Learning About Another

By Dual Blade

Published on Mar 19, 2000


Ok, sorry it has been so long. This is a revised version of Ch 12 and Ch 13. It will help you to get used to the next chapters. Anyways, hope you like the new version. My editor helped with this. We have decided to make this story a joint effort. So we are co-authors. Hope you like it.


Chapter 12

It's been a week since Elijah joined our group. He's been accepted and he seems happy. I still wonder if he's gay though. I'm not getting any gay vibes from him, but maybe he's just good at hiding it. Hell, Ash was.

I haven't talked to Scott in a couple of days. I've been so busy with homework that I haven't even had time to call him. Usually though, if I don't call him, he'll call me, but he hasn't yet. I hope nothing's wrong.

Today's Friday, and I'm really glad the weekend is near. I need a break. Before classes start, I head to the orchestra room. The group's in as usual when Elijah approaches me. "Hey," he says.

"Howzit goin'?" I reply.

"Good I guess. I was wondering if you wanted to spend the night at my house tonight?"

My heart skipped a beat. Here's this gorgeous guy asking me over to his house to spend the night!

"I thought that we might get to know each other better," he states.

Again, I lost another heartbeat. Is he saying what I think he's saying? Or am I just hoping he is?

"Sure, gotta talk to my mom about it, but I don't think she'll mind. I'll call you when I get home and give you the news," and with that the bell rang ending the conversation.

"Ok, catch ya later," he said, as he headed off to class. I turned to grab my bag and I saw Scott leaving and I winked at him. He smiled back.

The rest of the day went well. After my last class I caught the bus home and called mom at work to see if it would be ok for me to spend the night at Elijahs' house.

She didn't have a problem with it so I phoned Elijah to tell him the good news. We agreed on six o'clock for him to pick me up and then we got off the phone. I've got two hours to get ready.

First I went to the kitchen to get some grub for myself before I decided on what I was going to take with me. I was excited to say the least! After I ate I went to my room and looked around. I couldn't decide on what clothes to take with me. All this time I was trying to decide if I should tell him that I was gay. I just don't know. While I'm doing this I snag the cordless and give Scott a call.

"Hey Scott, what am I gonna do ?"

"Shoulda thought of that before you accepted!" He laughs.

"Fuck you man. I need some real help!"

"What kinda help are you looking for?"

"What should I wear?"

"Well, what about your t-top and chinos? I always think you look hot in those."

"Your right! Those'd be perfect!" I say, smiling to myself.

"Thanks Scott, I gotta go though."

"No sweat. Call me tomorrow?"

"Sure, and Scott..."


"I love you."

Scott sighed,"I love you too."

"Oh, and Eric, I wanna hear all about it!"

" K, I'll tell ya all about it."I say, laughing as I click off and go back to getting ready. It's gonna be close though.

I headed into the bathroom to make sure I was looking good. Yep, no problem there. As I stand there checking myself out in the mirror I hear the doorbell ring. Shit! He's early, I think to myself. I ran down the stairs to answer the door and I see this great looking guy, who just happens to be Elijah, standing there.

I stepped back, inviting him into the house. "Wassup?" I asked.

"Not much, you ready?"

"Almost. Come on in, I just havta grab my bag." I say, motioning for him to follow me. As he comes in I closed the door behind him before leading him back up to my room. "I'm not sure what I should bring with me. Do I need a pillow and blanket?"

"You can bring a pillow if you want, but you won't need a blanket. I have one for you."

"Should I bring anything besides clothes?"

"Nah, I already have the entertainment planned." He says with a grin.

"Ok... cool." I say as I gather my stuff and we head back down. All the while I'm still pondering whether or not I should tell him that I'm gay. I detour a moment into the kitchen to leave mom a note with Elijahs' phone number just in case she needs to talk to me; as well as a rough estimate of when I expect to be home. With that done we headed out to his car. I locked the door on the way out. When I turned around and saw his car, my jaw almost hit the ground! He's driving a fuckin' BMW! He must have seen the look of shock on my face because he said, "It was a birthday present."

"Must have been some birthday!" I said as we got into his car and drove to his house. When we got there we headed inside and he introduced me to his family and his mother told me that I was to be included for supper; which was cool.

After dinner the rest of the night was spent watching movies, playing video games, messing around with his computer and just talking. His room was about the same size as mine, but with cooler stuff in it. He had his own computer and a great stereo system.

It was about three o'clock before we finally started getting ready for bed. He stripped down to his boxers and I did the same. There was a moment there where we were just looking at each other before we went about getting our beds ready.

We got into bed and carried on talking about other things. We talked about girlfriends, schools, where he's from, hobbies and other stuff. The whole time that we're talking, I'm racking my brain, trying to decide whether or not to tell him about me. I finally decided to tell him and just as I'm about to I chickened out and we began talking about other things. We finally decided to go to bed about four when I finally got up the nerve to tell him.

"Elijah?" I say quietly.


"I have something I need to tell you."

"What is it?" He says with an inquisitive note in his voice. He turned towards me, propping himself up on his elbow so that he could look over the edge of his bed at me where I was laying on the floor.

"Well..." I paused, wondering if this was a good idea.

"Go ahead, you can tell me anything."

"Ok, here goes. Elijah, I'm gay."

Chapter 13


I looked at him quickly, shocked. "What? Am I supposed to have a problem with your being gay?" He asks softly.

"No.... but..."

"But what? It doesn't matter to me. Your still the same person, aren't you? You haven't changed. I'm just happy that you trust me with so much of yourself."

"That's cool" I said, caught off guard by his casual acceptance. "Thanks"

"No problem, now go to sleep!"

"G'night Elijah."


With that I rolled over in my blanket and lay down. I could hear Elijah moving about for a minute trying to get comfortable before finally quieting down. I still couldn't shake the feeling that telling Elijah I was gay and having him accept it so easily engendered in me. I guess that answers the question though; he's definitely not gay. Well, I've got Scott, I thought to myself. That's all I really need. With that I too rolled over seeking sleep.

I awoke the next morning to the sounds of Elijah already up and about. I'd slept well and couldn't even remember any dreams. Not that I dream very often but I'd've liked to know what my sub-conscious made of the past days events.

"Hey sleepy head," Elijah called out when he noticed I was finally awake. "You sleep ok?" He asked as he went about getting ready for a shower.

"Yeah, I did. Thanks" I said, as I sat up rubbing sleep from my eyes. "Hey, can I get a shower too?"

"Sure, I'll be right out, then you can get in."

"Sounds good." I said with a yawn in my voice. Elijah turned and headed into the bathroom closing the door behind him. Moments later I can hear the shower start.

Within five minutes I heard Elijah shut off the water and open the door. He stepped out with a towel wrapped around himself and a smile on his lips.

"All yours, I even left you a little hot water!"

"Thanks." I said as I finally got out of bed. I grabbed my bag and scooted past Elijah heading towards the bathroom.

Just as I was about to shut the door Elijah called out to me, "Don't make a mess in there, Ok?"

"Uh, sure... no problem." As I closed the door I could hear him chuckling to himself.

After we both got our showers and had made ourselves presentable, we headed out to the kitchen for breakfast. We were both kinda quiet and breakfast went quickly. "So, whatcha want to do today Eric?" Elijah asked, finally breaking the silence that had bound us.

"Hmm," I said. "We could hit the malls for awhile, I've been wanting to check out the new CD's for about a week now."

"That sounds cool. Let me grab the keys and we can get going." He got up from the table and grabbed the dishes, dropping them in the sink as he headed out into the hall. I got up and followed him.

"Hang on, I gotta grab my bag." I said, as I turned and headed to his room to get it.

I met him back by the door. "Ok, I've got everything, Let's go!"

Within minutes we were on the road and heading for the mall, His BMW turning heads on every corner. When we arrived, he found a good spot not to far from the food court entrance and we headed in. We spent the next couple of hours walking around checking out the sights and looking in the stores. I'm pretty sure we weren't checking out the same sights though. Heh he he.

After grabbing a quick lunch at Mickey D's it was about time for me to head home. Elijah drove me and I arrived just past three. I couldn't wait to get inside and phone Scott. I climbed out of his car and stuck my head back in saying, "Thanks Elijah. I had a blast! Give me a call later and we'll get together."

"K Eric, I'll catch you later." He said, before pulling away from the curb and driving off. I turned around and walked up to the house, letting myself in.

"I'm home!" I called out as I trooped up the stairs to my room.

"Scott called!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Ok, mom! I'll give him a call right away." I called back, as I turned into my room, throwing my bag into the corner by the desk before flopping onto my bed and grabbing the cordless. I turned over onto my back as I dialed Scotts' number from memory.

The phone rang a couple times before it was answered, "Hello?"

"Uh, yeah, this is Eric, can I speak to Scott please?"

"Sure Eric, hang on while I get him. Scott! Phone!" I heard yelled at the other end.

After a few seconds I could hear another extension being lifted and Scotts voice saying, "Hello?" Followed a moment later by the sound of his mom hanging up the phone.

"Hey Scott! I just got back. What's new?" I said, knowing he'd be dying of curiosity.

"You bastard! How'd it go? Did he rape you?"

I laughed at that. "Of course he didn't rape me. Actually, he's straight, more's the pity. I did tell him though."

"How'd he take it?" Scott asked with a worried note in his voice.

"He was really cool about it. We spent the whole night just hanging out, watching movies and playing video games. I told him about myself just before we went to sleep and he said 'So?' Cool isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is" Scott said. "Uh Eric, you didn't tell him about me, did you?"

"No way." I answered, "it's not my place. If you want him to know, you'll just have to get up the nerve to tell him yourself."

"Ok, cool. Hey look, would it be ok if I came over for awhile?"

"Sure. Mom's probably gonna be going out so we can have some privacy. Sound good?" I said, smiling.

"Yeah it does. I'll be over in about fifteen minutes."

"See ya then."

"K. Bye." I said as I clicked off the phone. I rolled back over, stretching out languidly on my bed. I replayed the last day in my mind, enjoying the images of Elijah playing in my mind. I felt the beginnings of a hard on starting. Especially when I pictured him standing in his boxers before we went to bed.

Before I knew it I heard the front door open downstairs and footsteps coming up. In a moment Scotts head peaked around the door as he looked in to see what I was doing. "Hey, Scott. Come on in, make yourself comfy." I scooted to one side of the bed as he came fully into the room and launched himself at me, landing heavily on the bed at my side. I couldn't help but to laugh out loud at his antics. "You'll never change, will you?"

"Not if I can help it I won't." Scott said, reaching over to hug me. Our hug became a deep kiss as our tongues fought in my mouth. He always knew how to get me excited. He eventually pulled back and just looked into my eyes. " I love you Eric."

"I love you too, Scott." I smiled and hugged him.

"I'm sorry that I haven't called you this past couple of days. I just haven't felt like talking to you. I couldn't tell you why though." He said with a kinda wistful sound to his voice.

I let his statement sink in. It hurt a bit, but I shrugged it off. "It's ok, I was busy too. I feel kinda bad that I didn't call you either. But I thought about you a lot and I missed you." I replied.

"I missed you too Eric." He said, before kissing me again. I felt Scott reaching down between us to fondle my hard on. I inhaled sharply, then moaned into his mouth.

"That feels so good! I've needed this all week." I said. Moving myself to give Scotts hands free access to their target. As he began to move in my moms voice called out from downstairs.

"Eric! I've gotta go out for a bit. I'm bringing supper home; would you like Scott to stay?"

"Sure mom, let me ask though. So, do you wanna stay?" I ask.

"I'll have to ask, Eric. But, yeah."

I shouted back to mom, "Yeah! He wants to, but he's gotta check with his folks."

I turned to Scott, handing him the phone from the bedside table. "Come on, call."

He dialed, and spoke with his folks. After a couple of 'oks' and 'yeahs' he hung up and smiled.

"It's cool." he said, grinning like the cheshire cat. I could only smile back.

"Ok mom," I called down, "he's gonna stay!"

"I'll be back in an hour, can you set the table?"

"Sure, no prob." I yelled back. A moment later, we heard the front door close and a few moments later we heard the car start and drive off. "We're alone," I said, smiling.

Scott continued with his explorations, sending a shiver up my spine. I reached out, and began to undo his belt. Soon, we'd both shed our pants in order to have freer access. He reached into my boxers and took hold of my straining erection. Just his touch almost sent me over the edge. I was that close! "Oh fuck yeah! I've missed this so much Scott. I know I can't last long." With that a grin spread over his face as he quickly pulled me out and went down on my aching rod. I spasmed, my back arching as I let out a loud moan. "I'm cumming!" I screamed, as I pumped a thick load down his throat. He swallowed every drop and then let his tongue search for more.

Eventually he pulled off. Coming back up for air, he kissed me gently. I was in heaven! I couldn't wait to return the favour. By now I could feel how ready Scott was for what I could give him. I let my hands find their way to their target. I could feel his dick outlined by his underwear. I reached inside to free his dick as he rolled onto his back and spread his legs a little wider to give me access to his dick. I bent over him and drew his erection into my mouth. I could feel the silky smoothness of him on my tongue as I licked him slowly from base to tip. I could taste the first drops of pre cum forming and lapped them up.

I got serious quickly. Within a minute I was impaled on his shaft sucking for all I was worth. As I continued to work him I could feel his nuts drawing up, getting ready to blast his load. Finally, I brought him to his climax as he moaned and stiffened under me, his dick gave a final twitch before emptying his cum down my throat. I love his taste. I doubt I'll ever tire of it.

Scott sighed, "that was great Eric, I don't think I've ever cum so hard!" I slowly pulled off his softening dick, giving him one last, long, lick.

"You weren't too shabby yourself." I said, looking into his eyes as I moved in to give him a kiss.

"Boys! Get down here right now!" Shit! My mom's home and she sounds pissed!

Scott and I leapt out of bed and scrambled to get our pants done up. Within a minute we were charging down the stairs. We met up with mom in the kitchen. She was standing there looking at us as we came to a halt.

"I asked you a simple thing Eric. Set the table. Was that really too much?"

"I'm sorry mom," I said. "We lost track of time. We'll get it set right away." She stood there watching us as we raced to set the table in record time.

"Well, That'll do I guess. Don't forget next time, Ok?"

"We won't mom." As she turned to pick up the pizza, Scott walked up behind me and grabbed my ass making me jump. "Not here." I whispered to Scott, "later."

He just smiled.

Dinner was good, my mom gave me the third degree about my night at Elijahs. By the time dinner was over, both her and Scott had all the public details of our night together. After dinner, Scott and I went for the brownie points by clearing the table and doing the dishes.

Finally, with everything cleared away, we were able to make some plans for our evening. "So, whatcha wanna do tonight?"

"How about heading down to the beach and catching the sunset?"

"Aww... that sounds so cute. I'd love too! Let me grab a jacket and we can head over."

"Great! Maybe we can catch a movie after that?"

"Sure. I can't think of anything I'd like better." I said, smiling. I ducked out of the kitchen and came back a few moments later with my jacket in hand. "Ok, I'm ready, let's go." With that we headed out and down to the beach.

The sunset that night was stunning. We must have spent almost an hour sitting on the seawall, looking out over the Pacific, holding hands. After the sun had disappeared we headed up to the cinema to catch 'The Matrix'.

After the movie we were feeling pretty good. It'd been an excellent movie. The effects were absolutely stunning! As we wandered back home we passed the seawall again and couldn't resist stopping to gaze at the stars. As we sat there we talked about ourselves and our dreams. I learned more about Scott in those minutes than I'd ever known before. We talked about the future too. We knew it wasn't going to be easy for us but we thought it was going to be worth it.

Finally we got up and continued back to my house. As we walked Scott suggested we get a hold of Ash and Chase to see if they wanted to hang out. I thought that that was an excellent idea. As soon as we got in I gave Ash a call.

"Hey Ash," I said as he when he picked up the phone.

"Wassup man?" He asked..

"Scott and I were wondering if you and Chase wanted to hang out tonight?"

"Well, I'd have to check with Chase, but even if he can't, I'd hang out with you guys, if you'd let me."

"Of course we would.. Why the fuck wouldn't we?" I asked, with a note of consternation in my voice.

"Cool! Lemme call him, then I'll call ya back. Ok?"

"Sure, later"

"Later," with that he hung up the phone. I stood looking at the phone for a second before clicking it off. I turned back to Scott with a thoughtful expression on my face.

"What's wrong?" Scott asked.

"Ash said something weird, that's all."

"Anything important?"

"Nah, just weird." I said, beginning to pay closer attention to Scott. While we waited for Ash to call back we passed the time gently kissing. I know that no matter how long we're together I'll never grow tired of my guy; he's just so damned sexy! As we held each other I went over a few ideas for the evening.

Within minutes the phone rang and I quickly answered it. "Hey man, Chase said he could go. Are you two picking us up?"

"Yeah, we'll be there in a few, so be ready!"

"Ok man, see you then."

"See ya." I said, clicking the phone off. "They're both up for it Scott. Who should we pick up first?"

"Ash. I have no idea where Chase lives." He says, heading for the front door with me right behind him.

"K, I get shotgun though. Right?" Scott looked back over his shoulder as we walked toward his car.

"Of course you do!" he said, grinning. "I wouldn't want anyone else covering me!"

We climbed into his car as he fished out his keys. As he put them into the ignition, I leant over and stole one more kiss from my guy. "What's that for?"

"Because I love you." I stated , blushing.

We drove in silence for about five minutes before reaching Ashs' house. He's waiting on the front steps like he promised when we pulled up to the curb. By the time we came to a stop he was already loping towards us. In a moment he'd opened the car door and climbed in. As Scott put the car in gear and pulled away he leaned forward over the seat. "How's it going guys?"

"Good." I answered . Scott just grunted as he maneuvered through traffic.

"How do I get to Ashs'?" Scott asked while looking through the rear view mirror at Chase.

Keep going this way, I'll tell ya when to turn." We drove another few minutes before arriving at Chases' house. Chase had obviously been waiting for us as he was already running towards the car as we pulled up. When we'd stopped, he quickly opened the door and climbed in next to Ash.

"So, where to guys?" Chase asked, glancing at each of us in turn.

"We thought we'd head back to the beach," I said. "We were there earlier and it's just such an awesome night."

"Sounds good." They both chorused , before chuckling.

I glanced back at the two of them sitting together. Damn! They both look good, I thought to myself. I grinned at the thought and couldn't help but to follow it with the thought that they make a cute couple. I was happier than I'd been in some time. I was with my friends and we were heading out to have fun.

Next: Chapter 11

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