Learning About Another

By Dual Blade

Published on Jan 18, 2000


This is my first attepmt at writing a story like this. So bear with me. Compliments are welcome, and appreciated, flames will be ignored. I will try my best, and hopefully you will like it.

This is a work of fiction, any coincidence is just that, a coincidence.

Chapter 1

I don't know when I first realized that I was actually gay. It was probably after I had been with another guy for my first time. I had never really had a girlfriend, not one that I count anyways, and had never really been attracted to girls. But that didn't bother me too much, for there were always more important things, like school, and I thought that was what it was, I just didn't care wheter or not I had a girlfriend, school was more important. It was really until my junior year in high school that I started questioning my sexuality, and that is where I am now, a junior in high school.

I should probably introduce myself at this point. My name is Eric. I am 6', with an average build, blond hair, and green eyes. I am not the popular kid in school, in fact I am not that well liked, but the friends that I do have are, in my eyes, cool.

It was a Friday morning, and I was debating with myself whether or not it was going to be worth it to get up and go to school, or whether I should just start my weekend early and miss school today. I finally chose a side and got up for school. I grabbed my towel and head for my shower. The warm water felt good over my body and my morning wood made me realize, with regret, that it was in fact, morning. I muttered to myself, "I hate mornings...." After my shower, I got dressed and headed to the bus stop. There were pluses and minuses to riding the public bus. A plus was that I had time to think or read. Minuses were, waiting for it, and then the time that it took to get to school.

I finally arrived at school and headed for the cafeteria, to get breakfast. As usual, it was nothing special for it being school food, and I ate quickly. I next went to my first class, even though school didn't start for another half hour. My first class was orchestra. My best friend, Josh, is in this class with me, and was have loads of fun. This is also the place where the rest of our friends meet us. As usual we just messed with each other. During this time before class started, my friend, Scott came up to me. He and I haven't been really good friends for a time, because I got on his nerves, but I still considered him a friend.

"I had a dream about you last night." he tells me.

"Really, what about?" I asked.

"Nothing really. You were just in it. I have been thinking that maybe we could become better friends."

"Yeah, that would be cool. You want to spend the night at my house tonight, and we could hang out?"

"Sure, but let me call my parents." he says as he heads off to find a phone.

I thought my friend cute, but not in that way, I more thought that I world rather look like him. I guess I was attracted to him, but didn't know it at the time. He was 5'9", with brown hair and brown eyes. He had an average build and carried himself well. He wasn't popular either, but most certainly more popular than I was.

Before class starts he returns and says that his parents said that it was ok. It was arranged that he would go home after school, get his clothes and stuff, and be at my house about five. I told him that was cool and that I woould see him then. He tells me goodbye and heads off to his first class.

The rest of the day went without much incident. It basically went as usual along with the jokes made of me that were a part of every school day. I was anxious during most of my classes to get out of class and hang out with my friend. My last class finally ends and I head for the bus stop to go home.

When I get home I clen up my room a little so that I dont look like a slob. Then I sit down at my computer and play some games. Before I know it, it is five o'clock and Scott is here.

"Wassup." I say as I invite him in.

"Not much." he replies. "What's for dinner?"

"Mom is going to order pizza."

"That's cool. So what should we do."

"Want to watch a movie?"


"What should we watch?"

"Something funny."

So I grab a comedy, plug it into the VCR and we sit down to watch it. The pizza comes while we are watching the movie, so I grab some plates so that we can eat and watch the movie at the same time.

Time passes, the clock strikes eleven and we are playing the Playstation, Tekken 3 in fact. But I am not as good as he is and I keep losing.

"You fight like a girl.", he says, laughing at me as I lose another round.

"I'll show you who fights like a girl.", I say as I throw down the controller and put him in a head lock.

He drops his controller and begins to fight back. He get out of the head lock and tackles me on to the floor. Be tries to pin me but I am bigger and I throw him off. I find myself getting aroused, but I just brish it off and keep wrestling. We wrestle around for awhile until he is too tired to fight back and I pin him by sitting on him.

"Give up?" I ask.

"Yes, just get off me." he moans.

I get off him and we both take a look at each other. Both of our faces are red and our hair is messed up. We are both covered in sweat and he asks, "Can I use your shower?"

"Only if I can take one with you." I reply.


"Because I am just as sweaty as you are and I want to get clean just like you, but I know that you will take all the hot water." I say, laughing at him.

"I will not!" he shouts, and starts another fight.

By the time we are done we are both fairly tired and he agrees to let me take a shower with him.

We both head for the bathroom and on the way I grab two towels and throw one at him. "Thanks..." he mutters, flashing me a smile.

"No problem." I say, smiling back at him.

We get into the bathroom and start to take off our clothes. I notice his body, and try hard not to stare. He has a six pack and is completely smooth chested. I also notice his package and see that he is well endowed. But in the midst of trying not to stare, I dont notice that he is doing the same thing.

After we finish undressing, we both look up at each other and stare into each other's eyes for an uneasy moment. I finally break the silence by saying, "Start the water." He starts the water and then gets in and I follow him. After we both have gotten completly wet and the sweat has started to wash off, Scott turns around and looks into my eyes. "Wh..wh...what?" I ask.

He looks at me a moment longer and says "It's just...." He leans closer to me, his face coming closer to mine. Not knowing what I was doing, I lean closer and we meet, kissing. It lasts but a moment, and we lookinto each other's eyes, smiling.

"It's ok." I said.

In response, he presses his wet body against mine and kisses me deeply, and passionately. We embrace and continue kissing as our tounges play with each other, until we run out of breath.

"Eric, I..." he begins to say.

"Shhhh. I know, I know."

Next: Chapter 2

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