Learning About Another

By Dual Blade

Published on Jan 22, 2000


Here is the next chapter, hope that you like it. Again, I would like to thank all of those who have written to me and encouraged me to keep writing. If you have any suggestions, comments please send them. As usual, flames will be ignored.


Chapter 6

"Oh Ash, that feels so good," I say as he goes down on me again. I can't believe this, Ash, another good-looking guy, is going down on me. It is just totally amazing, he is sucking like he has been starved for cock. My cock swells and I explode in his mouth and he swallows every drop. When he is done, he looks into my eyes and says, "I love you." I smile at him and......

I wake up to the phone ringing. I am a bit disoriented, and it takes me a moment to realize where I am. I answer the phone on the fourth ring, "H...hello," I say groggily.

"Hey, it's me," Scott says.

"Hey can I call you back, I just woke up?"

"Yeah, no prob., did I wake you?"



"Don't worry about it, I will call you back in a couple of minutes."

"Ok, later," and he hangs up. I hang up the phone and realize that my boxers are wet. I sit there astonished, I just had a wet dream, and Scott wasn't in it. It felt so real, I just can't get over it, it was only a dream. I am a bit shaken by the dream, and I wonder 'Am I falling for Ash?'

I grab a towel and jump into the shower to clean myself off, then get out and look at the time. It is 6:00 Monday night. I hadn't meant to take a three hour nap, oh well. I grab the phone and dial Scott's number.

"Hello," he answers.


"Hey, what up?"

"Not much, how about you?"

"Well, I promised you that I would tell you what the problem earlier today was. It was Ash. You said that you were with Ash listening to him play, and before Christmas break, I caught you kinda staring at him. I was just wondering if there was more to it than that."

"Scott, you know I love you, and I don't really know Ash," I say, stalling while I think about whether or not to tell him about the dream.

"Yeah, I know."

I decide to tell him, hopefully it won't go to hell. "But there is something that I need to tell you."

"What?" he sounds hurt.

"I had a dream about him, before you called. He was sucking my dick and I was enjoying it. I don't know what it means......and I felt that I should tell you."

"Really? You really had a dream about him?"

"Yes," I say, interrupting him.

"Thanks for being honest with me. Do you want to get with him?"

"I don't think so. I mean, his is good looking and all, but I would rather get to know him better, just become friends with him."

"Oh," he still sounds a little hurt.

"Listen, it's you that I want to be with, not him, it's you that I love, not him. So don't be hurt, ok?"

"Ok," he says and I can almost hear the smile that he has.

"So, when are we going to tell your parents?"


"What do you mean never?"

"Well, at least not until I move out, because they wouldn't understand. They would shun me for it."

"It wouldn't be that bad."

"I think that it would."

"Ok, but when you are ready, I will be there for you. Maybe you could drop really subtle hints and see what they say."

"Maybe. I'll think about it."

"So, how was your day?" We then proceed to tell each other about our respective days. Then we just bullshit with each other and it is 8:00 by the time we get off the phone. Luckily I don't have any homework, so I proceed to do things that will keep me entertained for the rest of the night until I am ready to go to bed.

The next morning, I am in the orchestra room with the Scott, Josh, and the rest of my friends, when Ash walks in with someone following him. "Hey Eric," he yells, and motions for me to come over. I head over there with Scott watching me as I go over. "Yo, what's up?"

"Can I use the bass room to practice again?" Ash asks.

"Yeah sure, just don't touch the basses."

"I know, I know. Hey, I want to introduce you to my friend Chase." Looking at Chase, "Chase, this is Eric."

"Hey," Chase says.

"Hi." I have seen Chase around before, I have had him in a few of my classes, and I know who he is. I am a bit surprised that Ash would introduce me, of all people, to one of his friends. I think of Chase the same way that I thought of Scott and Ash, that they were good looking, but I wasn't attracted to him, I just wanted to look like him. He is 5'5", and skinny, like really skinny. He has blond hair and blue eyes. His boyish good looks and baby face make him look kinda cute. Scott, missing me, runs over to see what is happening. "Hey Eric, what's going on?"

"Oh nothing. Ash was just asking if he could use the bass room to practice, and then he introduce me to his friend." I reply, and then introduce Scott to Ash and Chase. They exchange greetings and then Ash and Chase head for the bass room.

"What was that all about?" Scott asks me.

"I don't know, I honestly don't know."

He shrugs his shoulders in response and heads back to our group. I follow close behind him. The bell rings and everyone heads off to class, and Josh and I get ready for class. Class goes without a hitch, and as usual, Josh and I have loads of fun. After class as I am going to put my bass away, Ash stops me and asks if he could talk to me after he puts his cello away. I tell him that would be ok. He meets up with me and leads me into the bass room. "There is something that I need to tell you," he says.


"I am attracted to you."

I look at him in disbelief with my mouth hanging open. "What?"

"Yes, I am gay, and I like you. I just had to tell you, I don't know why. But don't tell anyone, ok?"

"Don't worry about it, I know what it is like to have secrets, especially in your case, because I am gay too."

Now he looks at me in disbelief, "Huh?"

"But don't worry there is only one person that I will tell, and he can be trusted just as much as I can"


"Scott. He is my boyfriend."


"Yep. Hey, is Chase your boyfriend?"


"That's cool." I look at the, class is going to start in like two minutes. "Hey, find me at lunch, I'll get your number, maybe we could hang out some time, all four of us. Right now I have to get to class."

"That sounds cool. Ok, will see you then"

"'Till then, and don't you tell anyone about Scott or me."

"Ok," he says as he heads off to his next class.

I go to my next two classes and then go to lunch. I didn't concentrate very well during my classes, I couldn't stop thinking about the events that had transpired. Ash meets up with me, just as I am leaving the cafeteria and heading outside to east with my friends. "Here," he says as he thrusts a piece of paper my way. As I take it he says, "Call me." I nod in agreement and continue to walk to up meet with my friends.

When I get there I go to Scott and tell him that I have and interesting story to tell him and that I will call him when I get home tonight, and with that I sit down to eat my lunch. Lunch with my friends is a whole bunch of laughs. Each of us has a totally unique personality and different view on life, but we seem to fit together like pieces in a puzzle. I enjoy their company so much, I don't know where I would be without them. I think to my self 'Life has suddenly become very interesting' and chuckle at the thought.

The rest of the school day passes without incident, but I still have trouble concentrating on my lectures and class work. School finally ends and I think about what has transpired during the day while I am riding the bus home.

When I get home I grab the phone, dial Scott's number, and lay down on the couch waiting for Scott to answer the phone. I have the house to myself and I am usually glad that mom is gone until six. Scott answers the phone, "Hello."

"Hey," I say, "it's your loved one."

"What's up lover?" he says laughing.

"Not much, You ready for my story?"


"Well, guess what? Ash, is gay."

"What!" he yells.

I then proceed to tell him about the events that transpired today, and that I have his number, and I am supposed to call him tonight.

"Really? He really likes you. How interesting," he sounds a bit jealous.

"Now don't go get jealous on me, I still love you. But there's more, Chase is Ash's boyfriend."

"Your kidding!"

"Nope, but you can't tell anyone about this. Promise me."

"I promise."

"Oh, by the way, he knows about us."


"Yeah, he knows, but he won't tell anyone."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am sure. Anyways, I am supposed to call him and see if he wants to hang out, I mean all four of us hang out. I thought that we could do a double date type thing," I laugh while saying the last sentence.

"Yeah, I think that would be cool. Just don't go trying to hook up with him."

"What? Me?"

"Yes you," he laughs. "You and your stupid dream that is," he laughs again.

"Fuck you!" I say laughing with him.

"Not now honey, maybe later. I am not into phone sex," and he begins to laugh harder.

"Oh, so you have tried phone sex huh? You were that desperate."

"Fuck you!" he says, and we both are still laughing.

We continue to talk on the phone for another hour, just talking about each other's day, any plans for the weekend, and just bullshitting with each other."

"Hey, it's five, I am going to make some dinner, call Ash. Then I will call you and tell you what's going on, but I won't be able to talk for long because I have homework to do. Ok?" I tell him.


"I love you."

"I already know that," he laughs again.


"Later," and he hangs up the phone.

I hang up the phone, and make some food to eat. After I am done eating I call Ash.

"Hello, is Ash there?" I ask.

"Yeah, let me get him." I hear his mom call, "Ash, phone."

"Who is it?" I hear him call back.

"Who is this?" she asks.

"This is Eric."

"It's Eric" she calls out again.

I hear someone else pick up the phone on his end, "I got it mom," Ash says, and I hear his mom hang up the other phone. "What's up man?"

"Not much, how about yourself?"

"Things are good. So do you want to hang out, all four of us?"

"Yeah, I believe so."

And the rest of the phone conversation consists of planning where we are going to go, when, who's car we would use, and stuff like that. It was decided that we would go on Saturday, we would grab some lunch, then go to a movie and do it all in Ash's car. He said that he would call Chase and he would tell me tomorrow whether or not it would be ok for him to go. After I get off the phone with Ash, I call Scott and tell him all the details. He agrees and we talk for a moment before I get off the phone to start on my homework, which I do for the part of the night, and then I watch some tv before I go to bed. Before falling asleep I think, 'It has been a very interesting day.'

Next: Chapter 6

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