Learning About Another

By Dual Blade

Published on Jan 22, 2000


Sorry that I put chapter four and five together, I fell behind when my keyboard died and I wanted to get back up to speed. Hope that you like it.


Chapter 4

"Can I keep you?" Scott asks.

Smiling I say, "Yes, always."

The next morning I wake up to my angel holding me in his arms, he is already awake and I figure that he was just enjoying me being in his arms. "Morning," he whispers.

I tilt my head to look into his eyes. "I hate mornings," then with a smile on my face "except when I wake up next to you." He smiles at this and we lay there and talk about what we are going to do for the day. We still have to study for finals, which royally sucks. "It's time for our shower," I say. "This time we will use soap," He chuckles at this and just says "Yeah."

We head for the bathroom and our shower consists of cleaning each other, kissing and just holding each other. But the warm water has to run out sometime, and that is when our shower ended. We got out of the shower, got dressed, ate breakfast, and by then it was almost 12:30 PM. We only had five more hours before he had to be home and we needed to get studying.

We started to study, and it started out good, we got a good hours worth of studying in, and by then we could contain ourselves any longer, so we started making out. This went off and on until he had to leave. When compared, the time we spent making out was more than the time we spent studying, oh well.

So he went home, I had some dinner, and tried to study. I did study for a couple of hours before I finally got tired of it and started to do something else. The night passed on without event, and so did the rest of my weekend, unfortunately.

That Monday, the beginning of finals week, Scott met me in the orchestra room, along with our other friends. I pulled Scott into the bass room, and grabbed my string bass. I started plucking out the tune to "Stand By Me." I told him that this was how I felt during that Friday night, and how I still feel like this. But I was careful to say this on the quieter side so the no one heard me. He just laughed and hugged me, just then our best friend Josh (he was my best friend, and Scott's best friend, but I was not Josh's best friend, Scott was. I was just a good friend.) opened the door to the room, in response to that, Scott turned his hug into a bear hug and I grunted from being squeezed. Josh just looked at us a little weird, but I don't think he suspected anything. "Just comin' to see what you guys were up to."

Josh was tall, as tall as I am. He is broad shouldered, he isn't muscular, but he is husky. He has long brown hair that falls to his shoulders, that he can tie up into a pony tail, which makes him look a lot like the highlander from the t.v. series. He has brown eyes, and a mannish face. "Nothing much," I say after Scott has let go of me. "Ok," he says and turns around and walks out, which is and indication that he wants us to follow him. I give Scott the 'boy that was close' look and we both follow Josh back out into the class room. Josh is by far the leader of the group, but only because if he wasn't around, none of the group would have become fiends, at least in my eyes. We meet up with the rest of the group and just hang out.

Then in walks Ash. He plays the cello and is good looking. Of course I didn't realize this until after I found out that I was gay. I just thought that he was good looking before, but only in the way that I wished I looked like him. He is more popular than I am, and we have only talked a few times about nothing at all. He is six feet, black hair and green eyes. I don't know his exact weight, but I know that he is skinny, and that he has a swimmers build, but I only know this because he was on the swim team last year with me. He has a great body, and I did look a few times. I guess I was staring, and Scott hit me and asked "What are you doing?" But nobody else seemed to notice. "Oh, nothing," I reply, a little ashamed that I was thinking about another guy. Then suddenly, the bell rings and everybody heads for their respective classes. Scott looks at me and smiles, a smile that says "I love you." I nod my head in acknowledgment and get ready for class by getting my bass out and getting out my music.

Finals week passes without a hitch and the Christmas break begins. I don't see Scott much during finals week except when we are in school. The Monday after Christmas break begins, Scott and I hang out for the day. We have lunch at a local restaurant, go to the mall, and then go to the beach.

It is near 3:30 when we get to the beach and it is already dusk. I lead him to a secluded area where no one goes, and we sit together to watch the sun set over the Pacific. It is a beautiful thing. I look at Scott, kiss him, and tell him that I love him. It is a great feeling to hold someone when you are watching the sunset. Night comes, the stars come out, and we are still sitting there, holding each other. I look up at the stars and whisper to Scott, "I thought that the stars were the most beautiful thing in the world...until I fell in love with you." With that said, he looking me with a big smile on his face and begins to make out with me, right there on the beach.

We kiss, grope, fondle, and get horny for the better part of an hour. The he whispers into my ear, "I want you to make love to me tonight, I want you to take my virginity." I look at him shocked, and only manage to respond with "Ok."

We head back for his car, and we grab each others asses a couple of times, just for shits and giggles. When we get back to my house, I am glad that my mom is gone on a business trip and won't be back until Christmas Eve, which is three days away. Scott calls his mom and tells her that he is going top probably stay at my house for the next couple of days and that he would be home to pick up some clothes tomorrow. She said that was fine, and that she would see him tomorrow.

It is now 6:30 and I order out for some Chinese food with some money that mom left for me. We are watching a movie when it arrives and we eat while we finish watching the rest of the movie. When it finishes, he leans over and lightly kisses me and says "I will be in your room, come and find me when you are ready." He gets up, gives me a very sexy look, takes off his shirt exposing his beautiful, hairless chest, and then throws his shirt at me. It hits me in the face and I take in a breath. It smells like him, and god I love his smell. I decide to be cruel, and make him wait a while, so I plug in another movie. Sure enough, he comes out five minutes later and sees me watching a movie. I look at him and smile a mischievous smile. He smiles back at me with one of those fake smiles, runs at me and gives me a full on kiss. While he is kissing me, he undoes my pants and starts to stroke my semi-hard cock. It grows with each stroke and becomes fully hard after only a few strokes of his hand. He then breaks off his kiss, and heads back towards my room, leaving me wanting more. I now understand what the point of that was, it was revenge for making him wait, but I am sure that he knows I will be up there in very short time.

I make my way to my room very quickly, pausing just for a moment to get some baby oil out of the bathroom. When I get to my room, Scott is laying on the bed with his shirt off reading one of my many magazines. He looks up and smiles, "I see that you came, you got here faster than I thought you would." He stands up and walks towards me. I rush to him, pull him in close and kiss him deeply. I undo the button on his pants and let them fall. He steps out of them and undoes the button on my pants, I step out of them and slide off my boxers, all the while we are still kissing. I lay him down on the bed and slide his boxers off of him. I kiss his chest and then put his legs on my shoulders. I grab the baby oil that I set down near by and lube up my 6 1/2 inch dick with it. I put some on his hole so that it will slide in easier. I start to put my dick in when Scott says "Go slow." I nod my head and push in slowly, he moans in pain and pleasure. As my head pops in I continue to slide the rest of my shaft in slowly. When I get it all the way in, I pull it out a tiny bit quicker. I continue to do this until I am able to go fast enough that is doesn't hurt him and that it fells goof to both of us. AS the pace quickens, his moans of pleasure grow louder, after a while, he begins to jack off in rhythm to my movements. I find myself in great amounts of pleasure and I soon give off a moan of ecstasy as I release my load inside of him, he then immediately gives off a moan of extreme pleasure as he shoots his load all over both of us. As I go to pull out he says "No, leave it in." I leave it in and bend down to kiss him. "That was wonderful," I whisper into his ears, he nods his head in reply. I finally pull out when my dick gets soft and I lift him up and we get into the shower to clean ourselves off.



"I love you so much."

"I know."

Chapter 5

The rest of Christmas break passed all too quickly for me. Scott and I made love, but not like we did the night that I took his virginity, it has all been oral since then. Christmas was fairly good for me.

School started up again and things seemed to go back to normal. I had Scott in some of my classes, and in those classes we didn't seem to get much done. The first day back, I went to orchestra class as usual, I was in the bass room when Ash knocked on the door. I jumped, for I wasn't expecting it. "You scared the shit out of me." I said hold my hand to my chest.

"Sorry Eric," he replies. "I just wanted to know if I could practice in here, if you wouldn't mind."

"Nah, I don't care, just as long as you don't touch the basses."

He mutters something that sounded like 'Only one thing in here that I want to touch.' I looked a little confused and looked at him. "I said that I wouldn't touch any of them," in response to my confused look. I just shook it off as something that I wanted to hear.

"That's cool then, see you in class." I say.

I head out back into the classroom to hang out with my friends and can hear him practicing his cello. It sounds good. So I head over and lean on the wall next to the door, but so that he can't see me. The song that he is playing is "Canon in C" and it sounds good, very good. When he finishes playing I walk through the door and up behind him, for he has his back turned to the door. I place pat his shoulder and let my had rest on it. He jumps as at my touch as I say "That sounds good, really good. I have always liked that song."

"Thanks," he says as he pats my hand and then he lets it rest there. It only takes a few second to notice this and I pull my hand away as he is pulling his away. There is an awkward moment of silence, and to break it, for I hat silence (sometimes), I say, "I guess I had better get my bass out while I am here so that I am ready for class on time."

"Yeah," he says "I should probably get set up myself." He stands up and stands up, our eyes meet, just for a moment, no, less that that, and with that he gets his cello, his music and then walks out of the room. I am a bit confused by what just happened, but I don't dwell on it for long, because the bell rings and I need to go say good-bye to Scott.

"Where were you?" he asks.

"I was listening to Ash play, he is good."

"Oh," he says with a sullen look on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he states putting another look on his face, but it doesn't matter for I can see that it is fake and see right through it.

"No, honestly, what's wrong?"

"I'll tell you later."



And with that he heads off to class, and I get ready for my class.

Next: Chapter 5

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