Learning to Fly

Published on Aug 1, 2019


Learning to Fly Chapter 1

Learning to Fly

A story by Jesse James (JesseJamesNiftyEmail@Gmail.com) © 2019

Disclaimer: This story, at points, involves sexual acts between minors. If this illegal wherever you live, please stop reading now. I, nor Nifty, are responsible for any legal ramifications if you continue. You’ve been warned.

I would like to make a special shout out to XPud for helping with me with formatting, editing and suggestions as well as being a truly great mentor.

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Chapter 1

I awoke with a start as my alarm went off, signaling the first day of my freshman year. I groaned as I came to realize this and shut the current bane of my existence off. I mean, starting high school wasn't necessarily a bad thing. At least I wasn't a middle schooler anymore if we are looking for silver linings. I yawned and groggily got out of bed and headed for my bathroom and began taking a piss while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

One of the benefits of sleeping nude. Don't have to mess with boxers. I thought.

I LOVED being naked, it felt awesome to feel the air on my skin and to let my hairless dick and balls just dangle free. (Yes I shave. Shoot me.) I had been doing my morning nudist routine since I was nine, much to my older brother's dismay as he had caught me naked more than a few times.

After giving my dick a few shakes to make sure I got everything out, I flushed and turned on the shower, waiting a few moments for it to reach my preferred temperature, and hopped in. I opted to not take too much time, quickly washing my hair and body before shutting it off and stepping out to dry myself. After putting my contacts in and throwing on some Old Spice Fiji deodorant and body spray, I walked back into my room and started looking for something to wear.

"Bingo!" I said excitedly as I found my favorite Nickelback t-shirt and a pair of khakis to go with it (I've never met a pair of khakis I didn't like!). I threw on some boxers and the clothes, socks and shoes and headed downstairs to where my brother was making breakfast.

"Morning bud!" My older brother Jordan said with a smile as he saw me round the corner on the staircase, just as he finished making me some toast with butter and strawberry jelly along with a few slices of bacon, handing it to me as I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning!" I said back cheerfully. Wow, like 15 minutes ago I was groaning and now I'm happy. Maybe it's the bacon?

He raised an eyebrow at me (Goddammit how the hell do people do that? I really gotta look that up). "You're too cheery for the first day of school. What's going on? Are you on crack?" He asked jokingly as he also felt my forehead for an imaginary fever.

"Yup!" I replied with a laugh, swatting his hand away. "Stole some from your supply last night." I stuck out my tongue at the end just for kicks.

"Dear god you're 14! Stop with the sticking out of the tongue already! Jeez, it's like you never matured past five!" He exclaimed with a smile as he ruffled my hair.

"Maybe but you still love me!" I replied back with a grin and batted my eyes.

"Allegedly." He claimed with an amused smirk. "Now hurry up and eat so I can get you to school and me to work. The bills don't pay themselves."

Alright, maybe I should take this moment to explain a few things about myself and where I was at this point in my life. My names Jesse James (Don't you DARE say anything) Koenig. I'm about 5' 8" and somewhere between 115 and 120 pounds. My hair is brown and medium in length, coming down just past my ears, and I rock some bangs. My eyes are a soft blue, which Jordan says come from my mom and my body is very... plain, I guess. I'm 14 years old and live in a decent two-story house in McKinney, Texas with my 29 year old brother Jordan who is a pretty damn impressive specimen at 6' 4" and I'm guessing 245 pounds of pure muscle (And before you think I'm going all Lannister twins there…​ you know what? If you are, I can't help you.) thanks to all the mechanical work and working out he does in the garage he turned into his own little gym. He has the same brown hair as me but his is short on the sides while the top is done in a quiff style. He keeps himself clean shaven and unlike me, has piercing green eyes that come from my dad apparently.

My parents have been out of the picture for as long as I can remember. I have some memories of my mother and really none of my dad. I don't know anything about them except the little that Jordan tells me. He doesn't really talk about them or our past much and most of what he does say revolves around mom being a saint. He never mentions dad. I've tried asking about them several times but he always either changes the subject or tells me he will tell me when I'm older.

Farthest I can remember back was when I was around 5 or 6 years old. Since then it was always just me and Jordan. I remember us living in San Antonio at one point... or was it San Marcos? Either way, we've since moved around Texas a bunch, we even spent one year in New Orleans before finally ending up in McKinney right before summer started last year where Jordan finally promised me we would stay. And that's where we are now, the first day of my freshman year and the first time I've gone to school in the same place two consecutive years. (Though for the record, it's been my favorite place to live so far).

Oh, and another fun fact about me? I'm kinda leaning towards the gay end of the spectrum. Possibly. I know it's the 21st Century and all and people aren't forming lynch mobs over it anymore, but I don't know... like, I'll admit I've found guys attractive and all, but maybe it's just a hormonal curiosity ya know? Well maybe you don't. I sure as hell don't know so I probably shouldn't expect you too, but it's not something I'm ready to determine yet anyway. So I'm keeping it on the down low right now. Even Jordan doesn't know I've been feeling different than how a boy my age probably should feel. I mean, I'm young, maybe it'll change as I get older.

Anyway, back to the story. I quickly wolfed down my food and whatever extras that Jordan had made (I have a super high metabolism. Score for me.) and grabbed my backpack, house key and phone and headed out the door with Jordan close behind. He quickly locked the door and walked over to his black 2012 Chevy 1500 and fired it up. I hopped in the passenger seat and buckled up as Jordan began backing out of the driveway and onto the street and began our drive to my first day of High School.

"You’re gonna pick up Caleb right?"

"You really think I would forget your heterosexual life partner?" Jordan asked with a chuckle as he slowed down to turn onto my best friend's street.

I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help but smile. I hadn't made a ton of friends over the years thanks to the constant moving. Something I definitely guilt-tripped Jordan about dozens of times by the way. But honestly, I was part of the problem too. I can be a bit socially awkward (possibly due to constantly being the new kid. Jordan.) and an absolute sarcastic ass so I don't exactly let people in easily. But with Caleb it was different.

We met shortly before I started 8th grade. In an extraordinary rare move for me, I decided to go exploring outside instead of playing a video game. Jordan was so shocked he almost choked on the mashed potatoes he was eating. Yeah, I’ll let that sit for a moment.

Done being amazed by that yet? Well after confirming through copious amounts of shit-giving that he would, in fact, not die, I started walking along a creek that divided up the neighborhoods. As I neared the local Elementary school, I noticed in one of the cul-de-sacs that someone was moving into one of the really nice houses there (honestly, I'm shocked there wasn't a gate to these. They are that nice). In another moment that would later stun Jordan, I decided to actually be social and see if they had any kids my age I could say hi to.

I climbed the small embankment leading out of the creek and crossed the street that ran alongside it and headed into the cul-de-sac. And that's when I saw him sitting there, watching the movers as they went back and forth between the truck and the house. The best friend I've ever had and the most beautiful boy I've ever seen, Caleb.

I slowly walked up to him, my social awkwardness striking again. He was about 5' 6" with dirty blonde hair done in a faux hawk. He appeared to have an athletic build, toned from playing pick-up sports and swimming, and was wearing a Dallas Cowboys t-shirt with some matching navy-blue shorts, a pair of Nike sneakers and was sporting a watch with the Tasmanian Devil on it. But something captivated me about him. I don't know what it was, I just wanted to say hi to that boy. I needed to.

"H-hi," I said nervously.

He looked up at me briefly with the most captivating, mysterious grey eyes I've ever seen but didn't say a thing before quickly looking away.

"I, uh... I like your watch. I have one just like it! But mine has Bugs Bunny on it!" I commented as I excitedly showed him my watch.

He glanced at it quickly and uttered the first word he ever said to me "That's neat."

Words! I was making a friend! Or something like that. Aaaaannnnddd then I started nervously rambling like the social awkward dork I am.

"Are you a Cowboys fan? My brother is a big one but I'm not really into sports that much. I just moved here too. Where did you move from? I was in Amarillo for seven months before here. It kinda sucked there. But they have a restaurant that serves a giant steak..."

"You really wanna talk to me, don't you?" He said with a voice that clearly showed he had lived around Dallas all his life, looking up at me again with those enthralling eyes before deciding to stand up himself.

For a moment we stood there, looking into each other's eyes.

"You have really pretty eyes."

I instantly regretted the words, but there was no taking them back. A look of horror began to form on my face as I told myself what a fucking dumbass I was, convinced I had just blown it. But to my immense relief, he just cracked a goofy grin, one that I would quickly grow to love and find great comfort in, and giggled,

"Really? Pretty? Pretty how exactly?"

A chance for a save! Don't blow it Jessie!

"They... uh... are boy pretty?"


But instead of making fun of me or shunning me, he just laughed the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard.

"Hahaha! Boy pretty? That's a new one! Buuuuutttttt I like it," he said with a warm smile as he finished laughing.

And at that moment I felt completely at ease and somehow, I knew he was too.

As we got to Caleb's house, he was already outside waiting for us. He was about 5' 9" now (He had one hell of growth spurt) and still did his hair in a faux hawk for reasons beyond me. Yet it somehow still looked awesome on him. Honestly, it would be really hard for anything to not look awesome on him.

Jordan slowed to a stop and Caleb quickly climbed in.

"Hey Jordan! Thanks again for the ride!" he quickly told my brother who simply waved a reply before Caleb turned to me and smiled big.

"Dude! First year of high school! You ready?"

I briefly looked into his "boy pretty" eyes (It quickly became a running joke between us) and smiled back.

"Just as ready as the other thousand times you've asked me since the beginning of August. I honestly don't get why you’re so excited. It’s still school!"

"Yeah but its High School. I mean, this is the big leagues now! Shit like, actually matters!"

To this Jordan snorted a laugh which immediately got Caleb's attention.


"Shit actually matters now? My god Caleb what horse crap have you been watching on tv lately?"

Caleb laughed and replied, "Ok maybe that was a tad dramatic, but you know, High School is way more important than Middle School!"

Jordan smiled as he rolled his eyes. "Yes, it is. But not for the reasons I suspect you’re talking about!"

"I just hope they don't load us up with busy work. God I swear that's all we did in 8th grade," I chimed in, not wanting to get left out of the conversation.

"Ugh right!" Caleb exasperated. "Coach Boovie was the worst about it too! Hated history class."

"Actually, no he wasn't. You're just a dumbass who can't help but push the teacher's buttons until you piss them off and if they don't give you detention, they assign you extra work as punishment," I reminded him with a knowing smirk.

"Jesus, you just won't let anything slide, will you? How can you be such a smart ass to me and your bro yet an angel to your teachers?" he asked pointedly, a small frown briefly crossing his face.

"Because I like being able to oh, I don't know, get the hell out of that forced prison and enjoy my free time. Almost as much as I love waiting on a certain someone to finish up his detention sentence so we can hang out," I shot back.

"You know what? Blow me." Caleb laughed.

I laughed back but for a brief moment I wondered about it.

I've been doing that a lot lately whenever Caleb would make a sexual or gay joke. I'd always laugh, they were pretty funny, but a part of me would kinda get excited by the thought of some of the things he'd say.

I mean, does that make me gay? Or just curious? Puberty is a bitch as we all know, it makes you feel and think all kinds of weird shit. I know I've definitely never noticed girls like kids at school seem too. At least, not yet. But since the day I met him I've always noticed Caleb. I've always wanted to be around him. We have been damn near inseparable since we met. Hell, during this past summer he practically lived with us. I guess whatever I am, I know I have deep feelings for Caleb. Probably deeper than just being best friends, whatever that means.

"Earth to Jessie!"

I quickly broke my train of thought as Caleb said that while snapping his fingers in my face. I felt my face flush slightly as Caleb laughed at me. I looked over at Jordan who once again was smirking at me (I seriously feel like that's his default facial expression when it comes to me).

"What? Can't a guy have a train of thought in peace!?" I asked, my eyes looking back and forth between the two.

"If you did it occasionally, yes. But you do it all the damn time!" Caleb teased.

"Oh I do not! Jooorrrrddddaaannnn!" I whined, "Defend your baby brother!"

"Children, play nice." He said with a chuckle as he turned towards the school.

As we pulled up to the school I looked around. To the left down a small hill was a large parking lot with tons of cars and students. And to my right was the school itself. It was pretty big and definitely looked like it was an older school. Not surprising since the lady who gave me my schedule and locker loved calling McKinney High the "original" of the three McKinney Schools. Sheesh, besides the stupid popular girls who love to run the student body and help plan and organize events and pep rallies, who really gives a fuck?

Anyway, the place looked a bit worn.

I was taken from my thoughts (again) when I felt Jordan's strong grip on my shoulder. I quickly turned my head to look at him.

"Alright bud, time to head off to class. Be good now and have fun. And for the love of God, don't be a smartass, ok?" he asked, looking me in the eye and giving me a knowing smile.

I sighed at his `dad' moment and responded, "Ok Jordan, I promise."

"Good. Now give me a hug and get on your way," he insisted as he pulled me into a hug and ruffled my hair again (Thank god I don't obsess over my hair).

"Ugh! Jordan not in front of the school!" I whined.

He laughed and replied, "What? I can't give my fav lil' bro a hug before his first day at a new school?"


"Whatever." He laughed again. "And remember, if anyone gives you any problems, I'm not afraid to go back to prison ok?"

That got an immediate laugh out of Caleb while I just smiled and rolled my eyes.

"You've never even been to prison!"

Jordan just goofily smiled back and replied, "Yeah, I know, but I'll still go back."

I chuckled at that. "Ok bro."

He then turned and looked into the back. "And Caleb?"

"Yeah Jordan?" Caleb replied with his most innocent look.

"Try not to get suspended on the first day."

"You have that little trust in me!?" Caleb exclaimed with mock disappointment.

Jordan laughed and replied. "Me and your parents!"

Caleb and I both laughed to that as we hopped out of the truck and headed into the school.


I cursed this most taboo of curse words to myself as I struggled with my locker before saying aloud, "Fuck this stupid ass locker."

Just as I was about to punch the locker in frustration (Which for the record I'm SO glad I didn't), I heard Caleb's voice behind me.

"Having trouble?"

I turned around sheepishly and smiled. "Maybe."

I studied Caleb for a moment. I know I had already seen him this morning since we picked him up and all, but I was somehow just now realizing how (extra) perfect he looked today. It was like seeing him for the first time all over again.

Have you ever been around someone whose very presence just makes your whole world light up for no other reason than that? Caleb did that for me. And I know it's not normal for a boy to have that effect on another boy, but dammit I can't help it! Even when he's pissed off and moody about something or even me, I'd still rather be with him than away from him. Honestly, I'm surprised he hasn't gotten sick of me. But every time I ask to hang, he's immediately up for it, and if I don't ask, he always does. Even right now, he tracked me down after getting his schedule (since he somehow couldn't be bothered to do it when he was supposed to BEFORE school started) and gathering intel on the school instead of doing literally just about anything he could want. He chose to grace me with his presence.

As I continued to now stare at him, my mouth probably open slightly making me look like an idiot, he got an amused smile on his face.

"Um, you ok dude?" He said as he waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me back to reality for the second time today.

"Um... Me? Oh yeah, I'm great. Never been better actually!" Oh yeah, so smooth Jesse.

He smiled and giggled at me.

Oh dear god, I'm starting to get hard. Fuck what's wrong with me today?

"Well I'm glad you are because you looked pretty pissed off at my locker." He said with another gorgeous grin.

"Yeah It won't... Wait your locker? No no this is my locker good sir... ooohhhh."

I looked at the locker number I had written down and looked at the locker I was trying to open.

No match. I'm an idiot.

He laughed that angelic laugh, shaking his head in amusement as he did. "Yeah, your locker is to the right."

My face immediately got crimson. "Yeah I guess it is huh?"

"It's fine dude I wouldn't even bother anyway. I heard while grabbing my schedule the teachers don't care if you bring your backpack to class."

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah man," he responded, just smiling now. "So what's your first period?"

I fished my schedule out of my pocket and handed it to him. He began scanning it and I saw his eyes light up.

"Oh cool dude you got like, three classes with me!"

"Really!?" My eyes must have lit up because his smile became an amused one.

"Yeah dude. Looks like that made your day," he observed.

My face turned red again and he laughed and patted me on the back.

"I'm teasing dude. Come on, we have first period Criminal Justice together!" he informed me as he turned and began walking off towards the staircase. I quickly picked up my backpack and followed him.

"By the way," Caleb added, "You do realize that if we choose to use our lockers, we are right next to each other this year, right?"

My eyes immediately widened in realization, "Oh my God, you’re right!"

Caleb laughed and replied, "You are such an airhead sometimes, you know that?"

I quickly narrowed my eye and pointed at him and in the deepest voice I could muster I replied, "You shut your whore mouth!"

Without missing a beat, he shot back his usual reply,

"You know damn well I'm no whore! I give this ass away for free so that makes me a slut!"

To that we both cracked up and headed off to class.

As we walked into the classroom (which, by the way, looks as if it doubled as the medical classroom), the bell rang to signal the start of the school day. We quickly took a seat towards the back of the room at the open table (can you believe that? Tables! I like this class!).

I looked around and noticed it was a small class but there was no teacher. I quickly looked at Caleb and was about to ask him where he thought she was when the door opened and a really pretty woman (I'm possibly gay, but I’m not blind) looking to be in her early 30s walked in pushing a cart loaded with crap.

As soon as she got the cart where she wanted it, she introduced herself.

"Hello class I'm Mrs. Tate. I'll be your Criminal Justice teacher this semester. How are you all?"

Oh she seems nice.

After everyone, including me and Caleb, replied back with a good or ok she started speaking again.

"Ok a little about this class. We shall basically be learning how the police and forensic units go about their job. It's pretty easy with lots of fun stuff to do so nothing hard. And the best part? You will never have homework!"

Oh yes. She's awesome.

We spent the rest of the class meeting all our classmates and sharing some info about each other. Even though I already know these things, I'll use this time to mention what Caleb told the other kids in the class, that he was a single child and lived with both his parents. His dad’s a surgeon and his mom works in politics, usually as consultant for elections. I meanwhile only mentioned I had moved a lot in my life before finally settling here and that I live with my older brother.

After the class ended we had to go our separate ways for the next couple periods but Caleb promised me we would eat lunch together. So I did have that to look forward to.

Unfortunately, time picked this moment to drag on and on and on as I sat bored out of my damn mind through math and science. (Fuck chemistry. That is all.) Finally, though, the bell rang for my lunch period to start. I hurriedly made my way to the cafeteria which was located right between the main entrance and hallway, and the bus entrance. It had four levels, three of which had tables and a little stage-like set up with a few more tables on it at the lowest level. I quickly went into the line and pulled out the money Jordan had given me for my lunch and ordered a pizza with breadsticks (From Pizza Hut I might add. Not shitty school pizza) and a chocolate milk and began looking for Caleb, finally spotted him sitting by himself at a table near the entrance to the cafeteria on the highest seating level.

Odd, I thought. I wonder if none of our other friends have this lunch.

I made my way over and sat down across from him. He immediately smiled and greeted me.

"Hey dude. How was math and science?"

I groaned and responded, "First goddamn day and they are giving me homework. And from what the teacher's described, I'm going to want to kill myself before the year’s over!"

Caleb, laughing at my misery, replied, "Dud,e don't be so dramatic. It's not that bad."

"Yes it is." I deadpanned.

He laughed again, "Whatever, dude. I'm just gonna enjoy this lasagna my mom packed me. Hold the nasty ass ricotta!"

I smiled at our shared hatred before telling him, "You know before I met you I thought I was the only person in the world who hated that nasty excuse for food!"

"Ugh, I really do hate it! I'm so happy my mom finally started making me my own separate dish of it with none!" He replied back excitedly.

"That's awesome dude." I replied with a laugh. "I've finally forced Jordan to stop making it with it, though that took a while!"

"Hey guys!" came a very familiar Midwest accent.

We both looked up to see our friend Grant approaching the table with his lunch.

I suppose I should take a moment to describe Grant. Grant is about 5' 11" with black hair, a slightly bigger than average build and hazel eyes and black hair that he wears in a slick back.

"Grant! What's up dude!?" I asked excitedly, fist bumping him as he sat down.

"Not much man! Just enjoying my first day of high school I guess. Glad I got lunch with people I know!"

"Haha, I was honestly wondering if me and Caleb were gonna be the only people we knew in this lunch. Nice to have another friend."

He smiled at that and asked, "So how is you guys' first day going?"

Caleb grinned and replied, "My day has gone great so far. No detention or suspension yet!" He replied with a laugh before he turned to looked at me. "Jessie though is already bitching up a storm because he got homework on the first day!"

"Oh come on!" I shot back. "If you had gotten homework you'd definitely have gotten suspended for what you'd have said to the teacher! I'm a fucking saint compared to you!"

Caleb, knowing I was right, just grumbled while taking a bite of his lunch. Grant though laughed when I pointed that out, knowing all too well how true that was before asking me what class I got the homework in and who my teacher was.

"Math," I responded. "And the douchebag teacher is Mrs. Blue."

Grant groaned as soon as he heard the name. "I have her next. Fuck. I guess it’s true that she's a hard-ass."

"Fuck me, she has a reputation? Fucking perfect." I mumbled somewhat dejectedly as I finished my first breadstick and began working on the pizza.

"Well are you guys down to play some Call of Duty after school?" Grant asked, changing the subject. "I've been polishing my game so we can kick even more ass online!"

"Absolutely!" Caleb and I both replied excitedly. The three of us had been regularly playing Call of Duty together for a while now. We've all gotten pretty good, but Grant was actually the best gamer amongst us despite his always claiming to be "polishing up".

"So how does 7:00 sound? Gives us all plenty of time to get home eat, do any homework," I gave an exaggerated eye roll as I said that, "and any chores."

"Well you know I'm down!" Caleb said excitedly.

"Yeah man sounds good to me!" replied an enthusiastic Grant.

For the next several minutes we debated maps and strategies we could employ during our gaming match tonight so we could dominate while also reminiscing about past match's we've played from the glorious wins to the epic fails.

"Well shit, dudes," Caleb interjected as me and Grant were debating proper weapon loadouts, "we better hurry up and finish lunch; we only got like five minutes before the bell rings."

At that we quickly finished our lunch (and me and Grant’s debate; agree to disagree for now) and began heading to our next classes: Grant to the circle of hell known as Mrs. Blue’s math class, while me and Caleb headed to English, laughing and joking all the way.

Hey everyone! Thank you so much for making this far and I really hope you enjoyed this first chapter. With any luck, this will be the first of many as we follow Jesse and those he cares about on their journey. :)

Please email me anytime at JesseJamesNiftyEmail@Gmail.com; I'd be more than thrilled to respond to any and all comments, questions and yes, constructive criticism! - Jesse

Next: Chapter 2

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