Learning About Another

By Dual Blade

Published on Mar 23, 2000


Hope that you guys read the repost of Ch. 12 & 13. If you didn't, I suggest you read it. It will help you get used to the new tone. Anyways, go read 12 and 13 if you haven't. Hope that you enjoy this one. Later.


Chapter 14

... I was happier than I'd been in some time. I was with my friends and we were heading out to have fun!

Scott drove us toward the beach where we'd watched the sun set just a few hours before. Ash and Chase talked quietly together in the back seat as I messed around with the radio; looking for something I could sing along with. I finally settled on a station playing 'Singing in my sleep'. I love that song and I couldn't help bouncing a little to the tune.

Scott looked over quickly at me, grinning. "You've got a good voice Eric." He said, returning his attention to the road.

I sang on, waiting for the end of the song before answering. "Thanks Scott, but I keep flubbing the high notes."

"Not badly. Really very good if you ask me." We reached the seawall and he pulled into a parking spot. Switching off the lights he announced, "we're here boys! Everyone out!" With that we piled out of the car like a litter of puppies at play. Ash and Chase ran for the wall while we ambled behind at a slower pace.

"Hey! The tides out guys! We can run along the flats for miles." Chase called back to us as he and Ash headed for the stairway to the sand.

"That sounds like fun, doesn't it Eric?" Scott asked as we walked.

"Yeah; beach, moonlight, surf and you. I can't think of anything better." I smiled, a feeling of love flushing through me. We followed them down onto the beach. We could see the two of them cavorting through the tide line. Obviously they didn't need us to have fun.

Before I knew it, Scott shoved me off balance and began running toward the others. I took off after him, laughing. He had a head start on me but I was closing the gap. Within a minute I was running close behind him as he dodged, trying to evade my grasp. Finally I was close enough and I launched myself at his back. I hit him just above the waist in a flying tackle bringing him to the sand in a sprawling tackle. "Gotcha" I crowed, working to secure my hold on him. He turned in my arms and I found myself climbing my way up his chest. It was a fun climb. Plenty of hand holds. (Smile)

"Whatcha doin'?" Scott asked in a soft voice.

"Taking what's mine." I replied. Covering him, I leant in and gave him a kiss. Our lips met gently. A romantic kiss; nothing aggressive. Our kiss would have continued unbroken if not for Ash and Chase. They came up beside us, talking as they came.

"Aww . . . look at the cute couple Chase. Don't they look so sweet laying there together?" Ash asked in a mocking tone as he prodded us with his toes.

"Yeah, regular love birds!" Chase chimed in.

Scott and I broke our embrace, we rolled apart and sat up in the sand. "Hey guys, whatcha want to do from here?" I asked, looking up at the two of them while resting a hand on Scotts' leg.

"Well . . . we were talking back in the car, and thought that we could grab a video or something then head back to your place for the night." Chase said, looking back and forth between us.

"Yeah." I said. "I think that'd be kewl."

"Whatcha want to rent?" Scott asked.

"We thought that we could rent 'Go'" Chase answered.

"Ok" I said. "We should get going before they close though, its gotta be close to 10 now." With that I pushed up and then reached down to help Scott get to his feet. We walked slowly back along the beach, chatting amiably amongst ourselves. The night sky over the Pacific was strewn with a beach of diamonds that mirrored the sparkling sands we walked across. With a light wind blowing we made our way back up the steps along the seawall. As we turned toward the car, I couldn't help thinking that this was going to be a perfect night.

We climbed into the car, resuming the seats we'd filled earlier. Scott started the car and we began the short drive to the video store. After we arrived, I volunteered to run in and get the movie. I was back in the car and we were on our way within five minutes, talking happily as Scott drove us all back to my house. Scott pulled into my driveway parking behind my moms' car. We climbed out and made our way into the house and up to my room. Within minutes we'd all managed to flop down like rag dolls with no sign of our ever moving again. I finally grabbed the movie and crawling on hands and knees went over to the VCR and slotted the tape into the machine. The movie began to play almost immediately and I moved back to sit with Scott. We snuggled together as the movie continued to play. Occasionally I'd glance over to see how Chase and Ash were doing. My mind wandered as the movie continued to play. Here I was, sitting with my boyfriend, while my two gay friends sat together less than five feet away. It really blew my mind! I turned back and gave Scott a quick kiss before paying attention to the movie again.

"What was that for?" He asked in a whisper.

"For being here, with me." I whispered back.

As the movie ended, I disentangled myself from Scotts arms and stood up, stretching. "I gotta pee!" I announced, moving toward the bathroom. Everyone else began to get up and move around as I went into the bathroom.

When I came out Scott was just spreading my sleeping bag on the floor for Ash and Chase to use. "This ok Eric?" He asked, looking over to me as I came back into the room.

"Yeah Scott, that'll be fine." I said, as I began to get ready for bed.

"Hey Eric?" Chase interrupted.


"Is it ok with you that Ash and I are gonna be sleeping together?"

"Sure. I mean, Scott and I are gonna be together, why shouldn't you two have some fun?" I said with a grin. Scott just chuckled quietly as he finished setting up their bed.


With that Ash and Chase made a bee line for the bathroom to finish getting ready for bed. After they'd left the room I turned to Scott, "Think we'll get the chance to do anything tonight?" I asked.

"I think so." He replied. "Unless I miss my guess, those two'll be going at it too."

"Yeah, now that you mention it, I think your probably right." I said with a grin.

We finished undressing and we climbed into my bed. We'd never spent the whole night together since becoming boyfriends and this was definitely turning me on. I climbed in first and held the edge of the blanket up inviting Scott to join me. He scooted in beside me and I let the covers fall over us.

I could feel the heat of his body just inches from mine and it was beginning to affect me. I could feel my dick growing hard and I was quite sure his was doing the same.

Ash and Chase walked back into my bedroom and saw us already lying together in my bed. "So, not wasting any time, I see." Ash quipped.

"Yeah, they obviously couldn't wait." Chase returned.

"Shut up you two!" I growled. "You two should talk! You've both got hard ons! I doubt we'll get any sleep with you two humping like bunnies!"

Both of them turned bright red. I bet you could see them in the dark they were so red. (It still brings a smile to my face to remember that!) "Fuck you!" Chase said. They both dropped their boxers before climbing into the sleeping bag. I turned off the lights as they settled down. "Hey guys?" I said.

"Yeah?" Ash answered.

"Ya know Elijah? Right?"


"I told him I was gay."

"No shit?!" Chase said.

"Yeah, he was kewl about it. It felt really good to tell someone." I said.

"So, is he gay too?" Chase asked.

"Nah., but he's kewl about it. I just thought I should tell you guys."

"S'kewl." Chase said.

"Night guys." I said.

"Goodnight." They answered back.

Throughout this, Scott had kept quiet. As I said goodnight, I felt his arms reach around me in a much needed hug. I began to kiss him gently as we lay there together. From the floor I could hear the sounds of my two friends as they began to explore each other in earnest.

I'd have to say this was the most erotic moment of my life. I knew I was with someone I loved and who loved me. And we were going to make love to each other. Scotts hands began to explore my body as we lay there together. His fingers began to gently stroke my chest and abs as he continued to explore. My breath began to get shorter the lower his hands traveled on my body, until, with a sharp intake of breath, I felt his hands close on my erection.

"How does that feel?" Scott asked in a nearly breathless whisper.

"Fantastic!" I whispered back.

"Are you ready for the next step?"

"Yeah, I think so."

With no further prompting, I felt Scott begin to move behind me. I could feel his erection beginning to push up against my ass seeking entry. I'd never had intercourse before and was a bit scared. Still, I tried to relax to make it easier for the both of us.

The sounds coming from the sleeping bag next to us had deepened and taken on a note of arousal. I could hear Ash and Chase kissing as well as the sound of someone beating off. I found by concentrating on them that I had an easier time relaxing for Scott.

I could feel the head of his dick really starting to push into me now as he used his hands to spread my cheeks. Once Scott was positioned, he leaned forward and asked, "are you ready?"

"Yeah, just take it easy though." I replied, biting my lip.

"Here goes!" With that Scott hunched forward and split me wide open on his pole. I nearly cried out; it was that unexpected and sharp. "You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, just don't move for a minute. Ok?"

"Sure, but it's hard not to." He answered back.

After a few moments to grow accustomed to having him inside me I finally told him he could go ahead. I felt him begin to push deeper into me. As he pushed past my prostate my dick sprang to attention like someone had thrown a switch.

"Oh my god! That feels fantastic!" I whispered back to Scott.

"Umm . . . It feels very good on this end too." Scott replied.

With that he began to slowly pull back. He began to build a rhythm, moving in and out of my ass, gliding over that 'magic' spot on every stroke. The feeling that this built inside me was one of the most intense I'd ever experienced. I could tell I wouldn't last too much longer. I could feel the cum starting to make its journey.

"I'm gonna cum Scott!"

"Me too." He answered, continuing to piston in and out of me.

A moment later my orgasm hit. My cum flew out, puddling on the sheet in front of me as Scott continued to rock into me from behind. With a last deep push I felt his nuts slap against me and him stiffen as he filled my ass with his seed. I felt him deliver three or four powerful shots into me before he fell away from me exhausted.

"You ok?" Scott asked.

I caught my breath and answered. "Yeah! That felt fantastic! You'll love it Scott."

"I'll tell ya, it felt really awesome for me too." He replied.

I turned over to face my lover and looked deep into his eyes. A smile quirked my lips and I said, "I love you."

We lay there in the gloam, staring into each others eyes. I could feel his warm breath across my face. "I love you too Eric." He whispered, as he lay there looking back into my eyes. I felt so complete in that moment. I craned my head forward a bit and kissed him on the tip of his nose. He giggled.

From the floor beside us we could hear the sounds of Chase and Ash making love. The little sighs and whimpers as they moved together were making us both horny as hell. I still hadn't lost my hard on even though I'd just cum less than five minutes before! "Are you ready lover?" I asked Scott.

"Yeah. I think I am. Did it hurt much Eric?" He asked, a slight note of apprehension creeping into his voice.

"At first. But it really felt fantastic when I was finally able to relax."

"Then I think I'm ready." With that he released me from the cage of his arms and slowly turned his back to me.

I reached out to touch him gently. I began to run my hands in a soothing caress across the skin of his chest. My touch raised goose bumps across his skin and he sucked in a slow breathe. "Mmm. . ." He sighed. "Like that."

I continued to run my hands lower until I could feel his stiff cock. Already it was leaking a generous amount of pre-cum. I wanted to use his natural lube to help me ease my way into his ass so I ran a hand across the head and transferred what I'd collected to my own aching cock. Spreading the cheeks of his ass I placed the head of my cock against his tight pucker. "You'll have to relax now Scott. Otherwise this is gonna hurt."

"I'll try." He replied. He breathed out slowly. Obviously trying to force himself to relax.

I began to push into Scott feeling him spread as my cock moved forward. With a stretching sensation I felt myself begin to slide into him. He gasped, "stop! Stop Eric, give me a minute, I didn't think you were that big!"

I stopped moving as he adjusted to my cock in his ass. I continued to caress him as I waited for Scott to become comfortable with the new sensations. I couldn't believe the heat I felt engulfing my cock as I lay there behind him. "Are you ready yet?" I whispered into his ear; my chin resting on his shoulder.

"Yeah. I think so. Just go slow. Ok?"

"K." I answered back as I began to push ever so slowly into him. I felt myself bottom out after a minute and rested against him. "You still ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I feel really full though."

I pulled slowly back before beginning to build a steady rhythm. As my pace built Scott began to moan. If it felt anything like I'd just experienced then I knew he was loving it. As I continued to speed up I felt my cum begin to flow up from my nuts. I could tell that I wasn't going to be able to hold back much longer. I ran my hands lower down Scott's front, finally wrapping my hand around his tool and pumping him. He began to suck in deep breathes as I emptied my load into his tight ass.

With the first spurts of my cum deep inside him, Scott couldn't hold his orgasm back any longer. My hand was pumping his cock for all I was worth and it was just too much. His cum bubbled up from his nuts and spilled from his cock, coating his thighs and my hand as he groaned out his pleasure.

I stopped moving inside Scott and just lay there as his orgasm subsided and Scott's sphincter twitched around my pole. Finally, as I began to soften I pulled my hips back one last time, releasing my cock from Scott's ass.

I leaned forward again over Scott's shoulder before asking, "Was that good for you too?"

"It was awesome Eric. I've never felt like that before. Is that what it felt like for you?

"It sure was! I can't believe how good that felt. I could do that every day!" I said. With that I turned my head and kissed him on the neck. I could feel the pulse in his neck as my lips suckled at his nape.

Scott slowly broke my embrace as he moved to swing his legs off the bed. "I gotta pee man!" He said with desperation tinging his voice.

"I need to clean up too. I'll come with you." Saying that I rolled away from him. I avoided the pool of my cum behind me and climbed to my feet. I couldn't help but glance down at the guys on the floor. They were still going at it, enjoying a mutual blow job. I shook my head and smiled as I made my way around the end of my bed, following Scott into the bathroom. I followed behind Scott and flipped on the bathroom light before closing the door behind us.

"That was awesome Scott!" I said, moving to wrap him in my warm embrace again.

"Quit it! I gotta pee!" Scott said, laughing.

He turned to the bowl and let fly. I moved him aside a bit and joined him. It was such a relief. I must have needed it as bad as Scott.

We finished peeing and I suggested to Scott that we clean up a bit before going back to bed.

"That's a good idea. I don't wanna wake up covered in cum. How does a shower sound to you?" He asked.

I didn't answer. But reached past him and turned the water on. All the time I was smiling at him.

"I guess that answers that question, huh?" He said.

I continued smiling as I climbed into the shower and reached out to pull him in after me. Once under the water we hugged again. I could feel our erections returning but decided to ignore the distraction. "Let's just get cleaned up. Ok?" I asked.

"Ok. It is fairly late, isn't it?" He answered. Smiling.

We showered quickly, taking every opportunity to touch the other. I still can't believe how sensual the experience was. We finished after only ten or fifteen minutes. Long before the hot water would run out. We stepped out, clean and refreshed and dried ourselves off.

"Ready for bed?" Scott asked, looking into my eyes from only a few inches away.

"Sure." I replied.

I flipped off the light and we walked back into my bedroom. Ash and Chase seemed to have fallen asleep. They were now lying side by side, spooning. I pointed them out to Scott and he just looked at me and smiled.

"Hang on a minute." I said. I moved past Scott and stepped up to the bed. I reached down and pulled the soiled sheet from the bed and threw them into the corner. I spread the comforter back over the bed and climbed in under it; beckoning Scott to join me.

He moved towards the bed and I held the comforter up so he could climb in. Once under the covers I reached out to wrap Scott in my arms. "Goodnight." I whispered and gave him a kiss. Scott returned the kiss, whispering, "goodnight."

We drifted gently into sleep in each others arms.

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