Learning About Another

By Dual Blade

Published on Jan 30, 2000


Here is the next chapter, I had a lot of time one night, so I wrote the next chapter the same night that I wrote chapter seven, I am just spreading it out, I don't want to spoil you. Hehe. Remember to send your comments or suggestion to me.


Chapter 8

"...why don't you sleep with me instead," he says before kissing me again, but this time for some weird reason, I don't break off. When he stops I just look at him in astonishment.

"Well, what do you think?" he asks.

All I can do is just stand there astonished. I can't decide whether to run, to kiss back, or to hit him, but my hormones take over and I don't think anymore. I lean into him and kiss him like I would Scott. 'I can't believe I am doing this!' I think to myself, but I keep going. I finally come to my senses and break away.

"I don't....I don't know why I just did that. But no, I will not have sex with you, maybe if we were to have a foursome with Scott and Chase in the picture, then there might be a possibility, but until then, if it happens, my answer is no."

"Ok, I will respect your wishes, but remember Scott and the way he looks at Chase," he says as he gets in his car and drives off leaving me in the street.

I feel so guilty, I can't believe I did that. I walk back into the house and wonder if I am falling for Ash...but I just don't know. I head for bed extremely confused, but sleep doesn't bring much comfort.

While I sleep I have dreams of Ash and I fucking, of Scott and Chase fucking, of Scott and I breaking up, of Ash holding me in his arms like Scott does. I wake up many times during the night and begin to cry and don't go back to sleep until I cry myself to sleep. I wake up the next morning even more confused than I was last night and just as tired, if not more. I don't know what I am going to do, maybe a shower will help.

I get in the shower and for once in my life the warm water doesn't bring me comfort, I just wash myself and then spend the next twenty minutes just letting the water flow over me. I almost cry as I get out, realizing that I need to tell Scott what happened and I am afraid of what is going to happen.

I don't eat much during breakfast and mom asks me what is wrong, I tell her I don't want to talk about it. She leaves it at that, knowing better than to push a subject that I don't want to talk about.

I finally get around to calling Scott about one o'clock in the afternoon.

"Hello," he answers, he sounds just as tired as I am, I wonder why.

"Hey, it's me," I reply. "Why do you sound so tired?"

"I was up for a couple of hours after I got home and then woke up early. Why do you sound so tired?"

"I didn't sleep well. But I have a confession to make."

"What is it?"

I relay the story of Ash coming over last night and that I kissed him.

"You did what!"

"Yes, I kissed him, but I didn't mean to. He kissed me twice and something took over and I kissed him back. I feel really bad."

"So! I can't believe that you did that! You should have more control over yourself!"

"Geez, cut me some slack, you don't need to be yelling at me like that," I retort. "What about you and Chase?" I scream back into the phone, and suddenly he goes quiet. "Why did you get so quiet, huh?

"How did you know?"

"Know what?"

"That something happened between Chase and me."

"What! I didn't know, I just saw the way that you were looking at him and the way you were paying so much attention to him yesterday. What type of 'something' happened?!?!"

"Well, a couple of days ago me and Chase went out to a movie, as friends, well the beginning of a friendship. Well, when he took me home it was late and he gave me a good-bye kiss. I didn't try to stop him and I feel bad at saying this, but I enjoyed it."

"So that is why you were so tired that day! I can't believe this, you get mad at me for doing the same thing that you did, except you did it before me, how nice of you."

"Eric....Eric, I still love you, I didn't..."

"Yeah whatever." I say interrupting him before I hang up the phone. I run into my room and bury my face into my pillow and begin to cry. I must have cried myself to sleep, because I wake up to my mom knocking on the door and I look at the clock and it reads 5:00 PM.

"Yeah..." I moan.

"There is someone here to see you," she says, opening my door just wide enough for her to stick her head in.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"It's Scott."

"I don't want to see him," I say rolling over

"I'll leave you two alone," she says as she opens the door for Scott and simultaneously ignoring my comment. I glare at her as she leaves. Scott comes in, it looks like he has been crying as well, he shuts the door behind him before he comes and sits on the edge of my bed.

Not looking at me he says "I had to come see you."

"I don't want to see you though," I respond not rolling over to look at him.

"Look I am sorry, I really am, and I still love you," he says sounding like he is going to cry. It sounds sincere.

I roll over to look at him. He looks tore up, like his emotional turmoil has erupted into his physical appearance. He looks up at me and our eyes meet. In that instant understand sweeps over both of us. I sit up and hug him. "I am sorry too, for everything." I say as I begin to cry.

"I love you Eric," he says before resting against me and falling asleep.

"I know, I know," I say as I move him up next to me so that we can both lay down and sleep.

I wake up with him still laying next to me and I look at the clock. It reads 9:30 AM. Did I read that right? I look at it again and it says the same thing. It takes me a moment to realize that we both slept through the whole night. "Scott," I shout, shaking him and jumping out of bed.

"What?" he replies groggily.

"We are late for school!"

He looks at the clock and jumps out of the bed. "Fuck! My parents are going to kill me for missing school."

"Let's get going," I say heading for the door to get into the shower. "Mom!" I yell as I head for the bathroom. "No breakfast for us, we are late and have to get to school!"

"Don't bother," she yells back.

I stop and wonder at this. "What?" I yell.

"I called both you and Scott in sick for school, I figured that you guys needed a day off."

I head back for my room to at least get half dressed before I run to her and give her a hug, "Mom, your the greatest. Thanks"

"Your welcome son. Now do you still want no breakfast?"

"No, we want breakfast now," then I realize something. "Why aren't you at work?"

"I told them that I would be late, a privilege of being an office manager, I told them that I would be in after you two got up, so far, I am only a half hour late. So I am going to make us breakfast then go to work," she tells me and kisses me on the cheek. "Now go get your shower."

"Ok," I reply and head for the bathroom, grabbing Scott as he wanders into the kitchen to find out what is going on. "Let's get our shower," I say smiling to him.

"But what about school?" he says looking confused.

"What school? I will tell you later, let's get our shower so that we can eat."


We get into the shower and I tell him about how mom called us in sick. After about fifteen minutes mom bangs on the door and says that breakfast is ready and that we should hurry up before it gets cold. We give each other the look of 'Damn, oh well.'

We get out, dry each other off, and head for the table with our towel rapped around our waists. As we sit down to eat, mom comes over and tells us good bye and to clean up after we are done. We look at each other and smile our mischievous grins as she leaves.

This chapter talks about Ash and Chase as well as Eric and Scott. Please send me remarks on my plot, character development, description, and word usage so that I may know what I need to do to write better. Hope that you enjoy this one.


Chapter 9

'What are my feelings for Chase? I just don't know I am so confused. I like Eric, I think he is really cute, but there is something about Chase that I like, but I don't know what it is,' Ash thinks to himself as he is sitting next to Chase in Ash's car late Sunday night. He looks at his boyfriend, who he still thinks is cute. He enjoys seeing Chase's smooth baby face. "What are your feelings towards me? He asks Chase.

"I don't know. I am not quite sure. I mean don't get me wrong, I care for you and I enjoy being around you and hanging with you, but.......there is something else that I can't figure out." Chase replies. 'What do I think about Ash? How much do I like him? I mean he is cute, and I like being around him, but is there more? I just don't know,' he thinks to himself.

'So he feels the same way I don, I feel a little better now.' There is an uneasy moment of silence. "Maybe I should take you home," Ash says to Chase. "We do have school tomorrow after all."

"Yeah," Chase replies.

So Ash starts the car and begins to take Chase home. A little way into the trip they both hear the screech of tires coming from the right. They look just in time to see the driver who ran the red light, and isn't able to stop, slam into the front passenger side, right where Chase is sitting. They both black out after the impact.

Ash wakes up to the sound of sirens and blinking lights. He is disoriented and can't figure out what is going on. It is when he looks over at Chase's bloody body that he remembers what happened. He begins to shake Chase just as the emergency vehicles arrive. "Chase, wake up! Wake up dammit!"

The emergency crew open Ash's door and pull him out, all while he is crying and screaming Chase's name. They lead him to an ambulance where they check him over. While they do this Ash watches them move the other car back away from his car, pry the door open after some effort, and pull Chase's limp body from the car. He hasn't stopped crying the whole time and he again begins to scream Chase's name when the pull him out. The gets up to run over to him but the paramedics hold him back and tell him that he needs to sit so that they can take care of him. When they finish they determine that he has suffered only minor injuries but they want to send him to the ER just to run some tests and keep him overnight for observation.

They take both of them to the same hospital and both the boy's parents are called. When Ash's parents arrive he has already been through all of the X-rays and other test and that have checked him into a room where he is now sleeping. They talk to the doctor and he tells him that he will be fine, they just want to keep an eye on him overnight. Then Chase's parents meet up with Ash's parents and they all sit down somewhere and cry. The doctor has already told Chase's parents the news and now they exchange news on each other's kid and cry some more.

The next day Ash's parents take him home even though he insists on seeing Chase, but they wont let him. He gets home and sleeps the whole day.

We look at each other and smile our mischievous grins as she leaves.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask.

"I don't know, but I guess we should do something, I mean, we need to make it up to each other," Scott smiles.

"That we do," I smile back. "But we should probably clean up first or mom will have my head."

"Why can't I have your head?" he says chuckling.

"You can, but just the other one," laughing while I say this.

We clean and put away the dishes and head back to my room, where we make love, not just have sex but make love (Making love is something that cannot be described, for if it is, then it is just sex. Each person has a different idea of making love. So just use your imagination.). It is indescribable.

That afternoon Josh calls and I answer the phone. "Hello."

"Hey man, it's Josh. You ok, I am just callin' to make sure, because you weren't at school today?"

"Yeah, I am fine," I say as I look at Scott and smile.

"Well, did you hear the news?"

"What news?"

"Ash and his friend Chase were in a car accident last night. Ash came home today but Chase is still in the hospital, it sounds like he is in bad shape. From what I heard the car hit Chase's side, right where he was sitting."

"Whoa," I say suddenly feeling weak. "Hey, I got to go, ok I will talk to you tomorrow man."

"Ok, later," he says and I hang up the phone. I tell Scott what happened as I dial Ash's number.

"Hello," someone says on the other line.

"Is Ash there?" I ask.

"No, he went to the hospital to see his friend."

"Yeah, I know what happened. Could you tell us which hospital? I am a friend."

"Sure," he says and states the name of the hospital.

"Thanks," I say, hanging up the phone. I look to Scott, "Let's go," and with that we hop into his car and drive to the hospital.

When we get there and find out from the front desk where Chase is being held, we head up there and find Ash sitting in a waiting room. "Hey man," I say and he looks up. I can see that he has been crying, he gets up and hugs me.

"Thanks for coming," he says. "But why did you come?"

"Because we care. How is Chase?" After I ask that it looks as if he is going to cry again.

"I just got here and I just found out, so here is what I was told..."

Next: Chapter 8

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