Learning to Fly

Published on Oct 29, 2019


Learning to Fly Chapter 13

Learning to Fly

A story by Jesse James (JesseJamesNiftyEmail@Gmail.com) © 2019

Disclaimer: This story, at points, involves sexual acts between minors. If this is illegal wherever you live, please stop reading now. I, nor Nifty, are responsible for any legal ramifications if you continue. You’ve been warned.

I would like to make a special shout out to XPud for helping me with formatting, editing and suggestions as well as being a truly great mentor.

Support Nifty: Please keep in mind everyone, without the generosity of Nifty, we would not have this wonderful place to share and read the stories we've all come to love. Please donate whatever you can to keep Nifty alive and well!

Chapter 13

My two weeks of punishment came and was oh so close to being "went". I'm not gonna say it flew by, because we all damn well know (well, just, take my word for it) it didn't. But at least it didn't drag by either. Unfortunately, Jordan opted to have me work Saturdays despite telling me he would consider letting me off the hook for them. Kinda pissed me off (ok, it REALLY pissed me off), but not like I could do anything about it. Spivey definitely kept me on my toes. Everyday you just knew he was going to find some bizarre thing to say. Otherwise, things had been... steady, I guess.

Since at least some of you are keeping score at home (You know who you are), I have not yet received anymore beat downs from Willie. But there have been several times I've seen him in the hallways and whenever he'd see me, he would make it a point to let me know it. Twice he even got close enough to me to tell me how much he misses spending quality "buddy" time with me.

It's fucking hell. I literally have no idea what he's planning or when, but I just kept hoping that if I kept to my strategy of staying in the busiest hallways and never going to the bathroom during class, I would be able to stay out of harm's way. A few times I had even seen him interacting with teachers, laughing and joking with them as if he was the golden child. It was sickening to see, that visual confirmation that absolutely no one would believe me if I tried to out Willie as the sadistic bully he was.

Rhett meanwhile has continued to sit with us at lunch. Its uh, it's been something. So far Grant has been absorbing most of... all that. Poor guy. I hadn't been completely spared, Rhett made damn sure to remind me she hadn't forgotten about "improving" me, much to Caleb's delight. But then we had this fun little announcement Friday.

"So," she began, briefly pushing her pointer finger up and forward before pulling it back into a little hook right by her boob, "Halloween is in a couple of weeks. G here has probably forgotten to tell you," she shot him a disappointed look. "But I'm having a rad-ass Halloween party. It's a tradition of mine and you two," she pointed at both me and Caleb, her fingers making like a pair of scissors, "are invited. And by invited, I mean expected. You're welcome!"

She looked right at me as she said "expected", so I knew I had a bitter battle ahead with her, and I'm sure Caleb, about going.

"Rhett I really..."

"Ah, ah, ah! No arguing! I have high hopes for you Jesse. You're coming. And if you try and bail on me, I'll hunt you down and drag you to this party!" she affirmed while very aggressively pointing at me.

I just sighed in resignation. I had only known her for two weeks now and I already had a bad feeling I was going to lose this fight. Especially when my boyfriend goes,

"I am so down!"

I love him, but he is ZERO help when it come to me wanting to live my life in peace and quiet.

Oh, and speaking of Caleb, he got grounded. Apparently just getting detention wasn't enough for him and he snapped at his mom when she confronted him about it that night (after our phone call). So he was grounded all through last weekend and I haven't gotten to see him outside of school since we painted each other's tonsils for the first time.

But this weekend we made damn sure to plan out seeing each other.

"So we all good for tomorrow night?" Caleb asked me as Rhett turned her hurricane-force attention back to Grant.

"Yes!" I beamed back, eager as hell to get to spend some quality time alone time with my boy.

Caleb grinned back, every bit as eager as I was for tomorrow night to come.

"So what's the game plan?"

"Ok, so I have my last day of forced labor tomorrow. Shop closes at five. So from there give me an hour-ish to get home, shower, eat dinner and get over to your house..." I paused to calculate that timeline for a second, "Hmm, let's say I'll be at your place by 6:30." I figured.

"Skip dinner; we will order a pizza at my place. So that can move you up closer to six," he countered as if we were negotiating this.

I gave him a little titter (I'd been learning A LOT of new words from Mrs. Price), "I can agree to your demands my good sir!"

We both gave each other an understanding smile and nod as we fist bumped, ironclading our plans in adamantium.

School went by pretty uneventfully; Caleb didn't shoot our plans in the foot by saying something profoundly idiotic to a teacher, I didn't run into Willie AT ALL today, and I even ran into Jake in the hallway on my way to World Geography! Which I share with Rhett...but not important right now!

I noticed him while he was at his locker. Seeing as I had plenty of time until the bell, I quickly made my way over to him and tapped the back of his shoulder. He stiffened, then slowly turned his head to see who it was. Once he saw it was just me, he visibly relaxed.

"Jesse, it is just you. Could you please do me a favor and just announce your presence in the future? I thought you were Weathers at first."

My eyes immediately widened as I realized I had scared him.

`Oh crap! I'm so sorry dude! I didn't even think about that!" I apologized as I silently cursed myself.

"It is fine, Jesse. Did you need something?" he asked, his face returning to its normal stoic look.

"Well, I wouldn't say I need anything, but we haven't hung out since... well since the only time we've hung out," I laughed. "Are you free Sunday at all?"

"You say that as if I have a life," Jake replied wryly.

"I would say you and me both, but I fear between Caleb and Rhett, especially Rhett, I'm going to have one forced upon me," I remarked with and annoyed look.

Jakes face scrunched up slightly in thought.

"Rhett... Rhett..." Hey! A first name! "Is she dating Barkis?"

"Grant? Yeah, she is. How do you know Grant's... Actually, how the hell do you know Grant!?" I asked puzzled.


"Of course, you have Chess Club with Dom." I remembered with a "duh" expression written on my face.

"That I do Jesse. And Sunday sounds good. What time did you wish to meet up, and at what location?"

"How about Sunday afternoon around two? I'll be home from Caleb's by then and why don't you come over this time? You can meet Jordan and little Phillip!" I excitedly offered.

Jake thought this over for a moment before agreeing, saying he would see me Sunday at 2:00. We both said our goodbyes and I hurried off to class, and the rest of the day.

So, moving along to Saturday because I'm sure no one wants to listen to me bitch about gym... well, maybe I'll bitch a little. It's therapeutic ok?

Fuck that fucking fucker in his fucking fat rolls!

Much better. Moving on!

Saturday morning I woke up to my alarm (fucking bullshit by the way, alarms on Saturday), and dragged my ass out of bed. I knew Caleb awaited me that night, and this was my last day, but I still hated having to wake up.

I threw on whatever random clothes I could find and made my way downstairs where Jordan was already up and ready to go (I hate how much of a morning person he is. Unless he's making me breakfast — which he's not!), already having taken care of Phillip for me.

"Ok bud. Last day of punishment. You ready?" he asked as I dragged my ass over to my shoes and put them on.

"God you have no idea. Is this gonna be a cereal morning?"

"Not today!" My ears perked up to this bit of news, "I have a hankering for a honey butter chicken biscuit. You down?"


Yeah, you promise me Whataburger's greatest creation ever, and I'll very quickly be in a good mood.

Jordan laughed amusedly at me as I flew out the door and to his truck, where I began to impatiently pull on the door handle as I looked at him expectantly.

He hit the unlock button on his key and I hurriedly jumped in and buckled up, staring him down as he casually strolled over to the driver's side and got in. He then began whistling a tune as he buckled himself up and began adjusting his mirrors.

You sonuvabitch!

I gave him a look like I wanted to strangle him and he busted up laughing.

"What? Safety first!"

"Safety can suck a dick! I need that biscuit!" I demanded.

Jordan laughed again and finally stopped torturing me, firing up his truck and backing out of the driveway and heading off to deliciousness!

The Whataburger we stopped at was on the way to the shop, about a mile or so down the road. Being a Saturday morning, we didn't get stuck in a long line and were quickly able to get our food and drinks, a Dr. Pepper for me and a coffee for Jordan. We didn't even make it to the shop before I had inhaled my breakfast, hash brown sticks included, and began to thoroughly lick my fingers of all the gooey, honey buttery goodness.

God, if there was just some way I could get Caleb's cum to taste like this. I might seriously just attach myself to that spigot and never leave.

You think I'm joking.

Jordan rolled his eyes at the sight of me as we pulled into the employee parking lot and muttered something about me being a damn thee year old (deal, bro) and tossed some napkins at me as I stuck my tongue out him. Probably proving his point, but whatev's.

We made our way into the shop and to the changing rooms. As we changed, well, more like Jordan changed and me just switching shirts, Spivey burst into the room.

"Jesse! You gonna rip that shirt off and show me some nipples?" he asked... and I think he might be serious this time.

"You know Spivey, ever since Jesse has been up here, you have been ignoring me. I'm starting to think you don't want to rape me anymore!" Jordan joked.

"Oh you know my motto! I'm only gay up to seven inches and you go right past that!" Spivey grinned at my brother, causing me to gag.


"Ah come on Jesse! It's not that weird!" Spivey remarked. "Besides, incest is the game the whole family can play!"

I just stared at his grinning face; my jaw dropped. Jordan meanwhile was doing everything he could not to bust out laughing at both the look at my face and what Spivey had said. I then just turned and walked out and into the bay area, Jordan and Spivey cracking up as I did.

We opened up for business and we were definitely busy. Several cars had pulled up even before we opened shop, waiting for us. Because apparently adults have nothing better to do at 8:00 on a Saturday morning!

The benefit of being busy at least was that lunchtime arrived quickly. Spivey, who is actually a really good boss when he's not being himself, had the shop buy everyone lunch because we had done almost over 30 oil changes by noon.

He gave Jordan a $100 bill outta the cash register and sent both of us to the nearby Chicken Express to grab a massive family meal of chicken tenders, rolls, fries, gravy and a couple gallons of sweet tea. And to get lube for later. Because of course.

We returned 20 minutes later with all the food (no, we did not get lube) and I asked Spivey where he wanted it. Because for some reason it didn't occur to me to just ask my brother. The assistant manager.

"Well Jesse," he began as finished topping off the power steering fluid in a Honda, "now that you've gotten everything we need, you will get to have your first dining experience at my new restaurant; Spivey's Ass Hole!"

"I will eat at no such place," I told him in no uncertain terms.

"Oh come now Jesse! Don't be so closed-minded!" Jordan teased as he walked up behind me carrying the rest of the food (I was carrying the two gallons of tea).

"Oh you think that sounds like fun?" I questioned him.

"Oh it's a great place I'm sure! I heard the service is better than Dick's Last Resort!"

"Oh much better!" Spivey chimed in. "Plus I have a very unique service style. I shove your food up my ass and then feed it to you out of it mama bird style!"

For the second time that day I gagged. I then quickly ran away from that twisted bastard and to the employee lounge upstairs while Jordan followed behind, laughing at my horror.

I managed to make it through the rest of the day without Spivey disturbing me too greatly. When 5:00 finally arrived, I excitedly finished checking the tires on the last car in the bay and hurriedly changed.

Jordan had finished up and changed about a half hour ago but had been assisting Spivey in making some adjustments to work schedules for the coming weeks.

"Just have Korey come in at nine this day and give him an early day the next day. That'll balance out his hours and give us plenty of cover during peak hours." I heard Jordan suggest as I entered the area behind the reception counter. He was standing and leaning forward behind Spivey, who was sitting at a computer.

"Ok I guess that works. What about Dwight's hours? You know he gets pissy when we schedule him under 40," Spivey remarked from his chair, looking up at Jordan.

"He can fucking deal. If he wants more hours, he needs to learn to do his job better. If I have to fix one more leaking plug because his dumbass didn't replace the gasket, I'll fire him myself," Jordan answered as he stood upright and looked over at me.

"Well that didn't take long! Ready to go home for good bud?" Jordan asked.

"Yep! And then to Caleb's for pizza and video games!" I replied, barely able to contain my excitement.

And also to suck his perfect penis. I added mentally.

"Teenagers are so predictable," Jordan said amusedly. "Ok let me just run upstairs and lock up our cash and deposits and straighten the lounge up and we will be off."

I watched as Jordan grabbed the bank bag containing all the money for the cash register and the bank deposits for Monday from of the computer desk and run upstairs, ruffling my hair as he passed, leaving me alone with Spivey.

We both endured (Well, I endured) a moment of silence. Me just waiting for what I was sure to be one of his trademark demented comments.

"You did really good these last few weeks kid," he said as he saved the schedules him and my brother had been working on, turning on his swivel chair to face me.

"T-thanks," I replied, rather surprised at the genuine compliment with no crazed comment I had grown so accustomed to.

"I hope in a year or two when your ready to work for real you'll consider working up here. I'd hire you in an instant. And not because of your brother either. You got good work habits."

He gave me a genuine smile as he said that, causing me to smile in return and reply,

"Yeah, I think I'd like that. You're disturbed as fuck, dude, but it was pretty entertaining. Mostly." Adding a wink as I finished.

Spivey grinned at that, giving me a nod in agreement before telling me, "You've been a good sport, Jesse. Just always remember it's always in jest. Sometimes."

He gave me a wink of his own at the end which I playfully rolled my eyes too.

"Oh and before I forget," he paused as he stood up and reached into his pocket, "I wanted to give you this."

I half expected him to hand me a some kinda sex toy or something crazy like that, but much to my delight he handed me $50.

"What's this for?" I asked him curiously as I grabbed the crisp bills.

"A little bonus. I know your brother has taken your official pay and used it to pay your buddy's mom to Uber you here everyday after school. So I set aside a little something for you to keep. You've earned it, kid."

I looked at the money in my hand and back at Spivey and grinned, quickly stuffing it in my pocket before Jordan confiscated it, and thanked him.

Speaking of my brother, just as I finished doing that, he came back down the stairs and told me it was time to "bust out of this joint" (God he's so old sometimes). We both said goodbye to Spivey and headed out the door and I was finally done with my punishment and could look forward to Caleb's house!

As soon as I got home I quickly let little Phillip out to do his business and I raced upstairs to shower and change, as well as grab my overnight bag. While showering, I made damn sure to pay extra attention to cleaning my dick. No way was I gonna chance some funky smelling junk!

Once I'd finished thoroughly cleaning myself, I wasted no time dressing and threw a spare change of clothes and my toiletries (seriously, who came up with that word?) into my bag. I then quickly went back downstairs with my stuff and let my little buddy back in and played tug-of-war with him using a rope toy while I waited for Jordan to finish his shower.

About 13 minutes later, Jordan's bedroom door opened and he strolled out wearing a pair of sweats, an AC/DC t-shirt, and a pair of Oakley flip-flops. He made his way over to the counter that divided the family room from the kitchen and grabbed his wallet and keys, shoving the former into his pocket.

"Alright kiddo. Let's get you over to your fraternal twin's house."

I picked Phillip up and gave him a gentle goodbye hug before allowing him to "kiss me" by licking my nose. I giggled at him and set him down and followed Jordan to the front door, having to pause to make sure Phillip didn't try and slip out the door with us, much to his dismay.

We were shortly in front of Caleb's house, Jordan reminded me as I got out to have fun and behave myself because, "Lord knows Mrs. Hollingsworth has enough on her hands just dealing with Caleb."

I laughed at that and told him not to worry, I was practically an angel in her eyes still, even after what I did at the dance.

Jordan smiled and waved goodbye as I shut the door and made my way up the steps to Caleb's front door, while my brother headed back home to, I'm sure, throw on a pair of slippers, crack open a few beers, and watch old war movies. Like I said, he's such an old man sometimes.

As I reached the entrance, I was about to hit their Ring doorbell when suddenly the front door flew open and there in front of me stood a grinning Caleb, looking hot as usual wearing a white Dirk Nowitzki jersey with blue numbers, which showed off his sexy shoulders and underarms (in case you didn't notice, I find everything about him sexy) and a matching pair of basketball shorts.

"Hey!" I said with a surprised (but very happy) smile.

"Hey! Been waitin' for ya."

I giggled and replied, "I can see that!"

"Well stop standing out here and get your ass inside! Pizza is on its way!" he informed me excitedly as he gestured me inside.

I quickly made my way inside and Caleb shut the door behind me. He looked down the hall towards the kitchen where I could hear Mrs. Hollingsworth on the phone. Once he confirmed she wasn't in view, he leaned in and pecked my lips.

"You have no idea how bad I want to really kiss you. But it will have to wait until we're upstairs and speaking of which... MOM! JESSE AND ME ARE GOING UPSTAIRS M'KAY?" he shouted over his shoulder, me giggling at his impatience.

He quickly turned and began to make his way up the staircase with me in hot pursuit (and, maybekindasortapossibly, checking out his ass as I did), when his mom shouted back,


Caleb stopped midway up the stairs, head leaning back as he stared at the ceiling in annoyance, while I turned to look towards the entryway into the kitchen, watching as Mrs. Hollingsworth came into view.

"Yes, Mom?" Caleb asked, just a bit exasperated.

"Caleb don't you think for a second I don't hear that tone!" she said threateningly as she eyed her son.

Caleb made a side-eyed annoyed face and grumbled, "Sorry".

"As I was sayin', your daddy will be home soon. And since it's been a coon's age since we've had a proper date night, we are going out. I believe you boys can stay outta trouble for a few hours tonight."

I'm pretty sure both me and Caleb almost let out a snigger when she said that last part.

If by stay out of trouble, you mean suck your son's dick. Then absolutely ma'am! I thought.

"Where you guys going to go?" Caleb asked, his excited grin almost begging to be questioned.

"We are going to have a lovely dinner at St. Martin's down in Dallas. Afterwards we shall meet some friends at Atwater Alley for drinks. I trust you remember the Santana's?"

"Uhhhhh... Wasn't Mr. Santana a client of yours once?" Caleb asked after some thought.

"That he was. Anyway, I won't keep you boys any longer. I'll call you down when the pizza is here."

"When are you guys leaving?" Caleb quickly asked before she turned to leave.

"Hmm? Oh, your daddy should be home any minute now so as soon as he's ready I reckon. I'm going to change now, myself," she answered.

"Ok. Well, were gonna go to my room now!" and with that Caleb took off up the remaining steps, me scrambling to keep up.

We quickly made it into Caleb's room, and he wasted no time shutting the door behind me. As soon as we heard it latch, Caleb pulled me into him and pressed his lips firmly against my own, his tongue aggressively trying to gain entrance to my mouth. I eagerly acquiesced to it, letting him slide into my mouth as I wrapped my arms around him and gave in to his passionate kiss.

We spent the next few minutes like that, swapping spit and moaning into each other's mouths, effectively releasing two weeks' worth of suppressed physical affection.

"You have no idea how much I've been wanting to do that again," Caleb sighed dreamily as we finally broke our kiss.

"Yeah, your telling me. I never could have imagined how amazing kissing someone can be," I admitted.

Caleb smiled at me, looking deep into my eyes as he softly brushed my cheek, making me blush and avert his gaze.

"Hey don't look away," he asked gently. In response I looked back into his steely grey eyes.

"I love your eyes Jess. It's like looking into the sky."

My cheeks were burning now, but I continued to let him look into my eyes. Honestly, he could have asked me to do almost anything right then.

"Yours aren't too bad either."

Yep. Total love guru shit right there Jess.

Caleb gave me an amused grinned, cocking his head slightly.

"I was hoping you'd say they were `boy pretty'," he teased.

I gave a half-suppressed laugh and replied, "You're never going to let me live that down, are you?"


I rolled my eyes playfully before leaning in to kiss my boyfriend softly.

"So what did you wanna do until the pizza gets here?" I asked as I pulled away.

Caleb's eyes lit up at my question and he eagerly responded, "Oh! While I was grounded and was banned from my gaming stuff, I broke my guitar out and began playing with it again. Wanna hear a song?"

Ok, not where I thought that was gonna go. But hey, I do love Caleb's singing voice!

"I'd love that," I smiled.

Caleb excitedly made his way over to his guitar and grabbed it, taking a seat in his swivel chair.

"Ok give a second to tune this thing!" he said as I watched him hit a few strings, biting his lip as he listened intently, adjusting the tightness of the strings as needed. Once he was satisfied, he looked up at me.

"You remember my favorite song?"

"Yeah of course. Acoustic #3," I replied.

Caleb smiled at me; he knew that I knew that, but I guess me verbalizing it was still meaningful to him. I smiled back and nodded for him to go ahead and play for me.

"Well I finally decided to learn how to play it. So I hope it doesn't sound too bad," he nervously chuckled.

His fingers then began to dance along the strings, creating a beautiful, rhythmic sound that was soon followed harmoniously by his voice,

They painted up your secrets

With the lies they told you

And the least they ever gave you

Was the most you ever knew

And I wonder where these dreams go

When the world gets in your way

What’s the point in all this screaming

No one’s listening anyway

Your voice is small and fading

And you hide in here unknown

And your mother loves your father

'Cause she’s got nowhere to go

And she wonders where these dreams go

'Cause the world got in her way

What’s the point ever trying

Nothing’s changing anyway

They press their lips against you

And you love the lies that they say

And I tried so hard to reach you

But you’re falling anyway

And you know I see right through you

'Cause the world gets in your way

What’s the point in all this screaming

You’re not listening anyway.

As he finished up singing and playing the song, laying his guitar across his lap and looked at me.

"Whaddya think?" he asked bashfully.

"Babe that was amazing." And it really was. Had I not known any better, I would have sworn I was listening to a professional cover. He was that good.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah I do. How did you learn to perform that so well? I know you, and you don't put the amount of effort it takes to do that into anything!" I teased.

Caleb let out a laugh.

"Honestly it's weird. Like, I can just hear the songs and almost instantly know how to replicate them. The singing is a little harder, I have to listen to the song a few times to get it all right, but yeah, just kinda comes naturally, I guess," he explained as he shrugged and scratched the back of his neck.

"Have you ever considered that you might be a natural musician?"

"Pssh! Nah! I'm not that good!" he said dismissively.

Yeah not that good my ass.

"Babe, seriously. You owned that song. I think you have a real gift."

He shrugged again.


Ok I'll battle him on this later...

I glanced over at his TV and gestured at it as I looked back at him. He instantly was on the same page as me, setting his guitar down and following me over to the beanbags in front of it. We both plopped down in our usual spots as Caleb gave the command for the Xbox to fire up. As the familiar chime rang out, we each grabbed a controller and waited for the main menu to appear on the screen.

"Whatcha feelin' babe?" Caleb asked me.

"Hmmmmm... What haven't we played in a while..." I muttered to no one in particular. "Wanna play some Madden?"

"Yeah that sounds good! I love easy wins against you," he wisecracked as he selected the latest edition of Madden from his list of games.

"Yeah well I'm feeling lucky tonight," I replied confidently.

"Babe, that's because you know I'm blowing you later."

I just stared at him out of the corner of my eye for a moment.

"... touché."

Caleb just smirked as the game's music started playing and the main menu pulled up. He quickly selected the option to play a single game and the screen changed to show a pair of helmets, one for the Dallas Cowboys (who Caleb would obviously be playing as) and the other for their archrival, the Washington (D.C., not the state) Redskins.

Mmmm... no. not playing as that crappy ass team.

I quickly began scrolling through the teams before on in particular caught my eye. I grinned evilly as I let the helmet linger on the screen long enough for Caleb to catch on to what I was thinking.

"OH HELL NO!" he exclaimed loudly as he glared at me. "In no fucking way are you playing as those cheating ass mother fuckers!"

I cackled at that.

"My god dude, you're just as bad as Jordan is when it comes to your Patriots hate!"

"You. Are. Not. Using. Them." he stipulated, pointing at me as he said each word.

I chuckled as I shook my head in amusement as I began searching through the teams some more before ultimately settling on the Atlanta Falcons, knowing they had the best offense in the game. Caleb then quickly set the quarter length for seven minutes each and started up the match, skipping through the intro animations.

I managed to "win" the opening coin toss and elected to receive, knowing my best chance at beating him was to score early and often since I couldn't play defense to save my life.

You know, maybe I should have chosen the Vikings. At least they have better defenders to help me. Oh well, too late now.

I took the ball out of the endzone on the opening kickoff and managed to make it out to the 29 before one of Caleb's players tackled me.

Ok, good start.

My first drive went well. I never actually bothered to see what plays I was calling, since Caleb could see them as well, instead opting to focus on calling a series of audibles and just rolling with it. After about eight plays I managed to kick a field goal to go up 3-0.

Really wanted a touchdown. But this is better than nothing, I figured.

Unfortunately, my lack of defensive skills or quality players bit me in the ass. Caleb marched right down the field on me and used his stupid talented offensive line and running back to literally ram his way into the endzone for 7-3 lead, leading him to let out a "whoop!"

"Yeah, yeah. Enjoy it while it lasts," I grumbled.

The next drive went better, and faster for me.

First play I managed to gain six yards on a toss to my running back. The next play though, I was able to suck Caleb's defenders in with a fake handoff to the same running back and proceeded to hit my star wide receiver in stride down the field for a 69-yard TD.

"Oh yeah!" I said excited as I pumped my fist.

"Mhm, enjoy that freebie, won't be happening again," Caleb said as he intently focused on the screen.

We traded scores for the entire first half, it ending with Caleb holding on to a 28-24 lead.

The third quarter opened up with him managing to get a 53-yard field goal, increasing his lead to seven points. I then got the ball back for my first possession of the second half. I was able to move the ball as easily as I had earlier, gaining 44 yards on 4 plays. Then disaster struck.

I called a play where my tight end ran across the field. Hoping to squeeze the ball in to him, I quickly pressed the "Y" button to get the pass off fast. Caleb, though, read my mind the entire way. He switched control to a nearby linebacker and managed to jump the pass, intercepting the ball and returning it for a touchdown.

"Dammit!" I shouted in frustration as Caleb taunted me.

The good news was that I got the ball back. I quickly made the most of the silver lining and scored a touchdown, bringing his lead back down to seven points. From there, neither of us was able to stop the other. As we reached the halfway point in the fourth quarter, I was still trailing by seven points and knew I needed to do something desperate if I was to have any chance of beating him.

As I lined up to kick the ball back to him, I quickly audibled to an onside kick. Caleb though knew it was coming and switched to an appropriate play for it. Having no choice, I went through with it anyway.

I kicked the ball up and short, needing it to go 10 yards to be able to gain possession. I watched, though, in horror as the ball floated right towards one of Caleb's players.

Fuck. That's the game right there.

But to my amazement, Caleb opted not to take manual control of the player, instead deciding to just let the computer handle the recovery. Then, in what can only be described as a miracle, the ball somehow bounced off his player and right into the arms of one of mine!

"YES!" I shouted excitedly as I nearly leapt out of my beanbag while Caleb yelled out a series of cuss words.

I wasted no time taking advantage of my insanely good fortune. I drove my offense down the field while an increasingly frustrated Caleb was unable to stop me. Then with about 33 seconds left in the game, I audibled into the same pass play Caleb had intercepted me on earlier. This time though, he failed to predict what I would do, and I found my tight end wide open in the endzone for a touchdown.

"Fuck." I heard Caleb mutter as I prepared for the extra point.

But then I had a crazy idea. I glanced over at Caleb who was bust muttering obscenities to himself, still not over the botched onside kick recovery, and not paying attention. I slyly audibled to a fake attempt and hiked the ball.

As Caleb's defenders did their standard kick defense, my holder suddenly stood up, waiting for my command to throw the ball.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a look of horror come across Caleb's face as he realized what was happening and uttered, "Oh shit."

I then lightly tapped the "X" button and my player tossed the ball over the outstretched hand of the defender Caleb had manually taken control of in a desperate attempt to knock the ball down, and into the waiting hands of my receiver who was standing all alone in the endzone, giving me a one point lead.

"Boom! And that's how you do it!" I celebrated.

"It's not over yet," Caleb reminded me as he stared at the screen determinedly.

I quickly focused back on the game, knowing he was right.

On the ensuing kickoff, I blasted the ball out of the back of the endzone to make sure Caleb couldn't return it, giving him the ball on the 25-yard line. The first play Caleb called was a deep shot down the sideline to his best receiver. Fortunately, I knew his options where limited so I called defenses that would deny him big plays. The pass fell incomplete out of bounds. On second down, he did manage to pick up 11 yards in the middle of the field and quickly called timeout.

Only 11 yards. No biggie, still has to gain a lot more than that to have a shot at a game winning field goal.

With a new set of downs, he attempted a deep crossing pass to a wide receiver. Once again though, I had the appropriate defense called and my defender was able to knock the ball away before it could reach its target.

On the next two plays he attempted plays that would result in gaining big chunks of yards. Both though failed as my defenders had his targets blanketed. Setting up a climatic 4th down with only 17 seconds left on the clock

Ok. Here we go. Nut crunching time. He's got 4th and 10. One more stop and I win!

I quickly called my defense, figuring his only chance was a desperate Hail Mary play, and waited for Caleb to begin the play. As the play clock ticked down to zero, he called a series of audibles, leaving me with no idea as to what he was doing. At the snap of the ball, his quarterback dropped back deep into the pocket. I quickly took manual control of one of my rushers and gave chase, determined to finish him off and claim my victory.

My defender and a couple of others came barreling down upon his QB, victory just within my grasp. Just as I was about to take him down and begin my over-the-top celebration, he tossed the ball into the air.

Oh no...

I looked to where he threw it and my face went pale. There was his star running back and a convoy of blockers standing all alone with no defender within yards. He quickly caught the ball and turned up field, turning on the turbo boosters as his escorts pancaked my overmatched defenders out of the way as they desperately tried to reach the ball carrier.

No, no, no, fucking no!

I let out a groan and threw my controller down in defeat as I watched his ball carrier race untouched down the sideline and dive tauntingly into the endzone and a 59-53 victory. Caleb cackling the entire time.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," I said dejectedly as Caleb attempted to stop laughing.

"Ah! Come on dude! You gave it your all! And isn't that what counts?" he (playfully) mocked as he gave me a shit eating grin.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I hate you."

This just brought out another round of laughter from him that was only interrupted by the sound of Mrs. Hollingsworth hollering,


Me and Caleb both looked at each other and grinned before jumping up and out of the beanbags, racing downstairs to every teenager's primary fuel source. Pizza really does make everything better.

We entered the kitchen, greeted by the delicious sight and smell of two extra-large Brooklyn-style pies, one meat lover's for Caleb (oh, the newfound irony) and one supreme for me, a couple of 2-liters of Dr. Pepper and mozzarella sticks.

"Oh hell yeah!" I said excitedly as I quickly grabbed a rather large stick of deep-fried cheesy goodness and dunked it into the container of marinara, shoving the entre stick into my mouth... Oh my god, it just now occurred to me that my deep throat skills have always been apparent.

While I was busy enjoying that, Caleb was devouring a slice of his pizza. I was surprised he even took the time to fold the slice like they supposedly do in Brooklyn.

"Ah to be a ravenous youth again!" We heard Mr. Hollingsworth chuckle as he entered the kitchen, looking rather sharp in his black suit and tie. "I'd ask if the food was good, but I don't think either of you have taken the time to taste it!"

"Mmm... yah, peeza is...," Caleb paused to swallow a mouthful of food, "Pizza is always great dad!"

Since I have a slightly better set of manners than Caleb and my mouth was also full of pizza, I just looked at his dad and nodded in concurrence.

Mr. Hollingsworth let out a hearty laugh and replied,

"It most certainly is my boy! Well, your mother will be ready to go shortly and then we will be off. We probably won't be back until late tonight. So, if your current provisions don't last you," he glanced down to the rapidly disappearing food, "I have an assortment of chips and dips hidden in the back of the pantry. Don't tell your mother," he let us in on with a smile and a wink.

Best. Dad. Ever.

We both grinned and nodded, happy to be let in on Mr. Hollingsworth's secret stash of snacks, and resumed eating.

"Oh, and Jesse my boy?"

"Hmm?" I said as I took a drink of Dr. Pepper.

"I made sure to hide the liquor. Can't let you have to much fun tonight," he quipped with a grin and another wink.

What the hell!? It happened one time!

As you probably guessed, I blushed in embarrassment and looked away, muttering that I had no idea what he was referring to, while Caleb, who had been in the middle of chugging his drink, snorted a laugh, causing some of his soda to spray out of his nose.

"Chris darlin', are you givin' that sweet thang a hard time?" Mrs. Hollingsworth said as she entered the room while putting on her last diamond earring.

She was dressed in a long, pink dress (I later found out it was because October is apparently titty cancer awareness month) that she honestly looked stunning in (Gay, not blind, remember?).

Mr. Hollingsworth took mock offense to that and replied, "Me? Never!" He then grinned and pecked her on the lips. "Are you ready my southern belle?"

I could hear Caleb's eyeroll as he groaned "God" through another mouthful of food. You know how it is, kids never like to see parents get all lovey-dovey with each other. It's a sickening act in their eyes.

His parents though just ignored his disapproval and Mrs. Hollingsworth confirmed she was ready to head out.

"Ok my boys we are off. Have fun tonight. To the Jaguar, dear."

"Be good y'all two!"

And with that Caleb's parents headed out to the garage and off to their date night.

As soon as we heard the garage door shut behind them, we looked at each other and grinned, knowing exactly what the other was thinking. We made like Olympic sprinters and got to Caleb's room in record time, not even bothering to shut the door behind us as we began vigorously assaulting each other's mouths like the pair of horny teen boys we were.

Caleb then pushed me down onto his bed and peeled his jersey off, revealing his toned upper body and adorable pink nipples. He smiled down at me as he climbed on top of me and resumed kissing me before he began placing smaller kisses all over my face before working his way down to my neck, pausing just long enough to help me take my own shirt off and chuck it across the room.

I felt his tongue trace its way down from my neck and to each of my nipples, Caleb stopping to take each one in his mouth and nibble gently on them, drawing a moan out of me.

"Like that babe?" he asked as he began to softly kiss my stomach.

"Yeah..." I sighed contently.

"I had a feeling," Caleb said slyly as he ground his erection onto mine, causing me to moan again.

From there, he kissed down to my waistline where my khakis stood defiantly in the way of his prize. Wasting no time, he quickly undid the d-ring belt that came with them, followed by the button and zipper. I lifted my ass slightly so he could slide them, and this time my boxers too, off, leaving my throbbing dick exposed and waiting for him.

"It's just as perfect as I remember," Caleb sighed as he looked fondly at it.

I let out a laugh. "It's only been two weeks, not two years, you dork!"

Caleb grinned at me and replied,

"Yeah, but I thought being your boyfriend meant getting to see this amazing thing every day!"

As he said that, he reached out and grasped me by the head, causing me to inhale sharply.

Taking that as his cue, Caleb leaned down and slowly licked the head like it was a lollipop, eliciting a loud moan from me as I gripped his sheets. He sucked my cockhead into his mouth and began to bob up and down on me, gently applying pressure to my shaft with his lip-covered teeth.

Oh thank god for all the porn and sex stories he's paid attention too!

This went on for a couple of minutes before Caleb decided to change up his approach and pulled off, exposing my saliva-covered dick to the chilly AC. I shuddered at the sudden change in temperature and looked down to see what he was doing.

Caleb locked eyes with me and used his tongue to trace the underside of my shaft all the way to my balls, alternatingly taking each one in his mouth and lovingly bathing them in his mouth. I began to squirm as he did this, my moans returning.

"Oh God Caleb that's great!"

He responded by humming with my balls still in his mouth, the vibrations sending a new wave of pleasure through my body.

"Oooooooohhhhhh mmmmmmyyyyyyyyy!" I groaned in pleasure.

Caleb giggled around my balls at that, causing more of the amazing vibrations. Then he returned the favor from last time.

My eyes opened in surprise as I felt his wet finger begin to circle around my puckered hole (I assumed he had been collecting dripping spit from the blowjob). I involuntarily lifted by upper back off the bed slightly, still gripping his sheets hard.

"Yeah? That feel good baby?" Caleb asked as he let my left nut fall out of his mouth.

"Uhhhhhhhh hhhhhuuuuuuhhhhhh..." I moaned as he began to apply more pressure.

Then he gave a firm push and I felt his finger slip in, resulting in a quick, sharp pain. I took a sharp breath and a momentary look of discomfort crossed my face.

"You ok?" asked a concerned Caleb.

I nodded and told him, "Yeah, just never stuck anything up there before."

Caleb gave me a weird look.

"Seriously? Nothing? I've fingered myself a bunch while jacking off."

I gave him my own weird look.

"Really? I didn't know people did that to themselves. Or, at least guys."

Caleb laughed at that.

"My God, Jess, you really are the world's most sexually repressed gay! Just relax and enjoy mkay?"

I leaned back and tried to relax, still not used to having something enter through my exit. Even if it was just a finger.

Caleb then began to slowly push his finger in and out of my hole, twisting it as he did. The slight discomfort quickly turned into pleasure and another series of moans escape my lips. Seeing I was now enjoying it, Caleb leaned forward and took my dick back in his mouth and made like the world's greatest vacuum.

Before too long, I began to feel the familiar sensations of a pending orgasm. My moans began to increase in their frequency and volume, cluing my boyfriend in to my current state and encouraging him to increase his own efforts.

"CALEB!" I moaned loudly as I felt my cock swell and my cum rushed through it, emptying into his mouth as he eagerly began slurping it up. After several seconds, I finally began to come down and my dick became ridiculously sensitive.

"Oooo, ahh!" I said as I gently pushed Caleb off of me.

I felt his finger exit my ass as he looked up at me, a small trail of my cum escaping out the side of his mouth and down his chin.

I giggled and pointed at the same spot on myself. He quickly wiped it up with his finger and stuck it in his mouth.

"Don't wanna waste a drop of this stuff!" he grinned cheekily.

I grinned back at him and propped myself up, noticing for the first time that at some point he had shucked his own shorts and briefs.

"Looks like someone needs some attention!"

"Oh you know it!" Caleb laughed as he grabbed his dick and made it wave at me, drawing out a laugh of my own.

"Lay down, babe, so I can return the favor," I told him as I grabbed his arm and began to pull him down onto the bed. He resisted though and looked at me nervously.

"Hey Jess?" he asked shyly.

"Yeah?" I responded, wondering what was up.

"Do you... do you think I could, maybe, do you?"

I looked at him funnily.

"Caleb you literally just did me."

"No, no. I mean like, do you," he said again, emphasizing the last word and biting his lip nervously.

My eyes opened in a bit of surprise.

"Oh... OH! Ooohhhhh..."

Wait, in the ass? Shit he did ask about that last time. I don't think I'm ready for that! Dammit I didn't agree to it did I!?

"You did say you couldn't wait to try it..." Caleb trailed off.

Fuck me I did. Goddamn post-sex brain! shit how do I _not ruin this..._

"Caleb..." I began, pausing to try and formulate my words. As I did, though, I saw a look of disappointment come across his face as he knew what I was going to say. "No don't feel bad! Please? I, I do want to share that with you but... but just, not yet ok? The finger felt good and all but, I don't know, I just don't feel ready for that." I pointed at his slightly softened dick. "Please don't be upset babe?"

I sat there fearing I had ruined the moment and upset Caleb, all because I had stupidly replied to a comment he made without thinking it through. I mean, in the moment it sounded great. But right now? I really didn't feel ready for that.

"Caleb I'm sorry..." I began before I was surprised by him leaning down and kissing me.

"It's ok," he smiled at me as he broke the kiss and smiled. "I understand. I can wait till you're ready."

God I love my boyfriend.

I quickly pulled him down on top of me and kissed him deeply, which he eagerly returned after getting over the surprise of suddenly laying on me. I then pushed him off me and onto his back and looked into his beautiful grey eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I smiled at him and gave him one last peck on the lips before making my way down to his dick, giving it a few strokes as I eyed it lustfully. I noticed a pearl of precum had appeared at the slit, so I leaned down as licked it off before wrapping my lips around his glans. I heard Caleb sigh as I did so, and wasting no time, I quickly pushed his dick all the way into my throat, reminding him of my own natural talents.

"Oh man that's awesome..." he groaned.

I pulled off of his dick and started licking all over his shaft and head, treating it like a rapidly melting ice cream cone. I played with his balls as I did so, gaining moans of approval as I did.


"What's up?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"Think maybe I could throat fuck you?"

"Is that what you did last time?" I asked, thinking back to how aggressive, and admittedly sexy, Caleb got last time.

"Pretty much, yeah. But I wanna try doing it a little differently. If you don't like it we can stop!" he offered.

"Yeah we can try it out," I agreed.

Least I can do after taking back the anal. Plus, last time was pretty damn hot. I figured.

"Ok cool!" he said excitedly as he sat up and scooted off the bed.

"Alrighty then, here's what I need you to do. Lay on your back and let your head dangle off the edge."

Hmm ok... this is different.

I complied with his request and suddenly I was looking up at my naked Adonis from a whole new perspective. He stepped in front of me and suddenly all I could see where his balls dangling in front of me.

"You know, I always thought you were kinda crazy. But now I see your nuts!" I quipped, giving Caleb a self-satisfied grin.

Caleb cracked up at that.

"You shut your whore mouth!" he laughed as he grabbed his dick and playfully hit my face with it. "I'm trying to do something here!"

I giggled at both the feeling of my first cock-slap and his comments before he asked me to open my mouth wide. I did as he asked and watched as he lined his almost perfectly straight dick up with my mouth.

"Ok, so, I'm going to just push my dick into your throat and start thrusting. If you don't like it or anything, just push me off. Ok?"

I gave him a thumbs-up and relaxed, waiting for him to begin. Caleb then grabbed both sides of my head to steady me and keep my mouth and throat where he needed it and quickly thrust in.

Despite my natural deep throat skills, the new angle and the suddenness of his invasion still was unusual to say the least and I did gag a bit this time. Caleb started to pull out some, but I reached up and grabbed his ass cheeks and held him in place, determined to get used to this for his sake.

"Relax your throat babe and breath through your nose," Caleb advised me.

I quickly did as he suggested, and I quickly got used to taking him from that angle. I took my hands off his ass and gave him another thumbs-up to let him know he was good to continue.

Slowly, Caleb began to gyrate back and forth, pulling his dick back to where only the head was still in my mouth before pushing back into my throat until my chin was resting on his pubic mound. I then closed my lips around him, determined to add to his pleasure.

He began to gradually pick up speed, literally fucking my throat with each thrust. Before long, he was pistoning just like last time, and moaning just as wildly too.

"Ffffuuuuuuccccckkkkkk J-jjjjeeeesssseeeee!"

I felt his hands squeeze my head a little tighter, determined to keep me exactly where I was, and his balls began to slap against my forehead. I responded by pushing my lips as tightly against his cock as I could.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh!" he began repeating over and over.

This went on for several minutes, him loudly enjoying himself while I laid there and gladly took it. Though incredibly thankful his parents were MILES away.

Suddenly, his thrusting got even more intense and I knew he was about to cum.

"OH JESS! OH HERE IT COMES MAN!" he moaned loud as fuck.

I had expected him to attempt to drown me with his load, but he surprised me by yanking his dick out of my mouth and began furiously beating it off before finally exploded all over my neck and chest.

I laid there and looked up at Caleb, well, Caleb's junk really, listening to him breath deeply as he recovered from his orgasm. I felt his cum on my neck and chest begin to cool and, wanting to clean it up before it dried, I began to sit up, only to be stopped by Caleb.

"Can I do one more thing?" he asked, I assumed looking down at me (his balls still in my face, not that I was complaining. Beautiful things.).

"Sure, why not?" I said nonchalantly, just enjoying the view.

Caleb then stepped over to the side (Oh hey, where ya going?) and kneeled down next to me, taking a couple of his fingers and scooping up some of his cum and bringing it up to his lips and tasting some as he looked at me and grinned.

"A chef should always taste his meal to make sure it's suitable to be served!"

I laughed so hard at the sheer stupidity of the statement I actually almost fell off his bed, causing Caleb to start laughing as well.

Once we finally managed to collect ourselves Caleb brought the remaining cum to my lips. I accepted his offering and let him stick his fingers into my mouth, letting me suck them clean.

"Mmmm! Hats off to the chef! What do you call this delicious dish?"

"I call my signature homemade dish Crème de la penis!" he announced in a terribly cheesy French accent.

We both just looked at each other, both trying to hold in another round of laughter, me not wanted to give him the satisfaction of laughing at another terrible joke, him not wanted to laugh at his own joke first. We both failed though, dissolving into laughter, neither of us sure who ultimately cracked first.

As our laughter died down and our sides starting to ache, we slowly got up and searched for our undergarments and put them back on. We both just stood there for a moment, unsure what to do next. I thought about suggesting a shower, like we had done the last time, but I was feeling particularly lazy and really didn't want to leave the room.

Caleb, though, apparently did have an idea.

I watched him as he walked over and grabbed his guitar and took a seat in his chair, spinning to look at me as I sat back down on his bed.

"So remember when I said I wanted to sing you a song earlier?"

"Well, actually you just asked if I wanted to hear a song. You didn't say you wanted to sing me one," I jokingly reminded him.

He a look of deep thought crossed his face for a moment.

"Oh, I guess I did. Well, point is, I wanted to sing you a song. Like, for you. And I couldn't do that with the `rents home. So, I just sang one. Now that we are alone, I can. Soooooo... may I?"

Yeah, I totally got all warm and fuzzy on the inside from that.

I gave him a warm smile and said, "I'd love that babe."

He smiled back at me and began playing,

I woke up with a fear this morning

But I can taste you on the tip of my tongue

Alarm without no warning

You’re by my side and we’ve got smoke in our lungs

Last night we were way up, kissing in the back of the cab

And then you say, "Love, baby, let’s go back to my flat"

And when we wake up, never had a feeling like that

I got a reason, so man, put that record on again

I don’t want to hear sad songs anymore

I only want to hear love songs

I found my heart up in this place tonight

Don’t want to sing mad songs anymore

Only want to sing your song

'Cause your song’s got me feeling like I’m

I’m in love, I’m in love, I’m in love

Yeah, you know, your song’s got me feeling like I’m

No fear but I think I’m falling

I’m not proud

But I’m usually the type of boy that would hit and run

No risk so I think I’m all in

When I kiss your lips, feel my heartbeat thump

And now we’re way up, dancing on the roof of the house

And then we make love, right there on your best friend’s couch

And then you say, "Love, this is what it’s all about"

So keep on kissing my mouth and put that record on again

I don’t want to hear sad songs anymore

I only want to hear love songs

I found my heart up in this place tonight

Don’t want to sing mad songs anymore

Only want to sing your song

'Cause your song’s got me feeling like I’m

I’m in love, I’m in love, I’m in love

I’m in love, I’m in love, I’m in love

I’m in love, I’m in love, I’m in love

Yeah, you know, your song’s got me feeling like I’m

I don’t want to hear sad songs anymore

I only want to hear love songs

I found my heart up in this place tonight

I don’t want to sing mad songs anymore

I only want to sing your song

'Cause your song’s got me feeling like I’m

I don’t want to hear sad songs anymore

I only want to hear love songs

I found my heart up in this place tonight

Don’t want to sing mad songs anymore

Only want to sing your song

'Cause your song’s got me feeling like I’m

I’m in love, I’m in love, I’m in love (I’m in love)

I’m in love, I’m in love, I’m in love

I’m in love, I’m in love, I’m in love (I’m in love)

Yeah, you know, your song’s got me feeling like I’m...

As he finished the song, I felt my eyes water and I made a little whine. If you've never had someone sing a song to you, it's one of the most touching things that anyone could ever do for you.

"So, was that as `amazing' as earlier?" he asked hopefully.

"Jesus babe, that was the most amazing thing ever! I swear, if that had been any sweeter, you'd have given me diabetes!"

Caleb laughed and rolled his eyes playfully at me for a change.

"Sttttooooopppppp!" he whined, though I knew he was really enjoying the praise.

"Not tell my future Rockstar boyfriend how good he is? Puh-leez!"

Caleb smiled bashfully at that.

"Future Rockstar huh? I kinda like that idea."

"Good!" I said as I grinned at him. "Now play your boyfriend another song!"

And he did, and another after that, as I just sat back and just enjoyed the fact I was lucky enough to get to spend most of the rest of the evening experiencing his amazing gift.

Hey guys sorry for the delay! Adulting ya know? Hope the boys' little escapade together made it worth the wait!

Please email me anytime at JesseJamesNiftyEmail@Gmail.com and I'd be more than thrilled to respond to any and all comments, questions and yes, constructive criticism!

 — Jesse

Next: Chapter 14

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