Learning to Fly

Published on Nov 23, 2019


Learning to Fly Chapter 14

Learning to Fly

A story by Jesse James (JesseJamesNiftyEmail@Gmail.com) © 2019

Disclaimer: This story, at points, involves sexual acts between minors. If this is illegal wherever you live, please stop reading now. I, nor Nifty, are responsible for any legal ramifications if you continue. You’ve been warned.

I would like to make a special shout out to XPud for helping me with formatting, editing and suggestions as well as being a truly great mentor.

Support Nifty: Please keep in mind everyone, without the generosity of Nifty, we would not have this wonderful place to share and read the stories we've all come to love. Please donate whatever you can to keep Nifty alive and well!

Chapter 14

We passed out sometime around 2 AM, or, at least, that was time the last I saw it. Whatever, not important. We sadly had to keep the sexy fun and Caleb serenading me with song to a minimum (read: not at all) because his parents got home not too long after midnight, relegating us to gaming and general shenanigans.

I awoke and glanced over to Caleb's old-school clock (you know, the one with the hands on it?), and stared at it for a moment, squinting as I tried to decipher what it was saying.

Goddammit. Only teenager in the world who doesn't have a real clock. Now I actually gotta think about this... I squinted harder. And why the hell can't I see anything?

It then dawned on me: I had actually bothered to remove my contacts last night.

Damn inconvenient things. I grumbled to myself. I need to Google when I can get Lasik...

I spent another couple of minutes fighting my current blindness before finally just deciding it was 10:26. Why that time? Because that was as close as I cared to figure out.

Satisfied with my newfound time-determining powers, I looked upon my boyfriend who was busy snoring next to me, dreaming peacefully. I really wanted to spend the morning just watching him like this, but I knew I had to get home and get ready to hang out with Jake.

I then had an awesome (and sexy) idea to wake him up.

I leaned over and firmly pressed my lips to his and began kissing him. I felt him begin to stir underneath me, unsure what was going on, but his instincts seemed to kick in and he began to return the kiss. His eyes slowly fluttered open, giving me a brief look of surprise before happily getting into the kiss.

"So, that's definitely a way to wake someone up!" he said happily as I ended his wake-up kiss.

I giggled and replied, "Yeah, I thought it sounded fun."

"Well as much as I enjoyed that," he began as he yawned and stretched, "is there a reason you woke me up at the crack of dawn?"

"It's almost 10:30 dork."

Caleb rolled over and looked at his clock, taking a second himself to decipher it (Seriously? Why did he have it!?).

"Jesse it's not even 10:20. Did you take your contacts out?"

"They have been bothering my eyes when I sleep in them lately! And close enough!"

That got a snigger out of Caleb.

"You're so damn blind, dude. But point is, why am I up before lunch?"

"Well I have to get going soon. I'm hanging out with Jake this afternoon."

Caleb's expression immediately changed, giving me a strange look and vibe I wasn't used to from him.

"Oh... that's cool I guess..."

I looked at Caleb curiously, unsure how to take his response and sudden change in demeanor.

"Um yeah, we haven't hung out in a while and he's a cool guy. At least, once you adjust to his quirks," I said, chuckling a bit at the end as some of his quirkiest moments played through my mind.

Caleb continued to give me a strange look as he nodded.

"Is everything... ok...?" I asked, small bits of concern infecting my voice.

"I was just assuming we would spend the entire weekend together. We haven't gotten to see each other outside of school in weeks and all..." he trailed off.

"I'm sorry babe," I said as I snuggled up next to him and kissed his cheek. "But I did already make plans with Jake today. But I'm done being punished and as long as you don't do anything stupid," a small, knowing smile appeared on his face, "we can hang out after school again and next weekend I can be all yours."

Caleb's smile got bigger and he nodded again, turning to give me a quick kiss and replying, "Alright sounds good to me... OH! Hey!"

I was caught off guard by his sudden enthusiasm, but still was able to ask, "Um, yeah?"

"I wanna take you on a date!" he informed me as he grinned enthusiastically.

"A date?"

"Yeah! You know, like what real couples do?" he said with a laugh at the end.

My immediate sappy reaction was for my heart to swell and grin like the love-struck idiot I am. Like, who doesn't want to be told someone wants to take you on a date? But because I am socially awkward and have very clearly established coming out is NOT an option right now, I quickly bit my lip and got a worried look.

"How would we do that though? I'm not ready to come out and you said you don't think it's anyone's business that we are dating."

Caleb pondered that for a brief moment before suddenly snapping his finger as some kind of realization hit him.


"IPIC…​ IPIC... isn't, isn't that the stupid fancy version of Studio Movie Grill?"

"Sure is!" Caleb grinned. "We can do dinner and a movie in one place, we almost certainly won't run into anyone we know, and even if we do, we can easily explain it away, and it's super classy!"

I thought about it for a moment while Caleb sat there grinning proudly.

I have always wanted to go. And he's right, no one we know would likely be there. At least, while we are. This could work! And my first date!

"Well?" Caleb asked.

I looked at him and in lieu of a verbal response, I just smiled and leaned in and kissed him.

"Soooo... that's a yes?" he asked excitedly.

I chuckled at him and nodded.

In response, Caleb gave an excited "Whoop!" and fist pumped. God I love that boy.

"When should I expect my date to call on me?" I inquired in mock drama, as I batted my eyelashes just to play up the cheesiness.

Caleb laughed at the sight of me but replied, "I gotta check movie times, silly, but I'm guessing Saturday sometime around seven?"

"Works for me," I smiled as we kissed again. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to change and put my contacts in.

And because all of you are wondering, yes, I changed in front of him. Yes, he enjoyed the hell out of it. No, we did not have sex again. But we REALLY wanted to.

I made it home around noon-o'clock and immediately beelined for the fridge, eager to discover what kind of delicious leftovers Jordan had stored in there for lunch (plus, I totally missed out on breakfast. I's was hungry!). But, much to my dismay, all I could find was nothing!


"WHAT?" I heard him shout back from his bathroom.



Come again?


"Nope," he answered as he came out into the living room. "I went out to eat last night."

I looked at him suspiciously. "You went out to eat. Without me. As in, by yourself."

Jordan gave a short, suppressed laugh to that before replying coyly, "Never said I went alone."

I repeat; Come again?

"You had a guy's night out with your coworkers? I hope you showered after the strip club." I prayed that was only a joke...

"Good guess. But no. I was on a date."


"With Spivey...?"

Jordan actually snorted at that.

"No, you dumbass. With a member of the female half of the species."

This does not compute.

"Who, wha... How?"

I don't think Jordan had ever been more amused at me than right then.

"You know, big brothers do date. This shouldn't be a `ew, dads date!?' moment!"

...ok. This is a fair point.

"So... was this your first date?"

"Actually, it wasn't. We have been talking for a while now and have managed a couple of dates previously. But I like her and felt pretty confident that she will be around for a while, so I figured it was time you met her."

My eyes opened wide with surprise, partly from the revelation he's been secretly seeing this mystery lady, partly because he wants me to meet her.

"Meet her? When?"

"She's coming over for dinner tonight. Don't worry, I remembered your friend Jake is coming over for a while so dinner will be set for a little later than usual. I told her about eight."

"Um, ok then. So I guess I'm expected to be there?"

"Yes. That is how meeting someone traditionally works."

"Yeah I guess that's cool..."

"Jesse everything ok?" Jordan asked as he started grabbing various items out of the fridge.

"Yeah I'm fine. Sorry, just surprised is all."

"By a sexy beast such as myself hitting the dating scene before I officially `get old' at 30?" Jordan teased as he began making a sandwich.

"Oh my god! Narcissistic much?" I asked with an eye roll, though I couldn't help but smile.

"I know my self-worth," Jordan replied with a cheeky grin.

"Uh huh, sure ya do," I replied back before adding, "So can I get in on that sandwich game?"

Now it was Jordan's turn to roll his eyes. Though, like me, he couldn't hide his smile.

"Sure, lazy bastard."

Despite being obviously playful, "bastard" did come as a small sting. I know I had told Jake, among others, that since I didn't know my parents, I didn't miss them and that Jordan was all I needed, and yeah, that was true, but, doesn't mean I don't wish I had parents. Or, at the very least, had known them. The feeling was fleeting however, and I brushed it aside. Happily grabbing a bag of Doritos and taking a seat at the island, I awaited my sandwich from Jordan.

After finishing lunch and some more small talk with Jordan, I went upstairs and took a quick shower before texting Jake to see if he was on his way. A few moments later I was alerted that someone was endeavoring to contact me telephonically. I quickly glanced at my phone and, sure enough, it was Jake informing me he would be showing up soon. Only, he said it primmer and more proper-like as opposed to me translating it to all you fine peeps in plain English.

I headed downstairs and took a seat in a random chair we had in the front room opposite of the office and waited, alternating between playing Angry Birds on my phone (I still liked it ok?) and glancing out the windows to keep an eye out for Jake.

After a few minutes I saw an older looking navy blue Volvo SUV pull up to the house. I looked at it curiously before I saw the passenger side door open, and I watched as Jake got out and made his way around the front of the vehicle.

I quickly put my phone away and walked to the front door, going ahead and opening it up. I looked at Jake, who gave me the absolute tiniest look of surprise before resuming his standard stoicism. I looked towards the Volvo and into the driver's seat, observing a rather large woman with long, curly red hair.

Definitely his mom. I thought before turning my attention back to Jake. "Hey!" I greeted him cheerfully.

"Afternoon, Jesse."

"You know we are friends, feel free to be a little more casual!" I teased him, welcoming him inside as I did.

"I thought that was casual." Or maybe that was a question? Never really figured that out.

"If you say so, dude," I replied with a smile. "Well, this is mi casa!" I said, gesturing into the house as I did.

"Your place of residence seems... cozy, I suppose," Jake said, studying what he could see.

"Yeah that's a good description! So, I assume that was your mom?"

"Yes it was. She happened to be on her way to work as I was leaving, so she agreed to provide me transportation."

"Well that was nice of her!"

"I believe the more accurate description is it was not inconvenient for her to do so," Jake elaborated.

"Well that seems... harsh," I thought aloud.

"I would not say so. I feel you may be misinterpreting."

I blinked at him before deciding to just drop it and ask, "So... you want a tour?"

"I would like that very much Jesse. And I apologize for not offering the same to you during your visit. But Zoe's presence made that less than ideal," Jake replied, either opting to drop it as well or just not caring enough to explain further.

"Eh, don't worry about it dude. Anyway, if you would kindly look to your right, that is the office. To the left... I don't know what this room is really called. I just usually refer to it as the front, sitting room, place, thing," I said, gesturing to the room I had just been sitting in while Jake silently observed each room.

I turned around and led Jake further into the house. "Now as we move into the world's shortest hallway, to the right is the kitchen and dining room, directly in front of us is the living room, and if you look just beyond that you will notice a back hallway that goes to a bathroom, garage and out back. Which by the way, is where Philip is currently running around!"

Jake looked at me for a second before stating, "You mentioned a `Phillip' at the school the other day but I did not have time to ask more about him. This is a dog I assume?"

"Oh! Right!" I quickly ran to the back door and opened it; in a matter of seconds my little buddy ran inside and excitedly began barking at me, jumping at my legs. I scooped him up and walked back over to Jake.

"Jake meet my puppers, Phillip Herbert Bontemps Jr.!"

"You gave your dog a full name?" Jake... asked, we shall say.

"Um, yeah…​ But look how adorable he is!" I held Phillip up to Jake as I said that.

Phillip began wagging his tail even faster and started sniffing Jake before giving an excited bark.

"Aw! He likes you!"

Jake looked from Phillip to me.

"You will have to excuse me. I am not much of a dog person."

I quickly pulled my pup back and in mock horror and exclaimed, "You're going to hurt his feelings! Little Phillip only knows love from everyone!"

Jake slightly raised an eyebrow and replied, "You will have to accept my sincerest apologies then, Bontemps. I shall give you a fair chance to change my mind then."

"Hey! That's the spirit!" I said, delighted at Jake's playful response while Phillip barked some more at his new friend before I asked, "But Bontemps? Seriously? You're calling the dog by his last name?" finishing with a laugh.

"If you wanted me to refer to him by his first name, you should have neglected to inform me that he had a last name," Jake said slyly.

"Well played, sir!" I laughed again as I put Phillip down and watched as he took off for his food bowl. "Well since I don't know where Jordan is hiding, I suppose we could continue with the tour... and speaking of the devil there he is!" I announced as Jordan made his perfectly timed entrance, walking in from the garage.

My brother immediately stopped and looked at me suspiciously.

"What did I walk into?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to introduce you to Jake," I said as I presented my friend to him.

Jordan immediately focused on Jake, giving him a big smile and introduced himself, "Hello there Jake, Jordan. Jesse here has told me a lot about you. Glad we have finally met. I'll spare you the traditional handshake, I'm assuming it's probably not your thing."

Jake introduced himself as well before adding, "I appreciate you not trying to shake my hand. You are correct in assuming I do not care much for physical contact."

"It's no problem. Someone around here has to be aware of other's preferences," Jordan said as he winked at me, getting a death glare in return.

"I was eight! When I see a puppy, I pet the puppy!"

"You still do that," Jordan pointed out, furthering my annoyance.

"I believe I am out of the proverbial loop," Jake stated.

Jordan immediately looked back at Jake with his "I can't wait to embarrass Jesse" grin.

"Oh so Jesse hasn't told you how we got kicked out of Louisiana..."

"I DID NO SUCH THING AND WE ARE LEAVING!" I exclaimed as stormed off, motioning for Jake to hurry up and follow me.

A visibly confused Jake gave Jordan, who was sniggering at me, a small wave and turned to follow me. Jordan returned the wave and headed into the kitchen to, I assumed, grab a beer.

Once upstairs I showed off my game room, pointed out the bathroom and led him into my bedroom.

"So besides showing off Jordan's bedroom, and I guess I kinda skipped over the kitchen but whatevs, that's my home!" I said proudly.

"You do indeed have a cozy home Jesse. Now, what was this about Louisiana?"

I gave Jake a "really?" face and replied, "There is nothing to tell about that!"

Jake gave me a look.

"Hmm. Because he did make it seem like something interesting..."


Jake blinked at me but remained stoic.

"Ok. I will accept nothing happened. I suppose I should ask how Caleb is doing."

"Oh he's great!" I said before lowering my voice and adding, "We had some more `fun' last night, if you know what I mean."

"By fun, do you mean the kind of a sexual nature?" he asked, a little too loudly.

"Ssshhh! I don't need Jordan hearing that!" I exclaimed in a hushed tone.

"My apologies."

"It's cool. Just, say that shit quietly ok? And yes, it was of the `sexual nature'."

"Did you bottom or top him?"

My eyes opened wide in surprise.

"No!" I quickly shut my bedroom door to ensure privacy. "We just made out and sucked each other off!"

"Saving that I presume?"

"I guess... just, not ready for that."

"Is this another `gay' issue?"

I chuckled at that.

"No no, that's not it. Just the idea of having something up my ass seems... painful."

"It is at first Jesse. But after you have adjusted it is rather pleasurable. I would offer to show you, but I presume you and Caleb are exclusive now."

Ok so, for the record, I'm pretty damn sure that offer was made jokingly.

I smiled and replied, "Yeah, as fun as what we did was, I want Caleb to be the only guy I do stuff with from now on."

"As I presumed, Jesse," Jake said with a small smile.

I gave a small smile back and said, "Thanks again for helping me pull my head out of my ass."

"Of course, Jesse. So what shall we do for entertainment?"

Me and Jake spent the next five or so hours playing video games. When we started I honestly didn't know what to expect from him skill level wise. But he was actually pretty good (and when I say pretty good, I mean he was a lethal sniper. I refuse to this day to believe that was his first time playing an FPS) and we formed an effective team online. But the time came where Jake had to head home, and I had to help Jordan prepare to meet his girlfriend.

After Jake said goodbye to both of us and began his trek home (he refused a ride from Jordan), I was summoned into the kitchen.

"What up bro-tato chip?" I said as I walked into the sight of Jordan fisting a chicken.

"I am making a fancy dinner inspired by something I saw Ina Garten do on TV the other day. But of course, with a twist to make it more my own. I could do this myself, but it would be easier though if you helped; plus it would be nice to spend a little time with you."

"I just spent two whole weeks working with you!"

"Yeah that doesn't count," Jordan smiled. "Ok, now that I've washed and dried, not to mention formally finished molesting, this here chicken, I'm gonna S&P the shit out of this here cavity. While I do so, would you be so kind and cut up those two potatoes into large chunks and see those four lemons right there? Take one, cut the ends off, and then cut it in half horizontally. After that cut one in half vertically, and the remaining two I want cut into wedges. Got it?"

"Ok, first, who the fiddly fuck is Ina Garten?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it. Now don't cut your fingers off!" Jordan said, waving me off to play with sharp objects while he grabbed some salt and pepper.

"Yeah, yeah I can cut shit!" I said as grabbed the butcher knife out of Jordan's super fancy knife block and did as he asked.

"Ok what now?" I asked as I finished.

"Grab a garlic clove and cut that in half. Then give it, the lemon you cut horizontally, and a handful of fresh rosemary and thyme to me."

I did as he asked and watched as he forcibly shoved everything into the chicken. "Ok... Oh! Almost forgot, please turn the oven on and set it for 425 degrees. Thank you bud! Now, please melt two tablespoons of butter in the microwave with two teaspoons of garlic powder and a tablespoon of crushed rosemary. 35 seconds in the microwave should do it. And don't forget to cover it."

I grabbed the stick of butter Jordan had set out and cut a couple tablespoons off and mixed in the garlic powder and crushed rosemary and began microwaving it after I placed a paper towel on it. "Anything else?" I asked.

"Plenty bud! Wanna grab the package of bacon out of the fridge?"

Bacon? Oh this is getting very interesting. I thought excitedly as I got it out. Applewood smoked too. Very nice.

I went ahead and opened it while I watched Jordan tie the chicken's legs together with some kitchen string before transporting it to a greased 9x13 baking dish. As he set it down on its back, I heard the microwave start beeping. I quickly returned to it and got out the melted butter and set it on the counter, removing the paper towel.

I looked up and saw Jordan now holding a little brush thingy which he used to point at the butter. Interpreting him, I grabbed the butter and moved it over to him on the kitchen island. I then just watched as he took the mixture and began to brush about half of it all over the belly of the chicken.

"Hey bud?" Jordan asked without looking up.

"Whatcha need?"

"Grab the coarse sea salt and the pepper mill and S&P this thing before I flip it. …​Ok, perfect! And we are flipping the bird," I rolled my eyes at his cheesy pun but I really loved it, "And now for more butter," he then proceeded to butter the back and sides of the chicken with the remaining butter before I salt and peppered it. "Lookin' good bud! Now, hand me the bacon."

I handed him the pack of bacon and he quickly began laying strips of bacon horizontally across it from end to end, laying the extra couple of pieces vertically. By the time he finished the entire chicken was covered in a beautiful bacon blanket.

"Looks beautiful don't it?" he grinned as I enthusiastically nodded in agreement. "Alrighty then, where are those two remaining garlic cloves... there they are!" He quickly grabbed the cloves and began to break them up, strategically placing the individual pieces of garlic around the pan.

"Now that that's done, I'm going to place those potatoes you cut up and lemons you wedged around the chicken while you, please, grab the bag of baby carrots out and pour them on top of the potatoes around the bird."

I did as he asked and once finished, he asked for the remaining lemon halves which he then squeezed the juice out of all over the carrots and potatoes. Upon finishing, he grabbed the remaining fresh rosemary and thyme and placed them all over the top of the potatoes and stuff. He then asked me to open the oven and placed our future dinner inside, setting the timer for an hour.

"And in an hour we will remove the bacon and let the chicken cook for about 30 more minutes. Give another 10 to cool on the counter, slice that thang up, and we will be having a delicious dinner!" Jordan said excitedly as my mouth began to water at the thought of eating that delicious, bacon-blanketed chicken.

Well an hour passed and we took the chicken out of the oven and removed its bacon blanket, setting the pieces on a plate and placing the chicken back in the oven for 30 more minutes. I was able to steal a piece before Jordan smacked my hand away playfully and set them in the microwave to keep warm.

I grumbled my disapproval as I ate the piece I did manage to nab.


"There she is!" Jordan said excitedly as he hurried for the door.

Aw, I thought. How cute. He's all excited. Young love is a beautiful thing. Wait, does he love her already?

I was taken from my ponderous pondering by the sound of Jordan greeting the mystery lady.

"Hey! Right on time! Let me take your bag for you..." Aw, what a gentleman! "Alright follow me to the kitchen and you can meet Jesse!"

Allright Jesse, this is it. Your gonna meet this succubus that's smitten your brother... and that is not what I was expecting!

As they rounded the corner and into the kitchen I took a good look at her. I don't know exactly what I was expecting, maybe a blonde bombshell? But I was surprised to see a woman of about 5' 9" or 10" with long hair that had been dyed bright red. She had green eyes surrounded by dark purple eyeliner behind a pair of hipster glasses that looked huge on her small, rounded face. She had a slender body with... perky tits? You know what who cares about that. I also couldn’t help but notice she had her left arm all tatted up sleeve style and snake bite piercings. This was far from anything I could have imagined Jordan bringing home.

"Jesse, this is my girlfriend: Charlie Doyle. Charlie, this is brother-son Jesse," Jordan excitedly introduced us.

Hold on, her name is CHARLIE!? Who hated their baby girl!?

I don't remember what look I had on my face but whatever it was, but it was clearly telegraphing my thoughts because Charlie immediately spoke up, "Hey there Jesse! I'm so happy to finally meet you! And don't worry, my parents didn’t hate me. My dad demanded I be named after a truck stop waitress he crushed hard on during is trucker years. Pretty sure my mom wasn't enthusiastic about it, but she went along!" She laughed pretty heartily at the end and stuck her out her hand with brightly dark-red painted nails.

Oh dear god, she’s a mind reader. No wonder men fear females! Oh dear god! I should really fear Rhett then!

"Jesse, this is the part where you say hello back and shake her hand," Jordan loudly whispered, amused at me as per usual.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry. N-nice to meet you too." Why am I so goddamn nervous!?

I reached out and shook her hand, taking note that it had a rougher feeling than you'd expect from looking at her.

"Well that was painful to watch," Jordan commented teasingly.

I just gave him a look and flipped him off.

Charlie loved it and let out another laugh while Jordan smiled and affectionately tousled my hair before saying, "Alright, I'm gonna get the French bread out so I can throw it in the oven for a few minutes and get it nice and warm. You guys wanna set the table?"

"Can do Jordanino!" Charlie chirped.

_Jordanino!? Wait, I can use that later... _

Me and Charlie were able to quickly tag team the table. Two people, three spots, yeah we had that under control. We made some small talk as we did, mostly around how freaking delicious that chicken smelled and how we couldnt wait to eat it.

When Jordan finally pulled it out of the oven it was beautiful. The aroma? Jesus. My mouth was watering so much the National Guard was needed to sandbag the immediate area around me. Seriously, I think I could have flooded the kitchen. The skin looked crispy and golden and all the trimmings were swimming in juices. I'm pretty sure I got an erection. Leave me alone.

"Did you cook that breast-down?" Charlie asked.

"Yes I did! I have a working theory that by doing that, all the juices and flavors I crammed into the cavity will then cook into the breast meat. Which should make it even juicier and flavorful. Now we just gotta let it sit for a few minutes to cool off, and I'll get to the slicing!"

"I have to wait longer!?" I groaned aloud, which got another laugh out of Charlie. Guess she likes me. Wait, of course she likes me. I'm freaking awesome. And go me for the high self-esteem there!

"You demolished a whole bag of Doritos, a loaded sandwich and a package of twinkies at lunch. You can wait a little longer!"

"Damn dude! You have the munchies or something?" Charlie jokingly asked.

"Nooooooo! I'ma growing boy! Now feed me Jordanino," I said while giving my brother a sly look.

"You know, that nickname doesn't bother me. In fact, when I was a little kid, Mom used to call me that."

I was a little taken aback by that. Jordan almost never talks about out parents. Or his childhood. At least, beyond some generalities.

"Aw, really? That's so sweet!" Charlie commented.

"Yeah, really?" I asked quietly.

I guess the same fact dawned on Jordan because a thoughtful look crossed his face.

"Yeah, I thought I had mentioned that before. It did bother me back then though. But now it's cute when Charlie says it." He paused and gave her a smile and a wink. "Ok, bread is done! I'll just pull that out and then I'll get to carving that bird up!" he said as he quickly made himself busy.

I think Charlie noticed something was a little off about that exchange because she had a slightly curious look on her face before asking, "Want me to cut the bread up babe?"

"Yeah that would be awesome babe! Thanks!" he said as she walked up to him and then exchanged a quick peck on the lips.

The sight was enough to distract me from what Jordan revealed. But definitely not enough to forget.

"Oh! Dammit! I totally forgot the wine at home!" Charlie exclaimed as she slapped her forehead.

Jordan chuckled as he began to cut into the chicken, releasing a stream of juices as he did, and said, "I gotcha covered girl. There's a bottle of Pinot Grigio in the fridge."

"You sweet, sweet sonuvabitch! Always covering me!" she said with a smile as she retrieved the large bottle.

Since he was clearly in a good mood, I decided to see just how much I could get away with and asked, "Think I could try a glass?"

Jordan immediately stopped what he was doing and gave me a look that in my mind said, "Your dumbass really has the balls to ask that after the school dance stunt you pulled?"

"Ok, ok question withdrawn!" I quickly said as I threw my hands up and went to grab a Dr. Pepper instead.

We finally all sat down at the table and quickly loaded up on food and tore into it. Me and Jordan are both normally dark meat guys (Except when it comes to Caleb's penis for me. Ay oh!) and I learned Charlie is all about the white meat. But at Jordan's suggestion, we both also grabbed some breast meat and took a bite to see if his cooking theory held up. Spoiler alert: it so did.

"Oh my sweet baby Jesus!" I exclaimed as my eyes rolled back. "This is hands down the best chicken I've ever had!"

"You ain't lying Jesse! Your brother killed it!" Charlie agreed.

"Yep. Totally agree with you guys. Ina Garten can suck it!"

"Who?" Charlie asked, causing me and Jordan to exchange a knowing laugh.

After that we all went silent as we devoured our food like a pack of piranhas. Besides the chicken being insane, the potatoes and carrots were soft and bursting with flavor. For the first time I could remember, the bacon took a back seat to pretty much everything! Except the bread. Because... bread.

"So Jesse," Charlie began as she finished her last bite, "How is school going?"

I swallowed my last savory bite of potato and responded, "Going good. I remain my brother's prize B student."

"That's pretty bitchin'! Any cute girls catching your fancy?"

I immediately froze.

Shit. I was so not ready for that!

I took a quick glance at my brother who had a raised eyebrow, but oddly it was directed at Charlie.

Why would he be looking at her... Screw that give her something!

But before I could come up with anything, Jordan spoke up.

"Aw you promised me you wouldn't put him on the spot! When I told you he gets adorably flustered by that I didn't think you'd try and see for yourself so soon!" He turned and gave me a smile as he said that.

Ok, that seemed weird...

But before I could take that thought any further, Charlie started apologizing.

"Oh my bad dude! Totes forgot!"

I looked at her. "It's cool. People seem to find me getting flustered amusing!" I chuckled a little at the end, but I was beyond relieved that I had avoided that. "So, what do you do for a living?" I asked.

"I manage the Hooters there off of Highway 75!"

Oh my god this woman is awesome. Also, I see why Jordan likes her so much!

"No way! I honestly never imagined a woman running one!"

"Yeah, not whole bunch of us. But more than you think! That's how I met your brother too. Him and his work buddies came in one Friday after work and I was helping cover tables due to a couple of girls calling in sick and I happened to wait on this absolute gentleman! We did some casual flirting and then at the end of the night I decided to be the one with the pair of balls and gave him my number. I think you can see how that turned out," she told me, giving a grinning Jordan a wink as she finished.

"Yeah," Jordan began to add on, "She was smitten by me." He grinned big at her as she playfully rolled her eyes. "I texted her as soon as I got home. We quickly texted up a storm and next thing I knew, I was asking her out on a date. And now here we are!"

"Cool cool, so you live in McKinney?" I asked.

"I do not! I actually live over in Princeton. I have a couple of acres out there for me, the doggos and my chickens."

"You have chickens!?" I asked excitedly. "Wait, that's where you got those farm fresh eggs!" I almost shouted, pointing at Jordan.

"Hey! Look who figured it out!" Jordan laughed.

"Did you enjoy them?" Charlie asked me.

"Definitely the best eggs I ever had!" I happily told her before my eyes opened wide. "Hey... where did this chicken come from?"

The rest of the evening went pretty awesome. The more I talked to Charlie, the more I liked her. And the more I saw why Jordan was dating her. But as it got later, she informed us that she had to go home. Apparently one of her dogs, Titan, was sick and she needed to give him his meds.

Me and Jordan both walked her to the door and said our goodbyes — well, I said goodbye, while Jordan gave her a kiss and hugged her. She returned the hug and offered me a fist bump that I happily returned. We both stood in the doorway and watched as she hopped into her newer looking RAM 1500 pickup, gave us one last wave, and drove off.

"So, I take it you like her?" Jordan asked as he shut the door behind us.

"Yeah. She seems pretty awesome. I'm happy for you bro." And I honestly was. If there was anyone in the world who deserved someone to make them happy, it was Jordan.

"Glad you think so bud," Jordan said as he smiled at me. "Because now that you guys have met, you're gonna start seeing her around."

"I'm cool with that," I told him with a smile of my own as we both entered the kitchen to grab some water.

Don't ask me why it happened now of all times, but as I took a drink of my water, Jordan's comment about our mom calling him "Jordanino" as a kid popped back into my head. I knew it wasn't a very deep reveal about our parents, but I was 15 now... and I knew almost nothing about them. In that moment I decided I wanted that to change.

"Hey Jordan?" I asked as he took a seat in his recliner.

"What's up bud?"

"How come you never wanna tell me about Mom and Dad?"

Jordan looked at me and sighed.

"I knew that was coming eventually," he said as he rubbed his face.


"Jess... There's, there's so much to tell there..." He looked at me, his eyes filled with a sadness I've never seen before. It honestly kinda scared me.

I admit that seeing Jordan that way put a pit in my stomach. Still, I had to know. "Jordan you don't need to tell me why they are gone... But, could I please know who they were?"

Jordan leaned back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling as he appeared to be contemplating my request. Which made no sense to me. I didn't understand what was so hard about telling me who my parents were.

"Jesse, I want to. I really, really do. But I need you to believe me when I say that you're just not ready yet for that."

"What the fuck does that even mean?" I said, a touch of anger sharpening my words. "I am 15! 15, Jordan! What? Where they druggies? Modern day Bonnie and Clyde? Just, tell me! Please?" I begged, a few tears of frustration now starting to fall as my emotional side came through as usual.

"I can't..."

"Jordan, come ON!" I demanded, losing my patience and my cool.

He sat there silently, ignoring my pleas.

"Dude, fuck you! FUCK YOU!" I shouted as clenched my fists, turned and ran up to my room, opening the door to a barking Phillip and flung myself onto my bed and angrily punched my pillow.

I laid there for a minute in anger, letting my tears finish up. I wasn't even sure what kind of tears they were. Didn't really matter though. I then heard a knock on my open door.

"Fuck off Jordan!"

"Jesse, I know you're angry..."

"Oh, do you, Jordan?" I said sarcastically as I looked at him and glared.

I expected him to be pissed at me for my attitude, and I was so prepared to not give a fuck, but instead all I could see was a face full of sadness. Once again, that look threw me off-guard, taking the edge off my anger.

"Yeah, I do, bud. I'm angry too. And the things that make me angry? They are the reasons I can't talk to you about them. I wish I could explain it. You'd think after all these years I would have figured out how. But that's beyond me still, I guess," Jordan stated as scratched the back of his neck.

I sat up in my bed and wiped my eyes and looked at him. I couldn't find anything to say, so I just angrily crossed my arms and waited for him to continue.

"Yeah, you're right to believe mom and dad are…​ gone. I guess I should have just confirmed that to you from the beginning. I just figured it would be easier to let you think they were out there somewhere when you were little."

"Well, I'm not little anymore Jordan. And I don't even know my own parents' names," I said pointedly, but still angrily.

"No, no you're not. But one day I'm going to tell you everything. I SWEAR to you I will. And hopefully then you'll understand why I've kept all this from you."

I sighed in angry frustration. But was caught off guard when Jordan suddenly wrapped me up in a huge bear hug.

"I love you little bro. More than anything in the world. I'm ok with you being angry. You have every right to be. Just please trust me, ok?"

At this point, despite still being angry with him, I accepted that he wasn't going to say anything more about my parents. I didn't return the hug or say anything, but he seemed fine with that as he ended the hug. Giving me a small smile as he turned and left my room. Shutting the door behind him and, in a metaphorical way, ended Sunday night.

Guys I'm sorry chapters are coming out so slow lately. Writer’s block is a bitch. Also life has been busy. Hope you all aren’t too mad at me!

Also, totally try that chicken recipe. It's bomb af!

Please email me anytime at JesseJamesNiftyEmail@Gmail.com and I'd be more than thrilled to respond to any and all comments, questions and yes, constructive criticism!

 — Jesse

Next: Chapter 15

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