Learning to Fly

Published on Oct 15, 2019


Learning to Fly

Learning to Fly

A story by Jesse James (JesseJamesNiftyEmail@Gmail.com) © 2019

Disclaimer: This story, at points, involves sexual acts between minors. If this is illegal wherever you live, please stop reading now. I, nor Nifty, are responsible for any legal ramifications if you continue. You’ve been warned.

I would like to make a special shout out to XPud for helping me with formatting, editing and suggestions as well as being a truly great mentor.

Support Nifty: Please keep in mind everyone, without the generosity of Nifty, we would not have this wonderful place to share and read the stories we've all come to love. Please donate whatever you can to keep Nifty alive and well!

Chapter 12

So, working sucks. Let's just establish this fact right now. I was just over an hour into my first day of punishment and vacuuming out cars and checking tires is tedious and boring as fuck. I was legit getting why Jordan didn't ground me now. This was so much worse.

Whelpers, I should probably cover what happened in my little time jump. After Jake told me the Willie had beaten him up again and had told him to let me know he's on to me now, I spent all day Sunday hiding upstairs fearing the coming of Monday as well as texting Caleb. Jordan was doing some odd jobs around the house so my absence wasn't noticed, or at least written off as me just wanting to have a down low Sunday. Which actually would be pretty normal for me... I guess now that I think about it, I wasn't acting all that weird. Man I had no life...

Moving on! Monday came and I tried to fake sick. I even went as far as to hold a washcloth soaked in hot water against my forehead to simulate a fever! But Jordan, being the stupid smart bastard that he is, saw right through it and I'm sure assumed I was trying to get out of my punishment. He did commend me on my creativity though.

I took the bus to school since Jordan had to head straight to work to get started on some mechanical job, apparently a couple of employees had vacation this week so he was picking up a shit ton of overtime today, so no Caleb until school. The bus ride was meh, nothing overly exciting to report there.

I arrived at school and cautiously made my way into the cafeteria, carefully looking around for any sign of Willie while doing my best to blend into the crowd. I successfully ninja’d my way into the breakfast line and grabbed myself a slice of breakfast pizza and a chocolate milk before heading down into the mid-level seating area of the cafeteria, opting for a seat at the far end and away from the main hallway where I figured I'd more likely be spotted by the forces of evil.

About half of the table was already filled by random students, which normally would be something I'd avoid. But I figured it would help me blend in more so, being the lesser of two evils or something like that, I sat down at the very end of the rectangular table, up against the brick barrier the divided the upper and mid-levels.

I took a bite out of my pizza and began to chew before I heard my new text notification go off.

"Excuse me sir, but it appears someone is endeavoring to contact you telephonically. Shall I tell them to fuck off?" it said in an old British butler voice.

Yeah, so, I found that last night on the Zedge app as I was laying in bed waiting to fall asleep. As you can imagine I was absolutely tickled by this and had to download it.

I gave a half-smile as I amusedly pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked to see who messaged me. It was the boyfriend.

"Hey babe! :-) just got 2 school. Where you at?"

I smiled broadly at reading that. Reading him calling me "babe" made me absolutely giddy inside (I was love-drunk so shut it).

I quickly texted back my approximate location and began looking out for him. After a minute or so, I saw him make his way into the cafeteria from the bus entrance, scanning the room for me. I quickly flagged him down and, upon seeing me, he broke into that big grin I loved so much and picked up his pace as he made his way over to me, hopping the barrier and sitting down directly across from me.

"Well hello there mister. Mind if I pop a squat?"

"Pop a squat? Seriously?" I chuckled, taking a drink of my leche (Look at those mad Spanish skills!).

"I say what I say. Don't be hatin'," he defended himself in a mock diva voice, causing me to laugh more.

"You're a fucking idiot!"

Feigning offense to that he replied, "I'll have you know, I am at the top of my class when it comes to barely passing classes!"

I gave him his first of what would surely be many eye rolls (playful or otherwise) of the day, polished off my breakfast and then downed my milk.

"Aaahhhh!" I said with a satisfied tone.

"Glad my Jess is satisfied," Caleb said, though not too loudly. "You wanna head to class?"

I smiled at him before taking what I made look like a casual look around, in reality carefully looking for my tormentor. Not seeing any sign of him, I turned back and nodded at Caleb. We then both got up and made our way to Criminal Justice.

Outside of the usual highs and lows of class, the morning went pretty standard. Lunch time though was different. After grabbing a burger and some BBQ chips from the line, I made my way to our usual table and was surprised to see Grant already there with Rhett sitting right next to him.

Didn't know she had our lunch, I said to myself.

I sat down across from the two of them and said hi.

"Hey man, how you doing? You recover ok from the dance?"

Oh shit! I had forgotten all about that! Somehow. Christ, I must have looked so pathetic to them…​

I felt my face flush as I looked down to avoid looking at them, letting a few strands of my hair fall in front of my face.

"Y-yeah, I survived. Hangovers, like, suck though. Do not recommend!" I joked half-heartedly, mostly for my benefit.

"Glad to hear man," Grant replied as he took a sip of his Pepsi.

"I'm glad to hear you're ok too, but boy, it's not a weekend without a hangover!" Rhett declared.

I immediately looked up at her in a mixture of confusion and curiosity.


"Jesse, if we are going to be friends, I'm going to have to get you used to alcohol. I've already got to loosen up G over here," she gestured at Grant with her thumb, "so I suppose making you less awkward will be part of this. Caleb, though, seems promising..." She trailed off as she looked away in thought.

Grant was clearly just as taken aback by this as me.

"Wait hold on, you've got to loosen ME up?"

Rhett turned to face him, giving him a look like his question was somehow outlandish.

"G, I like you a lot. But if you're going to handle all this," she gestured at herself with both hands, "You are going to have to become a bit more outgoing. But fortunately I have high hopes for you," she said... reassuringly? while shaking her finger in the air. I was quickly noticing she loves to talk with her hands.

"Hey now, what do you mean by awkward!?" I asked, taking my turn to wonder aloud what the fuck was happening.

"Jesse, Jesse, Jesse. Clearly you are a sweetheart but if you don't know you're awkward, then I got more work to do on you than I thought. Don't worry though, you're adorably awkward. Girls will like that. Just need to get you out of that shell of yours just a teensy bit," she informed, diagnosed, aura read, whatever the fuck she's doing, me. Making a squishy face and holding her index and thumb finger close together to signify just how "teensy".

I stared at her, absolutely dumbstruck. And just then Caleb finally arrived at the table.

"Hey guys!" he said cheerfully before giving me a curious look as he sat down. "Why does Jesse look like someone just explained to him where babies come from?"

"Caleb! So glad you're here!" she said excitedly as she rapidly clapped her hands, though her fingers did most of the moving

Caleb quickly turned his focus to her and grinned.

"I love being wanted! What can I do for ya?"

"I have work to do on these two," she rapidly swayed her finger back and forth between me and Grant, "And I think you'll be the perfect help. You seem like a fun, outgoing person. In fact, G here tells me you're the one who forced Jesse to attend Friday's dance. Correct?"

"Why yes I am! And yes I did! Jesse can be so awkward and reclusive sometimes. So, I try and force him out of that shell of his from time to time. Also, G? I love it! How did I not think of that nickname!?" Caleb said proudly, loving what he was taking as praise.

Oh god no.

"Oh this is fantastic," she said mischievously as she clicked her bright, differently-colored nails together repeatedly. "We shall be working together, you and I."

Oh the fuck no! They are not teaming up on me!

"Um, Rhett? Maybe we should slow this down a bit..." Grant tried to reason before Rhett waved him off.

"Oh don't worry about it. Time is money. Jesse, I'll get back to you. First things first, I need to work on G." And with that, Rhett turned her sole focus on Grant, barraging him with questions and comments while it was all he could do to bewilderedly keep up.

I slowly took a bite of my burger, wondering what in the fuck just happened and seriously considering changing my name and moving to a new planet while Caleb watched Rhett in amused fascination.

"I love her!" Caleb said as he leaned over towards me slightly, not taking his eyes off her and Grant.

"I'm warning you right now, I am sooooooo not down with you guys trying to `fix' me," I glared at him. "I mean what the fuck ba... I, uh, mean dude!"

Damn that was close. Gotta remember to watch what I say around Caleb when we're in public.

I don't think Caleb even noticed my almost slip up, or if he did, he just let it go, because he immediately pshaw'd me.

"Oh, come on Jess! I think you'll end up enjoying life a little more with an attack helicopter like that!" he giggled as he gestured at Rhett, who was still explaining very animatedly all the came with "this" to Grant and what felt like the tip of the iceberg of her expectations. Grant by the way had the most perfect, picture in the dictionary look of "what the hell did I get myself into?" on his face.

"Yeah because the dance was an absolute blast," I muttered and took another bite of my burger.

I wonder if Phillip would like burgers. Bet he'd love them. Perfect birthday and holiday treat for him. I mused momentarily.

"You sir can blame yourself for what happened at the dance," Caleb reminded me with a small smirk. "Besides, I'd say the end result was totally worth it."

He quickly gave me a small, affectionate smile. Just long enough for me to see it but not too long that Hurricane Rhett might see it and have a bombardment of questions that would make an artillery commander proud.

I returned the smile just as quickly, and from there, me and Caleb chatted idly. Or at least when we could seeing as how much Caleb was loving watching Rhett.

Following lunch though, Caleb finally did it. He got detention. We were sitting in English class, listening to Mrs. Price go into background info on the next book we would be covering, The Canterbury Tales. Caleb apparently had no interest in learning anything about it, so he decided to preoccupy himself by doodling in his notebook, which Mrs. Price was quick to notice.

"Well Caleb, I didn't realize I was teaching art class now too. I'll give your stick figures a solid C- though," she said sarcastically with her slight lisp.

Well, it was nice while it lasted... I thought, knowing full well what was coming next.

"Well I'm glad to see your art appreciation skills are light years ahead of your English teaching skills," Caleb retorted, pretty much instinctually.

Mrs. Price raised an eyebrow at him while the rest of the class broke out in a classic series of "Ooooooohhhhhh!" and "Oh snap!".

"Is that so, Mr. Hollingsworth?"

"Uh, yeah. Don't even know why we have to waste our time with this shit anyway. Clearly I already speak perfectly good English!"

As soon as he said that I audibly slapped my forehead and shook my head, causing some people near me to glance over while others around the class started to giggle, what exactly at probably depended on the individual.

Mrs. Price just looked at Caleb like he was the world's biggest dumbass. And I didn't blame her. If I was to power rank the dumbest shit Caleb's ever said, that would be up there.

"Caleb, everything about what you just said disturbs me. We will spend the afternoon discussing just how much so. I'll see you in here after school."

Caleb opened his mouth to retaliate, because god bless him, he just couldn't help himself, but Mrs. Price quickly shut him down.

"Say one more word and Vice Principal Adams will be told to expect a visitor for the remainder of the day."

Caleb immediately shut his mouth. As dumb as he sometimes was, he definitely knew he didn't want to get sent there. Vice Principal Adams was a mountain of a black man, he was even taller than Jordan! He also had a massive build. I'm like, 99.9% sure he played in the NFL before. Even though he was genuinely a pretty chill dude who loved all the students, he was widely known around the school as the hard-ass principle when it came time for discipline and was not afraid to drop the hammer.

But yeah, Caleb finally ended his personal best streak of not getting detention.

English went on without a hitch for the rest of the period, minus Caleb sitting in his chair and visibly stewing in anger. As per usual, nothing eventful happened in any of my other classes between English and gym. Gym wasn't even that bad. Or maybe I'm just getting used to it. Either way nothing exciting there. Caleb was clearly still in a bad mood though; he wore an absolute scowl the entire time. I guess it had a nice side benefit though, because I didn't feel the urge to check him out as he changed.

Speaking of changing, as soon as we changed back into our school clothes after gym had finished and pretty much everyone else had cleared out, I approached Caleb as he was tying his shoes.

"So want me to break the news to your mom?"

"Huh? About what?"

Jesus this boy...

"Um, detention?"

"Oh, fuck. Yeah, that's right."

"You seriously forgot!? Then what was that fucking scowl you've had been for!?" I demanded to know.

"'Cuz Mrs. Price is a bitch," he answered with a hint of annoyance directed towards her.

I gave him a look that screamed, "Seriously?".

Caleb got an annoyed look on his face like he wanted to say something smart to me but relented.

"Ugh, fine she's not a bitch. I had it coming. Happy?" he grumbled.

"I'll be happy when stop getting yourself grounded for no reason for good," I told him, smiling at the end though at his brief moment of maturity.

Caleb gave a small smile back as he stood up and grabbed his backpack. "Hey now, you knew what came with all this," he dramatically gestured at himself with both hands, mocking Rhett from earlier, "when you signed up."

I cracked up as he did that.

"You're an idiot!" I told him for the second time that day before I looked around to make sure we were alone, or at least, there was no one close enough to hear me and leaned in closer to him, "But I guess you're my idiot. And yeah, I knew but I gladly signed up anyway," I whispered, giving him a loving smile.

Caleb returned the smile and for the briefest of moments looked as if he was about to lean in and kiss me, before thankfully thinking better of it. Couldn't be too careful at school.

"Alright, I better get this over with. I'll let you know how going down on Mrs. Price went! Gotta get back in her good graces somehow!"

"Blargh!" I made a dramatic vomiting sound in response, getting a few looks from the remaining stragglers in the locker room (See? Caution is good!). "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I asked incredulously. That boy never ceases to amaze me with what he says and does.

Now it was Caleb's turn to crack up.

"God that was great. If you could have just seen your face right, then!"

"I hate you," I said flatly, my eyes narrowed at him.

"You'll one-eighty that later!" he called out over his shoulder as he headed toward the door. "I'll text you later!"

"Hey you still never answered my question!" I called out after him as I made my own way to the door and followed him onto the hallway. "Do you want me to tell your mom?"

"Oh yeah! You tell her! She will take it better from you!" he said as he rounded the corner back into the school's main hallway and waved goodbye.

I waved back and headed down the rest of the athletic hallway towards the exit and headed towards the outside. As I was though, it occurred to me I hadn't seen Jake at all today.

Man I hope he's ok. I wonder if he had to miss school today to recover from whatever Willie did?

The thought put a knot in my stomach. Jake had told me that had happened before, and I knew personally that Willie could bring the pain.

Then again, it's not like its uncommon for me to not see him around. We don't share any classes or anything and he is a grade ahead...

As I reached the exit by the school pool, I decided I'd just text him when I got home to see how he was doing, deciding in the meantime that I would just assume I had just missed him. Ignorance is bliss kinda thing. Besides, I figured he might be in chess club or something right then so he may not even be able to respond right away.

I opened the door and stepped outside. I began searching for Mrs. Hollingsworth's SUV but didn't see it anywhere as I walked towards the pickup lane. I stopped and stood for a moment, wondering where she was, when suddenly I heard a very loud engine rev up and a purple Mustang GT drove up, slowing to a turtle-like pace about 15 feet away from me. As it began to pass by, the blacked-out passenger window rolled down, revealing Willie in the front seat. He locked eyes with me and gave me haunting smile, filled with evil intent.

I realize I was in front of a public school in broad daylight, with dozens of witnesses around to testify if Willie had actually tried to do anything, but in the moment, I was still terrified. Because to me, none of that mattered, Willie was capable of doing anything. There were no consequences for him.

I felt myself begin to tremble, my feet frozen in place as he lifted two of his fingers and gestured that he had his eyes on me. Then he laughed, knowing his goal of psychological torture had been accomplished, and drove off towards the main pick up area, stopping to let his usual two cronies in, and finally leaving.

Knowing I was safe, for now at least, I sighed and looked up to the sky and mouthed "thank you" and almost checked to make sure I hadn't peed myself.

I stood around for a few more minutes, letting myself calm down while still looking for my ride, praying Mrs. Hollingsworth would hurry up and show. Finally, I heard a horn honk. I looked to my left and saw a familiar Cadillac pulling up. I wasted no time hurrying over to it and hopped into the front seat.

"Jesse darlin'! How are ya and where is my baby?" Mrs. Hollingsworth asked as soon as I shut the door.

I smiled meekly at her and replied, "He got detention today ma'am. Finally happened!"

She sighed at that.

"Well I suppose I should be thankful that boy made it this long. But you meanwhile look as pale as the dickens! Is everythin' ok child?" she asked worriedly, giving me a once-over.

"Yeah! All good! Just, didn't sleep well last night I guess," I quickly explained away.

She nodded, giving me the same look Caleb gives me when he doesn't necessarily believe what I've told him, but is willing to accept it, and began to leave the pickup lane. Once we made it onto the road that ran perpendicular to the west side of the school, turning right and towards the main artery that ran right in front of the student parking lot, she spoke up again, thankfully changing the subject.

"Well despite your lack of good moral judgement when it came to your choice of drank," she gave me a knowing smile and glance, "I do hope you had some fun at the dance."

"Caleb told you about that huh?" I stated more than asked, looking down with an embarrassed half-smile as I felt my face receive some color.

"Oh baby of course he did! You really think I did not ask why your brother needed me to take your behind to his shop after school for the next couple weeks?

"Yeah I guess he would have had to tell you that," I reasoned as I scratched the back of my neck. "I guess I'm no longer the `good one' huh?"

"Sweet thang do not even go there! Of course I'm disappointed in you, but all teenagers do stupid thangs. Lord knows Caleb's daddy did!" she said as she got a twinkle in her eye. "And if we are keeping count, your butt has a long way to go to catch Caleb's in the `bad boy' department!" she pointed out as she turned onto the road that would intersect with the highway Jordan's shop was located off of before continuing,

"But believe you me, I don't expect even you to be a perfect little angel, child. Neither of you boys are plain baked potatoes. No, you are a fully loaded baked potato, Jesse James Koenig. But maybe with different toppin's than my wild child!" she laughed, causing me to laugh as well, at both at her point and the ridiculously Southern way that she made it. Giving me a much-needed pick-me up as she drove me to Jordan's shop.

So now that we've managed to circle our way back, time to tell you about work!

I arrived in front of the large, light-red-bricked building, thanking Mrs. Hollingsworth for the ride as I grabbed my backpack and hopped out. As soon as I shut the door, she made a U-turn in the huge driveway that leads up to the entrances for the shop's four large garage doors. It had eight bays total, divided into four rows, one for each door, with another four doors at the other end serving primarily as exits. The first two rows served as the service bays where they did oil changes and general car maintenance. There was a massive pit underneath them where they had a guy or two who would drain oil from the vehicles and change the filter and was where I learned they kept the tanks that held the bulk oil and waste.

Next to those, they had a wash bay and a bay with an alignment machine. Lastly, they had an inspection bay and a bay featuring a lift. That's where Jordan was, lifting what looked like a blue Mitsubishi up so he could get underneath it. Just past him was a large storage room where they kept filters, flush kits and Jordan's tools. There was also a large, very nice waiting area and reception desk on the other side of the service bays where customers could relax and watch TV while their cars were being taken care of.

Maybe I'll get lucky and I can be a secretary or something. I hoped, despite knowing damn well I would never be that lucky.

And then, because Rhett wasn't enough of a huge personality today,

"Jesse! Is that you? Well shove a stick up my ass and call me a corndog! How the hell are you?"


I whipped my head around to see Jordan's boss (His name is pronounced Spy-vee, by the way.) come strolling out of the door to the office area behind the receptionist's desk, grinning like a Cheshire cat and reaching his arm out.

Oh this can only mean good things. Either Jordan has given him a long list of things for me to do or he's about to molest me. Or maybe both.

Well, he only offered me a fist bump. No grabbing my junk ala Michael Jackson.

So it appears no getting molested. Yet.

I returned the fist bump and smiled at his white-as-fuck greeting.

"I'm doing good sir."

"Well good then! Let's go find out what your brother has in store for you. Wanna hold hands?"

I laughed at his antics and told him I'm good before following him across the shop and over to my brother.

As we got close to him, he suddenly let out a yelp from underneath the car he was working on and we heard something clang off something else and my brother shout out,


Apparently this fine Japanese car is being insolent.

"Need me to rub some of my cream on that burn?" Spivey asked with a grin while I let out a laugh.

Jordan ducked down under the frame of the car, stepping out from underneath it and turned to face us both.

"Spivey, as flattering as that is, you're not rubbing any cream on me, yours or otherwise," Jordan replied with an amused smile as he rubbed the back of his hand, apparently where he must have burned himself.

"Your loss!" Spivey said with his Spivey giggle, which I'd love to explain to you, but I really don't know how to. Just know it's an incredibly unique noise that only he could make.

Jordan then turned to face me.

"Ah you’re finally here. How was school?"

"It was school," I replied with a shrug, before quickly adding, "Caleb finally got detention though!"

Jordan chuckled and shook his head.

"Well, all good things must come to an end, I suppose. So, you ready to get to work?"

"You don't even want to know what he did?" I asked, trying to delay the inevitable.

"He started doing something that wasn't in the lesson plan and the teacher called him out on it and he gave a smartass reply which was followed by another smartass reply in response to whatever the teacher responded back with. Am I right?"

I blinked at him a couple of times in surprise.

"Y-yeah. That's pretty much exactly what happened. How did you..."

"I know that boy too well," he remarked with a knowing smile. "Well let's get you to work, shall we? Your job around here for the next couple of weeks is to basically be shop bitch," he smirked.

"Well that just seems degrading," I told him pointedly.

Jordan immediately raised an eyebrow at me.

"Buuuutttttttt I had it coming so let's get this punishment started!" I said with mock enthusiasm.

"That's better," Jordan replied before turning back to Spivey. "If you don't mind, I gotta finish doing these brakes. Take him to the changing room, there's a black t-shirt in my cubby for him to wear. I'm sure it won't be hard for you or someone else to teach him how to be a proper courtesy tech."

"Ten-four good buddy!" Spivey said with an enthusiastic thumbs up before turning and saying, "Come Jesse! You and your luscious boy loins can follow me to my love making lounge!"

As he said that I gave him a "what the fuck?" look and turned and gave the same look to Jordan who gave Spivey his own raised eyebrow and asked,

"Spivey, did you just say my brother has `luscious boy loins'?"

Spivey turned to look at Jordan, smiling and giving him a long, slow nod.

"I did, I did."

Jordan laughed and turned back to the car he was working on.

"Carry on then. Jesse have fun in Spivey's love making lounge!"

"What!? You're seriously gonna let me get possibly molested!?"

"Oh you'll be fine! Probably," Jordan said casually as he waved me off, now looking up into the brake pads without the slightest regard for my safety and well-being.

I shook my head in disbelief as I turned around and followed Spivey to the break room and walked in. And no, I wasn't molested. For all of his perverseness and joking, Spivey is straight. He doesn't have any concept of a line, but he likes women.* (* the previous statement may prove to be untrue.)

He pointed out Jordan's cubby, and sure enough, there was a black t-shirt in there in my size that had the shop logo on it just above where my upper right pec would be, if I had pecs. I took off my grey long sleeve shirt and slipped it on. Fortunately, being Texas, late September/early October still featured nice weather so short sleeves would be fine.

I headed back out to the service bays where Spivey was opening the hood of a car and checking its oil level. He beckoned me over.

"Ok Jesse, courtesy bitch time!" he smiled as he placed the dipstick back in its tube.

"What do I got to do?" I asked, resigned to the suckiness.

"See that air hose over there?" he asked, pointing at a device that was resting on a hook that had been drilled into the oil gun rack.

"Yeah," I confirmed.

"Just take it and insert it onto the valve stems for each tire," he explained as he pointed at one, "And tell me what the PSI reading is. I'll tell you what to set it at. Just squeeze the lever on the handle to add air."

I grabbed the air hose and did as he said.

"29," I told him as I checked the first one.

"Ok, add air until it says 35. That's about perfect on a car this size. Do that for all of them."

I followed his instructions and pretty quickly had all the tires at about 35 psi. Spivey nodded in approval as he finished adding to the vehicle's coolant overflow, and then pointed at a vacuum hose attached to a large drum hanging from the ceiling.

"That's the vacuum for bays one and three. Just turn it on and vacuum out the front two seats as best you can."

So that's basically all that I did for the few hours I was there. That and I was shown how to clean up any messes that got made in the service bays. Occasionally Spivey or one of the guys would ask me to top a fluid off for them, making sure to show me what fluid goes where and how to know how much to add. Towards the end of the day I was tasked with going into the waiting room and straightening it out before I swept it up and used the shop's Swiffer WetJet to clean the floors. I felt like fucking Consuela from Family Guy. And funny enough, they even had lemon Pledge!

Oh, and speaking of Family Guy,

"Oh Jesse!" I heard Spivey call out like Herbert the Pervert does when he's calling for his dog... Jesse.

"Yes Spivey?" I answered hesitantly, not trusting at all his intentions for summoning me.

"Get your tight little ass over here so you can help me with a lube job!"

I sighed as a couple of the guys near me chuckled, causing my face to redden slightly. I walked over to Spivey, eyeing him suspiciously the entire way.

"Ok... what do you need?"

"We need to top off this here car's," he patted one of the headlights lovingly, "blinker fluid! But I'm fresh out! Be a good little piece of jailbait and fetch some more for me?" he requested with a grin.

"Ok, sure," I told him. "Where can I find some?"

"It'll be in the storage area just past where your brother is. You should be able to find it easy. If not, ask him for help."

I nodded and headed to where he told me the stuff was, flipping him off along the way after he catcalled me.

I walked into the open-door room and spent the next several minutes searching the shelves in vain.

"Blinker fluid... blinker fluid... where the fuck is the blinker fluid?" I wondered aloud in frustration.

"Jesse, what are you looking for in here?" I heard Jordan ask as he stepped into the entryway.

"Where in God's name is the blinker fluid?" I asked. "Spivey needs some."

As I asked that, Jordan got a highly amused smirk on his face as he raised an eyebrow.


I felt myself turn beet-red as I knew Spivey had gotten me. I could see him on the other side of the shop, slapping his knee as he laughed his ass off.

So as I stated earlier, this sucks. I wanna fuckin' play video games.

The other guys around the shop were alright, though none of them really stood out so I'll spare you the details about them.

6 o'clock finally arrived, and as soon as I finished doing the courtesy on the last car, I quickly went to the break room and changed back into the shirt I arrived in. Jordan strolled in right behind me; he had finished up his work about 20 minutes ago and had spent the remaining time helping Spivey with closing duties. He quickly stripped out of his uniform and grabbed his regular clothes out of his cubby, putting them on as he whistled a tune I didn't recognize.

I stood there impatiently, watching him take his sweet-ass time to change. I even crossed my arms and began tapping my foot, hoping I could mentally force him to change faster.

Change faster! Change, faster! Change... Faster... Changefaster!

And then he finished changing. Cue me blowing on my fingers because I totally made that happen.

"Alright bud let's get out of here before Spivey tries and roofie us," Jordan joked as he pulled his keys out.

But is it a joke...?

We walked out of the breakroom and through the service bays, Jordan saying goodbye to his coworkers while I shyly waved, before walking out to the employee parking lot and into Jordan's truck.

He fired it up and quickly backed up out of his spot before shifting into drive and heading for the busy highway that the shop was on, making a right turn after waiting for several cars to pass.

"You did good today. Spivey told me you picked up everything quickly and did your tasks correctly," Jordan complimented me.

"Yeah it wasn't too hard. But I definitely see why you had me do this instead of grounding me."

Jordan smiled at that as he checked his blind spot before switching lanes.

"Yeah being courtesy bitch sucks. So I figured doing that without getting to keep your pay would be a sufficient punishment. Don't worry though, two weeks will be over before you know it."

I nodded and sat there in silence for a moment. Then I happened to look over at his hands on the steering wheel and saw the burn mark he had gotten earlier when I first arrived.

"So what happened on that car that caused you to burn yourself?"

"Hmm? Oh this?" he glanced down at his hand as he turned it to give me a better look at it, "I was checking out a leak on that car while doing the brakes and I wasn't paying attention and got too close to the exhaust and you heard what happened next," he chuckled.

"If you were doing brakes on it why were you even checking out a random leak?" I asked curiously.

"Because I noticed it. Figured while I was underneath it, I should check it out and see if it was anything serious so I could inform the customer."

"Was it anything serious?"

"Nah. At least for now. I still let them know about so they can keep an eye on it in case it gets worse and does need to be fixed though."

"So it turned out to be nothing serious and you got your hand burned for your troubles? Was just doing the brakes not good enough?" I asked a bit perplexed.

Jordan glanced over at me for a brief second before resuming focusing on the road.

"Wise words of wisdom bud: Good enough is not the same as doing a good job. Doing a good job is doing your best job."

I rolled my eyes at his hokiness and replied, "Ok there, Confucius."

"You'll learn one day. I have faith," he said with a smile as he reached over and ruffled my hair. "Now, what sounds good for dinner?"

We stopped at Raising Cane's for dinner on the way home. We both ordered our usual, a six-piece box with fries and extra toast instead of coleslaw and a large lemonade to drink. I was so hungry I devoured my food before we even made it back to the house! I don't know how they make that damn dipping sauce, but I swear I could almost drink it by the gallon. In fact, I think I might wanna lick it off Caleb's... I'll just leave that there.

Speaking of Caleb, as soon as we got home and I took care of Phillip, I raced up to my room so I could call him and ask how his day went, plopping down on my bed as my phone began ringing.

"Hey there cutie," he answered after the fourth ring. I could hear his smile through the phone.

"Hey there yourself sexy," I replied with a giggle, enjoying the newness of all of this, even if much of our relationship really hadn't changed at all. "How was your first detention of high school?"

He laughed and responded, "Not any different than middle school. But I decided to do what I figured you'd do and apologize to Mrs. Price right off the bat. We talked for a bit and then I sat out the rest of detention reading more of the Canterbury Tales. Some of this shit is actually pretty good. I mean did you know..."

"Who are you and what have you done with my Caleb?" I cut in; seriously worried Mrs. Price had done something to his mind.

This got another laugh out of him.

"It's still me. If you want, I can prove it later with a blowjob."

Oooooo, I really want another of those...

"Yes please!" I eagerly told him over the phone.

"Glad you're excited about that thought," he giggled. "I can't stop thinking about seeing you naked again," he then admitted as I detected a hint of embarrassment.

"Yeah, I can't either. Thinking about you that is," I admitted back, blushing slightly.

We didn't say anything for a few moments, both of us just enjoying the shared memory of this past Saturday.

"How was your first day at Jordan's shop?" Caleb asked, ending the comfortable silence.

"Ugh, working sucks. I don't ever want to have to adult!" I whined. "Thank god I only have to endure this for two weeks."

"You're so cute when you whine like that, you know that?"

I smiled and blushed some more.

"Thanks Caleb. But did you even hear anything I said?" I teased.

"Of course I did! I just wanted to compliment you some more!" he defended himself.

"Then what did I say?"


I chortled at that. (Did you know that "chortled" was just a made-up word at first, and then people started using it? Fun fact: English is weird.)

"Classic Caleb."

"Oh whatever! You're alive so it went well enough!" he laughed.

We continued talking for another hour or so before I (reluctantly) told Caleb I had to go. Homework really fucking sucks. I told him Jordan would take us to school tomorrow so to be waiting outside and we traded "I love you"s.

After hanging up, I got my math homework out and begrudgingly got started on it. A few problems in, though, it dawned on me I still needed to check on Jake. I cursed myself for being a shitty friend like that and forgetting; then I sent him a text asking how he was doing and if he made it to school that day.

A few minutes later I received a reply from him telling me he was doing ok and that he was at school today. Apparently he had just been keeping a lower profile than normal, which, had he not just done it, I would have found impossible to believe. It now also occurred to me that I never did get to tell Jake about me and Caleb, Willie ruining that for me as well as life in general. I quickly sent him a text asking if I could call. To my surprise, my phone quickly thereafter lit up as Jake's name flashed across the caller ID.

"Jake...?" I asked hesitantly, as if it would be someone else calling me.

"It is me, Jesse."

"Yeah I know, don't know why I answered like that. Also wasn't expecting you to call me," I chuckled, knowing full well that Jake was going to "logic" me.

"Well since you asked if you could call, I just figured I would remove an unnecessary couple of steps and just call you."

I smiled and shook my head as he did exactly what I thought.

"Fair enough dude. Anyway, I wanted to tell you some great news!"

"You have finally accepted that it does somewhat matter what color you start with on the chessboard?"

"No I... HEY! Ass!" I cracked up at his reference to the Saturday we hung out.

Jake didn't laugh himself, but I would bet you anything he had a rare little smirk on his face at that moment.

"I wanted to tell you Caleb's gay too! And we are together!" I said excitedly, though I made sure to keep my voice down just in case.

"Wow really? I am happy to hear that. Surprised, but happy to hear it."

"What do you mean surprised?" I questioned.

"Jesse, if we are being honest, the odds of Caleb being gay and having feelings for you were particularly slim. Lucky Chances, indeed."

"Lucky chances?" I asked, never having heard that phrase before (or since).

"It is the name of a story I am reading. The name was oddly relevant to your current status. But this is unimportant. Carry on with your news."

I opted to just go ahead and leave that at that and carry on with my awesome news and began filling him in on everything that had happened to me since Friday at lunch (or at least the parts I remember and/or was filled in on when it came to the dance). Jake listened silently, only rarely interrupting me and usually just to ask for clarification. I even told him about my first blow job experience! When I had finished, Jake once again congratulated me on getting my first boyfriend (and first blowjob! That's a big life moment, people!). I thanked him once again and we said our goodbyes. And then I finally got around to doing that math homework.

And we finally meet Spivey! Also, hope you all enjoyed the unveiling of what I like to call, "Hurricane Rhett"!

Please email me anytime at JesseJamesNiftyEmail@Gmail.com and I'd be more than thrilled to respond to any and all comments, questions and yes, constructive criticism!

 — Jesse

Next: Chapter 13

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