Learning About Another

By Dual Blade

Published on Jan 28, 2000


Sorry that it took so long to get this chapter out. I have had a lot of things happen in the last few days and I really havn't had the inspiration to write. Oh well.

I would like to note that even though this story is written in first person (from the author's point of view) that I (the author) am not the main character. Sorry if this has confused you. I am just the author, not the main character (Eric), and this story is a work of fiction.

Chapter 7

The rest of the week passed without incident and I was looking forward to Saturday. Saturday finally rolls around and I wake up in the arms of my lover Scott. I guess I stirred a little bit and he was just waking up as well. "Good morning," he says.

"It is always a good morning when I am with you," I reply.

"I agree with that."

And with that said and done I look up at him and kiss him. I look at the clock, it reads 9:00. "Shit," I exclaim.


"Look at the time, we are running a little late."

"Shit, we are!"

We had planned on getting up at eight, so that we would have plenty of time to do what we wanted to do. "Looks like no fun for us this morning," I chuckle.

"Damn, oh well. What time is Ash getting here?"

"Eleven thirty," I answer already getting out of bed and heading for the door to get a shower.

"Hey, wait for me," Scott whines.

"Well, hurry your slow ass up, we don't have that much time." We get into the shower and clean each other off, Scott starts to suck my dick but I stop him telling him that we don't have time for that. By the time we get out it is 9:30 and we are hungry.

Luckily Mom knew that we were running late and was already up starting breakfast, which helps a little. "Hey Mom, what's for breakfast?"

"Scrambled eggs, hash browns, toast, and sausage," she answers me.

I pour some orange juice for the three of us and we sit down to have breakfast. We chat lightly about what we are going to do today while we are eating. By the time we finish eating it is 10:30. "Shit!" I shout. "We need to hurry Scott," pausing just long enough to kiss him.

"I know, I know."

Now here is the hard part. Deciding what to wear, luckily have Scoot is about the same size as me, but unfortunately, I have many clothes and many outfits that they can go with. We spend the better part of the next hour just choosing and we just finish getting dressed at about 11:15. We now need to style our hair, fortunately we have short hair and finish styling our hair as the doorbell rings. I open the door and there Ash is. I stop and stare for a minute because he is looking very fine. "Come in," I manage to get out.

"Thanks," he says as he comes in and sits on the couch.

"We just need to get our shoes on and we'll be ready to go." I say as I head back to my room to get my shoes.

"Ok," I hear him call out in response.

As I get to my room Scott is just finishing putting on his shoes. "Hopefully this day won't bomb out," he remarks.

"Yeah," I agree as I finish tying my last shoe. "Let's go."

As I head out the door and I tell Mom that I will be back before midnight, which is expect of me and she just smiles and tells me to have a good time. When we get out to the car Chase is already in the front seat, and I thought that I saw Scott staring at Chase because he is also looking good, but it was only for a moment. So Scott and I sit in the back, which is just fine by me, and we head off to lunch.

The day as a whole was pretty cool, I had a good time. Though, I thought that I noticed Scott giving Chase too much attention, but on the other hand, Ash was giving me a lot of attention as well. Which, me personally, I thought was weird. I wonder if Scott noticed?

Ash drops Scott and I off at my house about 11:15, and leaves. Before Scott leaves he gives me a long good night kiss and gets in his car and drives off. I think back on the even that happened during the day and wonder what they all mean, oh well, I will have time to sort through them in the morning. I am tired so I go to bed. About 12:00, while I am just lying in bed staring at the ceiling, someone starts honking outside. They continue and finally I look to see who it is. I see the car and I am surprised to see that it is Ash's car. I get dressed and head outside.

As I am walking out onto my front lawn with a look of curiosity and a little anger on my face Ask gets out of his car and walks quickly over to me. I notice he is still in the clothes that he wore during the day and I ask "What are you...," but before I can finished Ash has embraced and is kissing me. I pull back in surprise and I know that it is written on my face.

"What are you doing?" I demand.

"I had to see you, I had to come."


"Because I like you, I like you a lot."

"But I am already in a relationship if you didn't notice, I have Scott."

"But....but....well, I don't know what to say," he says suddenly looking sad. "did you know that Chase likes Scott?"

"What!" I shout forgetting that I might wake someone up.

"You couldn't tell? Whoa, that sucks. I for sure thought that you could tell by the way Chase was acting towards Scott."

"I have suspicions, but isn't Chase your boyfriend?"

"Yeah he is, but I don't think that it is going to last very long, it doesn't feel right. I don't think that there is a connection between us. What about you and Scott?"

"There is a connection between us. I know that."

"But I know that you saw how much attention Scott was giving Chase. I mean, doesn't that upset you?"

"Yes, I noticed, but I am not sure what to make of it. I was going to sleep on it and work it out in the morning, probably with him. But since it seems that you don't want me to sleep......I can't quite sleep on it can I?"

"No, I guess not, by why don't you sleep with me instead," he says before kissing me again, but this time for some weird reason, I don't break off. When he stops I just look at him in astonishment.

"Well, what do you think?" he asks.

Hope that you liked it, I will try to keep up with writing even though I am busy. If you have comments or suggestions, drop me a line.


Next: Chapter 7: Learning About Another 8 9

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