dramatically, pointing his finger up to the sky now like he was some corny superhero for added effect.

"Where did you find this kid, Jesse?" Jordan asked amusedly as he confirmed our time to ride the Titan.

We all headed to the entrance FLASH Pass users got to utilize and cut past most of the line, though we still had about a 10-minute wait before we could get on the ride. We patiently waited our turn and finally made it to ride itself. Me and Caleb heading to the very back car (because everyone knows the most intense roller coaster experience is in the very back), while Jordan simply got in line wherever he determined would allow him to ride the same train as us.

Once we all finally got on (Jordan ended up having to let someone go in front of him to make sure he rode with us), we buckled up and pulled down the safety bar, hearing it lock into place. Me and Caleb looked at each other excitedly as the park employees checked to make sure everyone was properly secured, giving a thumbs up to the operator that it was safe to begin the ride.

We felt the train jerk before it slowly began to leave the station, taking a right turn and heading to the Titan's towering, signature drop. We quickly began to ascend it, though at its height it still took about 45 or 50 seconds to reach the summit. We eagerly put our hands up and awaited the highly anticipated 255-foot drop.

"WE'RE GONNA LIVE FOREVER!" we both screamed out like the couple of idiots we are as we crested and shot downwards at what seemed like a 90 degree angle before quickly dropping into a short, underground tunnel, blasting out the other side and up an incline before cutting to the right rapidly, throwing us against the side of our seat as we screamed in joy. We then hurtled down a series of hills before we twisted through a pair of 540-degree spirals, once again resulting in us being thrown around.

"BRING IT!" I heard Caleb scream out as we hit the first spiral, causing me to scream out in turn,


Suddenly we slowed almost to a halt, causing us to bang off the back of our seats and into the safety bar.


We both laughed as the ride resumed, taking a sharp, angled turn down and to the left and then the right before going into another spiral.

We came out of the spiral and took a couple more fast turns before turning towards the station, the breaks bringing us to a sudden stop, flinging us around again as our joyful screams subsided and the train slowly made its way into the station and docked.

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" we both simultaneously shouted out as got out of our seats.

"We're going again Jordan!" I shouted to my brother as we took off down the exit and back to the ride entrance to enjoy ourselves all over again.

We stayed at Six Flags till about 7:00, hitting up all the rides we wanted before Jordan told us it was time to leave. As much fun as we had been having, we were both pretty exhausted and agreed without protest, much to Jordan's pleasure. We made our way out of the park and to Jordan's truck, both us crawling into the back seat while Jordan silently fired up the engine and turned the radio onto some local sports talk.

We all sat there in tired, but happy, silence as Jordan drove out of the lot and made his way onto a few different roads before finally getting on the highway heading home. I leaned my head against the door and watched the darkened world go by as some guys on the radio argued about the Cowboys playoff chances this year. Suddenly I felt Caleb nudge me. I looked over at him to see what he wanted.

"Happy birthday dude. And thanks for taking me to Six Flags with you. I had a blast like we always do together." He smiled warmly at me at the end.

Aaaaaawwwww! Dammit he says the sweetest things sometimes! And it REALLY makes me hate that he's not shown he's into guys... Oh well, just enjoy the moment Jesse.

"Of course dude. Though, if you remember, I didn't have a choice. If you didn't come Jordan was nixing the whole thing!" I giggled as I playfully referred to our makeup yesterday.

Caleb giggled as well. "Yeah but you still could have been mad at me and said no." Then his face turned serious as he reached over and gripped my hand, causing my heart to stop as I looked him in his eyes, trying desperately to read them for any clue as to what he was thinking and feeling.

"I just want you to know, no matter what happens or how many fights we get into over stupid shit," he made a small smile that I returned, "You really will always be my best friend until the day I die," he told me sincerely, squeezing my hand as he finished.

I felt my heart swell at that. I wanted to say something sincere back, but I couldn't find any words that wouldn't immediately out me to him and my brother. So I simply smiled and squeezed his hand as well.

Caleb apparently was satisfied with my response because he gave me that big old goofy grin I'd fallen so hard for and returned to looking out his own window, though not before letting his hand linger in mine a moment longer before pulling it away slowly, almost reluctantly it seemed.

As his hand left mine I pushed those thoughts from my mind so as not to ruin the moment with my overactive imagination, and looked up towards the front of the car to see what was out in front of us when I caught Jordan looking back at us in the rearview mirror, one eyebrow raised and what seemed like the briefest hint of a smile formed on his lips. But as soon as I caught him, he returned to focusing on driving us home. I in turn quickly looked back out my window, wondering how much of that he saw/heard and what impression it gave him.

And did I see him smile? Or was that just in my head? It would be a great time for him to make some kinda comment...

"I'm glad you two got over whatever it was you were fighting about," Jordan spoke up almost as if on cue, glancing back at me and Caleb, who had also turned his attention to Jordan.

Fucking. Psychic.

"The house honestly felt kind of weird without you there Caleb. You've really become a part of me and Jesse's family," Jordan finished.

Caleb was clearly touched by Jordan's words, and I could see a heartfelt look form on his face.

"Thank you Jordan. Really, that means the world to me. And if I'm being honest, I feel you like you guys are more my family than my own. I love both of you."

I know he meant that platonically, but it still felt awesome to hear. I looked back at Jordan through the rearview mirror, and even though he was focusing on the road, I could clearly see the affectionate smile on his face, and I know Caleb could too.

Now if only I could find a way to say those words back to him in the way I mean them.

Aren't birthdays fun? Big chapter up next! You guys are going to love it (I hope).

Please email me anytime at JesseJamesNiftyEmail@Gmail.com and I'd be more than thrilled to respond to any and all comments, questions and yes, constructive criticism!

 — Jesse

Next: Chapter 10

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