Learning About Another

By Dual Blade

Published on Jan 19, 2000


Well, here is chapter two of my story. Thanks to all those who sent letters encouraging me to keep writing. I feel that I should inform you that this isn't going to be an all out sex story, but there will be some. Sorry if I disappointed some of you with this. Compliments and suggests are always welcome, and flames, as always, will be ignored. Thanks for reading.

Chapter 2

"Eric..." Scott says.

"Shhhh. I know, I know," I respond. And here I am, holding a good looking guy, who just showed that he likes me by kissing me in the shower. Then it hit me, I liked this boy, and he liked me. Suddenly, in an instant, I was on top of the world, and I was in love.

"Eric....I.....I....didn't know that I had these feelings for you. It just happened." Scott says.

"It's ok, I didn't know either. But I like it, and I like you." I say still holding him close, and enjoying the feel of his warm skin agains mine.

But then, to ruin the whole moment, we start to lose hot water. I didn't think that we were kissing for that long.

"Looks likes it's time to get out," I say before kissing him one more time, and turning the water off. I grab a towel and hand it to him and then grab the other one for myself. I get out and dry myself off, and he does the same. Then I head for my room with him in tow.

When we get to my room, I take his towel and push him onto the bed, drop my towel, and pause for a moment to admire his beautiful body before I fall onto the bed next to him. I look into his eyes and he looks into mine. It's as if we are understanding each other's thoughts at that moment, for we kiss again. This kiss is long and passionate as our tounges battled for dominance. I break off the kiss after many minutes, I look into his loving eyes and say, "Is this what love is, for I think I am in love?"

"You feel the same way I do, and I think that it is love," he says with a smile on his face.

For the rest of the night we talk about our feelings, about our likes and our dislikes, just basically learning as much about each other as possible. He eventually rests his naked body against mine and begins to doze off. Before he falls asleep, I say "Scott?".

"Hmmmmmm," he replies, which shows that he is almost asleep.

"Can I keep you?" I whisper into his ear.

"Hmmmmmm," he replies in an positive tone.

I kiss his cheek as he falls asleep and I can feel his rymthic breathing which tells me he is asleep. I feel like I am in heaven and that I have an angel wrapped in my arms. I eventually fall asleep, with him still in my arms.

The next morning I wake up first, and look down at this angel in my arms, and I can't help but smile. I just lay there and soak it all up. I feel the warmth of his body against me, his rythmic breathing, the way he looks so innocent when he is sleeping, and I am enjoying every minute of it. I decide that it is time to get up and I kiss him on the lips to wake him up. Needless to say it wakes him up. We talk for a minute before we get going with the morning routine.

"What are we going to do about the people at school?" Scott asks.

"Do they need to know? We will just keep it on the downlow. Sound good?" I reply.

"Yeah, but won't they eventually find out?"

"So what if they do. All that matters is that we have each other and that we still love each other. Nobody else's opinion matters."

"True, very true,"he says flashing me a smile, that shows that he loves me.

We proceed with our morning routine. We have to take showers seperately so that my mother doesn't suspect anything, which really sucks. But oh well. After we both have had our showers and breakfast, we are only able to be together awhile longer before he has to go home because we both have homework, but he promises to call me. He reluctantly leaves, and I reluctantly let him go. It is about two o'clock in the afternoon, and I don't know what I am going to do, for I just can't seem to concentrate on my homework.

Now I feel would be a good point to describe where I live and where I am at in time. I live in a costal city in California, in otherwords there is a beach that is readily accessible. I live about two miles from it, easy walking distance. It isn't a big city, not like L.A. or San Francisco, but is on a way smaller scale. It is almost the end of the first semester of my junior year in high school, and the Christmas break is about two weeks away. The cool thing about living near the beach, is that the temperature stays at a fairly constant level year round, which is great. My mother works in business management and so I am well provided for, yet I still don't have a car, oh well. My father died around this time when I was a freshman, man, it's only been two years.

The weekend finally passes and I manage to get my homework done, somehow. During school we look like really good friends, and after school we try to see each other as much as possible, but it is fairly hard to do because of the end of semester projects and then finals we have to study for. After about a week I tell Scott that I want to tell my mom about us. He agrees with me and asks if I want him to be there when I tell her, I say yes, and arrangements are made for him to spend the next Friday night at my house so that we can study for finals. It is that Friday night that I plan to tell her, and he will be there to support me, which is great.

Friday rolls around and I can't concentrate during school, I am too nervous. Scott is a big help, he supports me, comforts me, and makes me laugh to ease the tension. Man I love him. School eventually lets out, and Scott drives the both of us to my house for the night. He already has his stuff, which is good, for I don't think that I could manage to have him away as the time grows closer to face the music.

Mom has decided to cook dinner and it is at the dinner table that I decide to tell her. "Mom?" I say.

"Yes," she replies, looking up from her plate.

"I......I.....I need to tell you something, but I.....I don't know how to tell you so I am just going to tell you straight foward."

"Ok. Go ahead."

"Mom......I....I am gay."

"What?" She says in a raised voice.

Next: Chapter 3

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