Learning to Fly

Published on Aug 11, 2019


Learning to Fly Chapter 3

Learning to Fly

A story by Jesse James (JesseJamesNiftyEmail@Gmail.com) © 2019

Disclaimer: This story, at points, involves sexual acts between minors. If this is illegal wherever you live, please stop reading now. I, nor Nifty, are responsible for any legal ramifications if you continue. You’ve been warned.

I would like to make a special shout out to XPud for helping me with formatting, editing and suggestions as well as being a truly great mentor.

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Chapter 3

So the next couple weeks proved to be rather uneventful. I settled into a routine for the school year; wake up, breakfast, Jordan taking me and Caleb to school, shitty school, catch the bus home and do any homework (fuck homework), eat dinner and hangout with Caleb (usually).

Caleb hadn't yet received detention from any of his teachers courtesy of his usual antics, consisting primarily of (though not necessarily limited to) arguing about why he shouldn't have to do homework (his argument being that "if it's not important enough to learn in class we shouldn't have to do it"; can't say I disagree) and just being a general goofball. So that was mildly impressive. And yes, both me and Jordan made sure to point that out to him. Hell, Jordan even went as far as to get him a blue ribbon for it. Seriously. He actually went to Party City and bought a blue ribbon and gave it to Caleb.

You know what? I'll fill you in on that. It's great.

It was Monday after school. Since Jordan usually has Mondays off, he offered to pick us up. As we got into his truck, I couldn’t help but notice the sly look on his face, alerting me that something was up.

"Jordan I don't trust that smile. What's going on?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

He just winked at me before turning to look at Caleb.

"So, Caleb, its September now."

Caleb gave him a very confused look as he tried to figure out the importance of that.

"Um, yeah? And?"

"You're also in my truck today. After school. Not in a classroom."

Ohhhhhh. I know where this is going.

"So?" he asked, wrinkling his nose as Jordan's point continued to elude him.

"He's saying you haven’t got detention yet, moron!" I said with a laugh, not wanting him to strain his mind too much.

"Hey! Wait... Hey! You're right!" he exclaimed as realization dawned on him.

Jordan chuckled at him before speaking again, "And to show you just how proud I am of you for pulling that off, here is your very own blue ribbon!" he said in a game show host voice as he grabbed it out from inside his center console and handed it back to Caleb.

I had to fight hard to stifle a laugh, even covering my mouth. Caleb meanwhile just took it from Jordan and looked at it while my brother gave him a playful smirk.

Then he broke out in a huge grin, quickly pinning the ribbon to his shirt and proudly displaying it before breaking out in a little song and dance that consisted of him moving his upper body side to side and shaking imaginary maracas.

"I got a ribbon, I got a ribbon... I got a ribbon, I got a ribbon..." He proudly sang a few times before at the end singing, "And Jesse didn't. Get. Sssshhhhhhiiiiiittttttt!"

"HEY!" I yelled with a laugh as I reached back to swat at him, while Caleb tried to turn and scoot back into his seat to get away from my reach, laughing and using his arm and leg to defend himself from me as he did. Jordan meanwhile was busting up more at us than with us as he put the truck in drive and began driving us home.

So anyway, Where were we? Right! It was about the third week of school when things started to change, and you could argue this story really begins. That Friday began normal enough. I woke up, took care of my morning wood, etc. Criminal Justice class was easier than normal; Mrs. Tate was absent so we spent the class watching CSI: Miami (And by the way, has there ever been a character in the history of television who tries and fails at being a badass more than Horatio Caine? I mean seriously, who dramatically puts on their sunglasses that much!? But I digress). Mrs. Blue was a fucking cunt today. She's a cunt everyday. But today, too.

Skipping over Chemistry because who cares... Lunch! Lunch was nice! I enjoyed a leftover meatball sub from dinner last night that I beat Jordan in a game of rock, paper, scissors to acquire (suck it bro!). Caleb though did bitch up a storm about the turkey burger his mom packed him. Me and Grant actually had to tell him to shut the fuck up before we moved tables. English was enjoyable as usual. Mrs. Price went on a rant about how Hollywood kept botching movies about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Something to do with glossing over the psychoanalysis of the book and instead focusing on "chicks". It was hilarious.

Working my way back to the relevant information, I had been on my way to the bathroom during English class (seeing as my bladder couldn't have bothered me during lunch. Worthless thing. Sometimes.) minding my own business and getting lost in my own little world where everyone knows me and my million bucks and Canada is known as "Canadia" (don't ask). I made my way down the hallway and walked into the bathroom near the western-most back staircase since it was the closest one and instantly regretted it.

Already there were a group of boys. Big ones. The kind with large muscles. First thing I noticed after that was that they were all standing around a much scrawnier boy. He looked like your stereotypical nerd, he was taller than me, maybe six-foot even lanky, and kinda awkward looking. He had wiry glasses with circular lenses, curly red hair and, just because God clearly hated him, freckles.

As soon as I walked in everyone's eyes turned to me. Which is exactly what you want to happen when you suffer from social awkwardness by the way. The bigger boys turned their heads first, a look of alarm across their faces, but as soon as they saw I wasn't a teacher, annoyance. While the nerdy kid looked at me with the briefest look of hope followed quickly by dejection (let's face it, I'm hardly imposing). The biggest of the three immediately confronted me,

"What the fuck do you think you're doin' in here white boy?"

"I uh... just…​ ya know..." I stammered out nervously as I gestured with my head over to the urinal.

"Find another fucking bathroom then and keep this shit to yourself. This your only warning" he said sternly, his eyes glaring at me.

I looked him up and down. To say I was out of my weight class was an understatement. This guy was every bit of 6 foot 2 or 3 and was all muscle. His hair was done in a buzz cut, with some designs I didn’t recognize shaved into the sides, hate filled brown eyes, a broad nose and his complexion was Wesley Snipes dark (God I hope that doesn't come across as racist). He had a pair of diamond stud piercings, wore a tight fighting bright red short-sleeve shirt, designer jeans and a nice pair of I think Air Jordan's? Point being, his parents clearly had money.

But despite his intimidating look, it was painfully obvious they were bullying the other poor kid and even though it didn't seem like they were type of guys who would take kindly to being challenged... Well, you can guess what my dumbass did.

"Hey, I don't know what that kid did, but I doubt it was bad enough to be cornered by three guys way bigger than him in the bathroom. I mean do you really have nothing better to do with your lives?"

Oh, I'm gonna regret that.

And the shock in the scrawny kid's eyes clearly told me he agreed.

The biggest guy’s eyes flared up, and next thing I knew I was doubled over and gasping for air, his fist in my stomach faster than I could process the magnitude of my dumbassery.

My eyes bulged and teared up as I wheezed with what little breath I had left. I fell to my knees and began gasping for breath as the guy stood over me, projecting his immense size and power.

"You done made a huge fuckin' mistake," he declared, his eyes staring swords through me. "I don't know if you're a fag like this piece of shit over here," he pointed with his thumb back to the red haired boy, "but you just fucked yourself. I know your face now. Your ass is mine."

"Yo, Willie," one of the other bullies, a mixed-race guy about 6'1" with a small afro, spoke up. "We better split up and head back to class before someone else comes in. We've been gone a minute."

"Fine," Willie replied as he kept his hateful eyes on me. He then pointed at the one that spoke up. "You head out first," he then pointed at the next one, "then you head out after about 30 seconds. I’ll follow shortly after. Can't be lookin' suspicious." He then returned a venomous gaze to me and the other kid. "I'll deal with both you fags later."

I watched silently as the first guy left, followed shortly by the second and smallest guy. But before he left, Willie turned towards me and did something that chilled me to my bones: he smiled at me. A wicked smile that gave me my first real glimpse into his wicked core.

"You will stay silent about what happened here white boy. You try and snitch, ain't nobody gonna believe you. I can tell from looking at ya that you don't have many friends. You be the quiet type people hardly notice. And I'll find out if you do. Believe me I will. And then what happened here will seem like a friendly pat on the back. Now have a blessed day. Faggot."

He began to turn and leave, but just when I thought the encounter was over, I felt his foot connect with my side, just below my armpit. I yelled out in pain and fell over on my other side, clutching where he kicked me, fresh tears of pain pouring out of my eyes. Fortunately, I heard the door open and shut and knew that fucktard had finally left, but I still lay on dirty bathroom floor while I waited for the worst of the pain and my tears to subside.

"Why did you do that?"

The question honestly startled me. See, while I was busy getting shown my place in the food chain, I had completely forgotten about the nerdy boy. And yes, I realize now Willie had even referenced him a second ago. I had other, painful things on my mind ok?

"Yep!" I winced in pain. "Feeling fan-fucking-tastic here. Thanks for asking!"

To that I received an admittedly world-class eye roll.

"I can clearly tell you are being sarcastic and are in pain. But you should not have done that. You should have just walked away. Now Weathers will make your life just as much of a living hell as mine if not worse," he said more matter-of-fact than sympathetic.

Ungrateful dick…​

"Well I guess I'm sorry then!" I said through another wince as I sat up. Fuck he hits hard.

The kid sighed and rubbed his forehead before replying, "Look, I am grateful you made an attempt to stand up for me, it was just a stupid idea. Willie Weathers is the last person at this school you want to get on the bad side of. He is the captain of the wrestling team as a junior, stupid popular, rich parents, an A student and completely unforgiving to those he dislikes. He has been making my life hell for over a year now."

I looked over at him sympathetically.

"I'm sorry to hear that. But why haven't you told anyone? He can't really be serious that no one will listen."

Up until then he had been mostly stoic, oddly so even, but then he seemed to crack a bit, laughing at my question almost crazily.

"Because he is not lying. I am a literal nobody with no friends and parents who would not give a damn. And teachers? They barely remember I exist. Weathers is basically a god around here. To the faculty he is perfect. And he knows just where to hit you so your bruises can be explained away. And if I did tell someone about it, who would believe me? He would find out and probably fucking kill me. No no no, I will just keep surviving. Maybe your `heroics' will distract him enough to keep the heat off of me. At least for a little while…​"

I groaned before replying, "Fucking great. Just what I was hoping to do. Well, what did you do to piss him off so badly?"

The kid sighed again and contemplated his response for moment. I considered just telling him to forget it before he decided to tell me.

"Like he said, I am a fag ok? He caught me giving a blowjob to a kid I knew from chess club last year and immediately made both of our lives hell. It got so bad that other guy switched schools. I obviously did not have that option. So since then my life has been verbal attacks and harassment if I am lucky and beatings if I am not. I would have been unlucky today had you not walked in. So I guess thanks for that."

Fuck I feel for this kid now...

"I'm, wow, um, I'm sorry to hear all that... I don't really know what else to say, but I don't care if you're gay. If that matters..." I trailed off there. Fuck though, imagine if I am gay and this Willie Weathers guy finds that out. Add something like that to the fact he has it out for me for trying to stand up to him and double fuck...

"I appreciate it. Nice to know not everyone is an uncaring ass I guess," he responded flatly.

I slowly stood up so we were eye level, not sure whether to hold my stomach or my side so I ended up kinda awkwardly holding both.

"You know I'd be ok with being your friend. Everyone should have friends. And since I'm already on Weather’s shit list apparently... well I'm already on it."

The kid was clearly taken aback by this and stammered his response, "Um.. yeah... that would be awesome actually... thanks... what is your name by the way?"

"Jesse. Jesse Koenig," I replied with a smile, accompanied by only a small amount of sharp pain now.

"Cool. I'm Jake…​" he began to introduce himself before we heard the bathroom door swing open and a familiar voice loudly went,

"Jesse! Dude! Stop jacking off already, school is so not the proper place! Oh, and the teacher wants you back... HOLY FUCK, ARE YOU OK!?"

I winced at how loud Caleb asked that. Believe me, I appreciated his concern, but did the whole world really need to be informed? Jake meanwhile looked like a deer in the headlights.

"Yeah I'm fine dude. I just walked in on some bullies and apparently being a good Samaritan can be painful. By the way: Caleb, this is Jake. Jake, this loud mofo is Caleb." I chuckled a little bit at that, but I guess I was still a little sorer than I thought because I winced slightly.

Caleb, completely ignoring my attempt to introduce him to my new friend like the occasional tunnel-visioned moron that he is, rushed over to me and immediately began inspecting me like he was my damn mother — and pestering me with questions like he was, too.

"What happened!?"


Who was it!? Where are they!?"


"I'm gonna find them and kick so much ass..."


His face immediately went blank and he blinked at me a couple of times.

"First, already said what happened, you dork. Second, don't worry about it, and gone... somewhere. Back to class, I don't know. Third, I doubt you could kick my ass; you're definitely not kicking their asses..."

"So it was more than one!?"

"Jesus you're so tunnel visioned sometimes. Fine, yes, happy? Just leave it. It's over, nothing else is gonna happen. So please just leave it and please now say hi to Jake over there!"

I dramatically pointed at Jake as I finished straight up lying to my best friend in the universe. So no, I hadn't forgotten the basically death threat Willie had given me. But there is no fucking way I'm gonna get Caleb involved in this. If he got hurt because of me... nope, not going there.

"Wait who..." he whipped his head around and stared at Jake who was clearly uncomfortable standing there.

"Ummm... hello..." he said with a wave.

"Oh... hey there man. I'm Caleb." He replied and stuck his hand out.

Jake look at Caleb's hand like it was tentacle (Or something. You'd think the guy would know what a handshake was) before slowly, maybe even reluctantly, reaching out and shaking it.

"Yeah... Koenig said that already. You were a little preoccupied though," Jake replied with a glance towards me.

Huh, called me by my last name. That’s different. I thought.

"Oh... yeah... sorry bro, my bad..."

"It’s fine. I am used to being in the background. Anyway, I am going to go back to class like you guys should. We have all been gone way too long."

"Shit, you're right! Hey though, before you go, give me your number," I asked before he could walk out, digging out my phone and typing his name in before handing it to him.

He looked at it for a brief moment, almost as if he was surprised by my request, before putting his number in and apparently texting himself so he could have mine. He then gave a small wave goodbye before leaving me and Caleb alone in the bathroom.

"Ok, so, I feeeeelllllllll like there's a lot more to this than you're telling me..." Caleb speculated as he gave me a rather concerned look.

Fuck me he's gonna try and pry.

"Dude, I promise I told you everything," I lied. Again. "Just don't worry ok? And swear to me you won't say a word about this to anyone. Especially Jordan!" I emphasized the last part.


"Caleb promise me you won't. I swear I will find a way to ignore your ass indefinitely if you do!"

Yeah threats aren't my thing.

Caleb did this weird thing where he sighed while giving me an even more concerned look. But going against what I know was his (admittedly correct) better judgement, he agreed. Very begrudgingly.

"Thanks dude. Just trust me this was a one-time thing," I spoke in forked tongue (always wanted to use that term!).

He merely nodded in response while keeping his concerned look.

"I guess let's get back to class. I'll think of an explanation for why I was gone so long on the way."

With that, we both exited the bathroom and headed back to English where I hoped whatever half-assed explanation I bullshitted would fly with Mrs. Price.

Fuck though, I thought. What potential hell have I gotten myself into?

Ok, so I know this and chapter 2 were shorter chapters, but sometimes that happens right? Promise they will be longer from here on out. Unless they aren’t. Then sorry! But hey, who's not proud of Jesse for putting himself in a bully's crosshairs in order to stand up for someone he's never even seen before? Thanks for reading as always!

Please email me anytime at JesseJamesNiftyEmail@Gmail.com and I'd be more than thrilled to respond to any and all comments, questions and yes, constructive criticism!

 — Jesse

Next: Chapter 4

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