Published on Feb 19, 2020



His step father, step brother and a couple of the man's friends had taken over the living room. Dal and his two step brothers kept bringing the older men beers, sandwiches and snacks.

He was told to just sit and listen to the men. As always Dal did what he was told. He still felt like an outsider. He had ever since his mother left him at the man's house. Nobody made him feel that way, nobody hurt him, he still went to school, ate dinner, played with friends and even his step brothers.

But Dal felt like he didn't really belong there.

A couple of times Dal noticed one or the other step brothers accompanied a guest to the bathroom. He didn't understand why the men kept needing help going there.

"So how old is he now?"

"Kid is 14 almost `15, be 15 in two months" his step father said

"So he'll be ready?"

Dal heard his step father say "maybe"

"Your turn is coming" Conrad, one of his step brothers said to him.

"Your boys started him yet?"

Dal again knew they were talking about him. He wondered why his step father had made him change clothes a couple of times that morning.

He wore cloth underwear and a black tank top. His suntanned body looked healthy he thought.

"Needs some pumping up" one of the other men said.

"All part of the package" his step father said.

"David help Clyde" the man ordered. Clyde the other step brother stood and waited for the man. He followed him. Dal presumed to the bathroom again. The man returned later and after a while Clyde returned. He had changed his shirt and shorts Dal noted.

He liked Clyde. He eyed the bulge in his shorts. He had touched it, played with it and sucked it now and then. He had sucked Conrad too. And a few times he and both of them messed around.

"Stand up boy" Dal stood and knew the three older men were looking at him.

"Shirt off" Dal complied

"Can we see it all?" one of the men asked.

"Wait till tonight"

By night fall three more of his step father's friends had arrived and all three boys were kept busy providing pizzas, beers and other munchies.

Dal noticed that the men were freely patting his step brother's butts or bare legs each time they brought something.

"OK it's time" his step father said and then told Conrad something Dal couldn't hear.

"You boy stand up" Dal once again stood.

"Shirt off" Dal peeled the tank top off. His brother took it and tossed it across the room.

"Shorts off" Dal hesitated but the look on his step father's face told him to obey.

He stood naked now. His shorts too were taken and tossed across the room. Dal knew he would not be getting them back.

"Hmmm bush needs..."

"We can do it or you"

Boys present yourselves.

Both Conrad and Clyde moved close to Dal as they stripped naked.

The men said various things. Conrad had gone away the last summer and Clyde the summer before that and last summer too.

Dal noticed the two had more muscles when they returned. They seemed more obedient to their father too. And both had lost their armpit hair and pubic hair. Even what hair on their legs they had was gone. Dal didn't ask why. He was just glad they were back for the upcoming school year.

"You did them good" His step father said "what about this one?"

"Needs work" someone said. Dal felt embarrassed. It was true he was skinnier then his two step brothers. Despite the pushups his arms and chest just didn't get to look like his step brothers.

"Yea but it's time" his step father said.

"Anything to show?" another voice asked and the Conrad and Clyde left the room returning with a wrestling matt from the basement.

They spread it out, like a stage surrounded by the older men.

"Boy I know you and those two have been satisfying each other's sex" Dal blushed. He looked at Clyde and Conrad who had apparently told their father about the sex games played.

"My boys say you're pretty good at it" He smiled and waved his hand.

Conrad took Dal's hand and led him to the center of the pad. He pushed dal to his knees and waved his penis.

Dal knew what he was supposed to do, opening his mouth and began to lick and suck the familiar cock. He felt Clyde's hands on his bare shoulders moving down. They would soon be working his nipples. The boys discovered Dal's nipples were sensitive and made him loose inhibitions.

He felt Clyde's toes moving between his buttocks. A toe would soon push into him. It wasn't the first time.

All three boys exchanged blowjobs, licking, and finally Dal fell Conrad going inside him while he opened his mouth to let Clyde's longer cock slide past the gag and deep into his throat.

When the odor of teenage sperm filled the air, the men applauded.

Sweaty the naked boys returned to their chores of bringing beer and food to the men. Hands patted, pinched and squeeze the boys in response.

"You to the office" Dal knew it was he who his step father told the order somehow.

Standing in the office, some of the guests came in and talked to him. They asked questions about how he liked swimming, garden work, cooking. Some examined him, their hands feeling his body, fingers on his nipples or up his butthole. They even checked his teeth.

The school year finished. Dal turned 15 the following week.

"It's time."

His two brothers wore only shorts and shoes. Dal stood wearing his shorts and t shirt as his step father told him.

"You will leave here like my other boys for the summer. You will begin training. I've decided that Mr. Somers will be your trainer. He knows about weight training and had a yard he wants you to take care of. I've told him if you don't obey he can punish you however he thinks you need it..belt, hand, whip, whatever. And his basement is full of special equipment he uses so by the fall you're going to be well trained. Understand?"

Dal muttered "yes sir'

"Kneel boy" he knelt as his step father opened his fly and revealed his dick. Dal had seen it before of course since nudity was common.

"Show me now you deserve this honor" Dal sucked the man's cock until it was withdrawn and ejaculated all over his face.

"You boys were right, he's a natural"

"Is he ready?" Dal heard Mr. Somer's voice behind him.

"Almost ... take off the clothes I provided you boy"

Dal peeled off his shorts, shirt and shoes.

He was handed a pair of shorts by the man. They were black leather and squeezed is butt and thighs. A collar was put on his neck and from it dangled a leash.

"He is your Master now, you belong to him" his step father said.

Dal turned towards the man and without thinking or instruction knelt in front of him.

"Wow he's a natural, I may not return him at all if he trains well"

"Shit man what happened to you this summer?" Drake one of Dal's classmates asked. Weeks and months had passed. He stood naked in the locker room knowing his thickened arms and defined chest and stomach were totally changed from the skinny kid he was the previous school year.

"Just kinda grew up I guess' he said.

Drake looked at Dals crotch. The black plastic sleeve that encompassed his penis stood out to be sure. The silver lock that dangled from the ring that kept it in place.

"My uh, I have to wear it. I guess I jackoff too much. Master said I need to ..." Dal stopped realizing he had said the word MASTER.

"Master? I thought you lived with your step father" Drake said.

"Not anymore. They sent me to train and the Master decided to keep me"

Conrad appeared and slapped Dal's butt.

"Hey little bro, lookin good" he said

"Thanks, you too. How's Clyde?"

"He's still working on the farm. Dad said he'll be back after they finish. You comin back?"

"Master said he might bring me over, but I think I belong to him now" Dal said

"Shit shame I'll miss your cock and ass" Conrad laughed and slapped Dal's butt again and left.

"Man you got one messed up family" Drake said.

"Well at least now I feel like I belong. They were cool but I never felt like It until..."

"Man you know you're a slave boy now don't you?" Drake said "Maybe it's illegal or something"

Dal blushed, "No man its cool and it feels like I've always been you know....want to get a shower?"

Drake shrugged in agreement as the two found one of the available shower cubicle. The water poured, steam rose and Dal knelt to show his friend some of the things he had learned.

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