Learning His Place

Published on Aug 12, 1998



There were eight of them standing side by side. He, like they, were wearing only jockstraps and boots. Men walked by looking, smiling reaching out to fondle them. If they were told to turn around they complied letting the men touch them there too. It had been one hell of a week of parties, drugs, sex and booze. Suddenly he was standing with seven other guys about his age. "nice" and other comments were stated by the men who watched...but they didn't say it to him or the others..just to each other. One by one each person was brought out separately as the emcee made them flex, bend over, pull down their jockstraps and take other positions. And as he did so, the bids came in. "We want to make as much money for charity as possible" he had explained to the group "so do whatever I tell you" It became his turn and he strutted out on the stage..almost dancing to the heavy beat music. The crowd loved it and the emcee told him to keep dancing. He gyrated, flopped his pouch, made his stomach muscles move and even did a Michael Jackson moon walk. The bids came in. The emcee asked him questions as he had done to the others. "Do you like older men" He honestly said he did and that made a few more bids come in. "Do you want to be someones slaveboy?" He needed to belong to someone...needed someone to take over his life...he hadn't done too much good on his own thus far. There was a short stint in the Army until he got caught giving someone head in the barracks..a stupid thing to do he knew. And before that there was his joy riding which made the Judge threaten him, "Army or Jail". Now he didn't know what to do....he had hung out in the city for awhile, been befriended by some hustlers and went to a few parties. And this past week had left him in a daze.....but feeling less in trouble then before. "yes" he said...and the bids came in. "Now you understand that whoever buys you, owns you for a week" "yes SIR" he added the sir hoping it would be impressive. It was one of the only things he had learned to do in the Army. Bids came in higher once he did that. "Attention" the emcee barked out and he snapped to attention. "Gentlemen this boy was in the Army until recently...we won't say why, but there are some very happy men in his barracks right now" the hoots and whistles came through the air. "Parade Rest" He snapped to that position. doing it naked was a turn on and his cock rose to signal his excitement. That too made more bids come in. "Attention" the bark came again and he responded as his two owners came to the stage and put a collar around his neck..and to the applause they led him away to his new life. Had had finally found his life's calling..his true self...his role.....his place.

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